Научная статья на тему 'The use of English words in the Vietnamese media'

The use of English words in the Vietnamese media Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Заимствованное слово / вьетнамский язык / вьетнамские СМИ / английские слова / самобытность языка / сохранение красоты вьетнамского языка. / Loanword / Vietnamese language / Vietnamese media / English words / identity of the language / preserve the beauty of Vietnamese language.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Хо Тхи Тху Ханг

Язык является великой ценностью всех народов в мире. Благодаря языку многие культурные традиции передаются из поколения в поколение. Однако тенденция глобализации в языке, как и другие сферы в жизни, подвержены этому влиянию. С каждым днем появляется все больше заимствованных слов во вьетнамском языке. Заимствованные слова используются от повседневных тем до экономических и политических сфер. Через определенный период времени определить, какие слова являются заимствованными, а какие — исконно вьетнамскими словами, это уже не простая задача. Средства массовой информации (СМИ) используют язык как средство общения, поэтому они очень чувствительны, активны в обмене и развитии языка. Современные вьетнамские СМИ отражают разнообразие, инновации и тенденции развития современного вьетнамского языка. В статье исследуется использование английских слов во вьетнамских газетах. А также рассматриваются аспекты сохранения чистоты вьетнамского языка.

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Использование английских слов во вьетнамских СМИ

Language is a great value of all nations in the world. Thanks to languages, many cultural traditions are passed on from generation to generation. However, the trend of globalization is also gradually affecting the language of a nation. Every day more and more borrowed words appear in Vietnamese language. They are widely used in many fields, from topics on everyday life to topics in economics, politics. Over a long period of time, determining which words are loanwords and which words — pure Vietnamese words is not a simple task. The mass media use language as a means of communication, so they are very sensitive, active in the exchange and language development. Contemporary Vietnamese media reflect the diversity, innovation and development trends of the modern Vietnamese language. This article examines the use of English words in Vietnamese newspapers. Aspects of preserving the purity of the Vietnamese language are also discussed.

Текст научной работы на тему «The use of English words in the Vietnamese media»


The use of English words in the Vietnamese media Использование английских слов во вьетнамских СМИ

Хо Тхи Тху Ханг

Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Казань, Россия

Автор, ответственный за переписку: П uyhang2207ulis@gmail. ш m


Ho Thi Thu Hang

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Corresponding author: Th uyhang2207ulis@gmail. co m


удк 81-23 | научная статья | https://doi.0rg/10.24412/2686-9675-2-2024-20-27


Язык является великой ценностью всех народов в мире. Благодаря языку многие культурные традиции передаются из поколения в поколение. Однако тенденция глобализации в языке, как и другие сферы в жизни, подвержены этому влиянию. С каждым днем появляется все больше заимствованных слов во вьетнамском языке. Заимствованные слова используются от повседневных тем до экономических и политических сфер. Через определенныи период времени определить, какие слова являются заимствованными, а какие — исконно вьетнамскими словами, это уже не простая задача.

Средства массовои информации (СМИ) используют язык как средство общения, поэтому они очень чувствительны, активны


Language is a great value of all nations in the world. Thanks to languages, many cultural traditions are passed on from generation to generation. However, the trend of globalization is also gradually affecting the language of a nation. Every day more and more borrowed words appear in Vietnamese language. They are widely used in many fields, from topics on everyday life to topics in economics, politics. Over a long period of time, determining which words are loanwords and which words — pure Vietnamese words is not a simple task.

The mass media use language as a means of communication, so they are very sensitive, active in the exchange and language development. Contemporary Vietnamese media reflect the diversity,


в обмене и развитии языка. Современные вьетнамские СМИ отражают разнообразие, инновации и тенденции развития современного вьетнамского языка. В статье исследуется использование англииских слов во вьетнамских газетах. А также рассматриваются аспекты сохранения чистоты вьетнамского языка.

В работе использованы следующие методы: коллективны^ статистическии, сравни-тельныи анализ, описательныи, аналитиче-скии и метод синтеза.

