TYPOLOGY OF PARADIGMATIC GROUPS IN VOCABULARY AND PHRASEOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
lexeme / phraseme / thematic group / lexical-semantic group / paradigmatic group / lexicalphraseological field / literature / term / character. Keywords: lexeme / phrase / subject group / lexico-semantic group / paradigmatic group / lexico-phraseological field / literature / term / character. / lexeme / phraseme / thematic group / lexical-semantic group / paradigmatic group / lexicalphraseological field / literature / term / character. Keywords: lexeme / phrase / subject group / lexico-semantic group / paradigmatic group / lexico-phraseological field / literature / term / character.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Noraliyeva A.A., Otajonova D.B.

The article discusses lexemes and phrasemes in the field. Analyzed the main paradigmatic groups are identified thematic group and lexical-semantic group on the example of lexical-phraseological fields "literature". It is emphasized that seminal analysis plays an important role in field research.

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The article discusses lexemes and phrasemes in the field. Analyzed the main paradigmatic groups are identified thematic group and lexical-semantic group on the example of lexical-phraseological fields "literature". It is emphasized that seminal analysis plays an important role in field research.


Noraliyeva A.A. associate professor Scientific supervisor: Otajonova D.B.



Annotation. The article discusses lexemes and phrasemes in the field. Analyzed the main paradigmatic groups are identified - thematic group and lexical-semantic group on the example of lexical-phraseological fields "literature". It is emphasized that seminal analysis plays an important role in field research.

Key words: lexeme; phraseme; thematic group; lexical-semantic group; paradigmatic group; lexicalphraseological field; literature; term; character. Keywords: lexeme; phrase; subject group; lexico-semantic group; paradigmatic group; lexico-phraseological field; literature; term; character.


Combining lexemes and phrasemes into paradigmatic groups - the most striking characteristic of the field, the most indicative manifestation of the systemic connections between elements operating in it. Let us consider the main paradigmatic groups in the LFP "Literature".The most relevant concept for our research is the concept of a field, since the entire union we are considering terms is a lexical and phraseological field. Field - the largest association of language units, opposed smaller associations within it. How the field is maximal The wideranging LFP "Literature" is a macrofield, in which microfields are distinguished. Macropole and microfield represent elements of macrostructure and microstructure LFP "Literature", characteristic of this horizontal structure fields. In our opinion, it would be most logical to highlight in the LFP "Literature" microfields corresponding to literature, developing in one country or another, in one language or another or associated with some religion, culture, historical period. For a number of microfields, the semes 'country' and 'people' will coincide: "Austrian Literature", "Chinese Literature"; series of microfields characterized only by the seme 'people': "Komi literature", "Crimean Tatar literature"; characteristic of other microfields only seme 'country': "Congo Literature", "Belgian Literature". For the LFP "Literature", considered in relation to Russian language, the actual semes in these microfields will be 'Russian' ('related to Russian literature') and 'non-Russian' ('not related to Russian literature'). Last semester in each microfield has a specific form: 'Belgian', 'Chinese' and under. Based on religious criteria, microfields are identified "Christian literature", "Buddhist literature", etc. Archisema for these fields the seme 'religion' ('belief) becomes. In every microfields form their own system of thematic groups, types of time paradigms and other paradigmatic groupings terms.

