Научная статья на тему 'The ways of studying students-educators with using national games of studying Kyrgyz language and literature'

The ways of studying students-educators with using national games of studying Kyrgyz language and literature Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Musayeva Venera Inyatovna

This article marked the training and educational role and functions of the national Kyrgyz games. About the author is the Creator of the books "Adep" ("Ethics") for primary grades there are special lessons about national games. It is also stated that it was proposed for students-teachers for further use in the classroom when teaching the Kyrgyz language and literature of the classification of didactic games for development of speech of children also grammar games, games for thinking, rhetorical games, etc. Considered the national didactic games, as games, riddles, fairy tale games, etc.

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В данной статье отмечены обучающие и воспитательные роли и функции национальных кыргызских игр. То, что сама автор статьи является создателем учебников «Адеп» («Этика») для начальных классов, там же есть специальные уроки о национальных играх. Также говорится о том, что была предложена для студентов-педагогов для дальнейшего использования на уроках при преподавании кыргызского языка и литературы классификация дидактических игр для развития речи детей, а также грамматические игры, игры для размышления, риторические игры и т.д. Рассмотрены виды национальных дидактических игр, как игры-загадки, игры-сказки и др.

Текст научной работы на тему «The ways of studying students-educators with using national games of studying Kyrgyz language and literature»

7. Вахрушева Т.В. Диктанты по русскому языку. М.: «АСТ-ПРЕСС», 1999.

8. ВеличкоЛ.И. Работа над текстом на уроках русского языка: пособие для учителя. М.: Просвещение, 1983. 127с.

9. Дидактический материал по русскому языку. 6-кл. М.: Просвещение, 1983. Мусаева В.И. Жат жазуу жана баяндама жыйнагы. Б.: «^лчынар», 2009. 131б.

10. МусаеваВ.И.Жазуу жумуштары: жат жазуу, баяндама. Б.: «Билим», 2014. 96б.

11. Мусаева В.И. Тексттер жыйнагы: кыргыз тили (ЖОЖдордо мамлекеттик тилди окутууга карата мугал. жана студ. YЧYH окуу куралы). Б.: «Алтын тамга», 2009. 72б.

12. Мусаева В.И. ж.б. Адеп / Окуу китеби: 2 класс. Б.: Принт-Экспресс, 2013. 135б.

13. Мусаева В.И. ж.б. Адеп / Окуу китеби: 3 класс. Б.: Учкун, 2007. 147б.

14. Мусаева В.И. ж.б. Адеп / Окуу китеби: 4 класс. Б.: Учкун, 2007. 168б.

15. Мусаева В.И. Чечендик кепти (риториканы) окутуу. Б.: ^лчынар, 2011. 120б.

16. Мусаева В.И. СYЙлeшYY маданияты аркылуу чечендик кепке YЙрeтYYHYH методикасы. Б.: ^лчынар, 2012. 92б.

17. Мусаева В.И. Жат жазуу жыйнагы / Окуу-методикалык колдонмо. Б.: ^лчынар, 2015. 215б.

18. Мусаева В.И. Жат жазуулар жыйнагы / Окуу-методикалык колдонмо. Б.: Кыргызполиграфкомбинат, 2004. 281б.

19. Мусаева В.И. Жат жазуулар жыйнагы 5 - 6-кл. / Окуу-методикалык колдонмо. Б.: ^лчынар, 2009. 123б.

20. Мусаева В.И. Жат жазуулар жыйнагы 7 - 9-кл. / Окуу-методикалык колдонмо. Б.: ^лчынар, 2009. 164б.

21. Байсалов Дж.У. Жогорку окуу жайларда аралыктан окутуунун технологиясы.Б.: Аракет-принт, 2013. 292 б.


Musayeva Venera Inyatovna - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, DEPARTMENT OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES OF THE KYRGYZ AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGE,


Abstract: this article marked the training and educational role and functions of the national Kyrgyz games. About the author is the Creator of the books "Adep" ("Ethics") for primary grades there are special lessons about national games. It is also stated that it was proposed for students-teachers for further use in the classroom when teaching the Kyrgyz language and literature of the classification of didactic games for development of speech of children also grammar games, games for thinking, rhetorical games, etc. Considered the national didactic games, as games, riddles, fairy tale games, etc. Keywords: Kyrgyz language, Kyrgyz literature, students, educator, national game-puzzle, proverb.