Ключевые слова. Заимствованное слово, вьетнамскии язык, вьетнамские СМИ, англии-ские слова, самобытность языка, сохранение красоты вьетнамского языка.

Для цитирования: Хо Т.Т.Х. Использование англииских слов во вьетнамских СМИ. Современные востоковедческие исследования. 2024; Том 6 (2). С. 20-28 https://doi.org/ 10.24412/2686-9675-2-2024-20-28

Vietnamese language has appeared for a long time and it has a long history of development. However, like other languages, Vietnamese language always moves to change in accordance with the requirements of modern life. Language contacts and borrowing are a common phenomenon in almost all languages in the world.

Today, in the context of globalization, English is considered a global language. English is one of the most important foreign languages taught in schools in most non-native English-speaking countries in the world. Since then, a lot of English ele-

biinnovation and development trends of the modern Vietnamese language. This article examines the use of English words in Vietnamese newspapers. Aspects of preserving the purity of the Vietnamese language are also discussed.

The following methods are used in this paper: collective, statistical, comparative analysis, descriptive, analytical and synthesis method

Keywords. Loanword, Vietnamese language, Vietnamese media, English words, identity of the language, preserve the beauty of Vietnamese language.

For citation: Ho T.T. H. The use of English words in the Vietnamese media. Modern Oriental Studies. 2024; Volume 6 (№2). P.20-28 (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24412/2686-9675-2-2024-20-28

ments have penetrated into other languages, including Vietnamese. English words have been incorporated into Vietnamese with a high speed and in large quantities.

In lexicology, a loanword (also spelled loan word) is a word imported into one language from another language. These words are also called a borrowed word or a borrowing (Richard, 2019).

Almost all languages in the world have borrowed words, because one language does not have enough words to define all concepts. Therefore, borrowing words from one language to another is


an indispensable trend in the process of cultural exchange and integration. However, it is necessary to be careful in using borrowed words to avoid losing the identity of the language receiving those words. If we want to achieve this goal, we should only use borrowed words when our language does not have suitable alternative words or alternative words are too long and complicated.

Loanwords play relatively important roles in Vietnamese language. They supplement new words that were not available in Vietnamese before. They also create words with different nuances of meaning from words in Vietnamese. The borrowed words are often more formal and have fuller meaning.

Nowadays it is easy to see loanwords in many areas of our life, especially in the media. To

clarify the use of English words in Vietnamese newspapers, some articles of the Vietnamese electronic newspapers, such as: "Vietnamnet, Dantri, VnExpress, Hoahoctro Magazine, Vietnamese Students, Tuoitre Online, Thanhnien Online, Kenh14" and some Vietnamese television programmes were studied. They are popular newspapers in Vietnam which have a large audience of young people and students. 30 articles were randomly selected and were divided into 6 topics, including: politics - society, education, daily life, economics, culture and entertainment, technology. Each topic has 5 articles, and each article has about 400-600 words. The survey of the number of English words appearing in articles will give us an overview of using English words in Vietnamese newspapers today.

Topic Total number of English words

1 economics 34 words

2 technology 50 words

3 daily life 31 words

4 politics - society 22 words

5 culture and entertainment 101 words

6 education 39 words

Total: 30 articles 277 words/30 articles

Table. 1. The statistical table of the appearance of English words in Vietnamese newspapers Таблица 1. Статистика использования английских слов во вьетнамских СМИ


On the basis of 277 words in the statistical table, it is found that there are words repeated many times in different articles, such as: internet, wifi, virus, online, hacker, website, email, comment, view, stress, show, showbiz, fan, fanpage, like, clip, MC, module, top, marketing, module, shopping... Among these words, there are some words appearing on many different topics, such as: website, online, stress, show, top, marketing, module, MC... These words appear from political and social articles to topics about life, economics, culture and entertainment.

