Научная статья на тему 'Tourist-recreational complex of the region: structure and management'

Tourist-recreational complex of the region: structure and management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Belikov Mikhail Yuryevich, Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna, Maksimov Dmitry Vasilyevich, Komarevtseva Natalia Aleksandrovna

The performance of the activity on organization of recreation for both, users of recreational activities and tourists is an integral part of the functioning of Tourist-Recreational Complex (TRC). TRC can be characterized as a sophisticated system of socio-economic relations between enterprises and organizations forming this complex on a certain territory with tourist-recreational resources and respective infrastructure, which require effective management aimed at rational organization of quality services in the sphere of tourism with the purpose of making profit. TRC management within the country is realized at three major levels (macroeconomic, mesoeconomic and microeconomic). TRC, as an object of management, requires the formation and functioning of an optimal multi-layer system of management, the significant role of which belongs to self-organization and flexibility at lower levels. In modern conditions, the main tasks of every subject include self-identification in the common system of economy, independent formation of the strategy of own development, definition of priority directions of development of the economy, which will be able to «pull out» other sectors of the economy

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Текст научной работы на тему «Tourist-recreational complex of the region: structure and management»

Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of international tourism and management Belikov Mikhail Yuryevich, Professor, Doctor of geographical sciences, Head of the department of international tourism

and management Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the department of economic, social and political geography Maksimov Dmitry Vasilyevich, Associate Professor, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of international tourism and management Komarevtseva Natalia Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of international tourism and management «Kuban state university», Krasnodar E-mail: Mist-next4@inbox.ru

Tourist-recreational complex of the region: structure and management

Abstract: The performance of the activity on organization of recreation for both, users of recreational activities and tourists is an integral part of the functioning of Tourist-Recreational Complex (TRC). TRC can be characterized as a sophisticated system of socio-economic relations between enterprises and organizations forming this complex on a certain territory with tourist-recreational resources and respective infrastructure, which require effective management aimed at rational organization of quality services in the sphere of tourism with the purpose of making profit. TRC management within the country is realized at three major levels (macroeconomic, mesoeconomic and microeconomic). TRC, as an object of management, requires the formation and functioning of an optimal multi-layer system of management, the significant role of which belongs to self-organization and flexibility at lower levels. In modern conditions, the main tasks of every subject include self-identification in the common system of economy, independent formation of the strategy of own development, definition of priority directions of development of the economy, which will be able to «pull out» other sectors of the economy.

Keywords: tourism, recreation, tourist-recreational complex.

The article is prepared within the grant № 16-12-23006 a (p) of the Russian scientific fund for the humanities and administration of Krasnodar region.

It should be noted that recreation and tourism are very close notions, which characterize all kinds of tourism aimed at restoration of spiritual and physical strengths of the man, recovery, relaxation, farm-house recreation, eco-tourism etc. Recreation differs from tourism only in the fact that it presupposes recreational and tourist activity both, on the territory of permanent residence of a citizen (user of recreational activities) and beyond it. And tourism presupposes going away from the place of permanent residence.

The performance of the activity on organization of recreation for both, users of recreational activities and tourists is an integral part of the functioning of Tourist-Recreational Complex (TRC). Traditionally, the notion of tourist complex (TC) includes the combination of different means of accommodation, transportation means, public eating facilities, establishments of entertainment, cognitive, business, sport and other purpose performing excursion, guide and translation services [6, p. 82]. Apart from the above described objects, TRC also includes recreational component, which is represented by different natural resources, objects of infrastructure of the sphere of tourism offering the services to both, tourists and users of recreational activities, i. e. local citizens. The answer to the

question about what concrete elements TRC consists of is also ambiguous. There are many definitions of TRC, the main of which are presented in Table 1.

Opinions of the authors differ in different approaches to the study of this notion, the basis of which consists of such components as:

- infrastructure of tourist industry;

- tourist-recreational resources on a certain territory;

- sector, which unites enterprises of tourist and service sphere.

Tourist-recreational resources include natural, archaeological,

social-economic objects and phenomena, which can ensure sport, cognitive and health-improving tourism. The main components of tourist-recreational resources are health-improving, cognitive and sport [9].

Health-improving resources include treatment-resort and therapeutic resources (represented in Krasnodar region by therapeutic-climatic areas, mineral sources and therapeutic muds). Therapeutic resources include relief, climate, water and vegetative resources. Excursion-cognitive resources can be represented by the monuments of nature, history, culture, archeology and other notable objects. Concentration of specific objects contributes to

Tourist-recreational complex of the region: structure and management

the mass development of cognitive tourism. The cognitive tourism may also include the resources of geographical specifics — place names, legends and myths. The resources of sport tourism consist

Table 1. - Definitions of the notion

of more attractive and close to extreme elements, which include hard-to-reach rocks and canyons, impassable wild woods, heaps and other natural hurdles.

urist-recreational complex (TRC)

Voronkova L.P Territorial and economic-organizational union of the group of tourist enterprises: hotels, restaurants, tourist camps, campings etc.

