Научная статья на тему 'Initial provisions of state regulation of regional human development'

Initial provisions of state regulation of regional human development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Stolyarov V., Shynkaryuk O., Stolyarova V.

У статті розкрито вихідні положення державного регулювання регіонального людського розвитку. Наведено логічну схему формування механізму та алгоритм його функціонування. Наголошено на необхідності оцінки результативності і ефективності механізму державного регулювання регіонального людського розвитку за результатами оцінки складових та в цілому Індексу регіонального людського розвитку.В статье раскрыты исходные положения государственного регулирования регионального человеческого развития. Представлены логическая схема формирования механизма и алгоритм его функционирования. Акцентировано на необходимости оценки результативности и эффективности механизма государственного регулирования регионального человеческого развития по результатам оценки составляющих и в целом Индекса регионального человеческого развития.The article reveals the leading elements of the state regulation of regional human development. The logical scheme of formation of the mechanism and algorithm of its functioning is given. The necessity of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development based on the results of the evaluation of the components and in general of the Regional Human Development Index is emphasized.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Initial provisions of state regulation of regional human development»

 International and Regional Economics

UDC 338.24:332.13

V. Stolyarov,

DrHab (Economics), Professor,

O. Shynkaryuk,

PhD (Economics), Berdyansk University of Management and Business,

Berdyansk, Ukraine,

V. Stolyarova,

PhD (Economics),

Institute of Physical Economy named after S.A. Podolinsky,

Kyiv, Ukraine


Relevance of research topic. Ukraine, the first of the states of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as among CIS countries, adopted the Concept of Human Development as an organic component of the Concept of Sustainable Development in the global and national dimension and as the basis for civilization progress. To implement the outline and principles of public-private partnership, it was proposed to develop National and Regional Human Development Programs.

Actualization of the research topic in modern conditions took place in the process of implementation of the Concept of reforming local self-government and territorial organization of power through the creation of United Territorial Communities (UTCs) with the rights and responsibilities of cities of oblast significance. According to a new model for the formation of local budgets, starting from 2015, UTCs received directly subventions from the State Budget of Ukraine for education ("Education Subvention"), health care ("Medical Subvention"), and social protection of the population ("Social Programs and Assistance "), As well as funds from the State Fund for Regional Development for the implementation of infrastructure projects in the socio-cultural sphere.

In connection with this, some social uncertainty has arisen with the redistribution of powers (rights and responsibilities) between regional authorities of the legislative and executive authorities, and between them and the UTCs in the regulation of processes of regional human development.

Proceeding from the necessity of institutionaliza-tion of public administration by the national economy in the future, it was emphasized on the advanced development of scientific and methodological support of strategic planning for the formation of the National and Regional programs of human development through the preparation and approval of the "Planned Code of Ukraine" (similar to the Budget Code of Ukraine).

It is precisely in the context of the introduction of the Prediction-Programming-Budgeting system (PPB) at the oblast level by substantiating the leading elements and key components of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development and determining the state of their scientific and methodological support, and is devoted to this article.

Problem statement and the purpose of research. As indicators of the definition of subprograms of the National and Regional Human Development Programs, human development aspects were considered as organic components of their planning, financing and monitoring system in the state regulation of socio-economic development of the regions. That is, in the past and now there is a need to increase the role of regional authorities in achieving the national targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for 2000-2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2016-2030.

Ensuring the coherence of planning, financing and monitoring of regional human development and national targets The MDGs and SDGs become a comprehensive indicator of the assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the state regional policy, which should be carried out by the regional authorities on the main components of human development: state of health and demographic situation, level education and the development of the education system, the state of the labor market and the level of well-being.

Instead, studies that directly reveal the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development are practically absent. Only original searches that were published in 2014 are available. In these articles, the authors proceeded from the global, national, and regional dimensions of life in Ukraine in substantiating the state governance mechanism "life in a new way" [1-2].

The latter should be based on the national system of values, oriented to the contemporary ideas about the directions of sustainable development of mankind -"Wisdom of Nature" in the unity of three components:

"Matrix of Nature", "Art of Life", "Development of Ecological Communities".

Therefore, the transition to the development of the National and Regional Human Development Programs envisages the justification for the redistribution of powers between the central and local authorities, while maintaining the territorial integrity of Ukraine as a unitary state through the introduction of budgetary federalism.