Мусаева Венера Инятовна — доктор педагогических наук, профессор, кафедра технологии обучения кыргызскому и русскому языкам, факультет педагогики, Кыргызский государственный университет им. И. Арабаева, г. Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Аннотация: в данной статье отмечены обучающие и воспитательные роли и функции национальных кыргызских игр. То, что сама автор статьи является создателем учебников «Адеп» («Этика») для начальных классов, там же есть специальные уроки о национальных играх. Также говорится о том, что была предложена для студентов-педагогов для дальнейшего использования на уроках при преподавании кыргызского языка и литературы классификация дидактических игр для развития речи детей, а также грамматические игры, игры для размышления, риторические игры и т.д. Рассмотрены виды национальных дидактических игр, как игры-загадки, игры-сказки и др.

Ключевые слова: кыргызский язык, кыргызская литература, студенты, преподаватель, национальная игра-головоломка, пословицы.

UDC 371.3: 494.3:894.341

The professor-teachers who were died A. Osmonkulov, B. Omuraliev, K. Sartbaev [1; 2] that their work, mind and all life is dedicated to the education and taught students of the pedagogical faculty of Kyrgyz state university named by I. Arabaev effectively. And also doctors of pedagogical sciences, professors J.U. Baisalov, A.J. Muratov, A.T. Kaldybaeva and V.I. Musaeva [7; 8; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18], candidates of pedagogical sciences, acting professors D.K. Omurbaeva, B.S. Chokosheva, M.P. Rayimbekova, A.R. Akunova and other professor-teachers are working fruitfully. This article is devoted the ways of teaching national didactic games in teaching Kyrgyz language and literature for students-educators of the pedagogical faculty it will help when they will be teachers at schools.

As Kyrgyz proverb «Асманда жылдыз кеп, жерде кыргыз кеп», the ancient and rich history of Kyrgyz people spread around the world. The Kyrgyz people had several centuries ancient history from the military time with Turkish languages countries and our hero Manas that protect our brave and strong nation from external enemies.

Our people thought up several kinds of national games that connected with the real life because there were not nowadays techniques and civilizations. For example, intellectual games, words games, outdoor games, horse games [9] and other interesting games. These games are developed, formatted and saved until nowadays.

The educational meaning of Kyrgyz national games are rich. The daily difficult operations, history, fighting with life, social, cultural life and conditions described in the games. The main goal and tasks of using Kyrgyz National games in teaching Kyrgyz language and literature lessons - the formation positive qualities such as difficult way of life, the hope, wishes of the people, education, teach the youth to the positive way, hardworking, tolerance, sincerity, justice, fairness, patriotism.

The content of national games consist of flavor, national mentality, freedom,equality, justice, truth, hardworking help to teach youth to develop their pedagogical knowledges. Every game's aim is to introduce peculiarities of education. The author of the article - doctor of pedagogical science, professor V.I. Musaeva made up 2 hours materials on theme: "National Games" which included in "Adep" discipline that is taught by teachers on 4th grade [7; 8; 15] from the 2000 at the secondary schools. This manual presents several parts: The games strengthens health, "The National games face of nation than from Manas epic. The wrestling of Koshoi and Joloi, "Kachma top", "Kok Boru" national games "Chakmak tash", "Chuko atmai" [7; 8. 125-137 p.]. These themes consist of tasks, pictures, proverbs, aphorisms. Nowadays children study national games from the "Adep" manual that children study at the primary schools. This book is about our country, traditions customs, national games and educational information's that pay attention schoolchildren's age.

