УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИТИЯ В РЕГИОНАХ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
комплексное развитие / инвестиции / развитие предпринимательства / межрегиональные инфраструктурные системы / comprehensive development / investments / entrepreneurship development / interregional infrastructure systems

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Гасанова М.Ж., Рзаева У.И., Исмаилова Г.З.

В текущей научной статье рассматриваются разного рода проблемы, происходящие в разных регионах. Основная цель статьи найти возможные решения проблем и применить их в будущем развитии стран. Государственная программа социально-экономического развития регионов Азербайджанской Республики (2004-2008 годы), подписанная Президентом Ильхамом Алиевым много лет назад 11 февраля 2004 года, всегда находилась в центре внимания в силу своей актуальности, значимость и масштаб. Ежегодно проводились специальные заседания правительства относительно хода реализации этой концепции. Основной целью госпрограммы является ускорение развития предпринимательства в регионах и достаточно эффективное использование там трудовых ресурсов и природных экономических ресурсов. Основная суть этой программы заключается в достижении сбалансированного и устойчивого развития экономики, модернизации инфраструктуры, повышении занятости населения, снижении уровня бедности.

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The current scientific article deals with the various kinds of problems happening in different regions. The main purpose of the article is to find out possible solutions to the problems and apply them in the future development of countries.The State Program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004-2008), signed by President Ilham Aliyev many years ago on February 11, 2004, has always been in the center of attention due to its relevance, importance and scale. Special meetings of the government were held every year regarding the implementation status of this concept. The main goal of the state program is to accelerate the development of entrepreneurship in the regions and to use the labor resources and natural economic resources there quite effectively. The main essence of this program is to achieve a balanced and sustainable development of the economy, modernization of the infrastructure, increasing the employment of the population, and reducing the level of poverty.




20 pages Индия извлечено от https://eprajour-nals.com/IJSA/article/6479

5. Умурзакова Замира Салижановна. (2022) Повышение роли мотивирующих факторов в обеспечении выполнения производственных показателей на предприятиях. Economic sciences Pedagogical

sciences Physical education and sports "collegium-journal" №5 (128) Польша извлечено от http://www.hozir.org/eraliev-alisher-abduhalilovich--starshij-prepodovatele-organiz.html

УДК -151-02-57, ШЬ-Я-П

Гасанова М.Ж., Рзаева У.И., Исмаилова Г.З.

Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет РР1: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-2161-24-27 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИТИЯ В РЕГИОНАХ

Hasanova M.J., Rzayeva U.I., Ismailova G.Z.

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University



В текущей научной статье рассматриваются разного рода проблемы, происходящие в разных регионах. Основная цель статьи - найти возможные решения проблем и применить их в будущем развитии стран. Государственная программа социально-экономического развития регионов Азербайджанской Республики (2004-2008 годы), подписанная Президентом Ильхамом Алиевым много лет назад - 11 февраля 2004 года, всегда находилась в центре внимания в силу своей актуальности, значимость и масштаб. Ежегодно проводились специальные заседания правительства относительно хода реализации этой концепции. Основной целью госпрограммы является ускорение развития предпринимательства в регионах и достаточно эффективное использование там трудовых ресурсов и природных экономических ресурсов. Основная суть этой программы заключается в достижении сбалансированного и устойчивого развития экономики, модернизации инфраструктуры, повышении занятости населения, снижении уровня бедности.


The current scientific article deals with the various kinds of problems happening in different regions. The main purpose of the article is to find out possible solutions to the problems and apply them in the future development of countries. The State Program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004-2008), signed by President Ilham Aliyev many years ago - on February 11, 2004, has always been in the center of attention due to its relevance, importance and scale. Special meetings of the government were held every year regarding the implementation status of this concept. The main goal of the state program is to accelerate the development of entrepreneurship in the regions and to use the labor resources and natural economic resources there quite effectively. The main essence of this program is to achieve a balanced and sustainable development of the economy, modernization of the infrastructure, increasing the employment of the population, and reducing the level of poverty.

Ключевые слова: комплексное развитие, инвестиции, развитие предпринимательства, межрегиональные инфраструктурные системы

Keywords: comprehensive development, investments, entrepreneurship development, interregional infrastructure systems

1. Introduction

The achievements of independent, sovereign Azerbaijan, which has a great influence in the region with the rapid integration into the world community and the successive steps taken on the path of democratic development, are primarily based on an advanced socio-economic development strategy that serves the interests of every citizen of the country. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who confidently continues the progressive reforms founded by the national leader Heydar Aliyev in all fields, recently focused on the socio-economic development of

the regions and implemented a comprehensive plan of measures in this direction. "Our work style is as follows: to identify the problem and the ways to solve it in the regions, , and to prepare an action plan. We already have the financial means to implement this," he said. It has become one of the developing countries that innovates in all fields.

