Научная статья на тему 'Theory and methods of musical education of children'

Theory and methods of musical education of children Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Rahmatova Malohat Obidovna, Tosheva Durdona

The article deals with the development of professional competence of the future teacher of musical education of preschool children. The method of musical education of children as an integral part of the system of pedagogical Sciences constantly comes into connection with General and preschool pedagogy, so it is important in the development of children.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Theory and methods of musical education of children»

Изложенные в работе стратегии способствуют выработке у учащихся познавательного интереса в отношении особенностей художественного произведения. Практика показывает, что творческий подход действительно помогает наладить контакт с учениками, повысить их мотивацию к учёбе и, в частности, к чтению.

Список литературы

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2. Зайцев В.Н. Резервы обучения чтению. М.: Просвещение, 1991. 32 с.

3. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т.Д. Основы сказкотерапии. СПб.: Речь, 2006. 170 с.

4. Селевко Г.К. Компетенция и компетентность: сколько их у российского школьника? // Народное образование, 2004. № 4. С. 138-144.

5. Сосновская О.В. Концептуальные основы литературоведческой подготовки современного учителя начальных классов: Монография. М.: Прометей, 2004. 184 с.


'Rahmatova Malohat Obidovna — Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC EDUCATION;


Abstract: the article deals with the development of professional competence of the future teacher of musical education of preschool children. The method of musical education of children as an integral part of the system of pedagogical Sciences constantly comes into connection with General and preschool pedagogy, so it is important in the development of children. Keywords: music education, teaching methods, didactics, preschoolers, music director.

The study of the theory and methodology of musical education of children is given a significant place in the system of professional training of preschool specialists. The future head of a kindergarten, teacher, and music Director should understand the role of music in the formation of a child's personality, be able to organize a musical and pedagogical environment, and various forms of musical education for children to introduce their pupils to the beautiful, and form the foundations of musical culture.

The professional competence of the future teacher is greatly facilitated by the relationship of this course with " musical subjects, aesthetics, as well as methods of speech development, teaching visual activities. The main provisions of aesthetics on the formation of artistic perception, aesthetic attitude to reality, aesthetic knowledge, and General laws of artistic creativity are considered as the basis of this course.

At the same time, the method of musical education of children as an integral part of the system of pedagogical Sciences constantly comes into contact with General and pre-school pedagogy, pedagogical and child psychology, anatomy, physiology, etc.

The course is particularly closely related to preschool pedagogy and didactics. The basic principles of training (systematicity and consistency, accessibility, awareness and activity, consideration of individual differences, the principle of educational training, etc.) that underlie this course are specified depending on the musical characteristics of early and preschool children, the specifics of the organization of musical activities in kindergarten.

Traditional methods of teaching (verbal, visual, and practical) have a new meaning: in addition to transmitting the necessary information, they are constantly aimed at the cognitive activity of students, the formation of their independence and creative manifestations. In this regard, the forms of organization of education and upbringing in kindergarten are changing: more space is given to independent activities of children; the advantage is beginning to be given to classes with small groups and individual classes.

The success of the development of children's musical abilities is largely determined by how much the teacher has psychological and physiological knowledge about the laws of mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, etc.) in the age aspect: from involuntary to arbitrary, from diffuse to differentiated, from visually-effective to visually-figurative and logical. Knowledge about the structure and function of the respiratory organs, voice and motor apparatus, cardiovascular system necessary for the correct organization of work with children on the vocal skills, control of emotional-physical activity, development of motor skills, etc. Thus, the connection technique of musical education of preschool children with pedagogy, psychology, anatomy, physiology, and other branches of science on the modern stage are important.

The method of musical education belongs to private methods, since in it the educational process is mainly implemented by means of one type of art-by means of music. The method is based on the theory of aesthetic education, which studies the process of forming an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world, the specifics of reflection and cognition of it by means of music.

When describing the methodology of musical education as a subject, it is important to clarify its main concepts: education - training-development in their relationship.

The object of the theory and methodology of musical education of children the process of interaction of preschool children with music

Understanding the theory and methodology of musical education of children requires consideration of concepts:

Music education is an organized pedagogical process aimed at forming a child's emotional and value attitude to the world, to the people around them and to himself on the basis of the moral and aesthetic content of music.

Music training is the process of transferring knowledge, skills, and ways of doing things that are necessary for the successful implementation of musical activities.

Music education - can be considered in at least 3 aspects:

-as a system - management, organization, personnel, content, training programs, etc.

- as a process-continuous communication of the child with music

- as a result, the achievement of a certain level of musical culture.

Musical development is a process of spiritual development of the child and improvement, which results in a new formation in the spiritual world of the child. Such as: creative imagination, to comprehend the thinking, the elements of reflection, communication quality.

Music classes have a good effect on the overall culture of the child's behavior. Music has a cognitive value. It reflects many life phenomena that enrich children with ideas about society, nature, life and traditions. The relationship between musical-aesthetic and physical education is also established. Music has an impact on the process of physical improvement of the child.

The connection of the theory and methodology of musical education of children with General pedagogy is shown in the use of the principles of didactics. Modern music pedagogy considers the didactic principles of pedagogy from the point of view of the relationship with the principles of musical didactics: the principle of integrity, imagery, associativity, improvisationality, intonation, and artistry.

Methods: visual-auditory, visual-visual, game, verbal.

Methods taken from pedagogy differ in this method (Expressiveness, imagery, artistic word). All methods are aimed at forming the child's personality. Methods specific to this technique: the method of thinking about music (Kabalevsky), the method of emotional drama (Abdulin), the Method of creating an artistic context (Goryunov).

All this knowledge helps:

- diagnose the level of development of musical abilities - identify pedagogical problems - organize, control and coordinate the educational process in music education - formulate tasks of musical education in working with children

- identify ways and means of implementation - select the necessary musical repertoire and didactic material-plan musical and educational work with children.


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ed., Rev. and extra. SPb, 2000. Pp. 6-13.

2. Jaques-Dalcroze E. Rhythm. Music & Education. London, 1980.

3. Barenboim L.A. Music pedagogy and performance / L.A. Barenboim. L., 1974.

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