As we say "Эл ичи - енер кенчи" i.e. "Talents of people" there are about two thousand Kyrgyz national games. However, there are not scientists who research all of them. It is a pity. Although Habibula Anarkulov [9] became scientist researching Kyrgyz national games. In general, the distribution of the following types: word games, and ritual games, skill games, games total body exercise games, board games, board games, and a private bar games, bench Raise bar games, balanced sport games, sport games, jumping sport games, playing instruments and throw shooting sport games, bar games on the snow, etc. At the same time as the national games. As the basis for the national games and the features of the age of the students, taking into account the interests and ability pedagogy, specializing in school junior classes will use didactic games could offer a package:

Table 1. The classification of national didacticgames

1. Developing vocabulary games 1. Finding words correctly 2. Finding words quickly 3. Collecting the words 4. Retelling the words which the common letters are similar

2. Around the sentences games 1. Making up sentences 2. Collecting the sentences 3. Finding mistaking at the sentences 4. Correcting the mistakes at the sentences

3. Grammar games 1. Completing Nouns 2. Making up sentences with adjectives 3. Completing Numerals 4. Completing Adverbs 5. Making up sentences with Verbs

4. Teaching culture, etiquette speech games 1. Using "you" for older people 2. Respect the elders 3. Don't use Jargons

1. Tongue twister

2. Puzzles

3. Proverbs

5 Rhetoric and rhetorical skills training 4. "Sanat -nasiyat"

games 5. "Aitysh"

6. "Akiya"

7. Story telling

8. Compose the song

1. Play "Besh tash"

6. Critical thinking games 2. Toguz korgool

3. Chatyrash or chess

1. Wear fashion keep clearly

2. Books clear

7 Cleanness, hard, health, physical 3. Help to parents

7. culture, educational 4. Clean the body

5. Healthy way of life

6. Doing correct exercises

Students-educations go to school for pedagogical practice or work as a teacher at schools. They should pay attention to organizing lesson using new informational communicative technology during teaching Kyrgyz language and literature at the schools. We think that if they will use these games finding the time at the lesson. The result will be the good. When they organize every type of games, they must pay attention:

Firstly, follow to theme of studying program.

Secondly, do not forget about schoolchildren's interests and ages.

Thirdly, using time correctly, develop speaking skills.

Methods for language development games: find the correct word game - the student teacher gone through flyers or pictures on each slide. The first student put on one of her fingers: thumb - Bash barmak. Carving drawings. fiyp fiyp chypalak - pinky, rosy, responded. The second student: go - will we steal? The third student: Do finger. Fourth reader: the people, on average, how? Fifth student how to do? Sixth pinky -slaughters cut broth liquor to answer. Then, each student "how?" Greatest common for morals, "let us do," and indifference is not the name of the index finger and the smaller, but "we do a thief? - Slaughters cut broth liquor «absorbed thumb and pinky say that it is the smallest of the interpretation. Folk legend retold instill in the hearts of children of this game based on the tale also be used as a game. Children's way of thinking, cultivation and morality, morality and disciplines.

Find the words quickly and the game - turn of each student and teacher to the student with a noun words or similar words in the message. The game continues until the designated time. Like each other, many players can win. This includes the grammatical form of the game. Whispering to each other during the game, to help, on the contrary, be prevented, will not be permitted to re-start after the cessation. To consider this type of play, the cultivation of the mind, order, increase their vocabulary, and strengthens their knowledge.

Collection of words in the game - this game is a college student can be creatively different. For example, figure recorded in the following topics: 1) fruits and vegetables; 2) meals; 3) family; 4) color; 5) numbers. , The class divided into five groups, each group one theme is recommended. On the topic assigned to any group larger collection, they win. For example: 2) meals: bread, flat, pita, bun, cracker, milk, pancakes, yogurt, cut, sour cream, goose, sausage, meat, five fingers, plov, pasta, soup, potatoes, oil, sugar, sugar, candy, salt, flour, eggs, etc. Changing themes and then again in the second round of the game is boring. Grammar, as well as the direction, for example: "homonym game collection", "collection of synonyms Game", "Opposites game collection", "collection of phrases to match", etc. The type of game is more difficult, collection of student-educator can practice. For example, by collected those words to form a sentence, and then teach it to enter text based on the proposals will also contribute to the development of children's conduct.