The concept of the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, which was approved by the Government Resolution of 01.04.2014, provides for the preservation at the level of 24 administrative regions of the Region State Administrations (RSA) with a simultaneous reduction of the number of administrative districts from 490 to 100, and the number of communities - up to 1,500 of 11520 units: 458 local councils, 783 village councils, and 10279 village councils [3].

According to the current legislation, the RSA is endowed with a wide range of powers in the sphere of socio-economic development: develops development programs; provides efficient use of natural, economic and financial resources; balances labor, material and financial and other resources, local building materials, fuel; determines the necessary level of service of the population in accordance with the norms of minimum social needs; carries out the calculation of the funds and determines the amount of services necessary to ensure the minimum social needs provided by the legislation [4].

In today's conditions, objectively, there were additional needs for analytical substantiation: state standards for social services, and monitoring and evaluation of their quality; sectoral norms and standards of service provision, especially in the spheres of education, health care and social protection of the population; social norms for each of delegated state powers to local governments in the calculation of the average administrative-territorial unit in a descriptive and a value (min / max), taking into account their volumes and additionally, the necessary financial resources [5].

It is also necessary to improve the methodological support formula calculation of subsidies, grants and transfers to local governments at the administrative region [6].

In this regard, the aim is disclosure of methodological guidelines and recommendations on the formation mechanism of state regulation of socio-economic and, above all, the regional human development in a decentralization of power and implementation of good governance.

The mechanism of state regulation of regional human development at the level of the administrative area should be oriented, on the one hand, to ensure the financial needs of each community in accordance with its economic capacity with the mobilization of intra-re-gional reserves, and on the other hand - to ensure social

equality in obtaining constitutionally guaranteed by the state public services in each district.

Presentation of the main research material. The Constitution of Ukraine defines our country as a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, and law-governed state (Article 1).

Man, her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.

In the basic legal document of our state, it is emphasized that it is responsible to man for his activity, and the establishment and maintenance of human rights and freedoms is its main responsibility (Article 3) [7].

Systematization and generalization of conceptual provisions on state regulation of socio-economic processes allows us to determine the following leading elements and key components of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development (Fig. 1):

1. Defining the goals of development, modeling, forecasting and planning of regional human development.

1.1. Development of measures for the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development and Sustainable Development Programs.

1.2. Localization of the tasks of the Programs and the National Action Plan for Sustainable Development and development of the National Human Development Program.

1.3. Localization of the tasks of the Programs and the National Action Plan for Sustainable Development and development of the Regional Human Development Program.

2. Funding tasks and activities of regional human development.

2.1. Co-financing of regional human development activities from state and local budgets and through public-private partnerships.

2.2. The budgeting of the tasks of the National and Regional Human Development Programs, including sectoral budget support of the EU and international technical assistance.

2.3. Financing of infrastructure projects of United Territorial Communities from the State Fund for Regional Development.

3. Monitoring of regional human development.

3.1. Defining Strategic Indicators of the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals of the State and Regions in Sustainable Development Programs.

3.2. Monitoring and analysis of tasks and activities of the National and Regional Human Development Programs in the Sustainable Development Programs.

3.3. Preparation of National Reports on Sustainable Development of Ukraine, National Reports on Human Development and annual regional bulletins "Regional Human Development".

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Defining the goals of development, forecasting and planning of regional human development

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At the level of administrative regions and administrative regions of Ukraine, state regulation of regional human development can be carried out by region and rayon state administrations, local governments, including UTCs with the status of cities of region significance, territorial divisions of central executive authorities in the structure of the RSA, departments of education, Department of Health, Departments of Social Protection of the Population.

The development of the National and Regional Human Development Programs is preceded by the rationale and adoption at the national level of the State Strategy for Regional Development and the Sustainable Development Program for the period until 2020 and by 2030, as well as the development of measures for their implementation at subnational (regional) and local levels.

Scientific and practical solution of the problems of state regulation of human development in the regions of Ukraine at the national and territorial levels is recommended as part of the Programs and Forecasts of socioeconomic development, state and local budgets, using the mechanism of public-private partnership.

The functions and procedures for forecasting, planning and financing of the National and Regional Human Development Programs for 3, 5 and 10 years should be central among the Programs of Socio-Economic Development and Budget Programs for the same periods at the national and territorial levels of state regulation of social and economic processes [8].

