Научная статья на тему 'Methodological frameworks for strategic planning of socio-economic development at the regional level'

Methodological frameworks for strategic planning of socio-economic development at the regional level Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Hordiienko V., Kalashnykova T.

стратегічного планування соціально-економічного розвитку на регіональному рівні. Визначена основна мета стратегічного планування регіонального розвитку. Розглянуто основні етапи розробки системи прогнозів розвитку економіки регіонів. Проаналізовано процесс розробки стратегічного плану соціально-економічного розвитку регіону. Розглянуто фактори, які впливають на процес розробки стратегії.В статье обобщены научно-методические основы стратегического планирования социально-экономического развития на региональном уровне. Указана основная цель стратегического планирования регионального развития. Рассмотрены основные этапы разработки системы прогнозов развития экономики регионов. Проанализирован процесс разработки стратегического плана социально-экономического развития региона. Рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на процесс разработки стратегии.The article summarizes the scientific and methodological foundations of strategic planning of socio-economic development at the regional level. The main objective of strategic planning of regional development is specified. The main stages of working out the forecast system for the development of the economy of the regions are considered. The process of developing a strategic plan for the region’s socio-economic development is analyzed. The factors influencing the process of strategy development are considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological frameworks for strategic planning of socio-economic development at the regional level»

UDC 332.14+316.42

V. Hordiienko,

assistant to the Department of Economics, ORCID 0000-0001-7046-5549,

T. Kalashnykova,

senior teacher at the Department of Humanitarian Training,

ORCID 0000-0003-0693-7980,

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kramatorsk


Problem Statement. Strategic planning is an important method of managing territory development under dynamic changes in the external and internal environments. The problems of strategic planning of regional development in Ukraine in the context of the decentralization of power and the reform of public administration have currently become topical. Being extremely important and difficult to implement, this reform necessitates the improvement and development of strategic planning methodology and tools both at national and local levels. Uncertainty in some issues related to the organization of this process requires further studies in this field.

Overview of the latest research. The methodological bases and legal regulatory framework for strategic planning are disclosed both in scientists' studies and in the works and documents by Ukrainian and international experts. In the theory of strategic planning essential characteristics and tools for implementing this process are determined at different levels: national, separate territorial administrative units, enterprises. Taking into account the urgency of this issue for development in general, many scientists have devoted their works to studying the aspects of strategic planning and developing ways to implement it. Among the latest publications on the issues of this research, note should be made of the monographs by V. Vartsaba, I. Zablodska, N. Smentina [1-3] and scientific articles by O. Shevchenko [4], S. Ivanov [13], O. Amosha [14], V. Lyashenko [11], D. Zub, O. Vatchenko, N. Fediai, A. Chernykhivska, G. Kish [5-9]. International experience and practical bases for strategic planning of regional development are presented in the latest publications of the United Nations Development Programme, as well as those issued by the experts of international projects and programs to promote local development in Ukraine. Despite systematic improving of the theoretical foundations by Ukrainian scientists and international organizations' experts, working out regional development strategies and plans for their implementation requires additional substantiation and detailing.

The purpose of the article is to formulate theoretical and methodological foundation of strategic planning for regional development on the basis of analysis and

theoretical generalization of methodological tools on the research issue, development practices and the content of regional development strategies in Ukraine.

Presentation of basic material of the research. In scientific works by Ukrainian and foreign researchers the definition of the concept of "strategic planning" has different formulations [2, 3]. By strategic planning of regional development we mean a constant step-by-step process of determining the current state and development trends of an object; the desired state, conditions and quality of development; directions and ways to achieve the desired state; responsible executors and necessary economic resources; monitoring the implementation of strategic and operational goals and, basing on its results, making changes in the Regional Development Strategy.

Strategic planning has the following characteristic features:

- orientation towards a medium and long term (for a period of more than a year) perspective;

- focus on the solution of key goals that are different for the planned system, but on which its survival and socio-economic progress depend;

- organic connection between the outlined objectives and the level and structure of the resources required to achieve them, both existing and those that will be created in the planned future;

- account for the effect on the planned object of numerous external factors that have a positive or negative influence on it and the development of measures that maximally weaken their negative influence or neutralize their effect or that use the positive influence of these factors for the successful accomplishment of strategic tasks of the planned system; adaptive type, i.e the ability to foresee changes in the external and internal environments of the planned object and adapt its functioning process to them.

