Научная статья на тему 'To develope of the Uzbek traditional wrestling Turon'

To develope of the Uzbek traditional wrestling Turon Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Shukurov R.S.

The article is about Uzbek national individual Turon wrestling. It is also deals with its history developing stages, phisicalogical, phisical improvements of sportsmen during the training.

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Текст научной работы на тему «To develope of the Uzbek traditional wrestling Turon»

3. Вальчук Е. В. Работа по фразеологии на уроках русского языка и внеклассных занятиях в начальной школе. М., 1989.

4. Голуб И. Б., Ушаков Н. Н. Путешествие по стране слов. М., 1992.

5. Нечаева Н. В. Задания по развитию речи. М. , 2005.

6. Фразеологический словарь русского языка / Под ред. А.И. Мо-лоткова. Одесса, 1994.

Haitova N. I. Puti i sredstva rechevogo razvitija mladshih shkol'nikov/N. I. Haitova // Nauka. Mysl'. - 2014. - № 6.

Сведения об авторе Насиба Хаитова, преподаватель. Бухарский государственный

университет (Бухара, Узбекистан).

© Н . И. Хаитова, 2014.

© «Наука. Мысль: электронный периодический журнал», 2014.

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К ИСТОРИИ РАЗВИТИЯ УЗБЕКСКОЙ ТРАДИЦИОННОЙ БОРЬБЫ ТУРОН2 Р. С. Шукуров, Факультет физической культуры и спорта Бухарского государственного университета (Бухара, Узбекистан)

TO DEVELOPE OF THE UZBEK TRADITIONAL WRESTLING TURON R. S. Shukurov. The Bukhara State of University Facultary of the Phisical

culture and sport training.

Резюме. Статья о б узбекском национальном виде борьбы турой, его исторри, стадиях развития, психологического, физического усовершенствования спортсменов во время обучения.

Ключевые слова: спорт, национальная борьба, история физической культуры и спорта, турон.

Sport - helps to build friendly relationships among the countries. Turon consists of the following types: a) boxing; b) judo; c) wrestling.

2 Статью рекомендует к публикации: Мухиддин Мухамматович Бафаев (Бухара, Узбекистан). Рецензент -Чупров Л.Ф. - к. псх. н., (Черногорск, Россия).

Without knowing the history of Turon we can not teach this kind of sport to students. Once upon a time there lived a king Tur Salm in Iran. He shared his astate to his sons. The given properties were called Turon, Samron, Eron. Lately (according to the names of the king Tur Salm's sons).

The names which are given above were reminded as heroes in Firdausy's ''Shahnoma''. Firdavisy explaned the words Tur, Salim, Eraj as three holy spirits.

There are some of stories about Turon: Tur - Shoh is the name of Fariuddin's elder son. Movarounnahr is one the regions of Turon, it is bordered by Fergana, Western Khorethm Northern Samarkand. The word Turon is seen dictationaries. Hidden meanings are explained in dictationaries. The word Turon means ''Pahlavon'' (Hero) in an Iranian language.

The word Turon is used as people, tribe in the preamlbles of ''Got'', ''Yasia'', ''farvardin'' of the book ''Avesto''. But in the other historical works: Tur means a brave, chivalrous. Tur means ''brave'', ''strong'' in an ancient Sanskrit language.

The Fightingarts has its own three thousand years history. After the independence of Uzbekistan it began to call ''Turon''.

That is to stay the word Turon means brave, strong, mightly hero etc.

Our great statesman Amir Temur said: We are Amire (The King) Turkistan who are the properity of Turon from his saying WC understand that the word turon refers to honesty, kindness power.

Greek philosepher Geradot in his book ''History'' wrot about Tumaris knew and used this kind of sport. Besides, Alpomish Kuntugmish (Turkish heroes) also used this kind of sport.

Jaloliddin Manguberdy (The Turkish hero) was a brave man. He taught his soldiers varies types of fighting. The Turkish hero Jaloliddin Manguberdy was known as ''The Lion of the Middle ages''.

Year by year fightings, contests, competitons, wretlings are getting better and better. Individual fighting type developed during the right of the dynasty of Temurids in 1370-1570 Sahibkiran Amir Temur had a complex meny - sided personality. Having become the ruler of Samarkand, he built a great and carrried on many annnexationist campaigns. He taught his soldiers to be stronsg and powerful everytime and not to loose themselves even in difficult situation.

The director of National congress service in the USA stated that A. Temur was a wise, powerful man. The battlefield was the place of A. Temur's practice. His individual fightings methods were popular among his soldiers. That's why he defeated his enemies easily. The winner of the international competitions - Bahodir Saidov founded the individual wrestling Turon. After the independence of Uzbekistan this type of

wrestling become known as Turon. Because our national customs and traditions regained.

The types of fighting are given in the folloving schedule:

1- scheduel

1 Knowing the arts of fancing

2 Shooting

3 Riding

4 Swimming

5 Adapting to various weather

6 Fastness

7 Jumping

8 Alpinism

9 Spiritual preparing during the fightings

10 Weapons: to fight when your weapons out of use: a) arm - leg ; b) the movement of the body; c) to pull each other on a horse and push each on the ground;

The aim is: to develope individual wretling type; to make friendly relationships with sport. It is permitted to go in for individual Turon wrestling from the age 5 - to 6.

The follovings are included in Turon individual wrestling:

- To recover health and phisically well;

- To incease the activity of organism;

- To improve mental , ethical power against bad conditions;

- To control ourselves;

- To enlarge one's opinion, to improve memory.

The phisical improving features of sportsman : Powerfulness =Bend = Hopping =Power = Patience = Speedr

Training individual Turon wrestling will improve sportsman's following phisical features.

1. Functional demands of organism;

2. Blood systems of the heart;

3. Apparatuses of motion;

4. Muscle systems;

5. Nerve systems;

6. Inner organs and endokrine systems.

How to improve sportsman's spiritual physicological features:

a) gymnastics and acrobatic exercises;

b) athletic exercises;

c) swimming;

d) using sports and motional games.

Used Literature

1. Avesto - ma'naviyatimiz sarchashmasi. - T.: Adolat, 2001.

2. Shahobiddin Muxammad an Nasafiy. Sulton Jaloliddin Manguberdi hayoti tavsiloti. - T., 2000.

3. Turon tarixi (4-5-qism) Ilmiy ommabop to'plam. - T., 2007.

4. Hakim Sattoriy. Hazrat Sohibqiron (tarixiy esse)- T., 2009.

5. Hakim Sattoriy. Oltin Silsila. - T., 2006.

6. Саидов Б.Х. Спортивное единоборство Турон. Учебная программа. - Ташкент, 2005.

7. Саидов Б.Х. Турон. - T., 2005.

8. Shukurov R.S. Turon yakkakurashi. O'quv-uslubiy qo'llanma. -Buxoro, 2010.

9. Shukurov R.S. Turon milliy yakkakurashi. O'quv qo'llanma. -Buxoro: Durdona, 2012.

Abstract. The article is about Uzbek national individual Turon wrestling. It is also deals with its history developing stages, psychological, physical improvements of sportsmen during the training.

Keywords: sports, national struggle, physical training and sports history, Turon.

Data on the author R. S. Shukurov, the Bukhara State of University, Facultary of the Phisical culture and sport training (Bukhara, Uzbekistan).

© R . S. Shukurov [Р. С. Шукуров] 2014.

© «Наука. Мысль: электронный периодический журнал», 2014.

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