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Ключевые слова
management / educational management / professional higher education / management professionalism / competence / managerial competence / управління / менеджмент / освітній менеджмент / фахова передвища освіта / професіоналізм управління / компетентність / управлінська компетентність

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — T. Grebenyk, O. Sosnenko

As part of the education sector reform in Ukraine, the formation issue of the future managers’ professional competence of educational institutions is among the priorities. The urgency of this problem solving is due to the fact that the state needs educational managers of modern formation, which would ensure the rapid development of the educational sector at all levels. Vocational education is the most vulnerable in these matters, as it is now a newly formed unit. The problem of formation of managers’managerial competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions as their professional training component are analyzed in the article. This article relevance is due to the need to determine approaches to the formation of future managers’ professional competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions. Formulation of the problem. Nowadays, quality education is the main indicator of society socio-economic development. In the progressive change’s conditions, education reform and increase of institutions real autonomy, the significance of managerial functions of managers’ radically changes, the content idea and management activity role of educational institutions managers expand. Also relevant is the problem of formation managerial competence of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions in vocational training, the specifics of which are due to new regulatory requirements for the personality of the manager of the professional pre-higher educational institution and its management activities. Materials and methods. In the scientific process, dissertation research materials, pedagogical and scientific literature were used. To achieve this goal, theoretical (system-structural analysis of scientific literature, problem-target and comparative method) and empirical methods were used (conversations with administrative and pedagogical staff of the educational institution, analysis of documentation (legislation, statutes, instructions, orders). Results. Systematized scientific views on the formation problem of future managers’ management competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions, which is due to the higher education formation and changes in the educational institution’s management. The organizational and pedagogical conditions and factors of management competence formation of educational managers of the new generation in the professional training process, which are the educational environment elements of institutions entrusted with these functions are analyzed. Conclusions. Theoretical sources generalizations allowed to form an idea of the future managers’ managerial competence of professional prehigher educational institutions as their professional competence component. The managers’ managerial competence of the educational institution is an organic set of general and special knowledge, skills, abilities, that ensure the management effectiveness of the educational institution in modern conditions. It consists of a number of components that are formed in the training process.

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У статті проаналізовано проблему формування управлінської компетентності керівників закладів фахової передвищої освіти як складову їх професійної підготовки, а також наукові джерела, які стосуються управлінської компетентності керівників закладів освіти Формулювання проблеми. В наш час якісна освіта є основним індикатором соціально-економічного розвитку суспільства. В умовах прогресивних змін, реформування освіти та збільшення реальної автономії закладів, докорінно змінюється значущість керівних функцій управлінців, розширюється уявлення про зміст та роль управлінської діяльності керівників закладів освіти. Також актуальності набуває проблема формування управлінської компетентності майбутніх керівників закладів фахової передвищої освіти в професійній підготовці, специфіка якої обумовлена новими нормативними вимогами до особистості керівника закладу фахової передвищої освіти та його управлінської діяльності. Матеріали і методи. У процесі написання статті застосовувались матеріали дисертаційних досліджень, психолого-педагогічної літератури та наукової періодики. Основними методами, які використовувались для дослідження окресленої проблеми, стали теоретичні й емпіричні методи. Результати. Систематизовані наукові погляди на проблему формування управлінської компетентності майбутніх керівників закладів фахової передвищої освіти, що зумовлено становленням ступеневої освіти та змінами в управлінні освітніми закладами. Проаналізовано організаційно-педагогічні умови та фактори формування управлінської компетентності освітніх менеджерів нового покоління в процесі професійної підготовки, що є елементами освітнього середовища закладів, на які покладено зазначені функції. Висновки. Узагальнення теоретичних джерел дозволили скласти уявлення про управлінську компетентність майбутніх керівників закладів фахової передвищої освіти як складову їх професійної компетентності. Управлінська компетентність керівника закладу освіти – це органічний комплекс загальних і спеціальних знань, умінь, навичок, здібностей, які забезпечують ефективність управління закладом освіти в сучасних умовах. Вона складається з низки компонентів, що формуються в процесі професійної підготовки. Подальшого дослідження потребують питання щодо розробки моделі формування управлінської компетентності керівників закладів фахової передвищої освіти в професійній підготовці та її організаційно-методичного забезпечення.


