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d 10.24412/2181 -1784-2021 -10-792-797
The article discusses innovative methods and forms of ecological culture of safety at the lessons of natural history in primary school. The work also touches upon the issues of environmental culture and education of schoolchildren and how important it is for the future of our planet.
Keywords: Innovation, interactive method, ecology, ecological culture, ensuring environmental safety, environmental culture, environmental thinking, environmental education.
В статье рассматриваются инновационные методы и формы экологической культуры безопасности на уроках естествознания в начальной школе. В работе также затрагиваются вопросы экологической культуры и воспитания школьников и насколько это важно для будущего нашей планеты.
Ключевые слова: инновации, интерактивный метод, экология, экологическая культура, обеспечение экологической безопасности, экологическая культура, экологическое мышление, экологическое образование.
Innovative technologies are a combination of new forms, methods and tools of the educational process, based on a unified scientific, theoretical and methodological system. At the same time, the integration of new content, form, methods and tools ensures the integrity of goals, objectives, activities and pedagogical results, as well as the development and implementation of the educational process, which guarantees the achievement of educational goals.
Innovative educational technologies are a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire teaching and learning process, taking into account technical and personal resources and their interconnection, which is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of forms of education. One of the most important requirements today is the effective use of innovative educational technologies in improving education, paving the way for modern knowledge. [7]
Mukhtarova Lobar Abdimannabovna
Senior lecturer Uzbekistan, Termez
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The state educational standard of general secondary education [1] states that "the formation of students' ability to think logically, intellectual development, worldview, communication literacy and self-awareness", teach them to feel their beauty, enjoy their beauty and elegance, and expand their understanding of the subject, their activities, the ability to think freely, understand the opinions of others, acquire skills and abilities. The main goal of primary education is to guide students towards creative thinking through innovative approaches to "Science" in grades 1-2 and "Nature" studies in grades 3-4, adapting to changing situations. It is important that training is organized independently, on the basis of free competition.
This requires readers to be creative observers, develop free independent thinking, develop critical thinking skills, and transform learning activities into their inner needs.
Introduced into practice innovative teaching models through innovative forms and technologies of teaching in the formation of the ecological culture of children.
Along with the traditional forms and methods of environmental education in my teaching activities (conversations, observations, literature), I also use innovative forms and methods. Environmental games. An ecological game helps to convey complex natural phenomena in a more accessible form; the development of cognitive abilities; clarification, consolidation, expansion of their ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals.
Ecological theater (fairy tales, legends on an ecological theme). One of the forms of non-traditional ecological education of preschoolers is ecological theater, which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, forms the experience of moral behavior, affects the spiritual and moral development of the individual. This is one of the innovative forms of environmental education and upbringing of children.
Case - technology is an analysis of a situation or a specific case, a business game. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find solutions, as well as the ability to work with information.
The problem-based teaching method contributes to the transformation of the educational process in the process of self-education, allowing each student to see himself as a gifted person. This teaching method, together with the traditional one, is an effective component in organizing the independent work of children. The design
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and research method of ecological education of students allows to fully demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of children.
The method of small discoveries, developed by E.S.Sinitsyn, is based on the structure of heuristic conversation. It is framed in the form of a problematic question, to which the children are invited to answer. The difficulty levels of the question are carefully increased in accordance with the wave principle, in which easy problems are replaced by moderate ones, and the latter increases with the level of difficulty.
Simple questions contain more useful information than questions of medium difficulty, and complex questions even less. To correctly answer a difficult question, the student must mobilize all his creativity. The main condition is to monitor the relationship between neighboring questions, that is, each subsequent question should take into account not only the previous content, but also the questions and answers that make up the essence of the conversation. With this teaching method, new knowledge is formed as a set of small discoveries made by the student himself, and educational technology drives all of these small discoveries. The method of small discoveries combines all the techniques of student creativity, such as brainstorming, group discussions, synectics. [2]
"Merry Mathematics-1", "Merry Mathematics-2" and "Mathematical Tales" by E.S. Sinitsyn includes stories, and the author reads stories at least once a week in additional classes that help students to form in schoolchildren a feeling of love for all creatures. He writes that as a result of their study, bad thoughts, aggression are completely removed from their consciousness and thinking. Students draw a picture based on the story. The author's book contains stories and mathematical tasks that need to be solved by the reader. The effectiveness of the method in this process lies in the fact that the reader thinks about how to draw a picture and how to write a story. When drawing, the reader chooses colors that lift the mood, and this has a healing effect on him. The methodology proposed by the author directly contributes to positive results in integrated learning.