At the same time, microfield terms also refer to lexical semantic groups - other largest paradigm- tic formations in the structure of physical therapy. The microfield can be divided into even smaller microfields based on some other criteria, for example, "Russian literature" includes microfields "Old Russian literature", "Modern Russian literature", etc. The terminological nature of the LFP "Literature" determines exceptional significance in its paradigmatic structure thematic groups (TG), since it is thematic association, associated with the attribution of an object or phenomenon to the field of knowledge lies based on terminological fields. In modern linguistic research, a thematic group is defined as "a collection words of the same lexico-grammatical category, highlighted based on an extralinguistic feature" [10, p. 210]. In the concept of TG the main characteristics are the extra-linguistic essence of the given paradigmatic unification (the topic is set not by linguistic, but by factors external to language), connection with reality surrounding reality (concepts) and belonging constituents to one part of speech. In the LFP "Literature", in our opinion, the following TGs are distinguished: as "Literary methods (directions)", "Types of literature", "Genres of Literature", "Creators of Literary Works", "The plot of the work", "Means of expression", "Literary techniques", "Thematic focus", etc. More details some TG will be discussed in the next chapter. Lexemes and phrasemes are combined into thematic groups based on extralinguistic factors. For example, based on the thematic specificity of a literary work can be highlight the TG "Thematic focus", which includes terms adventure literature, detective literature, science fiction, didactic literature, dystopia, fantasy, historical literature, romance novel, books about "misfits", alternative history, horror (horror novel), etc. Some thematic groups are multi-component, others may have a small number of elements. For example, to designate literature intended for readers of different ages terms children's literature, teenage literature, literature for adults; TG "Kinds of Literature" includes historically fixed the number of elements is three: epic, lyric, drama. The lexical-semantic group is the most voluminous in composition combining LFP elements. L.M. Vasiliev gives the following definition:LSG definition: "...Any semantic class of words (lexemes), combining containing at least one common lexical paradigmatic seme (or at least one common semantic factor)" [1, p. 110]. For LSG, unlike a thematic group, it is not mandatory characteristic is that all elements belong to one parts of speech. In addition, the components of LSG should not have a single hyperseme, although they naturally have common semes. In the system of terms of LFP "Literature" the most logical We imagine the selection of LSG "Literary work", "Literary criticism", "Versification", "Folklore". LSG "Literary work" includes terms, composition forming the basis of the LFP "Literature"; they can be called primary. The purpose of lexemes and phrasemes of this group is to characterize the literary work, name its basic components. Precisely literarythe work is the semantic center of the LFP "Literature", the basis and source of the gradual formation of that significant by the number of arrays of lexemes and phrasemes that make up a given LFP.

Number of components of LSG "Literary work" not very large: theme, idea, plot, hero, character, action, structure of a literary work, composition, gender, genre, method, prose, poetry, language of work, writer, poet, write etc., however, their significance for this physical therapy is very significant. Many lexemes of this LSG become semantic centers and are included in the names of thematic groups, are dominant main synonymous series. Lexemes and phrasemes of this group determine the emergence and gradual filling of members of other LSG, which we will consider below. To analyze the elements of this LSG terms are formed by LSG "Literary Studies", highlighting in literary creativity of poetry and prose stimulates the formation LSG "Versification", the absence of an author in folk works and the formation of an author's layer of works in all literatures requires the appearance of LSG "Folklore". Due to the primary nature of the LSG "Literary Work" division" of the common seme of all units of a given LSG, will, it seems to us, seme 'literature' (or seme 'literary work'). Lexemes and phrasemes of the LSG "Literary Studies" have a common seme 'science' ('scientific') and represent units, purpose which is the scientific understanding of literary creativity. Historically this LSG is formed later than the one described above, since presupposes a native speaker's desire and ability to analyze literary works. The TG composition of this LSG is determined by its scientific orientation. The main TG, in our opinion, is group "Analysis of a literary work", including terms work analysis, interpretation, literary criticism, form and content of literature, artistic detail, etc. Aspiration researcher to a deep reading of a literary work, understanding its content and form makes it necessary formation of lexemes and phrasemes of this TG. Development of literary criticism and various approaches of researchers to the analysis of literary text determine the appearance following TG: "Methods of literary criticism" (biographical method, formal method, sociological method, etc.); "Sections literary studies" (folklore, hermeneutics, poetry, source studies, comparative literature, etc.); "Schools literary studies" (phenomenological school, spiritual-historical school, etc.).The secondary nature of this LSG and the branched system terms included in it indicate a person's desire analyze the literary process, understand the specifics literary creativity, streamline its research. Lexemes and phrasemes of the LSG "Versification" are determined the existence of prose and poetic forms in literature and are aimed at identifying phenomena related to poetic form. The specificity of the poetic form is very obvious in comparison with prose and requires its own understanding with using appropriate terms. Integral seme in seme the structure of these terms - 'poetry' ('poetic'). Let's call The main TGs as part of the LSG "Versification": TG "Poetic genres": ballad, fable, ode, poem, sonnet, epigram, etc. TG "Poetry Studies", in which you can observe smaller thematic groupings, subgroups: "Sections of poetry": rhythm, phonics, stanza, metric, prosody, etc.: "Poetic sizes": iambic, trochee, dactyl, amphibrach, anapest, disyllabic sizes, etc.; "Forms of versification": tonic verse, accented verse, blank verse, free verse, paradise verse, etc.; "Systems versification": metric versification, tonic versification addition,