The management of regional development revealed the following problems that need to be solved: limited capabilities of local self-government bodies, problems related to the development of the social sphere in the regions, lack of scientific-based social



standards that will guarantee a certain level of social rights of citizens regardless of the economic capabilities of the regions; the existence of sharp differences in the socio-economic development conditions of the regions, including urbanization and the concentration of the population in large cities, the decrease of the population in some regions; non-optimal personnel displacement in the regions (staff turnover, migration, etc.); the low level of comprehensive environmental protection of the regions, the increase of adverse effects on the environment, man-made risks, etc. The fact that the mentioned problems are closely related to each other in the development of the regions implies their systematic solution, which acts as an important condition for the development of the regions and requires the implementation of complex measures.

The economic policy implemented as a result of the effective reforms carried out in the direction of the market economy in our country during the years of independence envisages the successful implementation of State Programs at the field and regional level. Our state has achieved the comprehensive development of regions, the increase of the specific weight of regions in the country's macroeconomic indicators, the improvement of their infrastructure provision, and the rise of the level of communal services. It also led to the creation of new production and processing enterprises, social and cultural facilities, increased investment and employment, further accelerated the development of local entrepreneurship, opening of new jobs, as a result, reducing poverty and raising the standard of living of the population. Regarding the implementation of this economic strategy, the country's leadership noted that "Our goal and action is to quickly solve social and economic problems in Azerbaijan, to further strengthen the positions of our country in the regions". [3]

It was concluded that regional development management of individual regions is a set of measures or purposeful effects carried out with the aim of influencing the socio-economic, ecological, political development. The purpose of regional development management is primarily to achieve balancing of economic development, fair distribution of income, improvement of social conditions and quality of life in regions.

Historically, the need to manage regional development has been related to the formation of sharp differences between regions, the emergence of regional inequality. The main function of regional development management in modern times can be ensuring the high quality of life of the population, forming a favorable life activity environment for current and future residents, and creating the main innovation structures that will become a development factor in the near future.[1]

In modern times, the study of regional policy issues in the regions is in the foreground. The priority tasks of the regional policy are defined as follows:

- to assist in the development and deepening of economic reforms, to assist in the formation and development of commodity, labor and capital markets, institutional and market infrastructure in the region and the country;

- reduction of deep differences in socio-economic development of regions, creation of conditions for

strengthening the economic base, improvement of population's well-being, rationalization of settlement system;

- achieving the correct level of economic and social complexity and rationality of the economic structure of the regions;

- development of interregional infrastructure (transportation, communication, informatics, etc.) systems;

- providing state aid to ecological disaster regions, regions with acute unemployment, demography and migration problems;

- expansion of access opportunities of regions to the foreign market, formation of export activity in a new efficient direction;

- expanding the production of competitive and high-quality products and thereby increasing the level of meeting the demand of the region's population. [2]

The tools used in developing and especially implementing regional policy in Azerbaijan are quite limited compared to many other countries (for example, Western European countries). A limited number of tools are used for the management of regional development, mainly consisting of budget transfers and targeted state programs, adoption of decrees and orders. One of the most important ways to achieve the goals of the regional policy of the state is the development and implementation of targeted programs for the development of regions.

2. Literature reviews

Literature review will cover different methods in the management of development problems that occur in various regions. It includes rebirth of the economy of degrading regions, resource potential, and realization of a unified social policy.

2.1 The problem of financial policy

One of the biggest difficulties in the implementation of regional policy is its financial provision. The issue of creating regional budgets can also be considered here. This could make the regional governing bodies more interested in the further expansion and development of the economy and entrepreneurial activity in the area.

The organization of the optimal management structure is of great importance in the implementation of regional policy. There is a need to create special institutions of this type dealing with regional politics in our country. This institution could provide an effective solution to regional development problems through the development and implementation of active regional policy and various regional development programs in relation to regions with different levels of socio-economic development.

2.2 The principles of regional policy

The following can be attributed to the main directions of regional policy:

- coordination of the mutual activity of management levels both on a national and regional scale;

- determining the direction of its effective specialization, taking into account the characteristics of the region;

- revival of the economy of depressed regions;



- appropriation of new regions taking into account the resource potential;

- implementation of a unified social policy, etc.

In modern times, each state is required to develop

such a regional policy in order to achieve rapid and sustainable regional development, to ensure the solution of regional development problems and the efficiency of regional development management. May this policy become a permanent factor in the development of the state and its regions. In order to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of the development of the regions, it should allow the comprehensive use of favorable factors and the limitation of negative regional factors that hinder this development.

An important and common condition for the successful management of regional development is the development and use of a regional policy that meets the local conditions of the country and the requirements of international practice. In the field of regional development management, regional policy preparation and implementation, rich experience has been gathered and significant achievements have been achieved in democratic states. In this regard, it would be useful to take advantage of the experience of foreign countries.

