Научная статья на тему 'Modern conceptual approaches to the state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction'

Modern conceptual approaches to the state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Marusheva Oleksandra Anatoliivna, Prav Yurii Grigorovich, Barzylovich Dmitry Vladyslavovych

Статья посвящена определению и анализу современных подходов к государственному регулированию строительной отрясли, что позволяет выявить основные тенденции развития системы государственного регулирования отрасли, сформировать приоритетные направления современной экономической политики государства. Рассмотрены механизмы государственного регулирования социально-экономических отношений в строительстве, которые характеризуются стратегическим и тактическим планированием, своевременным мониторингом. Определены подходы к регулированию социально-экономических отношений в строительстве: дерегуляция предпринимательской деятельности, децентрализация управления строительством, региональное развитие и развитие местных общин, переход от функционального к проектному управлению, управлению проектами на принципах риск-менеджмента и т.д. Применение подхода дерегуляции способствует созданию жесткой конкурентной среды в строительстве. Результатом процесса децентрализации является возможность общин самостоятельно распоряжаться ресурсами, что способствует реализации совместных проектов строительства, улучшению инфраструктуры. В рамках регионального развития и развития местных общин наблюдается развитие жилищного обеспечения на региональном и местном уровнях, как результат роста жилищного строительства. Внедрение проектно-ориентированного подхода к управлению является актуальным. Системный подход к выявлению причин возникновения рисков и выбор оптимальных методов их оценки позволит обеспечить эффективное управление проектами в отрасли. Таким образом, возрастает необходимость в системном применении современных подходов к регулированию социально-экономических отношений в строительстве и своевременному мониторингу строительной отрасли, что предоставит возможность выбора основных направлений ее дальнейшей модернизации.

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This article defines and analyzes modern approaches to state regulation of the construction industry, which enables to reveal the main tendencies of the state regulatory system’ development of the construction industry and form priority direction of the modern economic policy of the state in this area. The authors consider mechanisms of state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction, characterized by strategic and tactical planning, as well as timely monitoring. The article defines approaches to the socio-economic relations in construction’ regulation, as follows: deregulation of business activities, decentralization of construction management, regional development and development of local communities, the transition from functional to project management, project management based on the risk management principles, etc. Applying the deregulation approach will contribute to creating a construction fiercely competitive environment. The decentralization will result implementation of joint construction projects by communities and improve the infrastructure. Under regional development and local communities’ development, the provision of housing evolution is observed at the regional and local levels as a result of the housing construction progress. The article determines that the introduction of a project-oriented approach is a pressing issue. The use of a systematic approach to identifying the risks’ causes and the optimal methods selection for assessment will allows for more effective project management in the construction. Consequently, nowadays, there is a growing need for a systematic application of modern approaches to the regulation of socio-economic relations in construction and the timely monitoring of the industry, which will facilitate choosing the principal directions to streamline the industry.

Текст научной работы на тему «Modern conceptual approaches to the state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction»

Marusheva Oleksandra Anatoliivna,

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the De-

Марушева Олександра Анатолггвна,

наук з державного управлтня, Мгжрегю-нальна Академгя управлтня персоналом, 02093; м. Кигв, вул. Бористльська,

ORCID: 0000-0001-9126-4674 Марушева Александра Анатольевна,

кандидат юридических наук, доцент ка- . , ''ITI

федры публичного администрирования,

соискатель научной степени доктора ¿Ш'

наук по государственному управлению, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом; 02093; г. Киев, ул. Борисполь-

sor of the Public Administration Depart-

Doctoral Research Scholar of the j

Department of Public Administration, In- I

ёORCID: 0000-0003-0701-9479 Прав Юрш Григорович,

кандидат eK0H0Mi4Hux наук, доцент кафедри публiчного адмШстрування, здобувач наукового ступеня доктора наук з державного управлтня, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 04071, м. Кигв, вул. Почайнинська, 25/49, тел.: +38 (067) 273 9533, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0701-9479