Scientific journal ISSN 2413-158X (online)


Has been issued since 2013.

Науковий журнал


Видаеться з 2013.


rpeôeHUK T.B., CocHeHKO O. 0opMyeaHHR ynpaenÍHCbKo'i KOMnemeHmHocmi MauóymHÍx KepieHUKÍe 3aKnadíe fyaxoeoï nepedeuupïoceimu rk CKnadoea ïx npo$eciÜHo'¡ndomoeKU. 0Í3UKo-MameMamu^Ha oceima. 2021. BunycK 1(27). C. 7-12.

Grebenyk T., Sosnenko O. Formation of future managers' management competence of professional pre-higher education institutions as their professional training component. Physical and Mathematical Education. 2021. Issue 1(27). P. 7-12.

DOI 10.31110/2413-1571-2021-027-1-001

UDC 378.046-021.68:37.091.113]:[37.07:005.336.2]

T. Grebenyk

Classic professional college of Sumy State University, Ukraine

[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1780-4393 O. Sosnenko

Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hluhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine

[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1506-896X



/As part of the education sector reform in Ukraine, the formation issue of the future managers' professional competence of educational institutions is among the priorities. The urgency of this problem solving is due to the fact that the state needs educational managers of modern formation, which would ensure the rapid development of the educational sector at all levels. Vocational education is the most vulnerable in these matters, as it is now a newly formed unit. The problem of formation of managers'managerial competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions as their professional training component are analyzed in the article. This article relevance is due to the need to determine approaches to the formation of future managers' professional competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions.

Formulation of the problem. Nowadays, quality education is the main indicator of society socio-economic development. In the progressive change's conditions, education reform and increase of institutions real autonomy, the significance of managerial functions of managers' radically changes, the content idea and management activity role of educational institutions managers expand. Also relevant is the problem of formation managerial competence of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions in vocational training, the specifics of which are due to new regulatory requirements for the personality of the manager of the professional pre-higher educational institution and its management activities.

Materials and methods. In the scientific process, dissertation research materials, pedagogical and scientific literature were used. To achieve this goal, theoretical (system-structural analysis of scientific literature, problem-target and comparative method) and empirical methods were used (conversations with administrative and pedagogical staff of the educational institution, analysis of documentation (legislation, statutes, instructions, orders).

Results. Systematized scientific views on the formation problem of future managers' management competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions, which is due to the higher education formation and changes in the educational institution's management. The organizational and pedagogical conditions and factors of management competence formation of educational managers of the new generation in the professional training process, which are the educational environment elements of institutions entrusted with these functions are analyzed.

Conclusions. Theoretical sources generalizations allowed to form an idea of the future managers' managerial competence of professional pre-higher educational institutions as their professional competence component. The managers' managerial competence of the educational institution is an organic set of general and special knowledge, skills, abilities, that ensure the management effectiveness of the educational institution in modern conditions. It consists of a number of components that are formed in the training process.

KEY WORDS: management, educational management, professional higher education, management professionalism, competence, managerial competence.

© Т. Grebenyk, О. Sosnenko, 2021.


The problem formulation. Education plays an important role in the society moral, economic, social development, especially in the informatization and globalization process. The most important values of modern civilization and information society based on knowledge are the people competencies and the ability to learn throughout life.

In market conditions, the educational institutions competitiveness any degree is ensured by a fairly wide range of leaders' professional qualities, which are formed not only in the formal education system, but also through developed mechanisms for non-formal and informal education. This, in turn, places new demands on the content and organizing training process in institutions engaged in professional training of future educational managers.

It is possible to train new generation leaders in the field of education through the introduction of a competency-based approach, which is defined in the regulations of the education sector as the basic core of society development. At the same time, it should be noted that the competence approach is an attempt to bring the education sector in line with modern labor market needs. In solving this problem, the managers' managerial competence of the professional pre-higher educational institution as the professional competence component plays an important role.

