Научная статья на тему 'Tourism opportunities in Uzbekistan and its importance in increasing employment'

Tourism opportunities in Uzbekistan and its importance in increasing employment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Umarova Gulandom Tumanovna

This article gives a brief overview of the tourist potential and capabilities of the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, tourist attraction throughout the country, and changes in tourism development

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Текст научной работы на тему «Tourism opportunities in Uzbekistan and its importance in increasing employment»

СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 7 / 2018.

другие крупные компании на современном рынке.

Действующее законодательство в перевозках позволяет существенно увеличить штрафные санкции за опоздание прибытия транспортного средства на погрузку и выгрузку. Данная мера договорного обязательства позволяет переложить штрафы за просрочку доставки груза на перевозчика. Законный штраф за опоздание транспортного средства на место загрузки, либо выгрузки, составляет 20% стоимости перевозки. Договорной штраф может составлять большую сумму, ограниченную только стоимостью перевозки. Помимо этого за ненадлежащее исполнение может быть предусмотрена договорная неустойка. Данные договорные условия применяются к перевозчикам. Ответственность экспедитора за неисполнение договорных обязательств по перевозке груза не ограничена стоимостью груза, по действующему законодательству, что позволяет взыскать не только убытки, но и получать прибыль от ненадлежащего исполнения экспедитором обязательств по перевозки груза.

При привлечении крупных экспедиторских компаний или транспортных компаний на долгосрочной договорной основе можно использовать финансовый инструмент (отсрочка платежа) как существенный фактор, влияющий на расходы компании, связанные с транспортными издержками. Т.е. срок оплаты может быть удлинен или при уменьшении договорной цены перевозки уменьшен. Данный инструмент позволяет существенным образом влиять как на цену перевозки, так и на финансовые затраты компании, связанные с транспортными расходами.

В современных условиях количество юридических лиц, предоставляющий услуги по перевозки грузов (экспедиторы, перевозчики) существенно превышает количество предъявляемых грузоотправителями грузов к перевозки, что позволяет исключить из долгосрочных договоров пункт связывания цены перевозки с ростом цен на топливо. Данный инструмент позволяет сэкономить "от трех до пяти процентов" стоимости перевозки.

Подытоживая, можно сообщить, что использование всех вышеупомянутых инструментов вкупе, может дать эффект в виде снижения транспортных расходов на 15-20%. Что является существенным аргументом при конкуренции с аналогичными компаниями-производителями и их логистическими отделами.


1. http://www.consultant.ru/

2. https://www.zakonrf.info/

3. http://otendere.com/

© Тестов Д.Л., Шепелин Г.И., 2018

УДК 33

Umarova Gulandom Tumanovna

Tashkent Financial Institute "Regional Economy" teacher of chair



This article gives a brief overview of the tourist potential and capabilities of the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, tourist attraction throughout the country, and changes in tourism development


tourism, territory, historical monuments, touristic routes, competitive, complex development,

regional programs, employment.

СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 7 / 2018.

Tourism is one of the most promising and rapidly developing sectors of the economy, and is the third largest oil and car industry in terms of revenue generation.

In fact, "tourism is a place where people can travel without a permanent residence in their home country, or travel abroad, for health care, hospitality, education or occupational purposes, but do not engage in any money-driven jobs" in scientific literature [1,p.236].

There are many opportunities and conditions in Uzbekistan for the development of this sphere. Uzbekistan, as a unique country, has the vast tourism potential of its ancient civilizations and cultures that have been developed, developed and attracted by the world's best destinations for holidays and excursions. Today, there are more than 7,000 rare historical monuments in the country, and unique and unique architectural samples. The country's national parks and national parks are the treasures of its rich and varied nature. The centuries-old traditions of national culture, arts and crafts are carefully preserved and developed in the country. Our world-renowned national cuisine and culinary traditions are a symbol of the hospitality of the East. The cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Shahrisabz are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sitein Uzbekistan, and "The unique event of the most important cultural and socio-economic significance in the history of the world - the Great Silk Road has just passed through the centers of these cities and cultures " is of particular importance.[2p.56] With nearly 3,000 years of history, these cities are now home to international conferences, exhibitions and many prestigious competitions.And each of them has always drawn the attention of the world. Registan Complex, Samarkand Regency Complex, Ulugbek Observatory, Bukhara's Old Fortress, Somoni's Tomb, Khiva's Ichanqala, Karshi Odina, Kokgumbaz monuments, Shakhrisabz's Oksaroi, Cultural Heritage and Kokand County are always crowded with tourists.[3 p.24]

