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Ключевые слова
resources / investments / machinery / resources / tools / means of labor / return of the fund. / ресурсы / инвестиции / техника / ресурсы / орудия труда / средства труда / фондоотдача.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Umurzakova Zamira Salijanovna

This article shows ways to improve the production capacities of industrial enterprises and increasement the efficiency of the enterprise based on the analysis of the results of their activities.

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В данной статье показаны пути улучшения производственных мощностей промышленных предприятий и повышения эффективности предприятия на основе анализа результатов их деятельности.





UDK: 338.32.053.4

Umurzakova Zamira Salijanovna senior lecturer, Andijan Machine-building Institute DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-2161-22-24 MEASURES TO IMPROVE THE USE OF PRODUCTION CAPACITIES AT INDUSTRIAL


Умурзакова Замира Салижановна

старший преподаватель, Андижанский машиностроительный институт




This article shows ways to improve the production capacities of industrial enterprises and increasement the efficiency of the enterprise based on the analysis of the results of their activities. Аннотация.

В данной статье показаны пути улучшения производственных мощностей промышленных предприятий и повышения эффективности предприятия на основе анализа результатов их деятельности.

Keywords: resources, investments, machinery, resources, tools, means of labor, return of the fund. Ключевые слова: ресурсы, инвестиции, техника, ресурсы, орудия труда, средства труда, фондоотдача.

Measures to improve the efficiency of the use of production capacities should be aimed at increasing production volumes through the full use of domestic reserves, tools and equipment, as well as reducing the period of use of newly commissioned capacities.

The high results achieved in the socio-economic development of our country, first of all, the creation of new modern networks and industries, under the influence of which the economic potential of our country is significantly increased, the number of products created and the types of services provided are increasing, and their quality is fundamentally improving.

In the conditions of consistent development of the country's economy and increasing its competitiveness, industries are one of the dynamically developing sectors of the national economy.

Since the years of independence, due to the special attention paid to this network, Uzbekistan has been among the countries that grow raw materials, but its processing potential is growing.

Industry is traditionally the leading industry for Uzbekistan, providing a high level of employment, contributing to the growth of the economy and the state budget. The reason for this is, firstly, the traditionally high role of the manufacturing industry in the economy of Uzbekistan, the availability of local raw materials necessary for the development of the industry, secondly, the availability of skilled and cheap labor, and thirdly, the low cost of energy consumed. The challenge now is to increase the efficiency of production capacity while making full and effective use of these capabilities.

Note that in the course of the formation of a developed market economy of Uzbekistan and its direction for the production of products with high added value, the industrial sector is consistently developing, new enterprises are being launched, and their production capacity is increasing.

Any production consists of work aimed at making the appearance of things in nature suitable for one's own consumption. In these working conditions, a person, first of all, interacts with nature, its forces and means. The study of the forms and characteristics of these relations in the production process and the conscious organization of production with knowledge of them is the only way to achieve the highest goal, that is, the goal of satisfying the growing needs of people with the effective use of limited economic resources.

Therefore, it is impossible to carry out the task of accelerating independent economic development of an important issue facing our country without the effective use of production facilities. The development of Science and technology involves many changes in the field of science, such as production Weapons, Technology, Control and much more. At present, science and technology is progressing rapidly, and it has primary advantages over the previous technological progress. The advantage of the development of Science and technology is that in advanced countries, science innovations are quickly introduced into production, consequently, science becomes a direct productive force. Therefore, it is aimed at attracting the investment resources of the state to such important areas as light industry, textile industry, aviation, mechanical engineering industry,



Computer Science, Electronics, nuclear energy, complex mechanization of production sectors, automation, creation and processing technology of new materials.

In this regard, we note that special attention should be paid to the replacement of the process of equipping production networks with new techniques and technologies in increasing the awareness and independence of each member of society. The economy and other spheres of the country's life are directly related to the increase in their activity in the processes of Democratic radical Islamism, changes in the worldview and thinking of members of society who are primarily involved in these processes, implementing them and constantly improving them.

In order to consistently implement the above-mentioned processes and develop the country's industrial network, to attract foreign investments and modern technologies to the economy of the regions, to consistently implement open-door policies in relation to them, to increase year after year joint enterprises that carry out new, full-fledged activities and can take their place in jaxon markets with their competitive, great attention is paid to the development of export products as a substitute for imports, using natural raw materials and labor forces.

It is known that the amount of the main production funds and the degree of their use determines the magnitude of the enterprise's production capacity, and it characterizes the potential of the enterprise for the production of quality products in combination with the established nomenclature. In addition, there are other factors that affect the cost of production facilities.

If we give a definition of production capacity, then it is based on the use of advanced technologies for a certain period of time (a month, a year) with the rational use of economic resources, the maximum amount of quality products that can be produced in existing dastgox and fields. It is determined by the ratio between the specialization of the enterprise and the individual types of products. Each enterprise, on the other hand, builds its own production program. The production program is a set of interrelated technical, organizational economic and production measures aimed at organizing production of products.