Research relevance. Scientific problem understanding of the managerial competence formation of the educational institution managers as his professional competence component is facilitated by scientific research of domestic and foreign scientists, which outlines:

- theories of pedagogical management and administration of educational institutions (Kremen, 2005; Nikolaenko, 2019; Potashnyk, 1997; Lugovyi, 1997; Bondar, 2008; Sorochan, 2005; Hrykov, 2006; Danylenko, 2004; Kryzhko, 2005, etc.);

- the essence and features of the competence approach in education (Marmaza, 2017; Maslov, 2012; Yelnikova, 2009; Bibik, 2004; Ovcharuk, 2004; Lokshyna, 2007; Yagupov, 2013; Zeer, 2006; Karamushka, 2003; Pometun, 2005; Savchenko , 2004; Stepko, 2009; Khoruzha, 2007; Khutorskaya, 2004, etc.).

In our opinion, the education sector reform requires new approaches to determining the managerial competence content of managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions and new ways to form it in the professional training process at higher education.

The aim of the article is to analyze and theoretically substantiate the problem of managerial competence formation of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions in vocational training, in particular in the context of reforming of Ukrainian educational sector.


The basis for reforming Ukrainian educational sector is the classical approaches use to governance. Thus, the state regulation and control elements, the internal institution management system, the employers' influence are examples of the scientific approaches application to management. In turn, it can be argued that the "managerial competence" concept has historically gone through four formation stages. This is due to the science emergence and development of "Management", which during the XX century. Management schools and management approaches had a significant impact (Bereka, 2011).

Scientific sources analysis shows that most interpretations of the "management" concept are based on a systematic approach to management. Regarding the organizations functioning, this concept is used in the following basic meanings: function; special professional activity in organizations; a certain persons' category, the social stratum of those who carry out management work; special knowledge field.

RESEARCH METHODS: To achieve this goal, theoretical (system-structural analysis of scientific literature, problem-target and comparative method) and empirical methods were used (conversations with administrative and pedagogical staff of the educational institution, analysis of documentation (legislation, statutes, instructions, orders).


To manage any organization, there must be a specialists' category who perform management work, for example, the school principle (manager). In Western practice, a manager is a management subject in an organization, a professional leader who realizes that he is a special profession representative, and not just an engineer, educator or economist who is engaged in management.

For management not to be intuitive, it must be based on the theoretical science foundations. Therefore, understanding the managerial competence essence of the educational institution manager requires the identification of a number of concepts, such as, "management", "educational management", "professional higher education", "competence", "professional competence", "managerial competence " and others.

The "management" concept is ambiguous, so there are different approaches to its definition. Consider the most typical approaches to the management essence. One of the management founders and theorists of the XX century P. Drucker interprets management as a special activity type that transforms a disorganized crowd into an effective, purposeful and productive group (Drucker, 2000).

No less well-known scholars M. Mescon, F. Hedoury, M. Albert give the following interpretation: "Management is a process of planning, organization, motivation and control, which is necessary to formulate and achieve the organization goals" (Mescon & Albert & Hedoury, 1997).

Areas of management are: systems management, technological processes; human activities (social) management; processes occurring management in living organisms (coordination of human biopossibilities with its social capabilities). The impact on society in order to organize it, preserve the qualities, specificity, improvement and development is understood under social management. Social management regulates the society economic, socio-political and spiritual spheres. Education management is a social management type.

It should be emphasized that in the case of social management, such management is much more complicated, because the social system is quite complex regardless of the number of people who are in it, as well as the activities scale they carry out in this system. This complexity is especially evident, on the one hand, in the moral and psychological climate, and on the other -in extreme situations (Yagupov, 2013).

Any management process, including social, consists of the following elements: goals, principles, management subject and object; methods, principles and means of management, direct and indirect relations between subjects and objects of management. It should be noted that the management subject and object, as well as the relationships and connections that arise between them, create a dynamic system, which consists of two main parts - the manager and the subordinate. In this case, there is a correlation between the management object and the subject, so they can not function independently of each other, because otherwise the management process meaning itself is lost.

