TOPONYMIC STUDIES IN KARAKALPAKSTAN DURING THE YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turdimambetov I.R., Baltabaev O.O.

This article will talk about toponymic research carried out in the Republic of Karakalpakstan during the years of independence, scientists contributing to the development of toponymic science, their research work and toponymic works.

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DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2023_1_108_314

Turdimambetov I.R., doctor of geographical sciences


Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovations Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh Baltabaev O.O., doctor of philosophy in geographical sciences (PhD) Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz Uzbekistan, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus



Abstract. This article will talk about toponymic research carried out in the Republic of Karakalpakstan during the years of independence, scientists contributing to the development of toponymic science, their research work and toponymic works.

Keywords. Toponymy, geographical name, toponymic study, geographical object, hydronym, ethnonym, anthropotoponym, etymology.

Introduction. Geographical names i.e. toponyms are considered our historical heritage that accompany these people throughout their lives, carrying a lot of historical, geographical information. Through toponyms, we can also identify many historical facts, natural-geographical conditions of regions, socioeconomic, political-geographical processes, life, customs, culture and language characteristics of the population. Therefore, we need to determine the emergence, distribution, change of any geographical names in our territory, what meaning they have. All these questions - apply to the science of toponymy. Toponymy-studies geographical names, their formation, distribution, historical and current state, meaning-content and rules of spelling. A well-known toponymist scientist about geographical names E.M.Murzaev: "Both when reading a newspaper and listening to a radio, we often attribute events and phenomena to geographical names. We cannot imagine modern society without geographical names" writes [8]. For this reason, people have been interested in geographical names since ancient times. They live hundreds, even thousands of years, from century to century passes, from generation to generation. This is shown by the names of the many towns, rivers and seas mentioned in the monuments of ancient writing that have survived to this day.

Goals and objectives of the research work. Are to study and analyze the research work carried out in the field of toponymy on the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the years of independence on the basis of bibliographic, historical data.

Main part. It is known that scientists, linguist and geographer, historian and ethnographers, from ancient times to the present time, were interested in the origin of the name Karakalpak, ethnonyms and the names of geographical objects in the city, village, lake, river and other interested. In their scientific work, they have expressed their opinion about the geographical names of the territory. Toponymist scientist E.Berdimuratov about the toponymy of Karakalpakstan writes: "The toponymic of Karakalpak, like the toponymic of other well -known languages, has appeared and evolved over long historical periods beginning in the past. They are conspicuous as a layer of special terms in the language and are distinguished from other terms by their characteristics" [3].

The territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan has rich toponymic data, and the toponymy of the territory has been studied since ancient times to the present day. We set ourselves the goal of studying the period of the toponyms of Karakalpakstan from the years of independence to the present in this scientific article. The reason is that during this period, along with the research and development of many disciplines on the territory of Karakalpakstan, there was a great emphasis on the study of toponyms, scientific monographic research was carried out. When we study historical sources, we find in the works of a number of tourists and scientists about certain issues of geographical names and geographical terms in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, historical places located in the territory, city names, names of many hydro objects.

During this period, many scientists were engaged in the pressing problems of the geographical names of Karakalpakstan and are still conducting their research work today. Among these is the geographer J.Matmuratov is. The scientist published his scientific articles on toponymy of Karakalpakstan in magazines and newspapers [6,7]. He mentions that as general signs of toponymy of Karakalpakstan, it is inextricably linked with the history our country, the natural conditions of its territory and the linguistic characteristics of local peoples. Analyzing geographical names, he gives information that the most common geographical names in our republic are the names of this hydrographic objects.

One of the geographer scientists who studied the toponyms of Karakalpakstan on a large-scale scientific geographical basis is K.Seytniyazov. He mainly researched toponyms of the Northern districts of Karakalpakstan. In research work, the scientist identified the etymology of more than 500 toponyms and mapped them. About the toponyms of Karakalpakstan K.Seytniyazov writes as follows: "The local geographical names of Karakalpakstan can provid e a lot of information in the study of toponymic issues, since our land is rich in toponyms. The toponyms of our republic contain Arabic, Mongolian, ancient Khorezm substrates" [9].

There is also a lot of scientific research in the field of local geographical terms in Karakalpak language. Especially in this regard, the services of linguistic scientists are great. In his scientific research, M.Qurbanov touched on the local geographical terms distributed in the territory of the Northern districts of

Karakalpakstan, their etymology and their place in the formation of a toponym [13]. At the same time, in the dissertation case provided information on the name and location of 464 geographical objects, compiled with the participation of geographical terms.