Прав Юрий Григорьевич,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования, соискатель научной степени доктора наук по государственному управлению, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 04071, г. Киев, ул. Почайнин-ская, 25/49, тел.: +38 (067) 273 95 33, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0701-9479 Barzylovich Dmitry Vladyslavovych, President of the Ukrainian Public Organization "Association of Building Industry Experts", Ukrainian Public Organization "Association of Building Industry Experts", 04071, Kyiv, Str. Wilhelmа Kotarbinskoho, 10, tel.: +38 (097) 255 43 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5981-6803 Барзилович Дмитро Владиславович, Президент Всеукратсько1 громадськол оргатзащ "Асощащя експерт1в буд1вельно1 галуз1", Всеукратська громадська оргатзащя "Асощащя експерт1в буд1вельно1 га-луз1", 04050, м. Кшв, вул. Вшьгельма Котарбтського, 10, тел.: +38 (097) 255 43 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5981-6803

Барзилович Дмитрий Владиславович,

Президент Всеукраинской общественной организации "Ассоциация экспертов строительной отрасли", Всеукраинская общественная организация "Ассоциация экспертов строительной отрасли", 04050, Киев, вул. Вильгельма Котарбинского, 10, тел.: +38 (097) 255 43 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5981-6803 DOI https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-16-1-93-106


Summary. This article defines and analyzes modern approaches to state regulation of the construction industry, which enables to reveal the main tendencies of the state regulatory system' development of the construction industry and form priority direction of the modern economic policy of the state in this area. The authors consider mechanisms of state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction, characterized by strategic and tactical planning, as well as timely monitoring. The article defines approaches to the socio-economic rela-

tions in construction' regulation, as follows: deregulation of business activities, decentralization of construction management, regional development and development of local communities, the transition from functional to project management, project management based on the risk management principles, etc. Applying the deregulation approach will contribute to creating a construction fiercely competitive environment. The decentralization will result implementation of joint construction projects by communities and improve the infrastructure. Under regional development and local communities' development, the provision of housing evolution is observed at the regional and local levels as a result of the housing construction progress. The article determines that the introduction of a project-oriented approach is a pressing issue. The use of a systematic approach to identifying the risks' causes and the optimal methods selection for assessment will allows for more effective project management in the construction.

Consequently, nowadays, there is a growing need for a systematic application of modern approaches to the regulation of socio-economic relations in construction and the timely monitoring of the industry, which will facilitate choosing the principal directions to streamline the industry.

Keywords: state regulation, socio-economic relations, conceptual approaches, mechanism, construction, development of the construction industry.


Анотащя. Визначено та проаналiзовано сучаст шдходи до державного регулювання будiвельноï галуз^ що дае змогу виявити основт тенденцп розвитку системи державного регулювання галуз^ сформувати прюритет-ш напрями сучасно!' економiчноï пол^ики держави у цш сферь Розглянуто мехашзми державного регулювання соцiально-економiчних ввдносин у бу-дiвництвi, що характеризуются стратепчним та тактичним плануванням, а також своечасним мониторингом. Визначено пiдходи до регулювання со-цiально-економiчних вiдносин у будiвництвi: дерегуляцiя шдприемниць-ко!' дiяльностi, децентралiзацiя управлiння будiвництвом, регiональний розвиток та розвиток мюцевих громад, перехвд вiд функцiонального до проектного управлшня, управлiння проектами на принципах ризик-ме-неджменту тощо. Застосування пiдходу дерегуляцп сприятиме створенню жорстокого конкурентного середовища у будiвництвi. Результатом проце-су децентралiзацiï е можливiсть громад самостшно розпоряджатися ресурсами, що сприятиме реалiзацiï громадами спiльних проектiв будiвництва та покращенню iнфраструктури. В рамках регюнального розвитку та розвитку мюцевих громад спостерiгаеться розвиток житлового забезпечення на регюнальному та мюцевому рiвнях, як результат розвитку житлового будiвництва. Визначено, що впровадження проектно-орiентованого шд-ходу до управлiння е актуальним питанням. Застосування ж системного шдходу до виявлення причин виникнення ризиив та вибiр оптимальних

методiв 1х оцiнювання сприятиме забезпеченню ефектившшого управлш-ня проектами в будiвельнiй галузi.

