Sanobar Yuldashevna Ashurova
Institute of Pedagogical Innovations, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
This article is devoted to the design of the educational process based on the modular-competent approach in professional education and the development of educational programs based on modular education.
Keywords: design, module, competence, program, education, professional, quality of education, paradigm.
Professional education was previously evaluated according to the level of knowledge, skills and qualifications of a specialist, but now his level of competence is important, and this is reflected in the State educational standards and qualification requirements.
When considering the issue of putting the competent approach into practice, it is now necessary to take into account the issue of preparation for its mass application. This new practice can be implemented with the creation of scientific-pedagogical, organizational-methodical, financial-economic, material-technical and regulatory-legal foundations. The project model requires a clear innovative outcome-oriented logic. Pedagogical education and scientific-research institutions, the author's team should be provided with personnel, information and financial resources, flexible organizational structure[1].
In the literature, the content of education in a professional educational institution is usually used as a category indicating the requirements for the final result of study, work, scientific activity and life activity in general, which corresponds to the time of graduation and reflected in the system of knowledge, skills, personal qualities.
According to D.V. Chernilevsky, the content of education in a professional educational institution, in addition to professionally oriented knowledge, includes common sense - worldly, practical wisdom; the ability to anticipate the consequences of actions, to distinguish important from accidental or insignificant in the field of behavior; should
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ensure the selection of solutions that provide the greatest real benefit [4]; reflects the necessary information that forms the guiding basis of professional activity (characteristics, rules, principles, algorithms, methods, characteristics) acquired by learners [5].
A meaningful component of the implementation technology of the modular-competent approach is reflected in the set of special and basic competencies necessary for the performance of a number of professional (work) tasks that make up the employee's qualifications.
Implementation of this approach requires the development of a new educational program. In designing the content of any academic subject, it is essential to ensure that each of the subjects studied by learners makes a fundamental contribution to their overall professional education, so that specialist rather than subject teaching is needed. , the principle is followed [6].
Within the framework of the modular-competent approach, a unit of competence is a professional competence (special or basic) that is formed during the educational process of one or more modules of the educational content. Competency-based education is effectively implemented in the form of modular programs [7].
In the practice of economically developed countries, a number of approaches to the development of professional education standards have been formed. All of them are based on the analysis of labor activity, its tasks and results. This analysis is carried out in several stages.
1. Analysis of needs in terms of skills, it refers to the requirements of the employers to the standards of activity in a certain professional field (occupation) in order to determine the actual requirements of the industry for different categories of employees and prospects. The professional education system should have a clear idea of what to do in the training of skilled personnel.
The creation of educational standards and training programs based on a modular competence approach implies constant feedback from the developers of standards and programs on the requirements of employers for the knowledge and skills of employees. Information about these requirements can be obtained from several sources: firstly, through the analysis of the labor market, secondly, through the analysis of skills needs, and thirdly, from various tariff-skills references [2].
In fact, in the development of the third generation educational standards, it is necessary to follow the principle of combining professional and educational standards. Professional
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
standards represent a system of indicators that allows to set a suitable stage for the activities of workers in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, and what a person should be able to do, for this, a person should know the specific activities that he performs within a certain profession, what meets the professional criteria. refers to a set of qualities in the form of knowledge and skills that answer the questions. This description is further divided into competence. Professional standards and competence are defined in the field of work. The essence of the professional standard is that its content does not include excessive information from the outside and does not change as a result of discussion by employers. This content is contained in the professional activity itself. Professional standards are developed separately for workers in each sector of the industry.
The peculiarity of the development of DTS, qualification requirements is that they are prepared according to economic activities without the existence of professional standards. This complicates the task, but does not eliminate the need to solve it.
2. Coordinating the educational content that needs to be mastered and the identified tasks. The specified types of professional activity form a professional module established on the basis of the educational standard and the development of training programs, which represent the competencies required for the worker -educational results.
In the analysis of the need for skills, it is necessary to choose the most exemplary professional activities, oriented enterprises. As a result of such an analysis, at the initial stage, professional standards, then educational standards, and then modular programs are developed and implemented. This process involves several clicks, depending on the results, modules are updated and corrections are made. It can be said that in the process of continuous development, the content of education is updated based on new requirements in education.
The difference between professional modules and subjects from the point of view of educational organization shows the integrative importance of professional modules in the distribution of workload and payment of teachers. Teachers of any subject can be involved in preparing students for a professional module, the content of which includes questions necessary for mastering a professional task. Since education is practice-oriented, the form of the lesson is irrelevant. In addition, practical, laboratory training, (group and individual) counseling, design and scientific research activities, educational practice, etc. are held (depending
on the profession/specialty).
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
In the development of the sample program of the module, first of all, it is necessary to establish the practical experience gained by the student and the readiness of the learner to perform the relevant type of activity, to master all the necessary competences, and to form the requirements for the educational results.