The initials of the words collecting game - to make student-educator slide letters: B, A, T, O, O., K, etc. These letters, which begins with the words, phrases, students say finds the turn. For example, the letter B refers to the dictionary: blessed child, cradle, spring, clouds, mists, branches, chick, garden, paradise, five, shoes, fish, axes, frogs, etc. Complicate the game, the characters of the same words and sentences in Bangladesh, producing both plain text considered as a mental practice. For example, the language of words begin with the letter K with an exercise-related game: first student: cold winter evening on the side of an old warehouse in the dark Kuluipa old woman crushed potato-difficulty. The second student after the side of the warehouse Kuluipa potatoes fried potato and add the cream to the pot off the bark glow. The third: Kuluipa walks in the dark, and looked for potatoes was burning furs and jackets in dark blue with black. The fourth student: jackets depressed Kuluipa's neighbor, friend introduce to inform, very sad jackets. Kuluipa's neighbor burns black suit, sad, impatient. Kuluipa's mood. Neighbors talking, they saw slowly. At the same

time, the text begins with the letter "K". Of course, most often, finding the main idea in the text and further escalated the fourth student announced the winner.

Rhetoric and rhetorical skills training games - proven in practice, confirmed the cause of children with special interest. Janylmach students in pair of pupils and students, saying the first two in the second repeat it. For example:

The first student: A white bird, white bird Three white bird, white bird. Two students repeat. The third student: Frontier doe The island is also deer, Fire hind

Island doe. The fourth student repeat. The fifth student: bush, bush

Bush visited the island to do. The sixth students repeat.

The 7th student: flute your sibizgy

Flute Sibizgifilar sizgiriltsa

We sibizgibizdi sizgiriltpay

Flute sizgiriltat. The eighth student repeat.

The ninth student: One original mulberry one original radish,

Radish lead mulberry, sycamore lead Turpin. The 10 of the students repeat. [20. P. 71 - 73]. Janylmach game saying since time immemorial people have used the same as the national game. "The meaning of the word" janylmach means unerringly accurate. Our ancestors in ancient times, gave the usual speech, sons and daughters from the language, the word janylmach, it gradually turned it into a game, the fun of the ridiculous speakers, incite, and speakers, praise, to nurture and train the new generation. Jaqilmaf to the time mentioned, twisters mistake, repeated the student is the winner of the game. From the moment, the game is maintained to prevent, and help, not distract. Paying attention to this game, children, remembering, thinking, listening, learn the culture of the correct response.

Puzzle game - as janylmach with a pair of students in groups of two, as saying, the first to find the answer to the riddle says, his second apprentice. Alternatively, find an answer to tell the students one by one mystery remained. As well as carrying out a rhetorical question-and-answer. Children's way of thinking, memory, and develop the ability to hear. This game as the national game has been preserved by the people of many centuries since, intellectual, to teach them to learn about life in the game. For example:

Question: 'krqirfak the intention, and the name of the saddle riding. Answer: cradle, baby.

Question: meticulous, thorough tikirfak, tikirfaktin bakirfak. Answer: cradle,

Question: In light of the House, and ears. Answer: The boy and dog

Question: The two will be one-step forward, one of the staff. Answer:

Question: A little solace, and will reach the bottom of the earth. Answer:

Question: Two brothers will not see each other. Answer:

Question: There are two water included. Answer:

Question: belt, five horses, five masked. Answer: nail

Question: A seven shoulder of a hill. Answer: mouth, eyes, teeth, tongue, nose, ear, eyebrow Question: If the deceased is not a burden that is not where the bottom. Answer: [20. P. 76 - 78]. Saying proverbs game - patriotic, hard-working, moral and pious education on topics concurrent, according to the testes in competition. With students in groups of two or more is possible.

Game art instruction - art instruction modeled on Barpy's songs for children on page [19. 422 p.], A poem such as: "The bear comes out of the nose and the boys wasted natural wealth and children grieve about one month ... month ... Do not remnants boys ... do not talk about science education Read one month forbid obscene months ... "

Specimen (module) songs game - pattern and Terme, as a category of songs on the game-instruction as an example of folk songs and then his desire to create a model based on their own songs, then, gives rise to the interest of the students.

Saying aitysh, akiya game - hard to make common example also use according to the age of the students. The game continues until the designated time. Boys and girls ayti^tiruu or rhetorical question-and-answer competition. Togolok Moldo "Talym kyz and Kobok's singing" [3. P. 130-131.] The work can be taken as an example:

Talym kyz: Heaven and dreamy, or light? Tunaryk, or light? The heavens, the earth, waxes, or the light? Kobok: Heaven and dreamy, and the light of the moon. Tunaryk, night light. The heavens, the earth, waxes, open to the light of day.