Klochkova T. V. Combination of sectors, which ensure the production of recreational-tourist product formed as a result of integration of 3 groups of sectors: treatment and resort, tourism and excursion, sport and recreation.

Kotlyarov E. A. A part of general economic complex of the territories of different level, combination of recreational establishments and accompanied organizations of infrastructure united by close production and economic relations as well as mutual use of geographic location, natural and economic resources of the territory occupied by this or that complex.

ShtrekP. A. Combination of economic relations and institutes defining the character of functioning, interaction of objects of economic management ensuring the production and realization of tourist-recreational services.

Chudnovsky A. D., Zhukova M. A. Combination of means of accommodation, transport means, public eating facilities, establishments of entertainment, cognitive, business, sport and other purpose performing excursion, guide and translation services.

Malysheva G. M. New forms of cooperation of recreational and cocurrent sectors, combination of recreational establishments and cocurrent enterprises of infrastructure united by close production relations as well as mutual use of geographical location, natural and economic resources on the territory occupied by the complex.

Polyakova I. L. Combination of enterprises (tourist service and goods suppliers) formed purposefully and functioning to satisfy the needs of tourists, concentrated on a limited territory, possessing certain tourist-recreational resources and tourist and sustaining infrastructure.

To use all recreational resources, the following characteristics are important:

- picturesqueness. Excursion object and area where people rest should be beautiful. The notion of beauty is mainly subjective, but there are some universally accepted norms;

- diversity. It is preferable that a recreation area has different natural complexes and cultural recreational facilities. One tour should preferably combine the events different in tourism purposes;

- uniqueness. The rarer the object is, the more valuable it is. There are objects unique in the world scale (volcanoes, Baikal lake), in all-Russia scale (Black Sea coast of the Caucasus), in regional scale (Azishskaya cave for Apsheronsk district), in local scale (waterfalls at the river Pshada, mount Sober-Bash etc.);

- popularity. The derivative from uniqueness, because the information about uniqueness spreads among wide masses of the population;

- accessibility by transport. This notion includes the fare fee, type of vehicle, traveling time, traffic frequency, its comfort etc. It depends on both, the territory where the object is located and the place gathering of a tourist group;

- conditions of service defined by recreational infrastructure of the district of the location of the object. It presupposes the availability of tourist and treatment-resort establishments, their capacity, comfort, qualitative condition, profile and other characteristics,

availability of road traffic network and institutions serving it (terminals, ports, stations, baggage rooms etc.), availability and quality of communication institutions, financial institutions, engineering communications etc. [4].

The development of recreational space — the degree of transformation of initial natural space in the process of recreational activity depends on many factors. Moreover, the development of recreational space can be of both, natural and social-cultural character. Evolution is typical for any recreational space, i. e. one can say that recreational space has a certain life cycle.

Thus, TRC can be characterized as a sophisticated system of socio-economic relations between enterprises and organizations forming this complex on a certain territory with tourist-recreational resources and respective infrastructure, which require effective management aimed at rational organization of quality services in the sphere of tourism with the purpose of making profit. And, currently, in the conditions of market economy, it is very relevant, especially since the tourism industry is one of quite promising and dynamically developing sectors of both, national and world economy.

The system-forming elements of TRC include economic entities contained in the tourism industry; tourist resources as factors of formation and satisfaction of the need of tourism and recreation; users of recreational activities (tourists) as consumers of tourist product. The presented TRC systems is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sub-systems of tourist-recreational complex

Such structure reflects only basic elements of TRC (i. e. economic entities), resources and consumers of TRC and doesn't have an interlink, namely, organizational-managerial component, which, undoubtedly, is also an interlink between the subjects and objects in the sphere of tourism. Generalizing the above said, having considered different points of view about the essence, content and structure of TRC, one may conclude that TRC system includes such sub-systems as:

- tourist-recreational resources, i. e. social-cultural objects including objects for tourist display, natural, historical as well as other objects, which can satisfy spiritual and other needs of the man contributing to the keeping up of their life activity, restoration and development of physical strengths;

- tourist industry including the combination of organizations (establishments), which perform tour operator and tour agency activity as well as combination of operators of tourist information systems, organizations (establishments) that provide the services

of guides, guides-translators and instructors, combination of public eating facilities, hotels and other means of accommodation, facilities of treatment-resort healing and recreation, transportation means, facilities and means of entertainment, objects of cognitive, business, treatment-healing, sport and other purpose;

- organizational-managerial component of TC including the main functions of management (i. e. planning, organization, coordination, control, motivation and management in the sphere of tourism);

- consumers of tourist-recreational product.