Таким чином, на сьогодш зростае необхiднiсть у системному застосуван-нi сучасних пiдходiв до регулювання соцiально-економiчних вiдносин у бу-дiвництвi та своечасному монiторингу будiвельноl галуз^ що надасть змогу обрати основш напрями 11 подальшо'1 модершзаци.

Ключовi слова: державне регулювання, соцiально-економiчнi вщносини, концептуальнi пiдходи, механiзм, будiвництво, розвиток будiвельноl галузi.



Аннотация. Определены и проанализированы современные подходы к государственному регулированию строительной отрясли, что позволяет выявить основные тенденции развития системы государственного регулирования отрасли, сформировать приоритетные направления современной экономической политики государства. Рассмотрены механизмы государственного регулирования социально-экономических отношений в строительстве, которые характеризуются стратегическим и тактическим планированием, своевременным мониторингом. Определены подходы к регулированию социально-экономических отношений в строительстве: дерегуляция предпринимательской деятельности, децентрализация управления строительством, региональное развитие и развитие местных общин, переход от функционального к проектному управлению, управлению проектами на принципах риск-менеджмента и т. д. Применение подхода дерегуляции способствует созданию жесткой конкурентной среды в строительстве. Результатом процесса децентрализации является возможность общин самостоятельно распоряжаться ресурсами, что способствует реализации совместных проектов строительства, улучшению инфраструктуры. В рамках регионального развития и развития местных общин наблюдается развитие жилищного обеспечения на региональном и местном уровнях, как результат роста жилищного строительства. Внедрение проектно-ориентированного подхода к управлению является актуальным. Системный подход к выявлению причин возникновения рисков и выбор оптимальных методов их оценки позволит обеспечить эффективное управление проектами в отрасли.

Таким образом, возрастает необходимость в системном применении современных подходов к регулированию социально-экономических отношений в строительстве и своевременному мониторингу строительной отрасли, что предоставит возможность выбора основных направлений ее дальнейшей модернизации.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, социально-экономические отношения, концептуальные подходы, механизм, строительство, развитие строительной отрасли.

Formulation of the problem. Under the current conditions of the formation and development of the Ukrainian state, the need for innovative approaches and the formation of mechanisms of state regulation in construction, taking into account the transformation of the structure of public administration, is growing.

State regulation in construction provides a combination of personal and public awareness for the development of the economy, expansion of the competitive environment, while ensuring a balance between accumulation and investment activity based on different types of planning and funding of construction industry.

State regulation of social and economic relations in construction provides an efficient approach to the planning of territories, urban planning zoning, engineering surveys, design, as well as directly to the execution of construction works, etc.

Current transformational processes taking place in the construction industry require theoretically substantiated and effective conceptual approaches and mechanisms of state regulation, which, when introduced, will contribute to the improvement of economic indicators in the construction industry and secure competitive positions in the international stage.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Nowadays, there is a growing need to identify current trends to enhance government regulation and improve economic indicators in the construction industry.

These issues are reflected in the scientific studies by I. Vlasenko, I. Gon-charenko, A. Duka, A. Lesko, N. Mel-nik, A. Nepomnyashchy, and others.

Currently, there is a significant scientific interest in the issue of state regulation of social and economic relations in construction, which necessitates the introduction of innovative approaches to state regulation of socioeconomic relations in construction and the use of mechanisms for such regulation of construction in Ukraine.

The formulation of the objectives (goals) of the article. The goal is to analyze modern conceptual approaches and mechanisms of state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction.

