Научная статья на тему 'The University Extension movement as a beginning of self-management in Russia'

The University Extension movement as a beginning of self-management in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lyskova I.

The article suggests a common review of the history of English and American University Extension Movements and the first experience of University Extension in Russia in the late XIXth and the early XXth century. The modern situation requires new approaches to studying of socio-political, socio-cultural and socio-economic processes in the aspect of the history of scientific thought including the history of self-management, self-education and self-development. Famous Russian scientists and public figures N.I. Kareev and P.N. Milyukov paid much attention to the problems of democratization of comprehensive and university education and actualization of the role of education system in the processes of individual and social improvement. They contributed greatly into realization of innovative University Extension model in Russia.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The University Extension movement as a beginning of self-management in Russia»

Правительство России определило концепцию «Сервисного государства 2.0» в рамках федерального проекта «Цифровое государственное управление» национальной программы «Цифровая экономика». Главный принцип данной концепции - отсутствие физических документов (кроме удостоверения личности) и возможность получения государственных услуг в проактивном режиме, а также автоматически (то есть без участия чиновников). Новая модель «Сервисного государства» позволит комплексно решать жизненные ситуации граждан на основании автоматизированных бизнес-процессов или суперсервисов. Пока в утвержденном списке 25 сервисов. Речь идет о государственных услугах, привязанных к наиболее распространенным жизненным ситуациям (рождение ребенка, получение пенсии, оформление Европротокола при ДТП).

Суперсерверы охватывают основные жизненные ситуации граждан и бизнеса и не менее 90% их соприкосновений с государством. Они раскладываются примерно на 200 отдельных услуг федерального, регионального и муниципального уровня, а также на негосударственные услуги (например, банковские). [4] По плану суперсервисы должны заработать в России к 2021 году.

Список литературы

1. О Стратегии развития информационного общества в Российской Федерации на 2017-2030 годы: указ Президента РФ от 09.05.2017 г. №203

[Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: www.con-sultant.ru/cons_doc_LAW_216363/ (дата обращения 24.02.2020)

2. Лобанова, З.И. Развитие цифрового предпринимательства как фактор повышение конкурентоспособности фирмы//Вестник Хабаровского государственного университета экономики и права. -2019-. -№3. -С.52-58.

3. Официальный сайт «Яндекс-Дзен» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https://zen.yan-dex. ru/media/id/5bb4ad3 caebac200a92147c0/reitingi-elektronnogo-pravitelstva-

5bf3379e14e43500a9f2ec3d (дата обращения 24.02.2020)

4. Сайт ежедневного онлайн издания Russia.ru» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://d-russia.ru/rossiya-voshla-v-pervuyu-trojku-po-tempam-rosta-ispolzovaniya-elektronnyh-gosuslug-is-sledovanie.html (дата обращения 24.02.2020)

5. Сайт электронного периодического издания «Ведомости» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https://www.vedomosti.ru/partner/arti-cles/2019/04/24/799870-gosudarstvo-umu-korruptsiei

6. Сайт ресурса для ^-специалистов «Хабр» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https://habr.com/ru/post/447278/ (дата обращения 24.02.2020)

7. Официальный сайт информационного агентства «РБК» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа:

https://plus.rbc.ru/news/5acf36437a8aa92bcba1ef50?r uid=NaN (дата обращения 24.02.2020)



Lyskova I.

Candidate of historical sciences, Docent, Associate professor of the economics and management Department of the Komi Republican Academy of State Service and Administration.

Syktyvkar, Russia.


The article suggests a common review of the history of English and American University Extension Movements and the first experience of University Extension in Russia in the late XIXth and the early XXth century. The modern situation requires new approaches to studying of socio-political, socio-cultural and socio-economic processes in the aspect of the history of scientific thought including the history of self-management, self-education and self-development.

Famous Russian scientists and public figures N.I. Kareev and P.N. Milyukov paid much attention to the problems of democratization of comprehensive and university education and actualization of the role of education system in the processes of individual and social improvement. They contributed greatly into realization of innovative University Extension model in Russia.