The factors affecting the production capacity and influencing its efficient use are interrelated, the object of their influence is the production capacity they differ from each other in that the first determines the reserves of increasing production capacity, and the next determines the reserves of its effective use.

The size of production capacity is affected by the structure of the machines and their technical characteristics, as well as the quality of working tools, which depends on the investment of fixed assets. The role of the skill of the worker serving the main tools is also incomparable.

Incomplete loading of production capacities at the right time and in the right place entails a number of negative consequences, including:

- physical and moral deterioration of machines and equipment;

- dissatisfaction of market demand;

- reduce the profitability of the fund;

- slowdown in the process of modernization of production, etc.

The main significance of the full use of its production capacity by the enterprise is that the enterprise has the ability to produce the planned products during the planned period, which creates the possibility of maintaining proportionality between the workshop, section and groups of equipment.

The effective use of production capacity is influenced by the factors of available machines, fast technology, qualified specialists, production areas, quality of raw materials and scientific organization of production.

In our opinion, the efficient use of production capacities lies in the development of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures aimed at the rational use of resources. In this case, the production capacity is represented by the volume of quality products produced per unit of time from each production unit (equipment).

We offer industrial enterprises the following measures to eliminate deficiencies and problems:

- taking into account the growing demand of the population for industrial products, expanding the production potential aimed at fully satisfying demand, with deep processing of existing raw materials;

- modern employees working at the enterprise

accelerating learning to use technology;

- development of the "master-apprentice" tradition by attaching new employees to qualified and experienced specialists of the enterprise;

- consistently implement the principle of the material interest of workers in the enterprise, that is, pay special attention to raising wages in industrial production and using the most progressive methods of it;

- accounting and control of the use of production capacities at enterprises;

- improvement of production programs at enterprises;

- improve the efficient and rational use of available production resources at enterprises based on foreign experience, follow the principles of systematic development of production processes.


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УДК -151-02-57, ШЬ-Я-П

Гасанова М.Ж., Рзаева У.И., Исмаилова Г.З.

Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет РР1: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-2161-24-27 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИТИЯ В РЕГИОНАХ

Hasanova M.J., Rzayeva U.I., Ismailova G.Z.

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University



В текущей научной статье рассматриваются разного рода проблемы, происходящие в разных регионах. Основная цель статьи - найти возможные решения проблем и применить их в будущем развитии стран. Государственная программа социально-экономического развития регионов Азербайджанской Республики (2004-2008 годы), подписанная Президентом Ильхамом Алиевым много лет назад - 11 февраля 2004 года, всегда находилась в центре внимания в силу своей актуальности, значимость и масштаб. Ежегодно проводились специальные заседания правительства относительно хода реализации этой концепции. Основной целью госпрограммы является ускорение развития предпринимательства в регионах и достаточно эффективное использование там трудовых ресурсов и природных экономических ресурсов. Основная суть этой программы заключается в достижении сбалансированного и устойчивого развития экономики, модернизации инфраструктуры, повышении занятости населения, снижении уровня бедности.


The current scientific article deals with the various kinds of problems happening in different regions. The main purpose of the article is to find out possible solutions to the problems and apply them in the future development of countries. The State Program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004-2008), signed by President Ilham Aliyev many years ago - on February 11, 2004, has always been in the center of attention due to its relevance, importance and scale. Special meetings of the government were held every year regarding the implementation status of this concept. The main goal of the state program is to accelerate the development of entrepreneurship in the regions and to use the labor resources and natural economic resources there quite effectively. The main essence of this program is to achieve a balanced and sustainable development of the economy, modernization of the infrastructure, increasing the employment of the population, and reducing the level of poverty.

Ключевые слова: комплексное развитие, инвестиции, развитие предпринимательства, межрегиональные инфраструктурные системы

Keywords: comprehensive development, investments, entrepreneurship development, interregional infrastructure systems

1. Introduction

The achievements of independent, sovereign Azerbaijan, which has a great influence in the region with the rapid integration into the world community and the successive steps taken on the path of democratic development, are primarily based on an advanced socio-economic development strategy that serves the interests of every citizen of the country. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who confidently continues the progressive reforms founded by the national leader Heydar Aliyev in all fields, recently focused on the socio-economic development of

the regions and implemented a comprehensive plan of measures in this direction. "Our work style is as follows: to identify the problem and the ways to solve it in the regions, , and to prepare an action plan. We already have the financial means to implement this," he said. It has become one of the developing countries that innovates in all fields.

The management of regional development revealed the following problems that need to be solved: limited capabilities of local self-government bodies, problems related to the development of the social sphere in the regions, lack of scientific-based social

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