ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY AND PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
terms / idioms / semi-idioms / terminological phraseological units / metaphor / meaning / experiment.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dildor Urolovna Eshmuratova

The article studies English semi-idioms which are suggested by A. Kunin. We learn them with both terminological and metaphorical meanings. These units were studied from different angles but here their dual nature is viewed through the possibility of providing an experiment. The paper shows how a linguistic experiment can reveal not only the meaning of some unit, but the peoples’ attitude towards the use of these phrases, their individual level of understanding, interpreting and realizing. As cognition is very important in the understanding of semantics, as well as a new perspective in the study of phraseology, a synergetic approach as well as a cognitive one is becoming one of the ways to scrutiny the nature of terminological phraseological units. The paper focuses on the possible ways of showing that terms can develop metaphorical meanings though sometimes people have no ideas of the etymology of some units. An experiment to show the dual nature of such units as terminological phrase was provided on the bases of a specially created questionnaire. The result of the experiment proved that some terms can acquire new metaphorical meanings and function in the language and speech as phraseological units. The results of the experiment as well as various references to the matter of the study semi-idioms may turn to be useful in language studies, learning English as a second language, investigating English Terminology and Phraseology.

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-511-514


Dildor Urolovna Eshmuratova

A teacher of the department of English language and Literature of Termez State



The article studies English semi-idioms which are suggested by A. Kunin. We learn them with both terminological and metaphorical meanings. These units were studied from different angles but here their dual nature is viewed through the possibility of providing an experiment. The paper shows how a linguistic experiment can reveal not only the meaning of some unit, but the peoples' attitude towards the use of these phrases, their individual level of understanding, interpreting and realizing. As cognition is very important in the understanding of semantics, as well as a new perspective in the study of phraseology, a synergetic approach as well as a cognitive one is becoming one of the ways to scrutiny the nature of terminological phraseological units. The paper focuses on the possible ways of showing that terms can develop metaphorical meanings though sometimes people have no ideas of the etymology of some units. An experiment to show the dual nature of such units as terminological phrase was provided on the bases of a specially created questionnaire. The result of the experiment proved that some terms can acquire new metaphorical meanings and function in the language and speech as phraseological units. The results of the experiment as well as various references to the matter of the study - semi-idioms - may turn to be useful in language studies, learning English as a second language, investigating English Terminology and Phraseology.

Keywords: terms, idioms, semi-idioms, terminological phraseological units, metaphor, meaning, experiment.


It is well-known that the very term phraseology was suggested by Charles Bally who studied French Stylistics and regarded phraseology as a part of this science. Since his book "Precis de stylistique" (1905) was published and translated into various languages, a lot of research on phraseological units has been conducted.

In the Russian school of thoughts Academician V. Vinogradov described Phraseology in his book "The Russian Language". After that phraseological units were studied from the point of view of their semantics, structure, and complexity.


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-511-514

Kunin wrote, " a phraseological unit is a stable com-Elena Nikulina, Chair of English Phonetics and Lexicology Department, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Moscow Pedagogical State University (Institute of Philology and Foreign Languages), Moscow, Russia. She is involved in EFL teaching, course and materials development for Bachelor and Master's degree programmes. She is undergraduate and postgraduate research advisor. Her areas of research are phraseology and terminology.


At the end of the last century cognitive study appeared. This new study actually is an interdisciplinary study of how the human perceives the process of learning and how the words are learned in the process of cognition. So, as a result, Phraseology became a new focus for those linguists who were keen on cognitive approaches.

This paper is aimed at showing some modern approach in both English Terminology and English Phraseology as some units with a special meaning may undergo specific changes: they acquire a new metaphorical meaning and start to function in the language as phraseological units. The first linguist who pointed out some features of these dual units was Prof. A. Kunin who compiled the first English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary (1984) where along with phraseological units and phraseomatic units, the so-called semi-idioms were included and described. As Kunin put it in the preface of the dictionary, "semi-idioms have both literal and transferred meaning, the first meaning being usually terminological or professional and the second transferred" (Kunin, 1984, p. 14). The examples of these semi-idioms are as follows: a chain reaction - a chemical term and an idiom meaning a chain of quarrels, or to sail too close to the wind - a nautical term and an idiom meaning "to risk". There are many more examples of semi-idioms and I intend to reveal their nature by showing the results of the study and experiment provided on the basis of such units. In other words, a synergistic nature of the units under study is an object of the research. It should be mentioned here that a term system does not merely reflect a field of knowledge or activity but represents the theory behind it, so that two or more theories appear and present simultaneously in one and the same sphere (for example, in physics and linguistics). More than that, terminology is integrative: sometimes the terms of some sciences may function in various terminological systems, or even penetrate into the language for general Purposes. In case with semi-idioms a quite complicated process can be observed:


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-511-514

Phraseological units are learned according to material and methods of research. Let's come nearer to the what combination of words is not a phraseological turn. Phraseological units, from a lexical point of view, area unique phenomenon: on the one hand, they have all the signs of word combinations, but they are more similar in their properties to words. Knowing these features, you can easily learn to distinguish between stable phraseological combinations, unity, splices or expressions from ordinary phrases. within the phraseological variability the word order can be changed in phraseological units The notion of fixedness of application is a keystone one for this research as the theory of semi-idioms proves that there can be a certain shift of meaning and it is determined mainly by the intention of a speaker to underline a certain concept, moreover the unit, that is presumably a term per se, is used in a non-terminological context. Thus, a unit with a metaphoric meaning, functioning as an idiom, appears.


Apart phraseological units from phraseology it can be of various nature, they can have several meanings, a special one, being a term and used in the language for specific purposes, and a metaphorical one, functioning as an idiom in some literary work or in speech.

Phraseology and Phraseological units:

1.Phraseological units, like phrases, consist of several interconnected lexemes, but most often their meaning is incapable of going beyond the sum of the meanings of their constituents. For example: "lose your head" (stop thinking sensibly) and "lose your wallet." The words that make up phraseology are most often used figuratively.

2.When used in spoken and written language the composition of word combinations is formed every time. But the unity and fusion are constantly reproduced in the finished form (which makes them related to speech clichés). The phraseological combination of words and the phraseological expression in this question sometimes confuse. For example: "hang your head" (sad), although it is a phraseology, but each of its components is able to freely appear in the usual phrases: "hang a coat" and "lower your head."

3.Phraseological turnover (due to integrity the meaning of its components) in most cases can be safely replaced by the word-synonym, which can not be done with the phrase. For example: the expression "servant Melpomene" can easily be changed to a simple word "artist" or "actor".


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-9-511-514

4.Phraseological units never act astitles. For example, the hydronym "Dead Sea" and phraseological combinations "the dead season" (unpopular season), "lying dead weight" (lying unused cargo).

As we have already mentioned above, phraseological units can be of various nature, they can have several meanings, a special one, being a term and used in the language for specific purposes, and a metaphorical one, functioning as an idiom in some literary work or in the


We have already defined that semi-idioms, or terminological phraseological units are often used in various texts, sometimes makes the context more intricate, thought the readers do not necessarily associate the units with terms, and more often do not have any reference to terms, as our linguistic experiments shows. Nevertheless, these units are of importance to study not only in terms of their etymology, practicability of changes in their meaning, but mostly for the enlarging the scope of native speakers as well as ESL-speakers. Probably, semi-idioms are so frequently used in literature and the media discourse as they are really picturesque and unusual, they make the dwelling more capturing, thrilling, serving the aim of translation of the main idea onto the readers. So the research could be aimed at a more profound investigation of the functions of semi-idioms in text of different genres, the impact of their usage as well as the structural and componential changes, integrating processes. Deduction of a phraseological meaning sometimes is really impossible without certain cognitive procedures appealing to existence, which is also true about the metaphorical fixed expressions based on the shift of meaning of notions.


1.Bally, Ch. Precis de stylistique. Geneve Eggimann. Cambridge International Dicitonary of Idioms (1998). Cambridge University Press.

2.Jarvie, G. (2009). Bloomsberry Dictionary of Idioms. London: A&C Black.

3.Kovecses, Z. (2010). Metaphor. Oxford: Oxford Univerity Press.

4.Kunin, A. (1970). English Phaseology: A Theoretical Course. Moscow.

5.Kunin, A. (1984). English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. Moscow: Russian Language.

6.Longman Dictionary of English Idioms (1992). Longman, 387.

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