From the results of the survey above, it can be seen that English words appear quite regularly and frequently in Vietnamese articles. Surveying 30 articles, we found 277 times that English words are used, and on average, each article has 9.2 words. In the survey, we do not take into account proper nouns in English used in Vietnamese newspapers, such as Apple, Amazon, Ebay, Samsung Electronic..., because they are proper nouns, we cannot replace it with another option. Therefore, we have to keep these nouns intact.

From 30 articles that we randomly selected for the survey, only in 5 articles they do not use any words in English (one article about economics, one article about education, two articles about social politics and one article about daily life). On the contrary, all articles on entertainment and cultural topics use English words. There are even articles in which more than ten words borrowed from English are used. The frequency of using loanwords from English depends on the content of the article. The articles on social and political topics have the lowest rate, only 4,4 words / article on average. The

articles about technology, culture and entertainment have the highest rate. There are articles with a dense number of English words appearing:

For example:

"Ca hai mau GLE Coupe cua Mercedes va X6 cua BMW deu pha tron phong cach thiet ke gifra crossover va coupe" (Both the Mercedes GLE Coupe and the BMW X6 have a design that blends the crossover and the coupe) [1].

"Cung vai Top 3 My Ebank, danh sach frng vien cho danh hieu Top 5 Internet Banking va Top 5 Mobile Banking dfrac VnExpress cong bo tren giao dien mai cua website My Ebank tai dia chi: mye-bank.vnexpress.net" (Along with Top 3 My Ebank, the list of candidates for Top 5 Internet Banking and Top 5 Mobile Banking titles is announced by VnExpress on the new interface of My Ebank website at: myebank.vnexpress.net) [2]. (More detailed information can be found via the links in Reference section).

Not only using English words in their articles, newspaper companies also use English words to name their online newspaper, such as: Tuoitre Online, ThanhnienOnline, Hoa Hoc Tro Magazine, VnExpress... There are even online newspapers that mostly name sections in English. For example: online newspaper "Kenh14" has Star / Music / Cine / TV show / Fashion / Sport / Cool / Video sections.

Moreover, some TV programs that attract many viewers are given English names next to Vietnamese names, such as: "Than tfrang Viet Nam"(Vietnam's Idol), "Giong hat Viet" (The Voice), "Giong hat Viet nhi" (The Voice Kids), "Vua dau


bep" (Master Chef), "Ai la trieu phu?" (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?)... There are even TV programs that Vietnamese people rarely remember their Vietnamese names, for example: World Cup, Vietnam Next Top model, Vietnam's Idol...

From 277 English words that we found in the survey, there are some words which have been widely used by many generations or classes of Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people tend to use these words as Vietnamese words and they read these words with intonation and accent in Vietnamese. For example: TV - ti vi, game - gem, yogurt - dau gut, chat - chat, wifi - goai phai, clip - ca lip, internet - mang in to net, radio - dai ra di o, dollar - do la... There are many loanwords from English that were translated into Vietnamese language, such as: chat (noi chuyen), television (vo tuyen truyen hinh), post (dang anh, dang tin), games (tro chai, tro chai dien tfr), show (buo'i dien), clip (doan phim), wi fi (mang khong day)... However, most Vietnamese people, especially young people, prefer to use the English version more than its translation into Vietnamese. This is a general trend not only in Vietnamese but also in many other languages in the world.

In the past when Vietnamese people had to borrow words, they often just borrowed the meaning of those words (^,o, 2017). It means Vietnamese people used to try to understand the meaning of an English word and then translated it into Vietnamese. But nowadays, people tend to borrow English words but keep the original language form, for example: Wifi, internet, chat, MC, shopping, marketing, online, offline... As mentioned above, even on TV programs of major channels such as

VTV1, VTV3... or on Online newspapers, the English name is also used instead of Vietnamese one.

Borrowing words without changing the forms of words is a general trend of all the languages in the world today. If there are similar words between different languages, it will help people communicate more easily, especially in the current globalization context. In addition, it is not always possible for us to be successful in translating an English word into Vietnamese. Our translation version may be too long, or can not fully express the meaning of the original word. For example, the word "wifi" in English has the Vietnamese version "mang khong day". As you can see, the Vietnamese version is longer, so Vietnamese people prefer to use English version. In some cases, borrowing words without changing the form of the original word is a correct choice, because the translation into Vietnamese is too long and does not fully express the meaning of the original word while the original word is concise and easy to remember.