Indicators of the allocation of subprograms of Human Development Programs are appropriate to identify aspects of human development at the national and subnational (regional) levels, which are simultaneously factors in the formation of the volume and structure of regional financial resources.

Each aspect of human development will be matched by a separate set of defined indicators that form the system of relevant indicators for human development of regions in specific subprograms of the National and Regional Human Development Programs [9].

National and Regional Human Development Programs should include:

1. The main directions of human development in the state for 10 years, which will be determined in the election programs and appeals to the Ukrainian people of candidates for the President of Ukraine and in the Addresses of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

2. State assessments, trends and results of monitoring of the annual implementation of the National and Regional Human Development Programs that will be implemented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. The objectives of human development in the planning period (for 3 and 5 years) in the relevant subprogramme, which are substantiated in the Program of activity of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Defining goals and modeling the human development of a specific region must be done by localizing the national targets for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Forecasting and programming of regional human development, it is expedient to conduct 6 units of integrated assessment of the Regional Human Development Index, which simultaneously determine the number of 6 subprograms, according to monitoring indicators.

Taking into account the considered provisions, the general scheme of the algorithm for functioning of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development is presented in Fig. 2.

The proposed Algorithm includes straight lines (solid lines) and feedback (dashed lines) as between separate leading functions and procedures of state regulation, as well as in general for all functions and procedures of the full cycle of state regulation of regional human development, together with an assessment of its effectiveness and efficiency. .

According to the Algorithm, direct links determine the relevant indicators and indicators, and, by feedback, their refinement due to detected deviations from the norms or threshold values of the stability of the parameters of indicators of economic security.

The transition to the development and implementation of the National and Regional Human Development Programs requires the redistribution of powers from the central government to local authorities by extending their rights with the simultaneous increase of responsibility in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of a specific region and the state as a whole.

Today, in the estimation of the IRHD, human development financing and monitoring are considered only in the justification of local budget expenditures on education, health care and social protection of the population, as well as in the context of subventions and transfers for various purposes from the state budget.

Determining authorities of different levels of government in the process of decentralization should include an extension of the list of aspects of human development, the financing of which is expedient to implement from the local budgets of administrative regions, districts and cities, villages and settlements.

Each authority should be able to finance those components of human development, the functioning and development of which each of them has the greatest influence.

In the budget system of Ukraine, as a unitary state, during the years of independence, preconditions have been created to optimize the combination of fiscal centralism with fiscal federalism on the principles of social partnership and social responsibility.


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Fig. 2. Algorithm of functioning of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development

Thus, in today's conditions, the unitarity of the state and the existing administrative-territorial structure of the expansion of the financial autonomy of local authorities in regional human development can be ensured on the basis of defining the limits of budget federalism in their organic combination with the possibilities of budgetary centralism.

The development of Regional Human Development Programs as part of the Forecasts and Programs of Socio-Economic Development of Regions is expedient to carry out within the limits of own and attracted financial resources, the volumes and structures of which should suffice for simple regional reproduction, first of all, human potential.

Enhanced regional reproduction of human potential (extensive or intensive) should be achieved through social transfers from the state budget - grants and subsidies to ensure the achievement of common standards for the quality of life of the population of the state in its various regions.

The financial autonomy of local authorities should be regulated by the existing communal ownership of land, forests and other natural resources, as well as measures to strengthen the revenue base of local budgets and improve the inter-state relations of the state, administrative region, district, city, united territorial community.

Cost estimates for territorial reproduction processes are defined by the so-called regional finances as the part of national finance, whose economic cycle ensures the organic unity of the value and the natural form of the regional gross output of final products and services in creating the gross value added of the region.

That is, regional finances are a result of the interaction of general economic, branch, territorial and individual reproductive processes in the formation of the gross domestic product of the national economy and the gross value added of the region.

The completeness of territorial reproduction processes takes place within such boundaries of the territory where, according to the objective distribution and cooperation of social labor, there are opportunities for the creation of final products and services with a closed production and technological cycle.

The signs of completeness of territorial reproduction cycles are the phases of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services in the territory.

Formation of regional finances is proposed to be carried out in accordance with the principle of autonomy, which characterizes the level of completeness of the economic cycle of territorial reproduction processes, and according to the principle of compatibility, which reflects the depth of interaction of nation-wide reproduction processes with territorial.

