TRANSLATION PROBLEMS OF SOME IDIOMS FROM ENGLISH INTO THE UZBEK LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
proverb / translation / meaning / change / equivalent / problem / negative and positive meanings / idioms / metaphors / similes / literal and figurative meaning.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Makhfuza Amirkulovna Khidirova, Mastura Jurayevna Eshdavlatova

One of the most challenging issues in translation is translating idioms from one language into another conveying their connotation and denotation meanings. This article reviews with translation problems of some idioms from English into Uzbek language. As this article indicated, there are no ready-made, fixed methods or ways in translation dealing with idioms and it is up to the translators to draw upon the best methods while translating idioms.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-1328-1332



Makhfuza Amirkulovna Khidirova

Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy

Mastura Jurayevna Eshdavlatova

Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy


One of the most challenging issues in translation is translating idioms from one language into another conveying their connotation and denotation meanings. This article reviews with translation problems of some idioms from English into Uzbek language. As this article indicated, there are no ready-made, fixed methods or ways in translation dealing with idioms and it is up to the translators to draw upon the best methods while translating idioms.

Key words: proverb, translation, meaning, change, equivalent, problem, negative and positive meanings, idioms, metaphors, similes, literal and figurative meaning.


In this rapid world which necessitates the expansion of information training translation is an important task; because a good translator can convey the message easily and without any changes. In this way not only preparing good translators are necessary but also preparing good translation is inevitable. This paper focuses on the strategies of idiom translation which are the results of previous researches in this field.1

Today, the term "simple speech" is interpreted differently in linguistics. For example, in Russian linguistics, this term is called "просторечие". In this way, it is understood as three components of the non-literary lexical phraseological layer. These components include dialects, jargons and words related to the simple speech of the city. But, the term simple speech that has the characteristic of expressing reality with a low characteristic that deviates from the norms of rougher literary speech. Urban and rural

1 Monireh Akbari. Strategies for Translating Idioms. Journal of Academic and Applied Studies (Special Issue on Applied Linguistics) Vol. 3(8) August 2013, p.1

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Academic Research, Uzbekistan 1328 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-1328-1332

dialects have not been widely studied by this time. We know that urban and rural dialects differ from each other.


Obviously, we use simple speech during the informal speaking or conversations and phrases play an essential role during a conversation. In our daily lives, we use appropriate expressions to express different situations. In phrases related to simple speech, the colour naturalness and simplicity plays a vital role, not the colour of formality. These kinds of phrases help us make our conversation figurative, vivid, impressive and understandable to everyone.

For example, "A drop in the ocean" - "Dengizdan tomchi";

"Burn the midnight oil" - "Tunni tongga ulamoq";

"To be dressed to kill" - "Did bilan yarashtirib kiyinmoq",

"Big shot" - "Katta mavqega ega bo'lmoq" and so on.

Phrases have a variety of relationships between people, such as happiness, confidence, deception, impatience, failure, nervousness and other relationships. These types of phrases are very useful in describing the human conditions.

For instance, the following expressions can be used to describe these kinds of situations.

Happiness-Being extremely happy:

1)"Full of the joys of spring" - " Juda xursand, juda baxtli."

2)"Thrilled to bits" - "Juda xursand bo'lish."

3)"Feel on top of the world" - "Juda xursand bo'lish."

4)"Floating/walking on air" - "Juda xursand bo'lish."

5)"Over the moon" - "Juda xursand bo'lish."


1)"Count on" - "Ishonmoq, suyanmoq."


1)"To break the news" - "Sirni sotmoq."


1)"Can't stand someone or something" - "Chidab turolmaslik."


1)"To blow it" - "Imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermoq." Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 1329 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-1328-1332


1)"Blow one's top" - "Tepa sochi tikka bo'lmoq."

Idioms are widely used in books by writers in order to describe the behaviour of characters. Take, for example, "Ufq" trilogy written by one of the greatest Uzbek writer Said Ahmad. In this trilogy, Said Ahmad used the expression "to give up" "Qo'lini yuvib qo'ltiqqa urmoq" to depict the condition of one of the main characters who is called A'zamjon.


A'zamjon qo'lini yuvib qo'ltiqqa urgandi. U hozir alam otashida yonardi. O'zini qishloqda tug'ilib o'sgan qishlog'idan quvilgan hisoblardi.

In this case, the writer used this expression so that he showed the difficulties of A'zamjon after returning home from The Second World War.

Apart from this, he used the phrase "to be disappointed" - "Tarvuzi qo'ltig'idan tushmoq" to depict the situation of Dildor who is the most attractive and beautiful girl among all of girls in the village after an argument with her husband A'zamjon.