Keywords: the University Extension Movement; professional education; self-education; self-management; scientific heritage and social activities of N.I. Kareev and P.N. Milyukov.

The history of personal management in Russia and self-development as a brunch of self-management in particular, at the end of the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth centuries was inevitably linked with International educational University Extension movement, which became widespread in the countries of Western Europe and North America [10]. Rev. Augusta J. Chapin, an American public figure, mentioned the fact that

the movement turned to be a unique form to satisfy people's striving for education regardless of the age and sex. She accentuated, that "Greatest of all organizations for this purpose in that known as "University Extension." The idea is not altogether a new one. It has for years been growing in the minds of scholars who have earnestly desired to bring the advantages of liberal culture within the reach of people of all ages and of both

sexes who cannot go to the university. Its purpose is to bring the university to the people where they are, and while engaged in their usual avocations, and thus make up to them in some measure, at least, the loss they have suffered" [17, p. 393-394].

As a famous Russian scientist and political figure, P.N. Milyukov wrote "the sense of this movement is in democratization of high school, making university closer to people, making education a property of people and the task of the whole life" [14, p. 79].

The establishment of societies to assist self-education was the first experience of this popular system implementation in Russia. Thus, in 1893 at the Educational department of Technical knowledge expansion society in Moscow the Home reading arrangement Committee under the direction of P.N. Milyukov started its work. In 1894 in St. Petersburg at the Educational Committee of the Pedagogical museum of military schools the Department of assistance to self-education was opened. A famous Russian historian, philosopher, sociologist and an active public man N. I. Ka-reev became the leader of this department [11, 12, 13].

It is important to mention that for the first time the term University Extention was introduced by an English professor of Astronomy James Stuart in 1871. That was he who became the author of the system called University Extention. Initially, one of the forms of work was organizing systematical lectures which were methodically provided. Later, they were supplemented with seminars and controlling forms of work, for instance, with independent written works and examinations. Doing such a course gave rights to enter advanced groups at universities and to take examinations for bachelor degree [18; 19].

The scale of that new educational movement was grate. The number of students ran into thousand. At the end of the XIXth century considerable part of England's population, those who were interested in improving their education was involved in the things of the kind. Gradually, university education extension organizations became so spread that the question emerged to include the new educational system into the system of general people's education. But the idea was not realized and University Extension movement continued its development due to charity.

Soon people learned about University Extension in North America. At first public lectures and courses gained popularity. They were organized by special societies of self-education - so-called "lyceums". In England people practiced lectures of university type but in North America they resorted to many other forms of work beside lectures, for instance, summer conferences of students and home reading guidance in correspondence. The latter turned to be the prototype of extramural courses. In the beginning of the XXth century about 1,5 million students practiced that remote learning. The courses were accessible to all working people [16].

The place where those innovations in the educational system of North America came from was Chau-tauqua County, situated between New York and Chicago. English system of University Extension developed in America in the late 80-s of the XIXth century.

The initiative to introduce it belonged to Professor Adams from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In 1890, under his leadership the Society of university education extension was created in Philadelphia, which function was to organize public lectures in Boston, New York, Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia [16].

The main characteristic feature of American model of University Extension, in comparison with the English one was the opportunity to realize mass self-educational movement conjointly with state institutions such as universities, libraries, museums and other cultural and educational institutions. Thus, government provided stable financial support and the University Extension movement was viewed as constituent and lawful part of the system of people's education in the United States.

At the end of the XIXth century the ideas of University Extension became well-known also in Russia. As P. N. Milyukov noticed,the question of self-education at the end of the XIXth century "interested the great part of the society in Russia" [14, p. 80]. What is more, in 1895 a Russian publicist B.B. Glinsky pointed as well to the fact that the question of self-education had worried the youth and the society on the whole for decades [2, p.943]. A Russian historian A.A Kizevetter proved it too when he recollected the 90-s of the XIXth century. "Self-education - this word became immensely popular" - wrote he [6, p.203].