The use of the autonomy principle, which reveals the limits of fiscal federalism, and the principle of com-

patibility, which characterizes the level of budgetary centralism, in the formation of regional finances provides justification for the financial autonomy of local self-government and territorial organization and the depth of intergovernmental relations at the adjacent levels of government by the national economy.

The achievement of the coherence of the evolutionary processes of functioning, improvement and development of budgetary centralism and fiscal federalism will be facilitated by the use of the reference proportions of the "Golden Section" in the structure of financial support by means of state and local budgets of synchronization in time of national and territorial reproduction processes [6].

The standard proportions or reference ratios of the "Golden Section" (62% and 38%) must be respected in the structure of the total amount of state and local budgets (100%), which harmonizes the social and economic interests of the adjacent levels and scale.

The proportions of the "Golden Section" in financing human development determine the limits, on the one hand, of budgetary centralism - the ratio of the volume of funds of the state budget and local budgets at the oblast level to the volume of budget funds of local self-government, and, on the other hand, the budget federalism - the ratio of funds local budgets at the regional (oblast) level, along with local government funds to the state budget.

As a result of observance of these reference ratios, the funds of the state and local budgets in financing human development (68% - the main value, 38% - additional value), the common boundaries of budgetary centralism and budgetary federalism for public dialogue will make up 24% of their total volume.

The mechanism of state management of human development at the national and regional levels, which will be constructed using the standard proportions of the "Golden Section", will become a generator for improving the level and quality of life of the Ukrainian people in a unitary state. This is his planetary mission.

Implementation of the theory and practice of public administration of the economic category "regional finances" will help, firstly, to establish causal relationships between reproductive processes of different scales of the national economy; secondly, to assess the level of their interdependence and, thirdly, to substantiate the depth of their interaction with simple and extended regional reproduction.

Ultimately, this will be done by making sound calculations of gross value added (GVA) of regions and gross domestic product (GDP) at the national level. In the system of national accounts, GDP is equal to the total sum of the regions' GVA, taking into account the balance of indirect taxes and subsidies.

Achievement of the intensive type of regional extension (increasing the region's airspace by increasing the efficiency of using existing potential or by increa-

sing the factors of economic growth while improving the efficiency of their use) will help to save social transfers from the state budget. The part of this savings (up to 50%) is expedient to send to the payment of supplements or bonuses to employees of executive bodies of local authorities.

The second part of saving social transfers from the state or regional budget (up to 50%) should be the source of the formation of regional financial resources.

Such a methodological approach to the formation of regional finances will help to avoid cross-subsidization and subsidized subsidies and subsidies, and to direct local and central executive authorities to search and mobilize domestic reserves and new areas of self-development, to initiate measures to ensure sustainable and balanced socio-economic development of regions.

That is, if the priority tasks of socio-economic development of regions, districts, cities, villages and settlements, as well as UTCs will be grounded in accordance with the Human Development Programs of the region, then the sources of local finance formation should be determined in accordance with the powers of local authorities in ensuring the economic circulation of territorial reproductive processes.

Indicators of financing the human development of the region (per 100 thousand population) will be the sum of expenditures of local budgets for each component of territorial reproduction processes.

In today's conditions of decentralization of power objectively there is no financial and material basis for ensuring reproduction of communication facilities, telecommunications and information, as well as reproduction of production and road transport infrastructure at the level of administrative areas.

Therefore, it is expedient to co-finance these territorial reproduction processes at the expense of the local and state budget of Ukraine, funds of the State Fund for Regional Development.

Monitoring of regional human development processes controls the degree of achievement of the MDGs and analyzes the implementation of the tasks of their support in order to clarify and correct the appropriate measures.

The results of the monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the tasks of the National and Regional Human Development Programs and the Programs of Sustainable Development of the administrative regions for the period of 2020 and 2030 should be taken into account when drafting annual programs of sustainable socio-economic development and projects of local budgets: regional, united territorial communities.

Particular attention should be paid to indicators of achieving goals and objectives through the implementation of National and Regional projects in the process of implementing state target, sectoral and budget programs with an assessment of the possibilities of their achieve-

ment in the next planning period, or through the replacement of completed projects with new ones.