Strategic planning, which is seen as a process of practical activity of the relevant management entities, has its content, which reflects its essence, displaying of the essence and procedures for working out strategic forecasts, draft strategic programs and plans.

The content of strategic planning is revealed by its practices. The key strategic planning practices in

macroeconomics are: strategic forecasting (strategic forecasts), strategic programming (draft strategic programs); strategic drafting (drafts of strategic plans for various levels of the national economy).

Strategic planning replaced long-term planning. And this is correct regarding the time factor, since strategic planning is a common result of the development of the theory and practice of planning on the basis of the targeted-programme approach.

There are various forms of planning. They are determined by multi-levelness and multi-aspectness of management. In particular, the following forms are distinguished:

- sectoral, regional, social, sci-tech, environmental, financial and other aspects of planning;

- depending on the levels of planning: interstate, national, regional, the level of economic entities (commercial and other market organizations), their business associations;

- depending on the planning time-frame: long-term, medium-term, short-term;

- depending on the range of problems being addressed: strategic and tactical planning.

The subject for the strategic planning science is studying the possibilities of its usage in practical activities while making strategic forecasts, drafting programs and plans, objective laws that determine the development of a market economy, working out and improving the methodologies and techniques for solving various problems of strategic planning, and organizing its implementation in action.

The object of strategic planning is the activity of business entities, structural elements of the national economy, the whole national economy of a country from the perspective of its future economic state in the short and long-term time-frames.

In the theory of strategic planning, there are three extremely important aspects. The first is socio-economic one. It consists in studying specific laws that determine the development of socio-economic processes. The knowledge of these regularities and the quantitative relations that are inherent to them provides the basis for the scientific justification of strategic forecasts, draft programs and plans of all levels and time-frames.

The second aspect is the methodology of strategic planning. It is the tool of being aware of socio-economic processes and the application of the acquired knowledge in the process of government regulation, as well as planning the activities of business entities. To make all this possible and efficient, it is essential to have a clear idea of the nature and laws of development of the strategic planning object - the national economy as a whole, its individual subsystems and commercial organizations -as well as to be aware of all procedures of planned work; to improve logic, methodological approaches, the system of methods for solving problems of strategic planning and to be able to use practically the entire knowledge system of this science.

The third aspect of the strategic planning science is organizational one. It covers a set of issues related to setting the range of tasks to be performed by the system of bodies that participated in the strategic planning process, determining their functions, organizing their work, and giving a particular organizational form to the final outcomes of strategic planning.

The content of strategic planning lies in the systematic organization of regulation of a national economy development, its individual subsystems, planning of commercial structures' activities.

The science of strategic planning is closely connected with administrative sciences and, above all, with management, economic theory, philosophy, sociology, financial and political sciences. Conclusions, factual data and research methods applied in functional sciences and sectoral economies, first of all, such as statistics, business analysis and audit, accounting, etc. are used in the process of strategic planning of economic and social development. The science of strategic planning is based on mathematics, technical and natural sciences.

Methodological approaches are beginning to gain importance in the system of strategic planning, in the process of developing forecasts, strategic programs and plans. The methodological approach is understood as a consistent holistic orientation of the use of logic, principles and methods of strategic planning in the course of working out forecasts, drafting of strategic programs and plans at all levels and in all time-frames.

We can talk about regional planning being actually put in practice.

The main objectives of regional planning consist in providing the optimal development of regions' economy in the whole economic complex of the country; ensuring the improvement and specialization of territories; establishing optimal proportions; effective use of labor and natural resources and production capacities; streamlining of the productive forces allocation. Strategic planning of regional development includes the following stages:

- working out the concept of regional development;

- substantiating important proportions;

- forming the system of purpose-oriented programmes.

The main goal of the strategy of socio-economic development of a region is to focus on activities aimed at stabilizing and improving the population's quality of life on the basis of increasing economic efficiency and ensuring additional budget revenues of all levels via activation of innovative and investment processes.

The strategy of socio-economic development of a region determines the content of the main activities of local government institutions:

1. Management of the socio-economic development;

2. Budgeting and finance management;

3. Management of the economy and entrepreneur-


4. Property and land management;

5. Management of foreign economic activities;

6. Environmental protection.

The concept of a region's socio-economic development is a purposeful comprehensive document that includes the system of the most important policies for the region's development from the strategic perspective basing on the necessary and sufficient economic independence (strategic priorities, goals, proportions and mechanisms).