syllabic-tonic versification; "Stanzas": couplet, quatrain, quatrain, octave, Onegin stanza; "Rhymes": poor rhyme, dactylic rhyme, masculine rhyme, imprecise rhyme; "Methods of rhyming": ring rhyme, parallel rhyming, etc. The development of poetry creates conditions for replenishing these groups with new terms. The branched nature of the TGs included in the LSG "Poetry Studies" due to both the good development of theoretical issues in science versification, and the objective reason - diversity poetic forms, ways of creating poetry. Continues here there is a close connection between the LFP "Literature" and the phenomena extra-linguistic reality. Since versification differs in the literature of different countries and peoples, then this LSG presents terms with the seme, opposed to the seme 'Russian', and related to the corresponding current microfield. For example, the word daina means traditional Lithuanian folk song and belongs to the microfield "Lithuanian literature"; the term dastan denotes the epic genre in literature and folklore of the Near and Middle East and belongs to the microfields "Lezgin literature", "Persian literature", etc. In the structure of the LSG "Versification" there are also micro- groups associated with place, time and features of creation poetic works: "Ancient versification" (hexameter, pentameter, ionic, etc.), "Folk poetry" (epic verse, ditty, nursery rhyme, etc.). In addition, synonymous series and antonymous pairs, which will be discussed below. LSG "Folklore" includes lexemes and phrasemes, integral seme for which (and at the same time differential at comparing them with other terms) is the seme 'folk', opposed to the seme 'author' in linguistic units that are not included in the LSG "Folklore". Thematic groups partially coincide with LSG "Versification": "Folk genres": anecdote, epic, fairytale, proverb, etc."Folk performers": gusans -'Armenian folk singers', agmugm - 'creators, performers and custodians of works folk art in Azerbaijani literature', etc. "Folkloristics": wandering stories, historical-typological logical theory, etc. A number of terms are included in several LSGs mentioned above. For example, the term spoken verse can simultaneously be attributed to to LSG "Poetry", and to LSG "Folklore". Genus-species (hyper-hyponymous) group (paradigm) (RVG) is defined as "a type of lexical-semantic paradigm, in which one word (hyperonym) denotes a generic concept, and the remaining words (hyponyms) are specific concepts [2, p. 72]. RVGs are distinguished in the system of naming genres, literary methods and genera, etc. Term denoting the name of TG (genre of literature, type of literature, literary method, etc.) is a generic name, and the names of specific phenomena -species; in addition, the name TG corresponds to the archeme each of the elements included in the group - 'genre of literature', 'kind literature', etc. The vastness and diversity of literary studies terminologies determine the existence in the system of physical therapy of the birth species chains - sequences of terms, median elements of which are both generic and specific names in relation to groups of linguistic units of different degree of specificity. Most often there are chains of three terms: literature - science fiction - combat science fiction, genre -novel - gothic novel, poetic meter - two-syllable size is iambic, but longer ones

can be found chains of terms: means of expression - trope - comparison -metaphor is a personifying metaphor. Each of the following links is a term of a higher level of specificity, thus revealing the desire for concretization inherent in into the system of terms of the LFP "Literature". The more significant a term is for physical therapy, the more general it is characterized by semantics, the more hypero- hyponymic groups it will be included as a hypernym. For example, the word writer is a hypernym, firstly, for RVG, including names of writers according to literary direction to which they belong (the writer is a realist, sentimentalist, modernist, etc.), according to the genres they create (writer - novelist, essayist, pamphleteer, essayist, short story writer and etc.), according to artistic preferences (science fiction writer, satirist, humorist, fiction writer, everyday life writer, villager, etc.). In the first case, the integral seme for hyponyms is 'literary direction', in the second - 'literary genre', in the third, the main theme is more difficult to determine, but this RVG clearly stands out based on the attention of writers to certain sides of reality or one or another way of displaying given reality. Lexico-semantic options (LSV), that is, meanings polysemantic words also represent units related paradigmatic relationships. In the structure of the LFP "Literature" they occur quite often. Usually terms have two meanings. The first may be more specific, and the second more wide (as, for example, the term gradation means 'chain anadiplosis' and 'any chain of members with a gradual increase significance' [4, p. 79]). Most often, between LSVs it is established the relationship is direct - figurative. For example, the word bard meant originally a 'folk singer-poet of the ancient Celtic tribes', and then as a result of metaphorization - any performer of his own songs, ranging from medieval wandering poets to Soviet bards twentieth century and modern amateur singer-songwriters. Ambiguous terms are drama, dramaturgy, and many others. etc. Some terms are included in only one of their LSVs LFP "Literature". For example, the term dialogue has a common language meaning 'verbal communication between two or more persons' and two special (portable) related to the LFP "Literature" - 'part of a literary text, one of its components, reproducing the verbal communication of characters' and 'literary genre, predominantly philosophical and journalistic, in which the author's thought is developed in the form of an interview, an argument between two or more persons' [4, p. 97]. The word glossa also has 3 LSVs, and only the third of them is related to the LFP "Literature". In the first meaning of the gloss 'in ancient terminology - archaisms, dialectisms and other "rare words"', in the second - 'commentaries on them' and in the third, following from the second, figurative - 'solid form in Spanish poetry of the 14th-17th centuries' [4, p. 78], which became widely known thanks to Cervantes' Don Quixote. In this case, there is usually an expansion of the meaning a commonly used word due to its acquisition of a special semantics: composition, beginning, denouement, conflict, climax, etc. In explanatory dictionaries of common vocabulary, special the value will be presented under some number, starting with second, in the dictionary of literary terms it will be the only one. To