The most effective way to instill a science-based culture in students in elementary school is when the student learns to consciously interact with the environment. The formation of a culture of environmental safety is of a control nature, in which the tasks set in connection with this are solved not on the basis of random actions, but on the basis of predetermined and carefully thought out plans. In the process of forming a culture of environmental safety, its goals, forms and methods, aspects of self-ecological education of the individual play an important role.
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The integrated education system is based on such principles as paradox, including harmony, content, emotional attractiveness of information. Without them, the polyphonic meaning is lost, and the art of learning becomes a craft. To implement these principles, the integration of different disciplines is required. Integration and integrity is the belief of my system. It combines science and art. One class includes literature, drawing, mathematics, physics, and sometimes geography and history. [8] Based on the components and phenomena of nature described in primary education, as well as the attitude of man to nature, the content and form of concepts related to environmental education, which should be mastered by students, were identified. It was noted that the identified concepts of environmental education are related to other concepts. Improvement of environmental concepts in primary school students on the basis of a creative approach was analyzed on the basis of the above-mentioned specific feature requirements[12]. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
Periodization is based on the identification of age characteristics. Age features are the anatomical, physiological and mental qualities characteristic of a certain period of life. Since the biological and spiritual development of a person is closely related to each other, age-appropriate changes also occur in the mental sphere. [4]
This article highlights the question of techniques for the effective use of multimedia in improving the quality and effectiveness of reading lessons in primary grades[14]. Primary education is carried out with a wide and effective use of multimedia tools, active teaching methods, game technologies. With the techniques of effective use of multimedia, students develop the ability of active and logical thinking, attention, logical memory, mental ability. [5]
The article discusses the issue of the possibilities of using developing educational technologies for primary school students, provides arguments for the direct connection of creative activity with organizational and methodological activity. Also, the priorities of developing educational technologies of forms of education are identified, which make it possible to educate a comprehensively developed generation. [6]
That is why it is theoretically and practically important to focus on the innovative teaching and learning skills of teachers in the elementary school classrooms, and the problems of selecting and applying the most appropriate educational technologies.
Innovative learning technologies are a systematic way to create, apply and define technical and human resources and their interrelationships, with the goal of
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enhancing the effectiveness of forms of learning throughout the learning and learning process. Widespread access to modern knowledge is one of the most important requirements of today. [3]
Environmental awareness and thinking in children is formed on the basis of environmental knowledge. A healthy and safe lifestyle is formed through an ecological attitude towards nature and the environment[13]. The goal of forming the foundations of ecological culture in children is to educate a harmonious, competent, creatively active and socially adapted personality, capable of feeling and understanding the outside world, sensitively and lovingly treating nature, appreciating and protecting it. By the ecological culture of primary schoolchildren, we mean the integrative quality of the individual, including ecological knowledge and ideas about spiritual and moral values; the need to take care of nature, an understanding of its many-sided value; ecological behavior focused on spiritual and moral values, which ensures harmonious interaction with nature in the system "man - society - nature".
In our study, the formation of a culture of environmental safety in primary school and the interdisciplinary linkage of education are theoretically and practically substantiated. At the stage of revealing the pedagogical experimental work, the diagnostics was carried out on the basis of methods, the results of which convinced us of the need for purposeful work to implement the model of education of the ecological culture of younger schoolchildren.
Urposefully, meaningfully, systematically and effectively organized work on the implementation of the model of upbringing the ecological culture of primary schoolchildren. A model of interdisciplinary formation of a culture of environmental safety in younger schoolchildren is proposed, the state of environmental knowledge and perceptions of students is studied, methods of formation of a culture of environmental safety are developed.
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3. Muxtarova, L. A. (2021). Use of multimedia technologies in the educational process. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 11(4), 1781-1785.
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13. Zokirov, Javohir Gaybullo Ogli, & Xurramov, Rustam Sayfiddinovich (2021). FORMATION OF ETHNOPEDAGOGICAL VIEWS AMONG STUDENTS THROUGH THE STUDY OF THE LIFE AND WORK OF ALISHER NAVOI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1 (10),