THE ETYMOLOGY OF THE TAKHTAKUPIR TOPONYMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Baltabaev O.O.

This article studied the origin of the name of Takhtakupir district, located in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The etymology of the toponymy has been studied from historical and other scientific sources. Every geographical name has its own history of origin. The place names are one of the unique monuments of the people, nations and peoples with an ancient history. Because they themselves represent a world of history and destiny.

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DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2020_1_79_38 УДК: 911.6 (575.172)

Baltabaev O. O.

PhD student

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

Nukus, Uzbekistan


Annotation. This article studied the origin of the name of Takhtakupir district, located in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The etymology of the toponymy has been studied from historical and other scientific sources. Every geographical name has its own history of origin. The place names are one of the unique monuments of the people, nations and peoples with an ancient history. Because they themselves represent a world of history and destiny.

Key words: Takhtakupir, toponymy, geographical name, etymology, hydronym, oykonym

Introduction. Geographical place names or toponymy (Greek: topos -place, onima - name) - this field is studied not only by geographers, but also by historians, philologists, cartographers, ethnographers. The toponyms of our country have both historical and modern features, the existence of a separate naming system. As we all know, most geographical names arise from the natural geographical features of a region. However, geographical place names can appear even if no geographical feature is reflected in them. This is why studying the etymology of geographical names gives us a lot of information.

The aim of the research. The history of the origin of any toponymy, its meaning and the etymology of which language it belongs to have long been of interest to many. The toponyms of our country, which have a centuries-old history, like all national toponyms, have been formed in harmony with the history, culture and way of life of our people during our long historical past. Toponyms of our country are also toponyms with a long history that require in-depth scientific research. The main purpose of our research is to analyze and study the etymology of the toponymy of Takhtakupir in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on the basis of scientific sources.

Methods. Toponyms are studied mainly in geography, linguistics, history. Therefore, many facts of toponymy can be correctly interpreted only when many materials with different content - geographical, linguistic and historical materials are involved. Geographers, linguists and historians such as H. Hasanov, K. Abdimuratov, S. Koraev, M. Mirakmalov, T. Nafasov, T. Enazarov, K. Seytniyazov, K. Hakimov conducted scientific research in the scientific study of toponyms of our country. We also studied their research methods in depth during our research and based their scientific views on our research. However, the

etymological method was widely used in writing this article. Etymology (Greek: etimon - truth, the original meaning of the word, logos - science) - the study of the origin of the word, its original true meaning.

Results and discussion. The toponymy of each historical period differs from the toponymy of other periods in terms of meaning and grammatical structure. Because a historical event that takes place in any territory is sealed in the form of geographical names. For this reason, the study of toponyms has been of interest to researchers in identifying four interrelated aspects, which include:

1. Date of origin of the place name;

2. Variable meanings of place names;

3. Geographical features of the place;

4. How the place name came to be and who gave it its name.

Geographical place names are of great social and political importance both

internationally and nationally, as they carry national, cultural and historical information. This is why we gain so much information through the scientific study of geographical names. Takhtakupir is a district located in the North-East of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in the North-West of the Kyzylkum desert and in the South-East of the dried-up Aral Sea. Takhtakupir district borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan in the North-East, Navoi region of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the East, Ellikkala and Beruni districts of the Republic in the South, Karauzyak and Muynak districts in the West. Land area is 21,12 thousand km2. The population of the district is 40,200. Takhtakupir district was first formed on May 10, 1928. In 1963 it was united into Chimbay district and on December 29, 1965 it was again separated as Takhtakupir district. According to experts, the toponymy Takhtakupir appeared more than a century ago. The Takhta is the board, the kupir - it is a bridge, a device, built on the water, to pass from shore to shore. The history of the origin of the name is connected with the construction of the bridge from the board. A century ago, a branch of the Kuvonchjarma canal, which brought water to the present-day Takhtakupir district, was called Bosay. People on both sides of the river inhabited it. A bridge to the river was very necessary for the people of the two sides to come and go with each other, and the elders of the people, united and in consultation, embarked on this important and worthy work. Hojamet Bolis led the construction of the bridge. All the people came to the hashar. Craftsmen from Chimbay are brought to build the bridge, mainly the long trees of Qosbauli's son Qalimbetboy were used in the construction of the bridge. Construction of the bridge took place during the winter months. Because the main building material was made of wood (timber), the bridge came to be known as a wooden bridge - Takhtakupir. The bridge was built in 1904 (in some sources it was 1903. It is known that the construction of the bridge began in the winter of 1903 and was completed the next year).

Conclusion. From the etymology of the toponymy Takhtakupir we can see the unity of our people, their love of work. Despite the fact that the geographical name arose more than a century ago, the geographical name has not lost its

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significance, meaning and content. Today, one of the most pressing issues facing us is the study of geographical names that have been preserved for many years, such as the toponymy Takhtakupir, and inculcate in the minds of the younger generation the unity and diligence of our people through such geographical names. Therefore, it is necessary to study the toponyms of our country, to conduct scientific etymological research on each toponymy.


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