COMPARISON OF SPOKEN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Phraseological units / phrases / definition / idiom / terminological.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Munisxon Najmitdinovna Isamuxamedova

This article describes phraseology, analysis of phraseological units in English and Uzbek. Phraseological examples, sayings and explanations about him were given. In short, the analysis of phraseological combinations in the two languages is covered.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-801-804



Munisxon Najmitdinovna Isamuxamedova

Teacher, English Language Department of Applied Sciences 3, UzSWLU


This article describes phraseology, analysis of phraseological units in English and Uzbek. Phraseological examples, sayings and explanations about him were given. In short, the analysis of phraseological combinations in the two languages is covered.

Keywords: Phraseological units, phrases, definition, idiom, terminological.

Firstly we must know what phraseology is. What is the role of phrases in our lives? In what cases we use? In linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrases), in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently

Phraseological units, or idioms, as they are called by most western scholars, represent what can probably be described as the most picturesque, colourful and expressive part of the language's vocabulary. If synonyms can be figuratively referred to as the tints and colours of the vocabulary, then phraseology is a kind of picture gallery in which are collected vivid and amusing sketches of the nation's customs, traditions and prejudices, recollections of its past history, scraps of folk songs and fairy-tales. Quotations from great poets are preserved here alongside the dubious pearls of philistine wisdom and crude slang witticisms, for phraseology is not only the most colourful but probably the most democratic area of vocabulary and draws its resources mostly from the very depths of popular speech.

Phraseology is a science about phraseological units, stable combination of words. Phraseology is a treasure of a language, which reflects the history, the cultures, and way of life of any nation. Phraseology after express national character. The fund of English Phraseology is rich in national, international and borrowed, of terminological and non — terminological origin phraseological units as well as Uzbek phraseology. Translating phraseological units is not easy matter as it depends on several factors: different combinability of words, homonymy and synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units and presence of falsely identical units, which makes it necessary to take into account of the context.

Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 801 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-801-804

There are also different scientific approaches to the classification of English phraseological units. For instance, V. V. Vinogradov classifications is synchronic. It is based upon the motivation of the unit. According to his classification, there are three types of phraseological units:

1. phraseological fusions;

2. phraseological unities;

3. phraseological combinations.

It has been pointed out by N. N. Amosova and A. V. Koonin that classification, being for the Russian phraseology doesn't fit the specifically English features. A. V. Koonin's classification is based on the functions the functions the units fulfill in speech:

1. nominating;

2. interjectional;

3. communicative

Problem in the field of phraseology The task of distinguishing between free word-groups and phraseological units is further complicated by the existence of a great number of marginal cases, the so-called semi-fixed or semi-free word-groups, also called nonphraseological word groups which share with phraseological units their structural stability but lack their semantic unity and figurativeness (e. g. to go to school, to go by bus, to commit suicide). There are two major criteria for distinguishing between phraseological units and free word-groups: semantic and structural.

The definition clearly suggests that the degree of semantic change in a phraseological unit may vary ("completely or partially transferred meaning"). In actual fact the semantic change may affect either the whole word-group or only one of its components. The following phraseological units represent the first case: to skate on thin ice (~ to put oneself in a dangerous position; to take risks); to wear one's heart on one's sleeve (~ to expose, so that everyone knows, one's most intimate feelings); to have one's heart in one's boots (~ to be deeply depressed, anxious about something); to have one's heart in one's mouth (~ to be greatly alarmed by what is expected to happen); to have one's heart in the right place (~ to be a good, honest and generous fellow); a crow in borrowed plumes ( a person pretentiously and unsuitably dressed and others.

The second type is represented by phraseological units in which one of the components preserves its current meaning and the other is used in a transferred meaning: to lose (keep) one's temper, to fly into a temper, to fall ill, to fall in love (out of love), to stick to one's word (promise), to arrive at a conclusion, bosom friends, shop talk (also: to talk shop), small talk.

Here, though, we are on dangerous ground because the border-line dividing phraseological units with partially changed meanings from the so-called semi-fixed or Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 802 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-801-804

non-phraseological word-groups (marginal cases) is uncertain and confusing. The term "idiom", both in this country and abroad, is mostly applied to phraseological units with completely transferred meanings, that is, to the ones in which the meaning of the whole unit does not correspond to the current meanings of the components. There are many scholars who regard idioms as the essence of phraseology and the major focus of interest in phraseology research.

Uzbek scholars have been working on the branch of phraseological units. There is the branch of lexicology which studies idioms, phraseological units, words and group of words that are used in the language as ready- made units it is called in Uzbek. They are:

1. phraseological units;

2. proverbs;

3. aphorisms.

Phraseological units are usually called as idioms in Uzbek language. Phraseological units require followings: consist of two or more than two words; usually show transforming meaning; usually used as ready- made units of the language; the words that are parts of phraseological units can not be aparted; they are usually expressed or their definition is usually expressed by one word. For example:

- Yog' tushsayalaguday-toza. It means in English «clean.pure».

- Ilon yog'ini yalagan-ayyor. This phrase is used for the people who are deceiver. Do'ppisini osmonga otmoq — Xursand, mamnun. This phrase is used when people are pleased, glad.

But some of them can not be expressed by one word:

Example: Bog'dan kelsa, tog'dan kelmoq- suhbatdoshining gapiga hech aloqasi yo'q gap so'z aytmoq.

Phraseologic units can be asked by one question and answered too. - Phraseologic units or idioms will be analyzed completely in the sentence but not separately word by word. One idiom functions as one syntactical unit. In Uzbek they can function all kinds of syntactical units.

We can see this with the following examples:

- Bilamiz, bo'rk ol desa, bosh olmoq politsiyaning suygan metodi.(ega)

- Direktor bo'lgandan keyin dimog'I shishib ketibdi. (kesim)

- Ona degan yer tagida ilon qimirlaganini biladi. (to'ldiruvchi)

- Siz ham o' sha daqqi yunusdan qolgan afsonaga ishonasizmi? (aniqlovchi)

- Damini ichiga yutib, oyog'ining uchida yurib uyga asta kirdi. (hol) and others. There is another expression in Uzbek that we should know and remember but not

mix these two expressions with each other. They are called «tasviriy ifodalar» in Uzbek. Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 803 www.ares.uz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-801-804

We can call them either paraphrases or «tasviriy ifodalar». Tasviriy ifodalar address the things, events, or goods not with their real name but with the other name, we paraphrase the things or events in order to express what someone or else has said or written using different words in order to make it shorter or clearer.

The communicative function of phraseological units is their ability to serve as communicative or message means. Communication presupposes a mutual exchange of statements, and message presupposes the transfer of information without a feedback with the reader or the listener.

The nominative function of phraseological units is their relation to objects of the real world, including situations, and also replacement of these objects in speech activity by their phraseological denominations. The filling of lacunas in the lexical system of the language is characteristic of the nominative function of phraseological units. This function is peculiar to the overwhelming majority of phraseological units, as they do not have lexical synonyms. The sub-kinds of the nominative function are neutrally-nominal and nominal functions.


1. Knappe, Gabriele. (2004) Idioms and Fixed Expressions in English Language Study before 1800. Peter Lang.

2. Weinreich, Uriel (1969) Problems in the Analysis of Idioms. In J. Puhvel (ed.), Substance and Structure of Language, 23-81. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.

3. Welte, Werner. (1990) Englische Phraseologie und Idiomatik. Ein Arbeitsbuch mit umfassender Bibliographie. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

4. Cowie, A. P. & Peter Howarth. (1996) Phraseology - a Select Bibliography. International Journal of Lexicography.

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