Therefore, it is proposed to monitor the IRHD in accordance with the logical scheme for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development (Fig. 3).

In the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development, monitoring of IRHD should include such a system of indicators of its measurement using the original data of national statistics, which in the relevant processes and procedures for the harmonization of their numerical values allowed:

- to carry out direct and feedback links: management bodies with the subjects of management, between the controlling and subordinated subsystems;

- monitor the implementation of appropriate measures, their revision;

- to conduct a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the regions;

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- to identify reserves of human capital development on an innovative basis.

Thus, in the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development monitoring is subject to:

- first, the level and dynamics of the components of the Index Regional Human Development;

- secondly, strategic indicators and the state of achievement of the national targets of the Millennium Development Goals for the period until 2015;

- thirdly, the strategic indicators and the state of achievement of the national targets of the Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030.

Conclusions. Monitoring regional human development as an organic component of the state regulation mechanism should include such a system of indicators of its measurement according to national statistics and the order of its implementation, which would allow to evaluate not only the dynamics of quantitative values of indicators and changes in their structure, but also to monitor the implementation appropriate measures and their updating in scale and in real time [10-11].

Due to institutionalization, the Algorithm (Fig. 2) and Logical Scheme (Fig. 3) can be used as reference samples for assessing the quality of the development of the National Strategies for Regional Development for the period up to 2015 and 2020 and the Regional Development Strategies for the period up to 2020, as well as the Action Plans for 2015-2017 and for 2018-2020 from their implementation.

Such assessments require the availability of:

1. Strategic goals for the development of the region from 2010 for the periods up to 2015, 2020, 2030 [12].

2. Operational objectives for the development of regions as organic components of the Regional Development Strategies for the period up to 2015 and 2020.

3. Compliance of strategic and operational goals of regional development with localized tasks and strategic indicators of the MDGs and SDGs.

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Fig. 3. Logical scheme of evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development

4. National social standards, state guarantees and standards of the EU member states of the strategic indicators of regional development on the basis of: "by region", "by type of area" (rural / urban).

5. Requirements, criteria and methods of achieving the balance of ecological, social and economic development.

Under the current conditions of development and adoption of the Regional State Council and Regional Councils, the Action Plans for 2018-2020 on the implementation of the Regional Strategies of the administrative regions for the period up to 2020, the priority components of the monitoring of regional human development should be:

- assessment and analysis of the state of implementation of localized national targets of the Millennium Development Goals for the period until 2015 and, if necessary, development of measures to complete their achievement in 2018-2020;

- definition and disaggregation of strategic indicators for national targets for Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2020;

- forecast calculations of 33 indicators of human development for 6th units with the definition of dynamics of indicators-disintegrants for the development of appropriate measures to neutralize their negative impact or changes in the positive dynamics for each administrative region for the period up to 2020;

- definition and localization at the level of administrative areas of the strategic indicators of the national tasks of the Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030;

- ensuring statistical and methodological coherence of strategic indicators 7 Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) with strategic indicators 17 Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030);

- conducting analytical assessments of the dynamics of the key indicators of the achievement of the Goal "Human Capital Development" of the Medium-Term Plan for Priority Actions of the Government by 2020: not exceeding 15% of the Poverty (OECD); decrease by 10% of the mortality rate; entering the Index of Human Development to the top 50 countries.


1. Столяров В.Ф., Шинкарюк О.В. Проввдш складовi мехашзму державного управлшня «життям по-новому» (в умовах децентралiзацii влади). BicHUK eKOHOMiHHOi науки Украши. 2014. № 2 (26). С. 131-140. 2. Столяров В.Ф., Шинкарюк О.В. Науково-освиян-ське забезпечення мехашзму державного управлшня «життям по-новому» (в умовах децентралiзацii' влади). BicHUK eKOHOMiHHOi науки Украши. 2014. № 3 (27). С. 113-126. 3. Компания реформування мюцевого са-моврядування та територiальноi оргашзацп влади: Розпорядження Кабшету Мтстдов Украши ввд 1 квгг-ня 2014 р. № 333-р. URL: http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws /show/333-2014-р. 4. Про MicneBi державш адмшютра-ци: Закон Украши. BidoMOcmi BepxoeHOi Ради Украши.