The presentation of the main material. Considering the current development trends of the countries of the world, accompanied by the active influence of innovations on the socioeconomic environment, there is a new stage, characterized by the advantages of innovation factors and reflected in the qualitative transformations of the construction sector, which generates prerequisites for the life of the population and economic growth in all spheres of the national economy [6, p. 203].

The process of formation and development of the construction industry and its management has an evolutionary character, which continues to this day. In this regard, N. Melnik formulates nine stages of formation in his studies [11]. The first stage covers the beginning of the 20th century and the year 1917. At this stage, the construction management was carried out using the Building Charter, issued in 1857, which was an integral part of the "Code of Laws of the Russian Empire". The second stage, 1917-1922, the Supreme Council of the National Economy (hereinafter — the Supreme

Economic Council) established a subdivision of building structures (Subdivision of socially useful and public works — Komderzhsporud). The third stage — 1922-1932, the stage was inherent with the permanent reorganization. The functions of construction planning were transferred to the State Planning Committee, when the Supreme Economic Council formed a building department. Funds for the needs of construction, which were previously supervised by Komderzhporud were transferred to the people's commissariats and departments that established design and construction organizations. The following fourth stage, 1932-1939, was characterized by the organization of construction, includes three mutually agreed links: the customer — the general contractor — the subcontractor. The fifth stage, 19391957, construction was allocated in an independent sphere, with the AllUnion Commissariat for Construction (Narkobud) formed. The sixth stage, 1957-1967, there was a system for managing the national economy through territorial councils of the national economy. The seventh stage, 1967-1986, — it was characterized by the transition from the territorial to the territorial-branch principle of the management of the state economy. The eighth stage, 1986-1997, territorial branch construction ministries were eliminated. The Ministry of Construction of the Ukrainian SSR (Minstroy) was established, which was directly subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. The following ninth stage from 1997 to date, — the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy was

formed; in December 2005 the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Ministry of Construction of Ukraine) was established.

It is clear that the instability of regulation of the construction industry over time has had a significant impact on the development of modern approaches and mechanisms of state regulation. The introduction of modern trends to improve governmental regulation in construction will certainly contribute to the improvement of economic indicators in the construction industry, securing competing positions on the international scene.

Today, state regulation is a set of tools, which the state uses to set requirements for the construction industry members. It includes laws, formal and informal regulations and auxiliary rules established by the state, as well as non-governmental organizations or self-regulatory organizations to which the state has delegated regulatory powers [7].

T. Kutsenko, A. Nikiforov and S. Chistov state that state regulation is one of the functions of public administration. Public administration is the organizational and regulatory influence of the state on the economic activity of market industry members in order to streamline and improve its efficiency. The main management functions comprise the organization, regulation, control, planning, and staffing.

Separate parts of the state regulation are distinguished both in the theoretical and practical aspects: organizational, economic, financial, budgetary, social, administrative, institutional, socio-political, and others, where each of them is

capable of exercising some influence on the construction sphere. [2].

There is a pressing issue of studying conceptual approaches and mechanisms of state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction, which predetermined the development of certain modern models.

According to M. Latinin, the mechanism of state regulation is a way of action of the subject of regulation based on basic functions and principles, providing the effective functioning of the state regulation system with the help of forms, methods and means to achieve a certain goal and eliminate contradictions [8].

The mechanism of state regulation of social and economic relations in construction is a set of actions of the authorities aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of territories, taking into account state, public and private interests, in order to achieve maximum results in the construction industry. The current paradigm of development in this direction is the quality and perfection of a territorially localized system characterized by strategic and tactical planning, as well as timely monitoring.

In this regard, the scientist I. Gon-charenko notes that the most important component of strategic planning is the formulation of long-term development goals, and distinguishes three stages of the activities of state authorities [3, c. 31]: planning of activity, resources, results; realization of activity, resources, results; reporting on activities, resources, results.

Therefore, state regulation of social and economic relations in construction is the main mechanism for imple-

menting development strategies at the regional, national and international levels.