When studying the use of borrowed words from the survey, we found that English words which were translated into Vietnamese often appear in articles about politics, society, economic and daily life... These articles are about general issues and they are read by wide and diverse audience. Therefore, these articles are required to be written more accurately and easily than articles about culture, entertainment and technology. (^o, 2017)

On the contrary, the articles about culture, entertainment, mobile phones, and vehicles are often aimed at readers who are interested in these topics. These readers often know a lot about themes that interest them. Therefore, in articles on


these topics, English words appear a lot, and they are not translated into Vietnamese. More than 80% of the English words in Vietnamese articles that we surveyed belong to these topics.

For example:

"Hacker Anonymous Malaysia "ha guc" 50 website Viet Nam" (Hacker Anonymous Malaysia" defeated "50 Vietnamese websites ) [3] (More detailed information can be found via the link in Reference section).

In the category "Motorcycles" of Vietnamnet newspaper, "Xe ++" of Dan Tri newspaper, "Vehicle" on VnExpress, these English words, such as: crossover, coupe, sedan, hatchback, SUV, AT, MT... have become so familiar to readers. Authors of these articles used English words without any explanation in Vietnamese. Perhaps, they think that readers are able to easily understand the content of the articles without translation.

Or the words: ton sur ton, croptop, jumpsuits, retro, vintage, trendy, set, mix & match, tips, legging, item, street style... in the category "Fashion" of "Kenh14" newspaper are also completely familiar to Vietnamese fashion followers.

It is not difficult for music lovers to read articles with a range of English words about this topic, such as: hit, single, solo, live, cover, band, rock, ballad, Vpop, Kpop, MV, concert... without translation into Vietnamese language. (^o, 2017)

In Vietnam, English is also a foreign language. Therefore, when a range of loanwords from English appear in the Vietnamese media, it makes Vietnamese people confused in correctly reading these words. And the pronunciation of an English

word often depends on the ability and habits of each person. Therefore, with the same English word, but Vietnamese people can read it in different ways: World Cup (von cup, oan cup, uan cup, guon cup, goan cup.), style (sa tai, xi tai, xi tin, xa tin.) (Hy, 1997).

In a lot of articles in Vietnamese, the words, such as: hot boy, hot girl, teen, cute... appear many times. Young people gradually get used to using the loanwords as in the articles and use them as a habit. In the past, Vietnamese people did not use the word "teenager". In Vietnamese, there are many words which are suitable for expressing the age groups of teenagers. These words in Vietnamese are very good and appropriate, but why do Vietnamese people replace them with the word "teenager"? Currently, the word "teenager" appears a lot in newspapers for young people, and it has gradually replaced the pure Vietnamese words that Vietnamese people still used many years ago.

Vietnamese language also has many loanwords from Chinese besides English. According to the researchers, about 60% of Vietnamese words are borrowed from Chinese language. However, when a Chinese word entered into Vietnamese, it was changed in pronunciation to suit the phonetic system of Vietnamese. This type of reading is called Sino-Vietnamese reading. This type of reading was completely built up in 9th-10 th century and has been used stably up to now. (Hy, 1997).

In general, Vietnamese language borrows Chinese words for two purposes:

The first purpose — supplement the missing concepts in Vietnamese. Old Vietnamese language lacked many words, especially in the fields of


culture, literature — art, law, politics, economy, defence and education. In order to supplement the missing concepts, new words were created on the basis of principles of word formation in Vietnamese. At the same time, the Vietnamese also borrowed many words from the Chinese language.

For example:

Loanwords from Chinese in the cultural field: le nghi (ritual), le hoi (festival), ton giao (religion), van minh (civilization).

Loanwords in the field of literature — art: tieu thuyet (novel), hoi hoa (painting), dieu khac (sculpture), trfr tinh (lyrical).

