Научная статья на тему 'Formation of the learning skills in preschool children in artistic and creative activity'

Formation of the learning skills in preschool children in artistic and creative activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kakhnovich S.V.

The article deals with pedagogical conditions for effective networking in preschool children educational skills: letters, reading and accounts in the process of artistic and creative activity and means of fine arts. Have an idea for pedagogical technologies for cognitive development preschool children in artistic and creative activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of the learning skills in preschool children in artistic and creative activity»

4. Методические рекомендации по организации проектной и исследовательской деятельности обучающихся в образовательных учреждениях г. Москвы [Электронный ресурс] URL: www.educom.ru (дата обращения 29. 07.2015).

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1. Savenkov A.I. Talented children in the kindergarten and school (Odarennye deti v detskom sadu i shkole), Moscow, Akademia, 2000. 232 s.

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7. Matuyshkin A.M., Problematic situations in thinking and teaching, pedagogical psychology reader, Krasilo A.I., Novgorodtseva A.P. Moscow, International Pedagogical Academy, 1995. - S. 312-326.

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9. The Development of children's natural gifts in education [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: rl-onlint.ru/info/authors/133.html (data obrashhenija 29. 07.2015).

Кахнович С.В.

Доктор педагогических наук, ФГБОУ ВПО «Мордовский государственный педагогический институт имени М. Е. Евсевьева» ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ УЧЕБНЫХ УМЕНИЙ У ДЕТЕЙ ДОШКОЛЬНОГО ВОЗРАСТА В ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННО-ТВОРЧЕСКОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ


В статье раскрыты педагогические условия для эффективного формирования у детей дошкольного возраста учебных умений: письма, чтения и счета в процессе художественно-творческой деятельности и средствами изобразительного искусства. Представлены педагогические технологии когнитивного развития детей дошкольного возраста в художественно-творческой деятельности.

Ключевые слова: учебные умения детей дошкольного возраста, художественно-творческая деятельность, изобразительное искусство.

Kakhnovich S.V.




The article deals with pedagogical conditions for effective networking in preschool children educational skills: letters, reading and accounts in the process of artistic and creative activity and means of fine arts. Have an idea for pedagogical technologies for cognitive development preschool children in artistic and creative activity.

Keywords: training skills of preschool children, artistic and creative activity, graphic arts.

In theory quite often there is a problem of alignment starting opportunities for children to prepare for school. In practice, however, no forms, methods, techniques, that do not violate the natural course of child development, his spontaneity and cognitive interest. Therefore, formation of the learning skills: writing, reading and numeracy in preschool children and preparing for school there is a hot topic for modern pre-school education. Cognitive formation of preschool children linked to quantitative and qualitative changes in intellect during the period of maturation of the child. Under the cognitive formation always refers to the development of thought processes: perception, memory, formation of concepts, imagination, logic. In accordance with traditions in the national pedagogy and psychology, cognitive development of a child is usually associated with his teaching, mental upbringing, the formation of a universal educational skills: letters, reading and accounts; in General,


literacy and, Naturally, with the level of functioning of the mental processes: perception, memory, imagination, thinking, speech and other. As a rule, traditional teaching pre-school children occur on reproductive (performing) level and during specially organized teacher educational activities.

Constructivist theory cognitive development Jean Piaget [5; 6] explains the child himself constructs its own actions in the environment. If we take as a basis the constructivism theory of cognitive development (Jean Piaget [5; 6]) it becomes clear, pedagogically competent organization of artistic and creative activities of pre-school children effectively affects the cognitive development.

Cognitive development is part of the whole development of the child's personality. Potential of fine art activity: drawing, making sculpture and paper crafts can have a significant impact on the intellectual abilities of children and the makings of a, the exact impact of and the education of the moral aspects of personality, this is reflected in the interpersonal relationship with the social environment of the child: with peers, teachers, with parents. Obvious and didactic educational potential of artistic and creative activities of children of pre-school age in cognitive development, in the development of the personality for the effective acquisition of the original generic training skills: letters, reading and accounts.

Therefore, we have developed and tested in practice such important educational technology cognitive formation of preschool children means of artistic and creative activities: 1) technology of forming training skills in preschool children: letters, reading and accounts in the process of art activity (drawing, making sculpture and paper crafts); 2) the technology of building a culture of interpersonal relations in preschool children in artistic and creative activity.

Involvement of preschool children in artistic activities allows you to use aesthetic means of knowledge of reality, cognition through image, symbol, sign. The essence of technology lies in the local unit level and involves the formation of a separate module - generic training skills: letters, reading and accounts in preschool children on the local level in fine art activity.

Means of fine arts: color, the size of the, aspect ratio, location and other can reflect the mood in Figure and discover relevant and factual relationship of the child with social environment: peers, teachers, parents. This is a pedagogical potential of artistic and creative activities, potential impact on changing the child's inner world from the perspective of pedagogy. In the process of artistic and creative activities, the child creates an artistic image from memory and designs on their current mental status and emotion (fear, joy, Mount and other senses). The teacher was studying means of artistic expression child (form, the size of the, location, color and other) and understands the inner world of the child. Therefore, the teacher has a beneficial influence on the moral formation of child.

Artistic and creative activity is effective for personal development of the child. Our research shows [1; 2; 3; 4], the formation of a common identity and culture, in part, such a significant component - culture of interpersonal relationships, It is effectively occurs by means of fine arts through the involvement of children in artistic and creative activity.

The outcome is, artistic and creative activity provides effective influence on the education of children of pre-school age and in their personal development and communication with the social environment: peers, teachers and parents.


1. Kakhnovich S.V. Building a culture of interpersonal relationships of preschoolers in a context of social competence, cultural and tolerant personality // The Humanities and Education. - 2014. - No. 1 (17). - pp. 33-37.

2. Kakhnovich S.V. Ways, forms and methods of creating a culture of interpersonal relations in preschool children in the process of artistic and creative activities // Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Humanities. -

2012. - 1 (21). - pp. 138-146.

3. Kakhnovich S.V. Basic interactive pedagogical technology principles for building a culture of interpersonal relations among preschool children in artistic and creative activity // The Humanities and Education. - 2012. - No. 4 (12). -pp. 26-29.

4. Kakhnovich S.V. The technology of building a culture of interpersonal relations in preschool children in the Visual Arts // Current research of social problems (electronic scientific journal) [Modern Research of Social Problems]. -

2013. - No. 7 (27). doi: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-7-1. URL: http://sisp.nkras.ru/e-ru/issues/2013.html - 21 p. (date of treatment: 26.12.2013).

5. Piazhe Zh. Psychology of intelligence. - St. - Petersburg, Piter. - 2003. - 192 p.

6. Piazhe Zh. Speech and thinking of the child. . - Moscow, RIMIS. - 2008. - 436 p.

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