The "management" concept has become widespread in many areas today, and education is no exception. Educational management is interpreted "as a realization process of the main functions and unifying processes of education management in a particular institution in accordance with the society goals for its future" (Artyushina, 2008).

Management of an educational institution is the joint activities organization of the teaching staff with other participants in the pedagogical process, technical (service) staff and the public, which involves the application of a scientific approach to management, optimal resources use and potential of the organization, humane and rational means of management and efficiency, quality of educational services and development of educational organization (Marmaza, 2017).

E. Hrykov believes that the educational institution management is an management subsystem activity aimed at creating prognostic, pedagogical, psychological, personnel, material and financial, organizational, legal, ergonomic, medical conditions necessary for the normal functioning and educational process development and goals realization of the educational institution (Khrykov, 2006).

The formation issue of an educated competitive manager in education is relevant, because any process transformation in society or economy is inevitably related to the education system quality in the country. Accordingly, the result of this system functioning is the knowledge quality and the competence level obtained by future managers of educational institutions in their professional training process.

At the same time, it is important to use the leading countries experience, where "education has already become the society core as a whole, has become a common efforts priority, the cultural, scientific and economic development basis" (Kremen, 2005).

Among the documents accompanying the educational reform process in Ukraine, the main ones are:

- National Strategy for Education Development for 2012-2021, which defines the main directions, priorities, tasks and mechanisms for implementing state policy in the field of education in the new economic and socio-cultural conditions;

- Law of Ukraine "On Education", which outlines the basic public administration principles in the educational field;

- Law of Ukraine "On Professional Higher Education", the rules of which introduce elements of corporate governance of the professional pre-higher educational institution, the supervisory boards creation that will work on the strategic institution development and can influence management in case of significant problems;

- The concept of pedagogical education development, which defines the requirements for management training of educational institutions managers, focuses on professional training of teachers to obtain additional formal education, training in the field of 07 "Management and Administration" or non-formal education to obtain the necessary leadership position, competencies set".

The above documents direct the activities of educational institutions managers to find modern models of education management in modern conditions and focus educational processes on sustainable development (Zenchenko & Bugayova, 2018). Although, it is worth noting that the current requirements system for professional managers is not much different from the Plato system. Modern domestic and foreign researchers, as well as their ancient colleagues, call the obligatory qualified manager's elements thorough general education, extensive training and high educational and cultural level, the ability to quickly update and replenish knowledge (Nikolaenko, 2019).

It should be noted that ensuring quality training for successful self-realization in the modern labor market is one of the key problems in the educational sector development of the Ukrainian state. An important link in the educational system is occupied by professional higher education.

In Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" the interpretation of professional higher education is provided, namely: professional higher education is aimed at the educational qualification's formation and development, which confirms the person's ability to perform typical specialized tasks in a particular field of professional activity. complexity and / or implementation of limited management functions, which are characterized by a certain uncertainty of conditions and require the provisions application and relevant science methods, and ends with the acquisition of appropriate educational and / or professional qualifications.

In the reform context, an extremely important issue for the state is the educational managers' training, due to the growing management complexity, increasing the management scale and complicating its structure, accelerating the research processes dynamics in education, increasing social responsibility when deciding not only meets the planned tasks and directives, but strengthens the educational institution position and ensures its sustainable development.

Note that the purpose of management is to ensure the effectiveness of a particular organizational system (in our case -the professional pre-higher educational institution). This system contains at least two main components "technological" and "human". Therefore, the education manager's work includes two main aspects related to the educational process and the interpersonal interaction organization in the team (Zhigir, 2011).

The set of purposeful education managers' management actions involves their inclusion in various activities, using different forms combination, methods, techniques aimed at ensuring such participants interaction in the educational process,

during which their business relations are observed. There is a professional moral and psychological environment moral-business and moral-personal relations in the pedagogical system.