Dildor yana ko'chaga yugurdi. Guzarga chiqdi, samovarda ham yo'q. Tanish -bilishlardan so'radi, ko'rdim degan odam bo'lmadi. Birdan Dildorning yuragini vahm bosdi. "Ketgan, albatta, ketgan. Yo frontga, yo cho'lga..."

Uning tarvuzi qo'ltig'idan tushdi. Yuragi siqilib yo'l chetida o'tirgancha qoldi.

In English we use these phrases "to give up", "to be disappointed" as the equivalents of "Qo'lini yuvib qo'ltiqqa urmoq", "Tarvuzi qo'ltig'idan tushmoq."

Phrases can also be studied by categorizing into groups.

In terms of structures, phrases are classified as follows.

1. Comparative expressions are expressions made with like and as.

For example:

1)"As easy as pie" - "Xamirdan qil sug'urganday";

2)"To eat like a bird" - "Juda kam ovqatlanish";

3)"Sick as a dog" - "Juda qattiq kasal bo'lmoq";

4)"Sleep like a baby" - "Juda yaxshi uxlamoq";

5)"To work like a dog" - "Juda qattiq ishlamoq".

Phrases which are made with the denial word "not" - "emas."

1)"(To) not have a clue" - "Yechimini topolmaslik" Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 1330 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-1328-1332

2)"(To) not Sleep a wink" - "Mijja qoqmaslik"

3)"Leave no stone unturned" - " Bor imkoniyatini ishga solib harakat qilmoq"

4)"Do not judge a book its cover" - "Tashqi ko'rinishga qarab baho bermang" Moreover, there are also synonyms and antonyms in expressions. Take, for

example, synonyms.

Without any difficulties, easy:

1)" At all costs" - "Hech qanday qiyinchiliklarsiz." His dream is to become a great lawyer at all costs.

2)"At any costs" - "Hech qanday qiyinchiliklarsiz." They were determined to win the game at any cost.

3)"As easy as pie" - "Juda oson."

Searching for beautiful images online is as easy as pie nowadays. Very expensive:

1)"A rip-off - "Juda qimmat."

&60 for a cup of coffee is a complete rip-off.

2)"Cost an arm and a leg" - "Juda qimmat."

The movie is interesting, but the tickets cost an arm and a leg. Deliberately not to go to a class when you should be there:

1)"To cut class" - "Ataydan darsga kelmaslik."

This is the second time this week Juliana has cut class.

2)"To play hooky" - "Ataydan darsga kelmaslik."

If you play hooky again, the teacher will be very angry.

3)"To ditch class" - "Ataydan darsga kelmaslik."

If you always ditch class, you can not accumulate knowledge in your studies. A number of phrases can be cited below as examples.

1)"Against the clock" - "Vaqtidan oldin"

2)"A mile a minute" - "Juda tez"

3)"A bad egg" - "Ishonchsiz odam"

4)"To be under the weather" - " O'zini yaxshi his qilmaslik"

5)"Be bummed out" - "Judayam xafa bo'lmoq"

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6)"Chicken out" - "Juda qo'rqmoq"

7)"To catch someone red-handed" - "Biron kishini biron ishda ayblab qo'lga olmoq"

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Academic Research, Uzbekistan 1331 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-1328-1332

8)"Down in the dumps" - "Juda xafa his qilmoq"

9)"Get the picture" - "Tushunmoq"

10)"Head over heals in love" - "Jinnilarcha sevmoq".


In conclusion, we can say that human language reflects and represents a certain area of the real world not only with the single words or word meanings, but also with the whole system of language in general, interaction of its various levels. The present day any language cannot be considered full of value without idiomatic usage, as the use of phraseological units is the first sign of a certain language developing. Idiomatic sentences enrich vocabulary as well as the correct acquisition of them signals that the speaker knows the language on the level of a native speaker.


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2. The Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Revised second edition, edited by Della Thompson. Oxford University press,1996.

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4. Karomatova K, Karomatov H. Proverbs, Ma^o—rap, noc.roB^H(HHraH3,y36eK Ba pyc Ma;o..apH) -T. MexHaT, 2000.

5. Salomov G'. Rus tilidan o'zbek tiliga maqol va matallarni tarjima qilish masalasiga doir. - T., 1961.

6. Sh. Mirzo. English - Uzbek proverbs and sayings. - T., 2000.

7. Frazeologik uslubiyat asoslari. B.Yo'ldoshev. Samarqand - 1999

8. G'aybulla Salomov. Maqol va idiomalar tarjimasi. Toshkent - 1961

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