1999. № 20-21. URL: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/ 586-14. 5. Корншчук О.О., Столяров В.Ф., Шинкарюк О.В. Формування мехашзму державного регулювання стшкого людського розвитку Хмельни-цько1 обласп (ввд ще1 до експерименту: Ч. 1 - стан i проблеми державного регулювання). Економка та держава. 2017. № 3 (березень). С. 4-15. 6. Корншчук О.О., Столяров В.Ф., Шинкарюк О.В. Формування мехашзму державного регулювання стшкого людського розвитку Хмельницько1 обласп (вщ 1де1 до експе-рименту: Ч. 2 - перспективи державного регулювання по-новому). Економжа та держава. 2017. № 4 (квь тень). С. 4-15 (1,5 д.а.; особисто автору належить 0,5 д.а.). 7. Конститущя Украши ввд 28.06.1996 р. №254к/96-ВР. URL: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/ 254к/96-вр. 8. Shinkaryuk Oksana V. State administration formation of regional human development in Ukraine. - MEST Journal : Management, Education, Science & Society, Technologies / editor-in-chief Zoran P. Cekerevac. - [Stampano izd.]. Vol. 2, no. 2 (2014). Belgrade: MESTE NGO: Faculty of Business and Industrial Management of the «Union» University Belgrade; Toronto: SZ & Associates. - Online. 9. Shinkaryuk О. V. (2014). Scientific Basic of Human Development State Administration in Ukraine. Economic Herald of the Donbas, № 4 (38), рp. 153-158. 10. Шинкарюк О.В., Огайов А.О., Столярова В.В. Iнституалiзацiя провщних еле-менпв мехашзму державного регулювання регюналь-ного людського розвитку (мониторинг людського розвитку: попередня частина). Bîchuk Бердянського yuiee-рситету менеджменту i бизнесу. 2017. № 1 (37). 11. Шинкарюк О.В., Огайов А.О., Столярова В.В. Iнституалiзацiя провщних елеменпв мехашзму державного регулювання регюнального людського розвитку (мониторинг людського розвитку: заключна частина). Bî^uk Бердянського yнiверситетy менеджменту i 6i-знесу. 2018. № 1 (41). 12. ЦЫ сталого розвитку «Укра-ша - 2030»: нацюнальна доповвдь. Кшв: Мшстерство економши Украши, 2017. 174 с.


1. Stoliarov V.F., Shynkariuk O.V. (2014). Providni skladovi mekhanizmu derzhavnoho upravlinnia «zhyttiam po-novomu» (v umovakh detsentralizatsii vlady) [Main constituents of state administration mechanism of «new life» (in the conditions of decentralization of the power)]. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy - Bulletin of Economic Science of Ukraine, 2 (26). рр. 131-140 [in Ukrainian].

2. Stoliarov V.F., Shynkariuk O.V. (2014). Naukovo-osvitianske zabezpechennia mekhanizmu derzhavnoho upravlinnia «zhyttiam po-novomu» (v umovakh detsentralizatsii vlady) [Scientific and educational maintenance of the mechanism of public administration «new life» (in the conditions of decentralization)]. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy - Bulletin of Economic Science of Ukraine, 3 (27). рр. 113-126 [in Ukrainian].

3. Kontseptsiia reformuvannia mistsevoho samovria-duvannia ta terytorialnoi orhanizatsii vlady: Rozpo-riadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 1 kvitnia 2014 r. № 333-r [Concept of Reform of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organization of Power: Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 1, 2014

No. 333-p]. Retrieved from http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws /show/333-2014-p [in Ukrainian].

4. Pro mistsevi derzhavni administratsii: Zakon Ukrainy [About local state administrations: Law of Ukraine]. (1999). Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy -Information from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 20-21. Retrieved from http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/ 58614 [in Ukrainian].

5. Korniichuk O.O., Stoliarov V.F., Shynkariuk O.V. (2017). Formuvannia mekhanizmu derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia stiikoho liudskoho rozvytku Khmelnytskoi oblasti (vid idei do eksperymentu: Ch. 1 - stan i problemy derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia) [Formation of the mechanism of state regulation of sustainable human development in the Khmelnitsky region (from idea to experiment: Part 1 - state and problems of state regulation)]. Ekonomika ta derzha-va - Economy and the state, 3, pp. 4-15 [in Ukrainian].