In the management of regional development, the role of local executive authorities, such as regional state administration bodies in the country, is quite large. These structures, which ensure the management of the socio-economic development of territories in the administrative regions, were approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, with Decree No. 138 dated June 16, 1999. These structures operate in accordance with the "Regulation on Executive Power". In accordance with Article 124 of the Constitution, this Regulation defines the sphere of activity and organizational structure of local executive authorities, as well as their powers. The activities of local executive authorities protect the rights and freedoms and legal interests of citizens; it is carried out based on principles such as ensuring the development of the economy, social and cultural areas in order to improve the welfare of the population of the relevant area. Local executive authorities in regions, cities and urban districts ensure the economic, social and cultural development of the territory, reconciliation of state interests and local interests. [2]

3. Research method

The strategic goals of the new regional policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan may include the following:

- ensuring the global competitiveness of the country and its regions;

- stimulating the process of mobilizing the resources of the regions to achieve rapid economic growth and changing the structure of the economy;

- development of human capital, provision of professional mobility of the population in the region;

- improvement of the ecological situation in the regions for sustainable development;

- improving the quality of management and ensuring efficient use of public finances.[1]

In order to achieve regional development goals, the following measures are proposed:

- creation of incentives for the application of strategic planning tools at the regional and local self-government level;

- carrying out the precise division of powers between state authorities and local self-government bodies in accordance with the legislation;

- regional socio-economic indicators, the state of the normative legal framework, whether there are formal and informal obstacles to the implementation of business development and investment projects,

- creation of a monitoring system that enables the detection of infrastructure barriers and opportunities for the realization of large investment projects;

- formation of the interregional coordination system, involvement of interested parties in the development of the regional development strategy;

- implementation of existing financial stimulation mechanisms of regions and municipal institutions,

- joint financing of efforts of local self-government bodies related to regional development, etc. [3]

Including local self-governing bodies, should be formed as a result of joint discussions and agreements of various subjects of regional development. Not the improvement of the situation in one region at the expense of other regions, but the economic and political issues facing the country as a whole, taking into account the interests of each region. should create an opportunity to solve problems and develop the economic potential of the country. [2]

3.1 Forms of regional development management

It was concluded that it is possible to manage regional development in different ways and to stimulate it with the help of various political measures, the essence of the concept of regional policy was explained, its goals and tasks, principles were defined and the means of realization were analyzed. It is justified that the activity of the government in various directions is related to the forms of regional development management, and these can be divided into three groups:

- general transfers and subsidies. The purpose of these transfers is to balance the objective difference between the tax bases of the regions to a certain extent. This type of policy is part of the system of inter-budget relations in the country;

- field policy (education, healthcare, social services, infrastructure, etc.). Programs in this field cover the entire country. Such a policy, in addition to investment costs (for the creation of infrastructure facilities), often involves the financing of current costs;

- regional economic policy. Such a policy is limited to small and specially defined areas and is determined based on the criteria that indicate that they are in a crisis situation. The main goal of such a policy is to help the development of the economic base of backward regions.[3]

Results and discussion

Stimulation of interregional integration processes is one of the forms of regional development management. In this way, a cumulative effect can be achieved, which can help the crisis areas (along with the more successful areas).

For any state, the presence of significant differences between regions is an unpleasant situation for our



country as well, and it creates huge problems. These problems are of national importance and cannot be solved without the help of the state. The state tries to reduce interregional differences in various ways, including the distribution of budget funds. The resolution of the issues of elimination of interregional differences is significantly related to the development of the regional economy. The economy of the regions in our country is developing under complex conditions. Structural changes in the economy of the regions constantly occur under the influence of market factors and are adapted to modern conditions.[1]

In recent times, the term "sustainable regional development", which is characterized as optimal linking of goals, means and activity results, has been analyzed and mentioned in order to express the socio-economic development prospects of the regions. Sustainable regional development is the process of dynamically increasing the potential of the territory, motivating economic agents to extensive reproduction, increasing competitiveness and, on this basis, gradually raising the standard of living of the population without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Management of regional development is management. it is understood the process of influence of its subjects on the social, economic and ecological spheres of the life activity of the regions with the aim of ensuring their sustainable development and raising the standard of living of the population.

In the article, it is justified that regional planning is the most efficient and necessary tool used in the management of regional development during the research, as the unique planning technologies of regional planning, multiplier analysis based on economic basis, input-output analysis, comparative cost analysis, complex regional analysis , regional econometric models are shown.


The method of analyzing the development of the regional economy by comparing the competitive advantages of the regions is also widespread. In this case, criteria such as access to resources, geographic location, competence of the workforce, development of the regional financial system, local administration policy are used to assess the level of regional development. The US experience in the field of evaluating the relative development of the country's regions and forming the information space that characterizes this development is quite interesting. It would be useful to use this experience in Azerbaijan as well.

Taking into account the above, it can be concluded that the ultimate goal of managing problems in the direction of the development of regions in the country is to improve the organizational structure of regional administrations, create new jobs, develop the legal and institutional basis of regional policy, and improve the financial mechanisms of regional development.

Therefore, those who want to be successful in this field should focus on the socio-economic development of the regions, implement complex measures, and use the directions of dynamic and balanced development in the region.


1." Azerbaijan 2020: a look into the future " development concept. Approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 2012, 29.

2.R.Agayev, A.A. Bayramov, A.Mehtiyev. Opportunities and forms of participation of civil society in domestic socio-economic development. European Union and UNDP, Baku, 2018

3.State program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 20192023. Approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 29, 2019 DKK 500.

4. http://www.e-qanun.az/framework/41320

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