Management activity is specific to the manager's status, who is a staff member of the educational institution and at the same time stands aside due to its hierarchically higher position. This creates many practical difficulties, and the organization effectiveness is higher when the manager is not just a formal "boss", but also an informal leader (for example, a real organization member). However, "keeping your distance" is obligatory. Thus, one of the important management features is a combination of management hierarchy and collegiality, as well as the need for their optimal coordination.

The management activities specificity is manifested in strict time constraints (when certain deadlines for educational projects, agreements, orders, directives), chronic information uncertainty, high responsibility for the result, irregular work, constant resources lack, frequent occurrence of so-called extreme, stressful. In addition, sometimes there is a need to simultaneously perform many actions and solve many problems.

Management activities, like any other, can be performed with greater or lesser efficiency, which is determined by many factors, and primarily depends on his professional competence.

The study deserves special attention to the essence definition of the "competence" concepts. Given the research problem topic, we give the competence definition, focused to some extent on the educational sphere.

In the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine, the concept of competence is defined as: a) demonstrated person's ability to perform tasks and responsibilities according to the professional standard; b) ability and willingness to use knowledge, skills and personal, social, methodological aspects in the conditions of study or work, as well as for professional and personal development; c) acquired skills and abilities to work.

Thus, competence is seen as a set of interrelated content orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities and experience necessary for professional activity. These are certain norms, formal requirements of the society for the future specialists training (Kozlov, 2015).

According to the national educational philosopher S. Klepko, it is important for the professional development of the educational institution manager to accept that in the conditions of innovative economy development and rapid changes the educational goal is to form high-quality human capital: intellectual, social, physical. The main factor in the development of new knowledge is the development of thinking, the formation of universal teaching methods as a means of processing information into personal knowledge and the activity basics in non-standard situations (Klepko, 2008).

Noteworthy is the scientific work of V. Tsykin, devoted to the philosophical discourse of modern educational technologies in a risk society, the problem of fundamental training of high quality and preventive education (Tsykin, 2014).

Thus, the management professionalism is seen as the conscious purposeful activity result, which involves a certain professional competence level of the manager. T. Sorochan notes that "professionalism of management activity of school principals is a set of competencies that are formed in pedagogical education and allow the subject (school principal) to professionally carry out management activity in modern socio-economic conditions taking into account the peculiarities of the management object with the pedagogical tasks solution" (Sorochan, 2005).

Modern scientists and practitioners consider the most important criterion for the professionalism of the head of the educational institution his managerial competence.

As rightly noted by A. Filippov, there are attempts to dilute the definitions of management activity and management competence. The latter should be considered as a management activity type, its component related to the cooperation organization based on common interests. "In general, management is making and implementing management decisions process. It is a kind of professional activity, which is aimed at optimizing activities through economic, administrative, psychological and pedagogical influences, each of which, influencing the needs, values, positions, individuals', groups', teams' attitudes, directs and activates, increases the professional activity effectiveness (Filipov, 1990).

V. Bondar's position, who considers the management competence of the educational manager as the system component - professional competence, is interesting in this research aspect. The management competence, according to the author, consists of a knowledge, skills and abilities set to perform management functions (Bondar, 2008).

The materials generalization of scientific schools' representatives testifies that the competent manager should use in the activity psychology and sociology achievements; know the work conditions and organization; take into account psychological phenomena in groups, individual needs, goals, motives; show motivation to work; be able to select staff, determine their compatibility and professional abilities; find innovative ways to develop an educational institution, etc.

DISCUSSION. Scientific sources analysis on the manager's role in the educational institution's management, especially in recent changes view in legislation, indicates the need to develop a new model of managers' management competence formation of professional pre-higher educational institutions using modern technologies. This statement makes important the task of further scientific views systematization on the managerial competence formation process of future educational institutions managers, as well as their mandatory integration with the new requirements for the competencies of managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions defined in relevant regulations.