Close and effective interaction of these sub-systems as well as independent development of each of them contributes to the formation of TRC as a unified complex. But it also requires the creation of an effective mechanism of TRC management both, at the level of an enterprise and in wider scale. The mechanism reflects the making of certain managerial and organizational decisions, which should have effective impact on the operation of TRC.

Figure 2. The hierarchy

The TRC management within the country is realized at three major levels (macroeconomic, mesoeconomic and microeconomic). The effective mechanism will lie in the fcat that TRC will be presented as a system consisting of small, main, basic elements presented at the microeconomic level. The decision-making at the lower level will have direct impact on the above placed levels and vice versa. The hierarchy of impact of all levels is shown in Figure 2.

TRC, as an object of management, requires the formation and functioning of an optimal multi-layer system of management, the significant role ofwhich belongs to self-organization and flexibility at lower levels, i. e. the microeconomic level is a base for the development of the complex in a wider scale. The very consideration of the mechanism of management and method of improvement of the activity at the level of tourist enterprise contributes to the deeper understanding of the principle of TRC organization in the regional or country scale.

At the macroeconomic level, a state policy in the sphere of tourism, basic norms and rules, various programs of tourism development are being designed; priority directions, standardization and classification of the objects oftourist industry, information support, ensuring of tourist safety and other aspects are being defined. At the mesoeconomic level, regulation and coordination of tourism within the region, as well as state policy in the sphere of tourism is conducted; at the regional level, there is assistance in the promotion of tourist product, creation of new kinds of tourism, protection of tourist resources etc. At the microeconomic level, one takes part in everything, which is typical for two previous levels; i. e. one takes part in the realization of federal and regional programs of formation and development of tourism, promotion of tourist product both, at local and world tourism market, and, most importantly, new tourist products and services are created, which is the base for the functioning and development of the sphere of tourism. Entrepreneurial initiative, which has favorable effect on the life standards of the population,

of TRC management

because new enterprises and organizations in the sphere of tourism appear, leading to the creation of additional jobs and, consequently, economic growth, takes place at the very microeconomic level.

In modern conditions, the main tasks of every subject include self-identification in the common system of economy, independent formation of the strategy of own development, definition of priority directions of development of the economy, which will be able to «pull out» other sectors of the economy.

The development of recreational sector in the region will automatically lead to the following processes:

1) accelerated development of economic structure of a certain part of the region at the expense of additional income to the local budget, which can be used for further development of the region;

2) increase of jobs at the expense of recreational services both, in the recreational sector of the economy, and in the sectors indirectly related to recreation; reduction of unemployment; prevention of the migration of the population from the region;

3) improvement of the infrastructure, communal-household utilities, road construction;

4) significant change of the structure of balance of monetary return and expense of the population throughout the territory of the country in the favor of recreational districts;

5) expansion of the demand on the goods oflocal goods manufacturers and stimulation of development of local industry;

6) improvement of ecological situation in the region, ensuring of financing of natural protection tasks;

7) increase of the list of specializations in demand in the region;

8) increase of the revenue of the region in the form of foreign currency at the expense of development of foreign tourism.

The development of all these processes will allow removing social-economic tension, to a significant degree, in the region and will be one of the factors of its sustainable development.

Simulation modelling as a tool of study of geosystems of tourist-recreational type

Thus, at the modern stage, one of the main goals of the system of measures aimed at the improvement of the activity ofenterprises and

management of tourist activity in Russia is to create a highly effective organizations in the sphere of tourism, TRC in the whole, which will

TRC, which is a sophisticated system of socio-economic relations. ensure quite wide opportunities for the satisfaction ofconsumers' de-

To do it, it is required to develop an effective method, complex of mand for tourist services in order to obtain final result (profit).


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Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of international tourism and management Sidorova Darya Vitalyevna, Candidate of geographical sciences, Teacher at the Department of economic, social and political geography Fokin Dmitry Nikolayevich, Candidate of geographical sciences, Teacher at the Department of international tourism and management Kalustova Irina Sergeevna, Student at the Department of Geography «Kuban state university», Krasnodar E-mail: Mist-next4@inbox.ru

Simulation modelling as a tool of study of geosystems of tourist-recreational type

Abstract: Simulation modeling is rarely used in the study of territorial tourist-recreational systems. Primary characteristics that should be taken into account in the modeling of tourism development in a certain territory include: economic and geographical location of the territory; objects acting as resources of tourism; existing recreational loads on the territory; visitor capacity of the functioning recreational objects etc.

Keywords: simulation modeling, tourism, recreation, tourist-recreational complex, geosystem.

Supported by the grant № 16-35-00405 of the Russian foundation for basic research.

Tourist-recreational complex is a complex socio-economic sys- a big number of links, a structure of big order with non-linear feed-tem. The notion «complex system» implies the structure including back. Socio-economic, ecological, political, technical, geographical

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