Loanwords in the legal field: hien phap (constitution), luat sfr (lawyer), toa an (court), quy dinh (regulations).

Loanwords in the political field: chinh phu (government), doc lap (independence), dan chu (democracy), lien minh (alliance).

Loanwords in the economic field: cong nghiep (industry), tfr ban (capital), ty gia (rate), chfrng khoan (securities).

The second purpose - creation of words having different nuances of meaning. (Hy, 1997)

Sometimes, there are not enough words with formal or general nuances of meaning in Vietnamese. Therefore, Vietnamese language has borrowed some words from the Chinese language with the same basic meanings as the words in Vietnamese, but with a different nuance of meaning. From here synonym pairs have appeared:

For example:

The pure Vietnamese words cause a sense of vulgarity, fear or pain, while Sino-Vietnamese

words bring nuances of courtesy and politeness.

The pure Vietnamese words: chet (die).

The Sino-Vietnamese words: tfr tran (pass away).

Sino-Vietnamese words create more formal nuances of meaning than pure Vietnamese words.

The pure Vietnamese words: cuai nhau (marry), ngfrai gia (old people).

The Sino-Vietnamese words: hon nhan (wed), phu lao (elderly people).

Today Vietnamese language still borrows words from Chinese. The newest example is the phrase "green tea". "Green tea" is a drink from green tea. However, this phrase has been added a new meaning recently. The phrase "green tea" is now also used to refer to girls who always behave innocently, but are actually very tricky and cunning, and they are always interested in someone who already has a girlfriend or his own family. In this case, Vietnamese people only borrow the meaning of the phrase. And then, they express this meaning entirely in Vietnamese words.

President Ho Chi Minh said: "Language is the extremely long-standing and precious wealth of the nation. We must preserve, respect it and make it more and more popular. If we borrow the vocabulary of a foreign language while we also have our own, is that dependency?" [4] (More detailed information can be found via the link in Reference section).

In the context of globalization in all areas of life, the phenomenon of borrowing words from other languages has become a natural phenomenon of all languages in the world, including Vietnamese language. Loanwords are very necessary,

ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ | Хо Тхи Тху Хднг | Thuyhang2207uLis@gmaiL.com |

because a language cannot have enough vocabulary to call all the things and phenomena in life. However, the big issue is: how we can use borrowed words and still show a sense of respect and preservation of our language at the same time. Currently, a part of young people, as well as newspapers and television, have used loanwords too much and not selectively. This loses the beauty of Vietnamese language.

It can be said that preserving the beauty of Vietnamese language is a necessary task. However, preserving the beauty of the Vietnamese language does not mean that you have to completely delete loanwords. We can preserve the beauty of Vietnamese language by using loanwords at the right time, at the right place and with the right object. We should use borrowed words selectively and use pure Vietnamese words instead of borrowed words if possible. Moreover, it is not just the duty of the professionals, but the duty of everyone in Vietnam, from the president to the farmers.

Список литературы

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Minh Vu. Differences between GLE Coupe and X6. http://vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/oto-xe-may/gle-coupe-va-x6-nhung-khac-biet-3119179.html (accessed:19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

2. VnExpress.net. Top 3 brightest candidates for the title "My Ebank 2014". http:// kinhdoanh.vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/ebank/ thanh-toan-dien-tu/top-3-ung-vien-sang-gia-cua-danh-hieu-my-ebank-2014-3105190.html (accessed:19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

УДК 81-23| научная сшья

3. Phong Van. Hacker Anonymous Malaysia took down 50 Vietnamese websites. http:// nhipsongso.tuoitre.vn/tin/2 0141210/hacker -anonymous-malaysia-ha-guc-50-website-viet-nam/683022.html (accessed:19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

4. Vietnam+. Mega story. Preserving the beauty of Vietnamese language. https:// mega.vietnamplus.vn/giu-gin-su-trong-sang-cua-tieng-viet- 5 3 64.html (accessed:19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

5. Richard Nordquist. Loanwords: Definition and Examples. ThoughtCo, 2019. https:// www.thoughtco.com/what-is-a-loanword-1691256 (accessed:19.04.2024)

6. До Тху Ча (Bo Thu Tra). Влияние английского языка на вьетнамский язык СМИ. (Viec vay muan cac tu tieng Anh tren phuang tien truyen thong dai chung a Viet Nam), 2017. http://lrc.quangbinhuni.edu.vn:8181/ dspace/bitstream/

DHQB_123456789/3673/1/ pdf. (дата обращения 18.04.2024) (на вьет.яз.)