Since the early years of gaining independence, memories of great ancestors and saints have been highly respected in Uzbekistan, and memorial complexes of such great people as Abdukholiq Gijduvoniy, Bahouddin Nakshband, Imam Bukhari and Imam Moturidi, Burhoniddin Marginiani, Hazrati Imam were built. Today, the pilgrims do not go to these complexes. Our example, many of our past examples of hospitality, have become even more apparent in the years of independence through the improvement of the tourism industry and service sector. At the same time, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On tourism" (August 20, 1999) "On training highly qualified personnel for tourism in Uzbekistan" (June 30, 1999) (October 10, 2012) is an important guide to action.

The State Committee for Tourism Development in the country has developed the following touristic routes, depending on the type of travel:

- classical direction (Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Tashkent). This route is linked to the oldest monuments and other historic cultural sites;

- ecologic tourism direction (Chimgan, Charvak rest and treatment camp, Zaamin reserve, Bukhara region). This area is related to visits to places that are environmentally friendly and useful for protected natural areas and for tourists;

- archeological tourism direction (along Karakalpakstan, Surkhandarya, Samarkand). This area aims to get acquainted with the most ancient finds and archeological excavations in Uzbekistan;

- extreme tourism direction (Chimgan, Fergana valley, Aral, Bukhara, Navoyi region); religious tourism direction (Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Tashkent) - is related to visiting historical monuments of our country.

In order to further improve the efficiency of existing opportunities in the country, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to ensure the accelerated development of the tourism sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on December 2, 2016. According to the decree, Uzbektourism has been transformed into the State Committee for Tourism Development. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is aimed at ensuring dynamic development of the tourism sector, turning tourism into the strategic sector of the economy, turning it into a powerful means of sustainable development of the country's economy, the effective use of tourism potential in the regions, enhancing the level and quality of life of the population. The decree envisages unprecedented measures to radically reform the sector, determining the transition to a qualitatively new level of state policy in the field of tourism, the following main objectives and priorities are defined:

- formation of favourable conditions for activity of subjects of tourism industry, elimination of barriers and obstacles in development of tourism, simplification of visa and registration procedures, passport and customs

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СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 7 / 2018.


- implementation of complex measures to ensure the safety of life and health of tourists and tourists in organizing tourist services;

- accelerated development of new types of tourism - visiting, ecological, educational, ethnographic, gastronomic, sports, health, rural, industrial, business, children, youth and family tourism;

- expansion of cooperation with international and national organizations, large foreign brands and companies in the field of tourism, introduction of advanced world standards of tourism services;

- accelerated development of modern objects of tourism infrastructure, first of all hotels, transport and logistics structures, engineering-communication infrastructure in the regions of the country, wide involvement of foreign investments for these purposes;

- development of competitive tourism products, creation of new tourist destinations in the regions, their promotion to world tourism markets;

- improve the system of qualitative training of qualified personnel for the tourism sector.

- all countries are granted single tourist visas for a period of 30 days, significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining visas, including the online application of visa application requests, as well as the introduction of electronic visa systems starting from 2018.

These procedures will help to raise the positive image of Uzbekistan in tourism, considerably increase the flow of tourists to the country, and strengthen the business activity in this area.

In summary, it can be said that the country has a vast tourist potential, one of the main factors in the development of tourism is peace, stability, mutual respect and solidarity.

Because of the similar feelings in the Uzbek people, tourism in Uzbekistan is increasing and the number of tourists is increasing day by day. Literature used:

1. И.В.Зорин, В.А. Квартальнов Энциклопедия туризма. "Экономика туризма" Справочник. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 2003. - 368 с.

2. РДайитбоев, У. Матя^убов "Экологик туризм", (methodical manual) Самарканд - 2010

3. Kamilov B.S, Haqberdiev O.E. Land Resources and Their Efficient Use. The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre. 2013, №2

4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 22, 2016 "On measures to ensure accelerated development of the tourism sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan" No. UP-4895.

© Umarova G. T., 2018

УДК 338.24(075.8)

С.В. Чеченева

специалист по учебно-методической работе, НИУ «БелГУ»

г. Белгород, РФ E-mail: checheneva@bsu.edu.ru Научный руководитель: Прядко С.Н., канд. экон. наук, доцент НИУ «БелГУ»,

г. Белгород, РФ E-mail: pryadko_s@bsu.edu.ru



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