include in the circle of terms lexemes related to one of them their LSV to commonly used vocabulary, in literary studies terminology uses a method of adding an explanatory word to a word component: stylistic figures, artistic time. It is one from the ways of forming terms and phraseological units. Homonyms, like LSV, have a formal, external similarity, but Unlike the meanings of a polysemantic word, there is nothing in their semantics general. It is necessary to distinguish from the meanings of a polysemantic word homonyms, which are also externally the same, but whose meanings They are completely different and have no similarities. One such example in the structure of the LFP "Literature" is a trope term in the first meaning being the name of a form of medieval liturgical poetry, in the second, more common, stylistic and expressive means, 'transformation of language units, con- resulting in the transfer of a traditional name to another subject area' [4, p. 446]. Both of these homonyms are included in structure of the LFP "Literature", although more often one can observe one a homonym in common vocabulary, another in special vocabulary: gazelle -'animal' and gazelle - 'a type of monorhymic lyrical poems' in oriental literature [4, p. 73]. Homonyms can be incomplete: there are homoforms of the trail -literary trails the term trope and the common word trope, coinciding in the nominative plural form. If homonyms are observed between commonly used and special word, then, as a rule, there are connections between them, which are currently lost, that is, decay is occurring for homonyms of LSV words. Homonyms can refer to different terminological areas: borrowing is a linguistic term ('transition of a word from one language to another') and borrowing -literature tourism term ('one of the forms of literary connections') [4, p. 110]; octave is a musical term ('the eighth degree of the scale, as well as interval' [6, p. 451] and octave - a poetic term (a type eight lines). A synonymous series is "a series of lexical and phraseological synonyms" [7, p. 278]. One of the founders of modern terminological school D.S. Lotte considered synonymy as a phenomenon alien to terminology and declared that synonymy has no place in terminology [5, p. 15]. However, as it turned out, prohibitive (or strictly advisory) measures in relation to language, which linguists tried to apply it in the 60-70s of the last century, do not act, even if they touch such an ordered part of the language, as terminology. Moreover, today the synonymity of the characteristics recognized by researchers as an integral property of terminology each dynamically developing science: "The higher the level development of science, the more synonymous is the thinking of a specialist" [8, p. 175]. As noted by A.A. Kislyakova, "the synonymy of the terms is enough a common phenomenon" [3,p. 131]. Our observations on LFP "Literature" confirms this. Most common two-component synonymous series with borrowed and Russian elements corresponding to it, and the Russian term often is a tracing paper of a borrowed word: distich - couplet, asyndeton - non-union and so on. Such synonyms are called doublets (if there are three of them - triplets). One of the members of this synonymous series can be a phraseme: free verse poem. In two-component

synonymous series it is difficult and even it is impossible to identify dominants -the synonym is the most common by value. Doublets of different languages and times are distinguished and areal, in the LPP "Literature" are more common multilingual. Not all researchers classify doublets as synonyms, which we cannot agree with, since there is a semantic similarity with formal difference. Rather, it is a special kind synonyms. Many linguists talk about the need to get rid of from them in all terminological systems, for example, "weed out "empty" foreign language borrowings identical to the original ones terminological units" [9, p. 298]. This is also difficult agree: prohibitive measures in the field of language are ineffective, since the processes observed here, including regular the formation of doublets reflects the effect of internal laws development of a language system independent of human will.provisions. Two phenomena denying each other at the same time flow from each other. Antinomies in literature are also prose and poetry, comic and tragic, etc. Analysis of the LFP structure is based on seme analysis, since paradigmatic relationships are based on similarities and differences semantic composition of words.


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