6. Korniichuk O.O., Stoliarov V.F., Shynkariuk O.V. (2017). Formuvannia mekhanizmu derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia stiikoho liudskoho rozvytku Khmelnytskoi oblasti (vid idei do eksperymentu: Ch. 2 - perspektyvy derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia po-novomu [Formation of the mechanism of state regulation of sustainable human development in the Khmelnitsky region (from idea to experiment: Part 2 - prospects of state regulation in a new way]. Ekonomika ta derzhava - Economy and the state, 4. pp. 415 [in Ukrainian].

7. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy vid 28.06.1996 r. № 254k/96-VR [The Constitution of Ukraine dated June 28, 1996, No. 254k / 96-VR]. Retrieved from http://zakon4. rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/ 254k/96-bp [in Ukrainian].

8. Shinkaryuk Oksana V. (2014). State administration formation of regional human development in Ukraine. -MEST Journal : Management, Education, Science & Society, Technologies / editor-in-chief Zoran P. Cekerevac. -[Stampano izd.]. Vol. 2, no. 2. Belgrade, MESTE NGO: Faculty of Business and Industrial Management of the «Union» University Belgrade; Toronto, SZ & Associates. - Online.

9. Shinkaryuk O. V. (2014). Scientific Basic of Human Development State Administration in Ukraine. Economic Herald of the Donbas, 4 (38), pp. 153-158.

10. Shynkariuk O.V., Sihaiov A.O., Stoliarova V.V. (2017). Instytualizatsiia providnykh elementiv mekhanizmu derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia rehionalnoho liudskoho rozvytku (monitorynh liudskoho rozvytku: poperednia chastyna) [Institutionalization of the leading elements of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development (monitoring of human development: the previous part)]. Visnyk Berdianskoho universytetu menedzh-mentu i biznesu - Herald of the Berdyansk University of Management and Business, 1 (37) [in Ukrainian].

11. Shynkariuk O.V., Sihaiov A.O., Stoliarova V.V. (2017). Instytualizatsiia providnykh elementiv mekha-nizmu derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia rehionalnoho liudskoho rozvytku (monitorynh liudskoho rozvytku: zakliuchna chastyna) [Institutionalization of the leading elements of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development (monitoring of human development: final

part)]. Visnyk Berdianskoho universytetu menedzhmentu i biznesu - Herald of the Berdyansk University of Management and Business, 1 (41) [in Ukrainian].

12. Tsili staloho rozvytku «Ukraina - 2030» [The goals of sustainable development "Ukraine - 2030"]. (2017). Kyiv, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].

Столяров В. Ф., Шинкарюк О. В., Столярова В. В. Bii\i.ini положення державного регулювання регюнального людського розвитку

У статп розкрито вихвдш положення державного регулювання регюнального людського розвитку. Наведено лопчну схему формування мехашзму та алгоритм його функцюнування.

Наголошено на необхщносп оцшки результатив-носп i ефективносп мехашзму державного регулювання регюнального людського розвитку за результатами оцшки складових та в цшому 1ндексу регюналь-ного людського розвитку.

Ключовi слова: мехашзм державного регулювання; регюнальний людський розвиток; планування, фшансування i мониторинг регюнального людського розвитку.

Столяров В. Ф., Шинкарюк О. В., Столярова В. В. Исходные положения государственного регулирования регионального человеческого развития

В статье раскрыты исходные положения государственного регулирования регионального человеческого развития. Представлены логическая схема формирования механизма и алгоритм его функционирования.

Акцентировано на необходимости оценки результативности и эффективности механизма государственного регулирования регионального человеческого развития по результатам оценки составляющих и в целом Индекса регионального человеческого развития.

Ключевые слова: механизм государственного регулирования; региональное человеческое развитие; планирование, финансирование и мониторинг регионального человеческого развития.

Stolyarov V., Shynkaryuk O., Stolyarova V. Initial provisions of state regulation of regional human development

The article reveals the leading elements of the state regulation of regional human development. The logical scheme of formation of the mechanism and algorithm of its functioning is given.

The necessity of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the mechanism of state regulation of regional human development based on the results of the evaluation of the components and in general of the Regional Human Development Index is emphasized.

Keywords: state regulation; regional human development; planning, financing and monitoring of regional human development.

Received by the editors: 20.06.2018

and final form 14.12.2018

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