It is advisable to outline the main approaches to the regulation of socioeconomic relations in construction, which are characteristic at the present stage and which significantly affect the further development of the construction industry and the country as a whole.

The main conceptual approaches to regulating the construction, which have become widespread in Ukraine in recent times, include:

• deregulation of entrepreneurial activity;

• decentralization of construction management;

• regional development and development of local communities;

• transition from functional to project management;

• project management using the principles of risk management, etc.

Let us consider in more detail these modern approaches to the state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction.

1. Deregulation of business activities. A. Lesko, L. Glushchenko and T. Meshcheryakova, point out that in modern conditions, deregulation is one of the main elements of the new development model of Ukraine and an constitute a part of European integration. Scientists note that, according to the "Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine-2020" [14], the Program of Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Coalition agreement between the main political parties of Ukraine, deregulation is defined as a necessary approach, whose mission is to

radically improve the business climate and investment climate in Ukraine, promoting the creation of new jobs and raising living standards [9].

The essence of deregulation is to minimize the state's influence on the market to create a fiercely competitive environment in order to eventually get entrepreneurs interested in using the latest technologies that allow them to obtain a greater variety of goods at lower prices.

Deregulation is characterized by: the transition from tariffs to prices (free market), so that entrepreneurs can get more remuneration on a competitive basis; ensuring freedom of competition to reliably restrain prices; the transition from licensing to insurance in order to prevent corruption risks in the process of new players entering market, close attention to old participants and, at the same time, real compensation for consumer losses in the event of supplier default; moving from the practice of the proposed types of activities to the practice of voluntary contracts in order to stimulate the emergence of new products (markets); de-bureau-cratization — a decrease in the flow of documents between businesses and the state, as well as a decrease in the number of inspections, carried out by the state and relevant authorized state authorities.

State regulatory policy should open the potential for realizing opportunities, employing [4]:

• coordination of regulatory policy with the needs and specifics of small business entities;

• provision of European parameters of the anti-corruption vector of regulatory policy;

• introduction of quantitative analysis of achieved goals of deregulation;

• strengthening of state and public platforms for the formation of deregulation policy and control over its implementation.

Ukrainian experts have determined that "deregulation of entrepreneurial activity is a priority for the current economic policy of the state. To do this, qualitative changes in the system of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity are implemented by including deregulation mechanisms and reducing regulatory pressure on entrepreneur-ship. The priority of deregulation reform to restore the positive dynamics of economic development and improve the conditions for doing business in Ukraine" [10, p. 28].

2. Decentralized construction management. Based on the results of O. Nepomnyashchy's research, the decentralization of state regulation is based on the principles of subsidiarity, according to which the competence of central bodies of state power gradually acquires the status of an additional, auxiliary in relation to the competence of those entities, bodies, and organizations that manage at lower levels, being remote from the center and close to people [12].

Decentralization means the ability of communities to empower and dispose of resources for their implementation. By this time, powers and resources were concentrated in the center and were distributed along the executive vertical, which made communities dependent and created obstacles to the development of real self-government. Nowadays, the bulk of the funds earned remains in the community, and

its members have the opportunity to decide on what to spend this money [5, p. 8].

The reform creates conditions for the cooperation of communities, as well as provides procedures and the possibility of realization of joint projects in the spheres of culture, sports development, education, healthcare, construction, etc. The flow of funds to the local communities allowed repairing school and sports infrastructure, building new roads, kindergartens, and schools [5, p. 9]. One of the directions of this program is the modernization of outdated housing, buildings in remote and small settlements of the region.

Consequently, the implementation of decentralization measures contributes to the effective development of the Ukrainian state.

3. Regional development and development of local communities. The local budgets provide not only for the efficient functioning of such important areas of activity of the administrative-territorial entity as housing and communal services, engineering and transport infrastructure, housing construction and other capital objects, as well as create additional conditions for their development [13].