Research is also being carried out on toponyms of the southern districts of Karakalpakstan. In his research work, D.Yuldashev collected toponyms in the territory of the southern districts of Karakalpakstan and systematized them. In the researcher's research work, the toponyms of South Karakalpakstan were studied historically-etymologically, studying the toponyms of South Karakalpakstan in groups such as ethnonyms, anthropotoponyms, phytotoponyms, zootoponyms, toponyms associated with the natural-geographical nature of the object. Researcher as follows concluded about the toponyms in the area: "The complete loss of the bilinguistic environment in later times, the withdrawal of the Khorezmi language, resulted in some place names "adapted" to words from local dialect speech, and accordingly samples of toponymic folk oral creativity related to the interpretation of place names appeared" [12].

Scientific research is also carried out in Karakalpakstan on hydronymics (names of any water bodies), which is considered another branch of toponymic science. In his research work, G.Mambetova compiled a dictionary of hydronymic terms that hold in the territory of the Northern districts of Karakalpakstan and gave information about the names of a total of 644 water objects [5].

There is also a lot of scientific research on territorial toponymy in Karakalpakstan. In G.Abishov studies, the toponyms of the Chimbay district were studied historically-linguistically. In this, the etymology of the name Chimbay was studied in three periods, and views on the origin of the name, as well as on the lexical-semantic features of the Chimbay district toponyms, toponyms derived from human names, toponyms derived from ethnonyms, toponyms representing the natural-geographical signs of the object, plant names, toponyms associated with animal names, derived toponyms were analyzed [1].

I.Kholmuratov researched the oikonyms of Southern Karakalpakstan in a linguistic in terms of. South Karakalpakstan has studied the classification of oyconim according to their origin and naming characteristics in 12 groups, such as ethnooyconym, anthropooyconym, phytooyconym, sosiooyconym, migratory oyconym, geooyconym, derived from professionalisms, consecrated oyconym, zooyconym, topooyconym and neooyconym(s), created according to the numerical designation of objects, and stopped on the etymology of some oikonims [11].

A.Esemuratov has historically-linguistically in terms of researched the toponyms of the Khodzheyli district, and the etymology of the Khodzheyli toponym, the period of its origin and the early emergence of the Khodzheyli fortress as a city dates back to the late 17th century, as well as the fact that in those times there was a trade route between the Aral Sea and Khiva, where caravans stopped [4].

Kh.Tolibayev carried out research work on the topic "Linguocultural analysis of toponyms in Karakalpak dastans". The researcher took toponyms in the language of the Karakalpak folk epics, given in volumes 100-1 of the 66 volumes of "Karakalpak folklore", as the main source. A total of 509 toponyms were subject to analysis during the study. In the making of toponyms in Karakalpak epics, it has been found that the function of geographical terms is special, they occupy a fundamental place in determining the natural characteristics of a geographical object, and geographical terms are among the oldest language units [10].

For the first time in Karakalpakstan, O.Baltabaev analyzed socio-geographically in terms of i.e. a total of 1151 oykonims in the Republic. The Republic of Karakalpakstan and its administrative territorial units in terms of spectral-stratigraphic (language), lexical-semantic (content) and word-making (topoterminological) composition of oykonymy (1151 place names in total) quantitatively analyzed; for the first time, a two-level (2 regions and 7 sub-regions) oikonymic zoning scheme of the republic was developed based on a comprehensive analysis of the internal differences in the language, lexical-semantic and topo terminological structure of the oikonyms of Karakalpakstan; developed the essence of the concept of" toponymic inheritance " and the criteria for defining its elements (9 criteria in total) [2].

Conclusion. In addition to the research work above, O.Bekbaulov, G.Khojaniyazov, R.Ballieva, Sh.Abdinazimov, K.Pakhratdinov, K.Allanazarov, G.Khodjaeva, G.Tureeva, S.Amirlan, F.Urinbaeva in the scientific work of geographer, linguist and historians such as, we can see references to the toponyms of Karakalpakstan. Despite the fact that many toponymic studies are being carried out on the territory of the Republic, there are still works that need to be solved in this regard. Nevertheless, the fact that An Explanatory Dictionary of all Karakalpakstan toponyms has not been built, there is little etymological research, no electronic toponymic maps have been created leads us to do a lot of work on Republican toponyms and find solutions to problems.


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