In N.I. Kareev's opinion University Extension turned to be a new form of democratizing and systematizing of scientific knowledge in the sphere of general and professional education. The establishment of Moscow home reading arrangement Committee and St. Petersburg Department of assistance to self-education was a new way of cooperation in this direction. These organizations aimed at "spreading scientific knowledge everywhere where people demanded it" [3, p. 65].

The work of American University Extension society in Chautauqua County and English National home reading union appeared to be the example for Moscow home reading arrangement Committee. Following the example of foreign colleagues, Russian scientists led home reading in letters with those who were interested in improving and deepening their knowledge. It was significant that public lectures were organized, especially in provincial towns and new programs in self-educational reading were created. All these aspects became the basic directions in the work of new social organization.

The intention to make high education more accessible to Russian people headlined the whole work of Moscow University Extension society. From the very moment of its establishment it led the work organizing public lectures. It started with lectures on social movement in Russia conducted by Professor P.N. Milyukov in Nizhny Novgorod and with lectures on History of political ideas by a famous critic, docent I.I. Ivanov. All the lectures were held in the cities situated close to Moscow: Ryazan, Tver, Smolensk, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod and others. In university centers, among which

were St. Petersburg, Yuriev, Kharkov, Odessa, the representative offices of Moscow lectures agency were created, but in practice they did not justify themselves.

Organizing and conducting public lectures in Russia turned out to be a difficult task. There existed a number of reasons for that. Firstly, there were some formalities, connected with a problem of getting permission to conduct any lectures. Thus not infrequently, because of political grounds, negotiations of Moscow lectures agency on organizing public lectures were ineffective. Secondly, the problems characterized by the difficulty of internal political situation in Russia were supplemented with the lack of teaching personnel. Thirdly, among the reasons, complicating the work of Moscow lectures agency, was so-called "provincial inertness", the absence of demand for lectures from provincial organizations.

But organizing public lectures in provinces was not the only direction of Home reading arrangement Committee. The work on the development of recommendatory "Programs of home reading" [15, p. 807] aimed for the audience eager to educate themselves was a great success. The programs were being created from 1894 to 1914. As for the content of the programs, people who had secondary education or who had skills at working with popular scientific literature were allowed to do the course.

In B.B. Glinsky's opinion, the work of Moscow scientists on creating the programs of self-development became "the first and immensely successful step towards the introduction of the University Extention system in Russia" [1, p. 479]. These programs included detailed plan and recommendations for individual work according to the university course in all the spheres of science except Medicine.

The Committee in Moscow consisted of about 300 scientists including A.I. Chuprov, D.N. Anuchin, V.I. Vernadsky, A.N. Veselovsky, D.D. Karpinsky, A.A Ki-zevetter, I. Ozerov, D.M. Petrushevsky, M.N. Pokrov-sky, S.F. Fortunatov, F.F. Erisman and others.

Moscow programs of home reading went through several editions. In first ten years about 95 thousand copies appeared in print. They were mainly used by teachers of city and rural primary schools, workers, peasants, military men and students. N.I. Kareev highly evaluated the work of Home reading arrangement Committee, the experience of this new social organization appeared to be of utmost importance. The studies represented a kind of remote learning form.

St. Petersburg Department of assistance to self-education under the leadership of N.I. Kareev was responsible for developing a general reading program for students [4, p.18-20]. As the result, general Encyclopedic program, for senior pupils, university students and all the rest willing to educate themselves, and 24 Special programs in various science fields were made up [7;8;9].

A great number of specialists in different spheres took part in making up reading programs, for instance P.F. Kapterev, N.A. Menshutkin, M.A. Antonovich, I.V. Mushketov, N.A. Rubakin, I.P. Borodin, I.V. Pavlov, N.A. Karyshev, V.G. Yarotsky, V.A. Myakotin,

V.I. Semevsky. As we may notice, N.I. Kareev involved many well-known Russian scientists, whom the country is very proud of in the work of creating the programs of self-educational reading for students.

What is more, the Department of assistance to self-education led profound publishing activity and organized meetings and lectures open to general use.