S. Schulz notes that such issues of competence of regional authorities as the management of joint ownership objects of territorial communities and the development of a common infrastructure for territorial communities, need to be addressed [17, p. 32]. Based on this, the studies [17, p. 32] systematize activities aimed at regional development and the development of local communities, namely:

• the formation of mechanisms for the decentralization of state powers and their transfer to the regional and local levels in the context of their sufficient financial support;

• coordination of interests of the state, the region and subjects of economic activity;

• a combination of sectoral (branch) and regional policies for the development of individual territories;

• creation of conditions for the functioning of economic entities in the regions that will ensure the use of competitive advantages and contribute to the solution of socio-economic problems of the territories;

• promoting the development of image-oriented economic entities for certain regions.

In the context of decentralization, regional development and the development of local communities have improved significantly. There is provision of housing development at the regional and local levels, the development of infrastructure, including the housing construction progress, simplification of licensing conditions and obtaining permits for construction and business in general, and the possibility of influencing the local business climate.

4. The transition from functional to project management. The question of integrating theoretical approaches into the practice of implementing projects and programs is of particular relevance in Ukraine because of the need to improve manageability under complex organizational conditions: time limits, a decrease in financial sustainability, and optimization in the use of resources [15, p. 6].

The transition to efficient public administration requires planning of the activities of public authorities and its focus on the results. This leads to the need to build a structure of public authorities in accordance with the goals and objectives that public authorities have to handle [3, p. 26].

The project-oriented management approach in today's conditions necessitates the transformation of the domestic project management system (both at the regional level and at the level of an individual object) in order to actively implement international standards of project management. The project management approach focuses on the observance of clear parameters in terms of time, financial, material, and labor resources [15 p. 6].

5. Project management based on the principles of risk management. Project management based on the principles of risk management is a special area of activity of the Ukrainian state, on which the implementation of tactical and strategic goals largely depends. Principles and approaches to the project management are applied in the kind of activity, which requires evaluation, proper planning, and implementing related tasks.

Research [1, p. 119] found that regardless of the type, the risk undergoes several stages of managing, in any case:

• risk analysis of construction products;

• risk control during the construction process;

• risk financing, including funds for insurance in the construction industry.

A proper organization of the risk management system facilitates organizing the following processes in a clear and timely manner:

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• quickly identify risks;

• analyze and make risk assessments;

• carry out the development of effective measures to counteract the occurrence of risks;

•develop measures to minimize the degree of risk.

The use of a systematic approach to identifying the causes of risks and the selection of optimal methods for their assessment will allow for efficient project management based on the principles of risk management in the construction industry.

Therefore, analyzing modern approaches to the regulation of socioeconomic relations in construction, it should be borne in mind that the instability of historical approaches to the regulation of the construction industry has a significant impact on the development of modern approaches and mechanisms. The introduction of modern approaches to improving state regulation in construction undoubtedly contributes to the improvement of economic indicators in the construction sector, with the provision of competing positions in the international stage.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. There are five main modern approaches to the state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction defined: 1) deregulation of entrepreneurial activity; 2) decentralization of construction management; 3) regional development and development of local communities; 4) transition from functional to project management; 5) project management based on the principles of risk management.

The analysis of these conceptual approaches to the state regulation of

socio-economic relations in construction reveals the main trends in the development of state regulation, as well as identifies the positive aspects of the introduction of such modern approaches and forms the priority directions of the state economic policy. The introduction of modern trends to improve the state regulation and use certain approaches to state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction should contribute to the improvement of economic indicators, promotion of competitiveness in the construction industry on the international scene.

The analyzed results of the study of the mechanisms of state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction have shown that, under current conditions, these mechanisms have their own characteristics, in particular: there is a growing need for systemati-zation of methods of state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction and timely monitoring of both state regulation and implementation results of its individual methods, as well as mechanisms of state regulation should be modernized.

The complex issue of the functioning of state regulation mechanisms and the efficient application of approaches to state regulation of socio-economic relations in construction require further scientific studies.


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