Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-11-1622-1625
Maftuna Omonova Shermatovna
English teacher of Primary education faculty of Chirchik Pedagogical Institute,
Tashkent region
Mohiniso Sattarova Student of Primary education faculty of Chirchik Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent
Adiba Abdunazarova
Student of Primary education faculty of Chirchik Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent
This article is dedicated to phraseological units with urban components and phraseology as a science of systems of fixed expressions and other lexical segments of a language
Keywords: phraseology, idioms, proverbs, idiomacity, urban component.
It is now commonly accepted that the people who want to master the English language must have knowledge about wide range of complex lexical in English. Obviously, in order to learn a foreign language deeply, one should learn pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. All of them are important to learn and at the same time they have problematic points for learners. Let us consider lexical problems in learning English, namely, the problem of phraseological units. In linguistics, phraseology means a science of systems or types of fixed expressions like idioms, phrases, phrasal verbs and other kinds of multi-word lexical segments of a language. The components of a phrase are connected to each other in order to make one meaning in a sentence. Nevertheless, they cannot give that meaning when they are used independently.
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-11-1622-1625
Phraseological units are (according to Prof. Koonin A.V1) stable word-groups with partially or fully transferred meanings ("to kick the bucked", "Greek gift", "drink till all's blue", "drunk as a fiddler" (drunk as a lord, as a boiled owl), "as mad as hatter" (as a march hare)). According to Rosemarie Glaser2, a phraseological unit is a lexicalized, reproducible bile emic or polylexemic word group in common use, which has close syntactic and semantic stability, may be idiomatized, may carry connotations, and may have an emphatic or intensifying meaning in a text.
Phraseology is one of the widely discussed subjects of research in Modern linguistics. Lexicology is the part of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary of a language and the properties of words. Functionally and semantically inseparable units are usually called phraseological units. Phraseological units can't be freely made up in speech but are reproduced as ready-produced units. The lexical components in phraseological units are stable and they are non-motivated i.e. its meaning can't be deduced from the meaning of its parts and they do not allow their lexical components to be changed or substituted.
In phraseological units the separately taken components do not seem to possess any lexical meaning outside the word group. For example: red tape (bureaucratic methods), to get rid of; to take place; to lead the dance, to take care.
According to prof. A. I. Smitnitskiy a phraseological unit may be defined as specific word groups functioning as a word equivalent. The phraseological units are unique semantically inseparable units. They are used in one function in the sentence and belong to one part of speech. Being word equivalents phraseological units may be more or less complex, for example: there are phraseological units with one semantic center, i.e. with the domination of component over another. This semantically dominating element also determines the equivalence of the phraseological unit to a certain class of words. This type of phraseological units is termed "collocation", for example: verb-adverb collocation: to look after; attributive collocation; for example, out of the way; prepositional noun collocation: e.g. in accordance with.
There are phraseological units with two centers. They differ from collocations by the absence of one central word which focuses the main semantic and grammatical
1 Koonin A.V. Фразеология современного Английского языка. -М: Международний отношения, 1996.
2 Gläser, Rosemarie. 1998. The Stylistic Potential of Phraselological Units in the Light of Genre Analysis In A.P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
3 Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. М: Высшая школа, 1996.
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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-11-1622-1625
features of the whole. They are termed "set expressions" (verb + noun set expressions), for example: to fall in love; adjective + noun set expressions black ball; phraseological repetitions spick and span.
Stability of phraseological units is seen in its disallowance of the substitution of word groups. For example: "to shrug one's shoulders" does not allow to substitute either "shrug" or "shoulder".
Idiomaticity of phraseological units is lack of motivation of word groups. If a word group does not allow word by word translation it is called idiomatic word groups. For example: to kick the bucket - o 'lmoq, in the soup - qiyin ahvolda, under a cloud - kayfiyati yomon.
Among the phraseological units there are the so-called imperative phraseological units. For example: God Bless his soul! Go well! Heaven forbid! Lord love us! etc. These phraseological units mostly express the emotional and expressive state of a person.
Proverbs, sayings and quotations exist also as readymade units with a specialized meaning of their own which can't be deduced from the meaning of their components. Therefore, they may be included in phraseological units. For example: East or West, home is best, a friend in need is a friend indeed. To be or not to be.
The history of many phraseologisms is an interesting record of the nation's past, life, customs and traditions. Many phraseological units are connected with commerce, for example: to talk shop, to make the best of the bargain, to have all one's good, in the shop window. Many phraseological units are associated with the sea (waves) for example: all at sea, to nail one's colors to the mast, to sail under false colors.
There is a topic of discussion among the linguists about the state of such combinations like "to give in ", "to make up", "to take off", "to get up ", "to give up" etc.; what is the nature of the second element of such combinations is not a word therefore they are not phraseological units. As it is known phraseological units consist of words. The second element is not a morpheme, because it is not a part of the word, they are not adverbs, because adverbs have definite lexical meanings and are used in a certain function in the sentence. But these units (get up, give up, etc.) have idiomatical therefore, A.V. Koonin calls such units "set phrases" which have no phraseological character. There are synonyms among phraseological units; for example: through thick and thin, by hook or by crook, for love or money - "hech bo 'lmaganda"; pul one's leg, to make a fool of somebody - "ahmoq qilmoq". Some
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-11-1622-1625
of phraseological units are polysemantic as "at large - 1) ozodlikda semantic as at large -2) "ochiq havoda " 3) maqsadsiz 4) nishionga tushmagan 5) erkin 6) asosan 7) umuman 8) batafsil etc. It is the context that realizes the meaning of a phraseological unit in each case. The use of phraseological units in speech is a subject of investigation work of many linguists. There are a number of idiomatic or colloquial phrases in the English language: as "end and aim ", "lord and masters ", "without let or hindrances ", "act and deeds ", "pure and simple ", "in deed and truth ", "really and truly", "bright and shining", "honest and true", "proud and haughty", "weak and feeble", "race and run", "grant and groans", "clean and neat", "toil and delves ".
So, together with synonymy and antonym, phraseology represents expressive resources of vocabulary. Used with care is an important warning because speech overloaded with idioms loses its freshness and originality. Idioms, after all, are ready made speech units, and their continual repetition sometimes wears them out: they lose their colors and become trite dishes. Such idioms can hardly be said to "ornament" or enrich the language.
1. Macmillan Dictionary. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School; Revised edition, 1986.
2. The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition by John Simpson (Editor), Edmund Weiner (Editor). Clarendon Press - Oxford. 1989.
3. Gläser, Rosemarie. 1998. The Stylistic Potential of Phraselological Units in the Light of Genre Analysis In A.P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
4. Smith, L. P. Word and Idioms: Studies in the English Language. London: Constable's Miscellany. 1995
5. Амосова Н.Н. Основы английской фразеологии -Л: Из-во Ленин-кого ун-та, 1990. -с.203
6. Амосова Н. Н. Английская кон текстология. Л: Из-во Лен-кого у-та,1998. -с 145-167.
7. Аничков И.Е. Труды по языкознанию. - С-Петер: Наука, 1997.
8. А.И. Смирницкий. Лексикология английского языка. - М: Высшая школа, 1996. -сс. 252- 258