Thus, at the modern stage, one of the main goals of the system of measures aimed at the improvement of the activity ofenterprises and
management of tourist activity in Russia is to create a highly effective organizations in the sphere of tourism, TRC in the whole, which will
TRC, which is a sophisticated system of socio-economic relations. ensure quite wide opportunities for the satisfaction ofconsumers' de-
To do it, it is required to develop an effective method, complex of mand for tourist services in order to obtain final result (profit).
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Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor, Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of international tourism and management Sidorova Darya Vitalyevna, Candidate of geographical sciences, Teacher at the Department of economic, social and political geography Fokin Dmitry Nikolayevich, Candidate of geographical sciences, Teacher at the Department of international tourism and management Kalustova Irina Sergeevna, Student at the Department of Geography «Kuban state university», Krasnodar E-mail:
Simulation modelling as a tool of study of geosystems of tourist-recreational type
Abstract: Simulation modeling is rarely used in the study of territorial tourist-recreational systems. Primary characteristics that should be taken into account in the modeling of tourism development in a certain territory include: economic and geographical location of the territory; objects acting as resources of tourism; existing recreational loads on the territory; visitor capacity of the functioning recreational objects etc.
Keywords: simulation modeling, tourism, recreation, tourist-recreational complex, geosystem.
Supported by the grant № 16-35-00405 of the Russian foundation for basic research.
Tourist-recreational complex is a complex socio-economic sys- a big number of links, a structure of big order with non-linear feed-tem. The notion «complex system» implies the structure including back. Socio-economic, ecological, political, technical, geographical
Section 11. Regional studies and socio-economic geography
systems are complex by definition. Economic processes and international trade, national government, urbanized territory as well as all social systems refer to such class. complex systems are characterized by regularities, which should always be taken into account during their research, development forecast, decision-making, management etc. [2]. These are closely interconnected: regularities of interaction of parts and whole (wholeness — emergence, integrity); regularities of the hierarchical order of the systems (communicativeness, hierarchical pattern); regularities of the functioning and development of the systems (historicity, self-organization); regularities of feasibility of the systems (equifinality, law of requisite variety, potential efficiency); regularities of goal formation [1; 4].
Such complex, multi-factor systems as geosystems of tourist-recreational type are complex for research. Simulation modeling can serve as one of the most effective methods of study of the processes taking place in such systems. Methods of simulation modeling allow viewing the behavior of the system in different conditions of development.
Simulation modeling is extremely rarely used in the study of territorial tourist-recreational systems. But the experience of application of this method in other socio-economic systems speaks about the fact that its use in the direction of analysis and forecast of development of the geosystems of tourist-recreational type can be successful.
The very system-based dynamics is one of the most powerful tools used for the analysis and design of complex systems providing an opportunity to experiment with them in those cases, when it is almost impossible or unreasonable to do at a real object [2].
The spread of computer modeling is related to the significant technological development of modeling systems, which, currently, are a powerful analytical tool incorporating the whole range of advanced information technologies. The notion «computer modeling» in the sphere of information technologies is relatively new. Currently, computer model is understood as structurally-functional and simulation models. The first type of models is a conventional image of the object or some of their systems (or processes) described with the help of interrelated computer tables, block-schemes, diagrams, charts, figures, animated fragments, hyper-texts etc. and reflecting the structure and interrelations between the elements of the object. Simulation model is a separate program (combination of programs, program complex) allowing, with the help of the sequence of calculations and graphic reflection of their results, reproducing (simulating) the processes of functioning ofthe obj ect, system ofobj ects provided the effect of different, as a rule, accidental factors on the object [2].
Often, during the study of complex systems, the researcher faces certain difficulties in defining the structure of the system, dynamics of its development, such features as sustainability, wholeness etc. Such difficulties can be eliminated with the help of methods of computer modeling of complex systems. In the specified case, the researcher obtains qualitative characteristics of the researched model. Quantitative characteristics may include, as minimum, forecast values of the variables. Moreover, it is possible to give a new explanation of previous values of the variables, detect earlier unidentified relations between the elements of the system.
The use of simulation modeling to define optimal directions of impact on the system to obtain maximally favorable values of development of this system can be considered the most effective.
One of the significant advantages ofuse of computer modeling in the study of complex systems is the opportunity to take into account the bigger number ofvariables. Herewith, it becomes possible to fore-
tell the development of non-linear processes and appearance of syn-ergetic effects. The forecast of development of the system, obtained with the help of computer modeling, will allow determining which managerial decisions can lead to most effective development.
Application of the method of system-based dynamics allows modeling a territorial tourist-recreational complex as a complex system, which, in turn, consists of heterogeneous elements, which are complex systems, interrelations between these elements, which include material and information flows.
Simulation modeling of geosystems of tourist-recreational type, as modeling of other systems, should be based on a concrete description of the object of modeling. The degree of similarity of the researched geosystem and generated model is a very important moment in this process. Special attention should be paid to the model elements: it is required to monitor the conformity of modeled elements to the elements of really existing geosystems having the most important values from the point ofefficiency offunctioning of the system in the whole. Herewith, it is required to describe not only the regularities and characteristic peculiarities of functioning of each element of the geosystem of tourist-recreational type, but also the peculiarities of interrelation of these elements. The main advantage of work with simulation model is the possibility of conduct of experiment, which, in the process, is similar to the process taking place in the geosystem.
The fact that the dynamic processes take place in the simulation model in the conditions of system time, which is the simulation of real time, is quite a convenient peculiarity of the simulation model. Herewith, the chronology of model development can happen in two directions: the countdown can happen either according to definite set sections or by way of transition from event to event. In the second case, an allowance that the model between the events is static and does not undergo changes is possible.
The main purpose of simulation modeling lies in the following [6]:
1. Distinguish basic, fundamental variables; assess the degree of the impact of their change on the researched parameters of the system as well as define technological, organizational or managerial parameters, which, most often, have substantial effect on the value of functioning of the system;
2. Study the impact of various organizational, managerial and technical-economic changes on the value of functioning of the system;
3. Evaluate various variants of technical decisions, management strategies during the search of optimal structure of the system.
It is important to emphasize the scheme of construction of simulation model according to the method of description of behavior dynamics. The model can be described through events, works (activities), processes and transacts.
The event is the reason of immediate change of state of a component of the system or states of the system in the whole. Usually, the events are classified into the events of sequence, i. e. the events that regulate the initialization of processes or separate works inside the process, and the events of change of states of the system or its elements. On the basis of events, it is reasonable to build a model in order to study cause-and-effect relations typical for the system [3].
Primary characteristics, which should be taken into account in modeling of tourism development on a certain territory, are: economic and geographical location of the territory; objects acting as resources of tourism; existing recreational loads on the territory; visitor capacity of the functioning recreational objects etc.
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