The imbalance of the educational structure in Ukraine, unstable legal framework, budget deficit of educational institutions, insufficient experience in managing institutions in conditions of strong competition confirm the existence of a problematic task in formation the managerial competence of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions. At the same time, human resources remain the most scarce in the educational system of Ukraine.

Currently, the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2020) defines competence as "a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of thinking, views, values, other personal qualities that determine a person's ability to successfully socialize, conduct professional and / or further educational activities"; in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2021) - as a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values, which determines a person's ability to successfully carry out professional and further educational activities and is the result of education at a certain level of higher education"; in the National Qualifications Framework (2020) - as "the person's

ability to perform a certain activity type, which is expressed through knowledge, understanding, skills, values, and other personal qualities".

Managerial competence presupposes that future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions have such qualities as: managerial and professional literacy; conscious motivation to meet the needs of applicants for educational services and the society demand; raising one's general cultural, general educational, professional and managerial outlook; development of skills and abilities of information activity and information communication based on the use of information and telecommunications technologies, readiness to initiate and implement innovations in the educational process, a certain style of thinking, its independence and creativity, etc.

The managerial competence of the future managers of the professional pre-higher educational institution should be focused on the educational institution development, on its strategy implementation. Professional novelty of managerial management processes is a means to achieve, of course, the institution success as a whole, its competitiveness in the market of educational services, meeting the needs of both the institution customer and employees. Professional competence is a carrier of knowledge, mechanisms, technologies, forms, methods, management methods, etc.

A professional training component of future managers of educational institutions is the readiness formation for innovation, which is characterized by long-term benefits, which is important from the point of management view.

As the professional competence of the managers of an industrial enterprise is focused on consumer demands, so the managers of educational institutions activity, including professional higher education, should work for the customer of educational services, to meet demand. Given this position, management tasks motivate a certain subordination and determine the practical nature of the professional competence of the future managers of the educational institution.

The main characteristics of the professional competence of the future managers of the educational institution of professional pre-higher educational institutions are highlighted:

- motivation to continuously increase the formation level of their own professional competence on strategic principles;

- quick response to differences between external and internal environment;

- focus on multi-vector strategic development parameters in all educational institution areas etc.


As the research result, scientific views on the formation problem of the management competence of future educational managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions in the reforming context of the educational sector were systematized. In turn, the theoretical sources generalization allowed to form an idea of the management competence of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions as their professional competence component.

It was determined that in the professional training process of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions special attention should be paid to improving the educational content due to increasing educational institutions autonomy and the need for systematic knowledge updating in all teaching areas, including management. Since the management competence of the educational institution manager is a complex and multidimensional concept on which the management effectiveness of the educational institution in modern conditions depends, its formation should be aimed at comprehensive personal development and skills relevant development to new generation leaders.

The further research subject on the outlined problem will be the of the formation model development of management competence of future managers of professional pre-higher educational institutions in vocational training and its organizational and methodological support.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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як CMAflOBA ïx пpoФEClйнoï nwroTOB^

Т.В. Гребеник

Пoлiтexнiчнuй тexнiкyм Кoнoтoпcькoгo iнcтuтyтy Сyмcькoгo дeржавнoгo yнiвeрcuтeтy, Украна

О. Сосненко

^xie^^ü нацioнальнuй пeдагoгiчнuй yнiвeрcuтeт ím. О. Дoвжeнка, Укра'ша

Анотац/'я. У cтаттi прoаналiзoванo прoблeмy фoрмyвання управлт^^' кoмпeтeнтнocтi кeрiвнuкiв заклад'в фаxoвoÏ пeрeдвuщoÏ ocвiтu як cкладoвy Ïx прoфeciйнoÏ пiдгoтoвкu, а та^ж наyкoвi джeрeла, якi cтocyютьcя управлт^^' кoмпeтeнтнocтi кeрiвнuкiв заклад'т ocвiтu

