THE USE OF SIMPLE CLIPPINGS TO FORM A SPATIAL IMAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Achilov N.N.

The article introduces a new approach to the development of spatial imagination of students, as well as the transition from the subject of drawing to drawing lessons on the basis of new innovative technologies. The article provides information about haircuts and their types.

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Achilov N.N. department of fine arts Chirchiq State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region


Annotation: The article introduces a new approach to the development of spatial imagination of students, as well as the transition from the subject of drawing to drawing lessons on the basis of new innovative technologies. The article provides information about haircuts and their types.

Key words: shear, simple shear, drawing, complex shear, standard, drawing, graphics.

In the "Strategy of Action" in the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, further improvement of the system of continuing education for the development of education and science, increasing the capacity of quality educational services, modernization of the labor market continue the policy of training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the needs; the factors that will further increase the number of intellectuals in line with modern international standards in the future are described in detail. radically improve the quality of general secondary education, improve state youth policy, nurture physically healthy, mentally and intellectually developed young people who are independent-minded, patriotic, and have a strong outlook on life, deepen democratic reforms, and civil society issues such as increasing their social activism in the development process.

Such tasks mean that great attention should be paid to improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching the subject of drawing in general secondary education, secondary special and higher education. This increases the responsibility of teachers. requires the use of various new pedagogical technologies, innovative methods in improving the quality and effectiveness of lessons. This requires the teacher to do more independent research on himself.117

Hence, it is necessary to design the training process on the basis of a perfect and well-thought-out model, to ensure that the learners master the theoretical knowledge thoroughly and deeply, and that they gain practical experience and skills.

In this case, the method and theme of simple cuts in drawing and graphic tasks for students in the field of drawing will be the basis for improving their spatial imagination, further developing students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

117 Kukiev, B., O'g'li, A. N. N. & Shaydulloyevich, B. Q. (2019). Technology for creating images in autocad. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 7 (12), 49-54.

Shear is an image created by imaginatively cutting a detail with one or more planes. It also draws an image on the surface of the cutting plane and the details that are visible on the back.

Clippings are usually used to determine the internal structure of objects.

If the internal structure of a detail can be represented by a single plane, such a cut is a simple cut.

The following key issues should be considered in improving students' literacy skills.

1. The concept of shearing;

2. Simple shearing types;

3. The importance of a simple cut to a more complete picture;

4. The importance of the topic of simple cuts in expanding students' spatial imagination in the process of drawing.

the images in the drawing should give a clear or unambiguous idea not only of the appearance of the detail, but also of its internal structure. As far as we know, the internal structure of the detail is represented by barcodes.

to create clearer and clearer images in the drawings, a conditional imaging method called cropping is used. When we work with normal haircuts, we need to know the haircut itself.

^What is a haircut?

^How is a haircut made and what requirements does it have to meet?

S A cut is an image of an imaginary cut piece with one or more planes.

The shears are formed in the following order.

The cutting plane parallel to the plane of projections is divided into two parts along the plane of symmetry of the part. Particular attention should be paid to its types when pruning. the resulting shear is called a normal shear if the cutting plane is the same to create a shear in the appearance of the detail. Depending on the shape of the cutting plane relative to the projection plane, the shears are divided into the following types

1. Frontal shears: where the intersecting plane is parallel to the plane of the frontal projections (Figure 1)



Figure 1

2. Horizontal shears: the cutting plane is parallel to the plane of horizontal projections (Figure 2)

Figure 2

3. Profile shears: this creates a profile shear when the cutting plane is parallel to the plane of the profile projections (Figure 3)

Figure 3

4. Oblique shear: If the intersecting plane forms an acute angle with the plane of projections, an oblique shear is formed (Figure 4)

Figure 4

Simple cuts are very different from cuts. That's why we need to know the difference between normal haircuts and teach them to think.

The definition of the cuts in the drawings can be placed in the appropriate views of the frontal, profile, and horizontal cuts, including the view before the frontal cut, the view from the side of the profile cut, and the view from the horizontal cut.

It is desirable to further develop the skills of students to further develop spatial imagination and thinking, as well as a high level of mastery of the given detailed drawings.

Depiction of shears in axonometric projections when working with simple


The internal shape of the detail, which is precisely executed by following the axonometric rules, is difficult to read without the use of shears. For this reason, shear is also used in axonometric projection to determine the internal shape of a similar detail in right-angled drawings. In axonometry, frontal, profile, and horizontal shears are used, as in shear views.

In conclusion, it is possible to increase the interest of today's students in the science of drawing, to achieve a deeper knowledge of this subject, to achieve some success by taking quality lessons on the subject of simple haircuts. the use of new innovative pedagogical technologies in the teaching of secondary schools in general, the introduction of information and communication technologies in the classroom is a requirement of the times.


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13. Achilov N.N. Develop students' spatial imagination by making simple cuts in drawing. MyrarnHM x,sm Y3nyKCH3 SnnHMneHgnpHy HnHMHHMeTOgHKanbi; ^ypHMH №2 2020 ISSN 2181-7138

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