Talym kyz: Tuyulgondun Chechens? Move-stop for days and nights, which one? Bone smelting, and oppressors?

Kobok: loose network of Tuyulgondun Chechens. Move-stop for days and nights. Bone smelting, and oppressors.

Telling fairytales game - a wise woman, a farmer, stingy rich like to write based on their own fairy tales in the design and adaptation with every student by encouraging creativity and ideas to nurture and enrich the imagination, trains to enter text.

Critical thinking training games - besh tash, toguz korgool, chatyrash or chess games. This game hobby classes, consider that it is in accordance with the cases. Particularly affects the development of the natural deep-mathematical subjects.

Cleanness, hard, health, physical culture, educational games - clean, neatly folded, clothing, and school supplies to help parents keep their extra body parts, body movement, and will help to make the correct movements.

We will talk about more about types of national sports training next articles.

References / Список литературы

1. OsmonkulovAskar. The history of the methods of teaching elementary school. B.: Turar, 2010. 468 p.

2. Muratalieva Agupu. The great pedagogy Karatai Sartbaev's science education. B.: the 2nd publication, 2016. 784 p.

3. Moldo Togolok. Volume 1. Frunze: Kyrgyzstan, 1970. 302 p.

4. MuratovAbdykerim. Teaching Kyrgyz Literature: Theory and Practice. B.: Turar, 2013. 554 p.

5. Muratov Abdykerim. Pedagogy: folk beliefs, interdictions/ manual for students of higher educational institutions. 2 - B.: the 2nd publication, 2016. 240 p.

6. Muratov А., §eriev J., Isakov К. Literature: informed. Second Edition. B.: the 2nd publication, 2014. 384 p.

7. Musaeva V.i. etc. Morality / Education. Grade 4. B.: Uchkun, 2005. 172 p.

8. Musaeva V.i. etc. 'Moral' / Education. Grade 4. B.: Uchkun, 2007. 167 p.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

9. Anarkulov Н. Kyrgyz national Games. Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan, 1991. 191 p.

10. Children's folklore. People Literature, Volume 20 of the series. B. 'Sham Press, 1998. 479 p.

11. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / Education: Class 2. B: Express prints, 2013. 135b.

12. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / Education: Class 3. Uchkun, 2007. 147b.

13. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / manual. Class 2. B.: Uchkun, 2005. 166 p.

14. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / 3-class manual. B.: Uchkun, 2005. 175 p.

15. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / 4-grade manual. B.: Uchkun, 2005. 222 p.

16. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / Education: Class 2. B.: prints Expo. 2013. 135b.

17. Musaeva V.I. etc. Morality / Education: Class 3. B.: Uchkun, 2007. 147b.

18. Musaeva V.I. Kyrgyz ones - School / Education hrestomatiyasi. B.: Gulfinar, 2010. 583 p.

19. Musaeva V.I. Adayuiyatinin Anthology: poets, poetry. Volume 3. B.: Encyclopedia, 2012. 527 p.

20. Children folklore. "People's Literature," a 20-volume series. B.: Sham, 1998. 479 p.

21. BaysalovDj.U. Higher education institutions distance learning technology. B.: Action-Print, 2013. 292 p.


ТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ ВУЗОВ Игнаткина И.В. Email: Ignatkina1133@scientifictext.ru

Игнаткина Ираида Викторовна — старший преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков, Поволжский государственный университет информатики и телекоммуникаций, г. Самара

Аннотация: в статье рассматривается проблема мотивации при обучении иностранному языку студентов технических специальностей, которая в последнее время приобрела особую актуальность в связи с возрастающей ролью иноязычного общения в профессиональной деятельности современных специалистов. Обозначен приоритет студентов на внешнюю мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка. Учитываются требования высшего образования, направленные на подготовку конкурентоспособных специалистов, владеющих иностранными языками. Рассматриваются способы повышения заинтересованности студентов к изучению предмета.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, внешняя мотивация социальный характер, профессиональная деятельность.

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