Научная статья на тему 'A complex approach of professional competence of the modern leader of Pei'

A complex approach of professional competence of the modern leader of Pei Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Egamberdiyeva Sitora Sobit Kizi

This article involves the professional competence of a teacher of preschool education. On the base of analysis of literary sources, the professional competence of a PEI (pre-school educational institution) we can define, as the ability to effectively perform a professional activity, determined by the requirements of a position (function), based on fundamental scientific education and an emotional value attitude to pedagogical activity. It describes the possession by professionally significant facilities and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities.

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В данной статье затрагивается профессиональная компетентность педагога дошкольного образования. На основе анализа литературных источников профессиональную компетентность педагога ДОУ (дошкольное образовательное учреждение) можно определить как способность к эффективному выполнению профессиональной деятельности, определяемую требованиями должности, базирующейся на фундаментальном научном образовании и эмоционально-ценностном отношении к педагогической деятельности. Она предполагает владение профессионально значимыми установками и личностными качествами, теоретическими знаниями, профессиональными умениями и навыками.

Текст научной работы на тему «A complex approach of professional competence of the modern leader of Pei»

2. Narenova ХМ., Satenova G., Effektivnost primeneniya cifrovyh obrazovatel'nyh resursov na urokah himii [Effective application of digital educational resources in chemistry classes] // Nauka, tekhnika i obrazovanie [Science, technology and education], 2018. № 5 (46). C. 101-103 [in Russian].

A COMPLEX APPROACH OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF THE MODERN LEADER OF PEI Egamberdiyeva S.S. (Republic Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]


Abstract: this article involves the professional competence of a teacher of preschool education. On the base of analysis of literary sources, the professional competence of a PEI (pre-school educational institution) we can define, as the ability to effectively perform a professional activity, determined by the requirements of a position (function), based on fundamental scientific education and an emotional value attitude to pedagogical activity. It describes the possession by professionally significant facilities and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities.

Keywords: competence, competences, professional competence, teacher, preschool educational institution.


Эгамбердиева Ситора Собит кизи - магистр, специализация: дошкольное образование, факультет педагогики-психологии, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет им. Низами, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье затрагивается профессиональная компетентность педагога дошкольного образования. На основе анализа литературных источников профессиональную компетентность педагога ДОУ (дошкольное образовательное учреждение) можно определить как способность к эффективному выполнению профессиональной деятельности, определяемую требованиями должности, базирующейся на фундаментальном научном образовании и эмоционально-ценностном отношении к педагогической деятельности. Она предполагает владение профессионально значимыми установками и личностными качествами, теоретическими знаниями, профессиональными умениями и навыками. Ключевые слова: компетентность, компетенции, профессиональная компетентность, педагог, дошкольное образовательное учреждение.

Transformation of society at the beginning of the third millennium, one of the priorities revealed the need of developing of the professional culture of future teachers.

The place of the teacher is changing as the leading subject of the educational process: from the position of the "translator" (when knowledge and skills were put in the basis of the pedagogical process, and the child was a means of achieving of the goal) to the position of

the teacher — the "organizer", called up to create conditions for self-realization of the child's personality. A new type of teacher was arisen - the manager of the educational process, which, besides of knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, and various methods, should be professionally prepared for management activities, that is, as "Any teacher, in fact, is the manager of the educational and cognitive process (as a subject of managing it), and the head of the educational institution is the manager of the educational and cognitive process as a whole (as a subject of managing this process)" [4] .

An effective management of a pre-school educational institution implies the creation of a healthy creative environment in a collective with high work results and is directly dependent on the management style chosen by the leader. Each manager in management activities performs duties only in a certain and peculiar of his style. The leadership style is expressed in what ways the head encourages the collective to initiative and creatively carry out the duties assigned to it, how it controls the performance of subordinates. This study was devoted to the actual problem: the study of the influence of the management style of the head of the preschool institution on the socio-psychological climate in the team. An experimental study was conducted, which included the definition of personal qualities of managers, management styles and diagnosis of the socio-psychological climate of collective.

One of the necessary conditions for the development of modern PEI is a strategic vision of the leader of the development of preschool institutions.

The common strategy is set by the state, society, and founder and is the starting point for determining the strategy of each institution, including kindergarten. On the basis of a common strategy, the head of the PEI, taking into account the peculiarities of the cultural, economic, social development of his region, develops specific ways for the development of the institution, which he manages. To the first plan in management activity, the ability of the head of preschool educational institution is coming out and this is noted to integrate national, regional tasks with their own ideas about the development of pre-school institutions [3]. Under the strategy in this case a generalizing model of action, necessary to achieve the goals of management based on selected indicators and effective allocation of resources are understood. Strategy is a general program of action, defining the priorities of the problems and resources for achieving the main goal of the development of the institution.