The structure of a region's development concept should contain the following constituent parts:

1. Social, environmental, structural, agricultural policies;

2. Regional research and innovation policy, policies for developing important specialization complexes and productive forces, policies for developing the resettlement system, labor resource training and employment;

3. Policies for developing industrial infrastructure, market infrastructure, investment and foreign economy;

4. Antimonopoly, fiscal and taxation, regional credit policies and development of banking system;

5. Policies for developing property relations.

Thus, the concept of regional development outlines

important structural changes in the processes of socioeconomic development in the form of important priorities and goals as well as ensures their implementation via economic, legal and institutional mechanisms. A strategic integrated socio-economic development program, which includes a system of interrelated target programs, is worked out on the basis of the region's concept. The process of forming a strategy for socio-economic development of regions is one of the most important activity areas of executive and legislative authorities at all levels of power.

An important component of the mechanism of state regional economic policy is forecasting as a link between theoretical developments and business practices.

Forecast is a scientifically based overview of the prospects for the development of a certain socio-economic process or phenomenon, as well as all possible ways and means to achieve the goals. Although working it out is based on a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators, it has a probabilistic character. The overall goal of the forecast of regional socio-economic development is to ensure informational objectivity in management decision-making concerning the best ways to develop a regional economy in the future.

Over the past 30-40 years regional forecasting has reached an incredible scale. Regional development forecasts and programs are worked out at national (within a country) and international levels involving the indu-

cement foreign capital (SEZ, Euroregions etc). At the macro level forecasts are developed for the country as a whole. They can be sectoral, problematic and complex.

In conformity with the Law of Ukraine "About the State Forecasting and Development of Programs of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine" (2000), forecasts of socio-economic development for a period of 5 years and an economic and social development program for a period of 1 year are to be worked out in all administrative-territorial units [10].

The forecast of the region's socio-economic development displays:

1. Analysis and assessment of the region's socioeconomic development during the previous period, identifying the trends and problems of economy and social sector development.

2. State of using the region's economic potential, environmental situation.

3. Forecast of the local market environment for the main types of goods and services.

4. Approaches to solving the problems of the region's socio-economic development.

5. Goals and priorities of regional development, measures to achieve them.

6. Main socio-economic development indicators.

7. Conclusions about the development trends of the region's economy for the medium-term period.

The basis for forecasting the region's socio-economic development is provided by the system of the achieved macroeconomic indicators, government social standards and population security standards, national and ethnic characteristics of the region, the indicators of social infrastructure development, opportunities for potential investors and the region's investment appeal.

Regional forecasting is based on the following principles:

- consistency and multivariance of strategic and tactical tasks;

- unity of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the forecast;

- the best possible combination of different approaches and methods, hierarchy and programmability while choosing specific means for solving social and economic issues;

- aggregation of the main regional forecast indicators depending on the forecast period, the sequence of possible stages for achieving of certain goals.

Development the system for forecasting the development of the regions' economy has a number of stages (Table 1).

The development of regions should be carried out within the framework of a unified system of strategic planning for the country's socio-economic development, which provides for the implementation of concerted efforts of state administrative bodies, regional government bodies and local self-government bodies.

Table 1

Algorithm for forecasting socio-economic development


In the first stage A comprehensive analysis and systematization of regional and interregional development issues are carried out: raising the population's standard of living, reducing unemployment and ensuring workplaces for the population; environmental problems; enhancing the export capacity of regions; improving territorial specialization.

In the second stage A 'tree of objectives' based on clear ranking of objectives in accordance with the priorities for regional development and available financial resources is built. Partial goals are brought out of the most general ones. This "tree of objectives" ensures the interrelation of the system of goals at different levels of management in terms of their significance and priority.

In the third stage Restrictions and criteria which determine the limits of acceptable solutions and means for achieving the set objectives are formulated. First of all, goals and projects that don't require significant capital investments are carried out.

In the fourth stage Possible scenarios for the pace of developments in the future depending on the chosen ways of solving regional problems are worked out. A scenario is a general model that describes not only the intended outcomes of certain transformations, but also determines the necessary resources for achieving them.

For enhancing the implementation of strategic priorities, developing and introducing of a strategy for socio-economic development, a scientifically based organizational mechanism, which would contain the procedure for developing a strategy and disclose the organizational and institutional components of the process of strategic planning and implementation of the strategy, is needed.

