ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
Aziza Zayniddin kizi Ganieva
Researcher at the Institute for retraining and professional development of directors and specialists of pre-school educational organizations
The article presents the content and structure of managerial competencies of leaders of preschool educational organizations, the composition of professional competencies and personal qualities assigned to the leader, the article also describes the qualities of professional significance, socially significant requirements for leadership, managerial culture of the leader, theoretical and practical issues of improving the management of preschool educational organizations.
Keywords: education, pedagogy, technology, quality, management, competence, innovation.
As a strategic goal of the development of a preschool educational institution, it can be achieved by turning it into an innovative institution, and as a tactical goal, it can be achieved by selecting appropriate management activities. Effective management of innovative processes is primarily determined by the validity of the problem-solving methodology, the appropriateness of the methodological approach, that is, the construction of the management activity on a theoretical-methodological basis in accordance with the quality of the collection of basic concepts, principles and methods of research. Making fundamental changes in modern preschool education is a new type - talented, initiative, thinking, energetic, able to take responsibility for achieving the set goals, able to work effectively in times of economic crises, professional, ready to work in changing conditions, who wants to achieve success and can achieve it. requires leaders to participate in the educational process.
Many scientists-pedagogues and psychologists addressed the problem of competence-oriented education. In their work, many aspects of
the literacy approach in education are defined and considered.
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The main part of scientific and pedagogical research focused on competence is related to the problems of training and continuous development of teaching staff.
In these works, the questions of the formation of professional competencies of teachers of preschool educational institutions (I.B. Bicheva, N.V. Ostapchu etc.), teachers and heads of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (A.V. Shurenko, A.N. Kuzmitskaya etc.), teachers of the system of additional professional education were studied. [1,2,3,4].
I.P. Semykin calls the management competence of the head of the educational institution as the readiness and ability to professionally perform management functions in accordance with currently accepted norms and standards [5 ].
According to E. N. Belova, the management competence of the head of the educational institution in the field of culture can be understood as the ability and desire of the head to identify the problems of the educational institution, analyze them comprehensively and deeply, and find appropriate ways to solve them [6].
L.G.Kiseleva considers the management competence of the head of the educational institution as a personal and professional characteristic from the point of view of the competence-based approach, including the readiness and ability to professionally perform management functions that should ensure the effective solution of professional problems. Management competence is formed as a result of the gradual accumulation of knowledge and experience in management activities, and management competence of the head of the educational institution is considered a necessary component of the professional competence of the head of the educational institution [7 ] .
Thus, E.N. Belova, V.I. Bondar, L.G. Kiseleva, V.I. Maslov, I.P. Semykin includes the ability and willingness to perform managerial functions in the definition of the concept of "managerial competence of the head of an educational institution", but the authors perform different functions; common is that the result of the performance of these functions should be the achievement of tasks related to the activities or development of an educational institution. It should be noted that these researchers define the concepts of "professional competence of the head of an educational institution" and "managerial competence of the head of an educational institution" in two ways, but they consider it to be interconnected and consider it the managerial competence of the head of an organization.
"Management competence of the head of an educational institution" corresponds to the content of the concept "Professional competence of the head of an educational institution", in which the authors understand the leader's readiness to perform management
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functions. That is, "professional competence of the head of the educational institution" is a broader concept than the concept of "management competence of the head of the educational institution", because it is the leader's readiness to effectively perform various types of activities, including management activities. We consider the managerial competence of the head of the educational institution to be the leader's theoretical knowledge and practical skills, experience, willingness to effectively perform management functions based on individual personal qualities, a reasonable desire to achieve goals and solve tasks.
There are different views on what constitutes the competence of a leader. Some argue that the concept of competence includes the behavior of individual employees in the performance of their duties, the knowledge and skills that influence or underlie this behavior.
Competence is the manager's knowledge of "himself" in professional activity. And this:
- to know the needs, interests, aspirations, values, social roles and motives;
- assessment of their professional capabilities (knowledge, skills, abilities);
- correlation of professionally important qualities with their standard - socially significant requirements of the profession;
- development of their behavior and personal style of work based on self-esteem as a professional.
The components of managerial competence of the head of a preschool educational institution include the following components:
The personal-creative component characterizes the level of personal self-development of the head of the preschool educational institution, the level of mastering the methods of self-development, self-regulation, self-improvement, moral, life and professional self-determination, it also reflects the personal position of pedagogical, legal and administrative activities.
One of the effective mechanisms that ensure the realization of the human potential of the head of a preschool educational institution is his reflective ability. Therefore, it is considered as one of the leading characteristics of management culture.
DISCUSSION. It should be recognized that the personal-creative component gives the leader's management culture, in addition to the social orientation, various subjective characteristics that describe his creative individuality, subjective experience and individual-
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
personal abilities . The leader's personality is enriched in the spiritual, creative, creative activities aimed at changing the preschool educational institution.
The most important personal quality that characterizes the level of professional culture of the head of a preschool educational institution is his individual way of thinking.
The pre -school education system is the first stage of the continuous education system, which places high demands on the quality of education in pre-school education organizations .
that ensures its effective operation and the effectiveness of educational work .
In modern conditions, where changes in the life of society and educational institutions occur faster, management skills are given a special place. The success of the development of the institution, its social status depends on the professional qualifications of the leader , his ability to make quick decisions, his ability to direct the team to continuous development, creative growth.
Behavioral competence of a leader includes characteristics such as interpersonal relations, integrity , analytical skills, and achievement orientation.
the management competence of the head of a preschool educational institution include the following components :
The personal-creative component describes the level of personal self-development of the head of a preschool educational institution, the level of mastering the methods of self-development, self-regulation, self-improvement, moral, life and professional self-determination, as well as pedagogical, legal and management . reflects the personal position of the activity.
One of the effective mechanisms that ensure the realization of the human potential of the head of a preschool educational institution is his reflective ability. Therefore, it is considered as one of the leading characteristics of management culture.
It should be recognized that the personal-creative component gives the leader's management culture, in addition to the social orientation, various subjective characteristics that describe his creative individuality, subjective experience and individual-personal abilities . The leader's personality is enriched in the spiritual, creative, creative activities aimed at changing the preschool educational institution.
The most important personal quality that characterizes the level of professional culture of the head of a preschool educational institution is his individual way of
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
The technological component of the management culture of the head of a preschool educational institution includes methods and methods of managing a preschool educational institution. In the management of preschool educational institutions, technology involves solving certain pedagogical problems. Solving these problems is based on the manager's ability to act in the field of pedagogical analysis, planning, organization, control, regulation and adjustment of management activities. The level of management culture of the head of a preschool educational institution depends on the level of mastering the techniques and methods of solving these types of tasks.
A creative leader creates his own management technologies in accordance with the internal needs of a particular preschool system and taking into account individual creative capabilities. The productivity of the professional activity of the head of a preschool educational institution is intended to contribute to achieving high results in the management of the preschool education system. An important place is given to the leader's acquisition of information, person-oriented management technologies.
The successful implementation of the professional knowledge and skills of the head of a preschool educational institution largely depends on the fact that he has such entrepreneurial personal qualities as:
- purposefulness, organization, realism and consistency;
- confidence, the ability to formulate and clearly set goals, clear and determined to achieve them ;
- the ability and ability to convince subordinates of the correctness of their decision;
- sense of innovation, creative approach to business;
- analytical and synthetic skills in evaluating work progress and results;
- the need to constantly expand and deepen one's knowledge in pedagogy, psychology, economics, jurisprudence, the theory of preschool management.
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