Формулювання проблеми. В наш чаc як'юна ocвiта e ocнoвнuм iндuкатoрoм coцiальнo-eкoнoмiчнoгo рoзвuткy cycпiльcтва. В yмoваx прoгрecuвнux змн, рeфoрмyвання ocвiтu та збiльшeння рeальнo'¡' автoнoмiÏзаклад 'т, дoкoрiннo змiнюeтьcя значyщicть кeрiвнux фyнкцiй yправлiнцiв, рoзшuрюeтьcя yявлeння прo зм'ют та рoль управлт^^' дiяльнocтi кeрiвнuкiв закладв ocвiтu. Та^ж акmyальнocmi набyваe прoблeма фoрмyвання управлн^^' кoмпeтeнтнocтi майбyтнix кeрiвнuкiв закладв фаxoвo'Ï пeрeдвuщoÏ ocвimu в прoфeciйнiй пiдгomoвцi, cпeцuфiка якй!' oбyмoвлeна нoвuмu нoрмаmuвнuмu вuмoгамu дo oco6ucmocmi кeрiвнuка закладy фаxoвo'¡'пeрeдвuщoÏ oœimu та üoeo yправлiнcькoÏдiяльнocmi.

Матер ¡али i методи. У прoцeci нап^ання cmаmmi заcmocoвyвалucь маmeрiалu дuceрmацiйнux дocлiджeнь, пcuxoлoгo-пeдагoгiчнo'¡' лimeраmyрu та наyкoвo'Ïпeрioдuкu. Ocнoвнuмu мemoдамu, якi вuкoрucmoвyвалucь для дocлiджeння oкрecлeнo'Ï прoблeмu, cmалu meoрemuчнi й eмпiрuчнi мemoдu.

Результати. Сucmeмаmuзoванi наyкoвi пoглядu на прoблeмy фoрмyвання yправлiнcькo'¡' кoмпemeнmнocmi майбymнix кeрiвнuкiв заклад'в фаxoвo'Ï пeрeдвuщo'¡' oœimu, шр зyмoвлeнo cmанoвлeнням cmyпeнeвo'Ï oœimu та змiнамu в yправлiннi ocвimнiмu заклада/viu. Прoаналiзoванo oрганiзацiйнo-пeдагoгiчнi yмoвu та факmoрu фoрмyвання yправлiнcькo'¡' кoмпemeнmнocmi ocвimнix мeнeджeрiв нoвoгo пoкoлiння в прoцeci прoфeciйнo'¡' пiдгomoвкu, шo e eлeмeнmамu ocвimньoгo ceрeдoвuша заклад'в, на якi пoкладeнo зазначeнi функцй'.

Висновки. Узагальнeння meoрemuчнux джeрeл дoзвoлuлu cклаcmu yявлeння прo yправлiнcькy кoмпemeнmнicmь майбутн'а кeрiвнuкiв заклад'в фаxoвo'Ïпeрeдвuшo'¡'oœimu як cкладoвy Ïx прoфeciйнo'¡'кoмпemeнmнocmi. Управлiнcька кoмпemeнmнicmь кeрiвнuка закладу oœimu - ^ oрганiчнuй кoмплeкc загальнux i cпeцiальнux знань, умнь, навuчoк, здiбнocmeй, якi забeзпeчyюmь eфeкmuвнicmь yправлiння закладoм oœimu в cyчаcнux yмoваx. Вoна cкладаemьcя з нш^ кoмпoнeнmiв, шo фoрмyюmьcя в прoцeci прoфeciйнo'¡' пiдгomoвкu. Пoдальшoгo дocлiджeння пomрeбyюmь пumання шoдo рoзрoбкu мoдeлi фoрмyвання управлт^^' кoмпemeнmнocmi кeрiвнuкiв заклад'в фаxoвo'Ï пeрeдвuшo'¡' oœimu в прoфeciйнiй пiдгomoвцi та ÏÏ oрганiзацiйнo-мemoдuчнoгo забeзпeчeння.

Ключовi слова: управл'ння, мeнeджмeнm, ocвimнiй мeнeджмeнm, фаxoва пeрeдвuша ocвimа, прoфecioналiзм yправлiння, кoмпemeнmнicmь, yправлiнcька кoмпemeнmнicmь.

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