In general, strategic planning includes analysing the current state of the object for which a strategic plan is being developed, formulating strategic objectives and defining tasks, developing a strategy, implementing it, monitoring the implementation of the strategy, determining the compliance of the strategy results with the goals and objectives of strategy adjustment.

Following this algorithm, the development of a strategy for a region's socio-economic development should be started with the analysis and evaluation of its current socio-economic development, on the basis of which the state and the trend of the macroeconomic situation should be identified, the natural-resource, economic and labor capacity and the effectiveness of their use should be assessed. Based on the results of these studies, information support for a region's development strategic planning should be formed, which will provide the basis for determining the priorities of its further socio-economic development.

If we take into account the fact that a strategic plan for a region's socio-economic development is a document that suggests setting the objectives for the region's development, identifying ways to achieve these objectives, analyzing the potential opportunities, pursuing which will lead to success, developing methods for organizing development in the selected directions, providing the rationale for ultimate ways to use the resources, and this document also allows the region's administrative bodies and local communities to act together, then the result should be the strategy for the region's socio-

economic development as a course of action, a set of tools and methods that will help to solve the set tasks.

Therefore, working out of the strategy for the region's socio-economic development is preceded by strategic planning.

On the basis of certain strategic planning priorities, the goals and objectives of the region's socio-economic development are determined.

The framework of the regulatory and legal support for strategic planning of a region's socio-economic development is provided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine"; "On Local State Administrations", "About the General Scheme of Planning of the Territory of Ukraine", " On Stimulation Regions Development, "On the State Program for the Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 2010" etc., Budget Code, Tax Code of Ukraine, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Conclusions and Directions for Further Research. The quality of strategic planning of a region's socio-economic development will largely depend on the scientific and methodological support of this process. To ensure the strategic planning feasibility and to achieve of cumulative positive effect as a result of the implementation of the developed strategy it is necessary to unite the efforts of managerial administrative, financial, industrial, scientific and technical spheres, to involve to the full and optimize natural, human, scientific, technological and innovative capacities of the region, to develop scientific and information resources, as well as to study and introduce the world and domestic experience of the strategic planning for regional development.

The main tasks and priorities of regional development at the present stage are to overcome the crisis phenomena in the social and economic sectors and to accelerate the pace of economic recovery.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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4. Shevchenko O. V. (2014). Priorytety rozvytku rehioniv yak instrument stratehichnoho upravlinnia rehionalnoiu ekonomikoiu [Priorities of regional development as an instrument of strategic management of the regional economy]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrainy - Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine, issue 3 (107), pp. 12-21 [in Ukrainian].

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Гордieнко В. В., Калашникова Т. С. Методичш засади стратепчного планування сощально-еконо-Mi4Horo розвитку на регшнальному piiiiii

У статп узагальнено науково-методичш засади стратепчного планування соцiально-економiчного розвитку на репональному piBrn. Визначена основна мета стратепчного планування репонального розвитку. Розглянуто основш етапи розробки системи пpогнозiв розвитку економши репошв. Пpоаналiзо-вано процесс розробки стратепчного плану сощально-економiчного розвитку репону. Розглянуто фактори, як! впливають на процес розробки стратеги.

Ключовi слова: репон, розвиток, стратепчне планування, стpатегiя, територш.

Гордиенко В. В., Калашникова Т. С. Методические основы стратегического планирования социально-экономического развития на региональном уровне

В статье обобщены научно-методические основы стратегического планирования социально-экономического развития на региональном уровне. Указана основная цель стратегического планирования регионального развития. Рассмотрены основные этапы разработки системы прогнозов развития экономики регионов. Проанализирован процесс разработки стратегического плана социально-экономического развития региона. Рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на процесс разработки стратегии.

Ключевые слова: регион, развитие, стратегическое планирование, стратегия, территория.

Hordiienko V., Kalashnykova Т. Methodological frameworks for strategic planning of socio-economic development at the regional level

The article summarizes the scientific and methodological foundations of strategic planning of socio-economic development at the regional level. The main objective of strategic planning of regional development is specified. The main stages of working out the forecast system for the development of the economy of the regions are considered. The process of developing a strategic plan for the region's socio-economic development is analyzed. The factors influencing the process of strategy development are considered.

Keywords: region, development, strategic planning, strategy, territory.

Received by the editors: 19.09.2018

and final form 14.12.2018

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