After that, the skills that will be mastered during the study of the module will be shown. When determining them (from planning a decision, choosing a method of activity, its implementation and correction to evaluating its results), the logic of activity should also be taken into account among the skills can be not only externally observable, but also cognitive (for example, choosing the most optimal method and tool for performing activities), communicative ( establishing psychological contact with customers (colleagues, subordinates), explaining, etc. At the final stage of work on the module program, it is necessary to determine competences and skills, as well as knowledge based on its organization.
Later, a set of interdisciplinary courses is formed. On the basis of the formed set of didactic units for all professional modules, the departments of special sciences, general professional sciences, natural sciences, humanitarian sciences are selected for interdisciplinary courses to be transferred to professional modules. Subjects within the disciplines are divided into two parts: one corresponding to theoretical educational tasks, based on the principle of scientificity, and the other - oriented to practice, related to the implementation of the rule of functionality and practical orientation of education.
Assessment of learning outcomes within the modular competency-based approach has its own characteristics. First, the evaluation is done independently for each specific module. The assessment procedure involves demonstrating or confirming that learners have mastered the competencies developed in the assignments for the required module and are able to perform all the necessary actions within that competency. Second, the evaluation is based on the criteria formulated by the activity/task outcomes of the module. There are different options for conducting the final test for the module. For example:
- a set of assessment results of mastering all interdisciplinary courses and practices that make up this module;
- defense of the course project;
- perform a set of practical exercises.
As evaluation objects: product of practical activity; the process of practical activity, the quality and volume of acquisition of professionally
relevant information can be taken into account.
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In a competent approach, the assessment objects and process acquire a new didactic quality. If competence is the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in a professional or general cultural situation, how can it be measured? How to evaluate the life and professional experience, interests and values included in the competence? As you know, it is not possible to do this only with the help of exam or test answers. Assessments are not made for "mastery of knowledge", but each student's mastery of educational content and its quality are considered[3].
When developing a new type of monitoring and evaluation tools, a number of system formation principles are addressed:
- integrativeness (the connection of the graduate with future activities);
- active approach (in the form of activity, the graduate's readiness to perform professional tasks is checked);
- contextual (directing tasks to specific situations of professional activity, linking them with the main types of professional activity);
- problem solving (doing the task not only according to the algorithm, but also looking for and justifying an independent solution from one's own point of view, based on one's understanding);
- research orientation (the graduate analyzes the situation in the process of completing the task, analyzes the goals and objectives of this activity, hypothesizes solutions, evaluates the chosen solution, i.e., is considered the basis of his professional competence, receives information from various sources, acquires knowledge demonstrates the ability to analyze, organize, synthesize).
The system of control tasks included in a specific training program can be viewed on the one hand as a model of a specialist, on the other hand as an agreement between the administration of an educational institution and employers, the first is ready to train a specialist with certain qualities, and the second is satisfied with his qualification description.
As we can see, assessment of competence, in contrast to examination tests aimed at determining the amount of acquired knowledge, uses objective methods of diagnosis of activity, for example: observation, examination of the product of professional activity, test situation (real or imaginary, taken from works of art pedagogical situation), portfolio protection, etc.
The research of many domestic and foreign scientists shows that the transfer of general professional and general education subjects to a modular approach based on competence leads to a
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decrease in the quality of general professional and general education subjects, when knowledge becomes the basis of human capital, it is possible to implement an educational strategy it's not. It is desirable not to abandon traditions, but to include them in the content of professional education in the field of education, to combine them interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary.
The design of professional education standards on uniform principles takes into account the specific characteristics of each of the educational stages. For example, professional education, unlike higher education, has a higher functionality and practical orientation. In the design of professional education standards, the concept of a module was formed, due to which a specific form based on competence - modular competence was born. The approach based on modular competence was used in the professional education system as a result of the study of the competent approach[4].
The development of modular educational materials adapted to professional educational institutions within the framework of a number of international projects shows that it is necessary to take a serious approach to the creation of a comprehensive methodological and conceptual base of education based on modular competence, because the developers of modular educational materials and consistency and transparency should be ensured for consumers. In addition to positive foreign experience, the methodological base of modular education should ensure coherence with well-known and widely used didactic traditions in world practice. As a result, a modular competence-based approach methodology for designing educational standards and a methodology for implementing its requirements will be created.
We list the specific features that illuminate the content of this approach:
- transition from "knowledge" to "methods of activity" in the construction of educational content;
- the movement from the goals-results of professional education to the description of professional activity, then - choosing the organizational form, methods and content suitable for education;
- focus on goals relevant to the educational field;
- the presence of constant feedback from the developers of standards and programs on the requirements of employers for the knowledge and skills of employees;
"Professional module" designed for the formation of a
unique professional activity - the concept of a leader uz
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Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal
ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
In conclusion, the modular-competent approach allows for the formation of a holistic, integrative characteristic of a specialist. It focuses on student-centered learning. The requirements of the subject in relation to the result of the educational process form a competent graduate, allow the transition from the differentiation of subjects to interdisciplinary integration, and also integrate theoretical and practical training. As a result, it is possible to train mature and in-depth personnel in the field on the basis of modern educational standards.
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