Strategic management presupposes the manager's ability to clearly formulate the goals of development, outline a common program of their achievement, identify the main problems, provide for the possibility of making the necessary adjustments, and use various methods of influence. The main elements of strategic management are the sections of strategic management, the spheres of activity of the institution, the stages of the life cycle of the institution, types of development strategies, competitive position in the market, segmentation of educational services. The management strategy is based both on the basis of the fundamental principles of the federal (state) and regional organs of education, and the specifics of a concrete kindergarten and the individuality of its leader [4].

Work in the new conditions involves the training and retraining of teachers and service personnel, a certain psychological reconfiguration of them. The whole collective of the preschool institution and each of its members must realize that in the conditions of the market of educational services - this is product, which should be subject of demand, and this largely depends on the quality of work as educators and other co-workers.

New conditions of the functioning and development of preschool institutions also require new methods of managing for these institutions. The end result will depend on the professionalism of the manager.

The spectrum of managerial responsibilities and qualification requirements for the modern head of the kindergarten is extensive today.

In our opinion, the head of PEI is obliged to:

- To manage the educational institution in accordance with the laws and other regulatory legal acts, by the charter of the educational institution;

- To ensure the systemically upbringing - educational and administrative - economic (production) work of the educational institution;

- To ensure the implementation of state educational standards, state requirements;

- To form a contingent of pupils, to ensure the protection of their life and health during the upbringing - educational process, to respect their rights and freedoms of them and employees of the educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;;

- To determine the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of PEI, to ensure the planning of its work, compliance with the requirements for the conditions of educational process, educational programs, results of activity of educational institution and to the quality of education, participation in various programs and projects, continuously improve the quality of education in the educational institution ;

- To ensure objectivity of assessment of quality of education pupils in PEI;

- To carry out the development, approval and implementation of programs for the development of pre-school educational institutions, educational programs, regulations and rules of internal labor routine of the institution in conjunction with the council of the educational institution and public organizations;

- To create conditions for the introduction of innovations, to ensure the formation and implementation of initiatives of pre-school employees aimed at improving the work of the institution and improving the quality of education, to maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate in the collective.

- To adopt local regulations of the educational institution containing the norms of labor law, including on the establishment of a wage system, taking into account the views of the representative body of employees;

- To plan, coordinate and control the work of structural units, pedagogical and other kindergarten workers;

- To ensure effective interaction and cooperation with government bodies, local self-management, enterprises, organizations, the public, parents (persons, replacing them), and citizens;

- To represent an educational institution in state, municipal, public and other bodies, institutions and organizations;

- To promote the activities of pedagogical, psychological organizations and methodological associations, public organizations;

- To ensure accounting, safety and replenishment of the material and technical bases, compliance with the rules of the sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation, attraction for the implementation of activities, stipulated by the statute of PEI, additional sources of financial and material resources, as well as the presentation to the founder of the annual report on admission, expenditure of financial and material resources and a public report on the activities of the educational institution as a whole;

- To fulfill the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Within the limits of his authority, the head of the PEI should be able to manage budget funds, ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their use, and also, within the limits of established funds, to form a wage fund with its division into basic and stimulating parts [1].

The head of the preschool institution is also obliged to:

- To approve the structure and staff list of the educational institution;

- To solve personnel, administrative, financial, economic and other issues in accordance with the statute of the PEI;

- To create conditions for continuous development of qualification of workers;

- to ensure a certain level of wages of employees of an educational institution, including the stimulating part (surcharges, additional payments to function salaries, wage rates of employees), full payment of wages due to employees in terms established by a collective agreement, internal labor regulations, employment contracts;

- To take measures to ensure the safety of working conditions.

The modern leader is designed to ensure the development and implementation of measures, directed at increasing the motivation of workers to quality work, including on the basis of their material stimulating, increasing the prestige of work in an educational institution, developing the rationalization of management and strengthening of labor discipline. He must create conditions that would ensure the participation of workers in the management of an educational institution [2].

Today, the requirements for the qualifications of the head of preschool educational institutions have changed: he needs a higher professional education. It is clear that the professionalism of a manager cannot arise on his own: this is a result of not only professional education, but also deep and consistent work on self-development and self-improvement.

Reforming of budget sector also implies and a change of the strategy of development of educational institutions. Market relations, in which there are kindergartens today, contribute to how to update the institution itself, and increase competence, including strategic of the leader.

References / Список литературы

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2. Korepanov M.V., Lipchanskaya I.A. Attestation of pedagogical and heads of DOE, M., 2006 [in Russian].

3. Pozdnyak L.V. Fundamentals of management of pre-school educational institution. Special course. M., 2004 [in Russian].

4. Safonova O.A. Quality management in preschool educational institutions. M., 2011 [in Russian].

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