7. Маи Нгок Чу (Mai Ngoc Chu). Основы языкознания и вьетнамского языка (Ca sa ngon ngu hoc va tieng Viet). - Ханои: Издательство Заозук, 1997. - 340 с. (на вьет.яз.)

8. Солнцев В. М. Вьетнамскии язык / В. М. Солнцев, Ю. К. Лекомцев, Т. Т. Мхитарян, И. И. Глебова. - М.: Издательство восточнои литературы, 1960. - 100с.


1. Minh Vu. Differences between GLE Coupe and X6. http: //vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/oto-xe-may/


gle-coupe-va-x6-nhung-khac-biet-3119179.html (accessed: 19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

2. VnExpress.net. Top 3 brightest candidates for the title "My Ebank 2014". http:// kinhdoanh.vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/ebank/thanh -toan-dien-tu/top-3-ung-vien-sang-gia-cua-danh-hieu-my-ebank-2014-3105190.html (accessed: 19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

3. Phong Van. Hacker Anonymous Malaysia took down 50 Vietnamese websites. http:// nhipsongso.tuoitre.vn/tin/20141210/hacker -anonymous-malaysia-ha-guc-50-website-viet-nam/683022.html (accessed:19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

4. Vietnam+. Mega story. Preserving the beauty of Vietnamese language. https:// mega.vietnamplus.vn/giu-gin-su-trong-sang-cua -tieng-viet-5364.html (accessed:19.04.2024) (In Vietnamese).

5. Richard Nordquist. Loanwords: Definition and Examples. ThoughtCo, 2019. https:// www.thoughtco.com/what-is-a-loanword-1691256 (accessed:19.04.2024)

6. Do Thu Cha (Bo Thu Tra). Vliyanie an-glijskogo yazyka na v'etnamskij yazyk SMI. (Viec vay muan cac tu tieng Anh tren phuang tien truyen thong dai chung a Viet Nam), 2017. http: //lrc. quangbinhuni. edu.vn:8181 /dspace / bitstream/DHQB_123456789/3673/1/ pdf. (data obrashcheniya 18.04.2024) (na v'et.yaz.)

7. Maj Ngok Chu (Mai Ngoc Chu). Osnovy yazy-koznaniya i v'etnamskogo yazyka (Ca sa ngon ngu hoc va tieng Viet). - Hanoj: Izdatel'stvo Zaozuk, 1997. - 340 s. (na v'et.yaz.)

8. Solncev V. M. V'etnamskij yazyk / V. M. Solncev, Yu. K. Lekomcev, T. T. Mhitaryan, I. I. Glebova. - M.: Izdatel'stvo vostochnoj litera-tury, 1960. - 100s.

Сведения об авторе

Хо Тхи Тху Ханг

Старшии преподаватель, кафедра китаеведения и азиатско-тихоокеанских исследовании, Институт международных отношении

Казанскии (Приволжскии) федеральныи университет, Казань, Россия Th uyhang2207ulis@gmail. com

Infomation about the author

Ho Thi Thu Hang

Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese and Asia-Pacific Studies, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia. Th uyhang2207ulis@gmail. com

Информация о статье

Поступила в редакцию: 28.04.2024; Одобрена после рецензирования: 10.05.2024; Принята к публикации: 25.05.2024.

Information about the article

The article was submitted 28.04.2024; Approved after reviewing 10.05.2024; Accepted for publication 25.05.2024.

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