To conclude, at the end of the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth centuries under the influence of the international educational movement University Extension the theory and practice of self-education in Russia, as a new social phenomenon, began its active forming and the basics of Russian system of personal management were laid. The most suitable form of University Extension in Russia was the work of the societies of assistance to self-education which realized itself through organizing public lectures and reading activities, aimed at getting general education, broadening people's outlook, personal and professional development.


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2. Glinsky, B.B., "Rukovoditely molodezhi" [The youth leaders]. Istoricheskiy Vestnik [Historical Herald]. St. Petersburg: 1895. Vol. 62.

3. Kareev, N.I., Idealy obshchego obrazovania [The ideals of comprehensive education]. St. Petersburg: 1909.

4. Kareev, N.I., "Otdel dlya sodeistviya sa-moobrazovaniyu v Komitete Pedagogicheskogo muzeya voenno-uchebnykh zavedeniy" [Educational Committee of the Pedagogical museum of military schools the Department of assistance to self-education]. Istoricheskoe obozrenie [Historical review]. St. Perer-burg: 1895. Vol. 8.

5. Kareev, N.I., "Samoobrazovanie" [Self-education]. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar F.A. Brokgauza i I.A. Efrona [Brokgauz, F.A., Efron, I.A. Encyclopedic dictionary]. St. Pererburg: 1900. Vol. 28.

6. Kizevetter, A.A., "Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiy. Vospominania 1881 - 1914." [On the boundary of two centuries. Memoir. 1881 - 1914. Moskow: 1997.

7. Lyskova, I.E., "N.I.Kareev o problemakh zhenskogo obrazovaniya v aspekte personalnogo menedzhmenta" [The problems of woman's education in Russia in the aspect of self-management in the interpretation of Nikolai Kareev]. Zhenshchina v ros-siyskom obshchestve [Women in Russian Society. Russian Scholarly Journal]. Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 2014. - № 3 (72).

8. Lyskova, I.E., "Filosofskie i sotsiologicheskie korni personalnogo menedzhmenta" [The philosophic and sociological roots of self-management]. V mire nauchnykh otkrytiy. Sotsialno-gumanitarnye nauki. [In the World of Scientific Discoveries. Human and Social

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9. Lyskova,I.E., "The purpose of life and professional aptitude in the interpretation of Nikolai Kareev" In the World of Scientific Discoveries. Human and Social Sciences. Krasnoyarsk, Publishing House Science and Innovation Center. 2014. - № 9.3 (57).

10. Lyskova, I.E., "The Sources of Self-Management in Russia". The Second International Conference on Economic Sciences. Proceedings of the Conference (June 16, 2014). "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2014.

11. Lyskova, I., Socio-Cultural Aspect of Thrifti-ness. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Vol. 20 / 2nd International Conference on Economy, Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2016) // Advances in Economics. Business and Management Research. Vol. 20. Atlantis Press, 2016. pp. 152-154. URL: // www.atlantis-press.com/php/pub.php?publication=emle-16

12. Lyskova, I.E. Self-education as an intellectual technology of rapid development of a personality's potential in conditions of global economy (to the question of the history of self-management) // Global economy in the XXI century: dialectics of confrontation and solidarity. London, LSP. 2018. Pp. 444-458.

13. Lyskova, I.E. The University Extension movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the context of the modern problems of professional education. The scientific heritage. 2016. Vol. 1. No 7, 2016. Pp. 56-60.

14. Milyukov, P., "Rasprostranenie universi-tetskogo obrazovaniya" v Anglii, Amerike i Rossii" [The University Extension Movement in England, America and Russia]. Russkoe bogatstvo [Russian Richness]. 1896. - № 3.

15. Milyukov, P., "University Extension". Entsi-klopedicheskiy slovar F.A. Brokgauza i I.A. Efrona [Brokgauz, F.A., Efron, I.A., Encyclopedic dictionary]. St. Pererburg: 1902. Vol. 34.

16. Bittner, W.S., The University Extension Movement. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1920.

17. Chapin, D.D., "University Extension". The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building. World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago, USA, 1893. Chicago: 1894. Encyclopedia Britannica. - URL: digi-tal.library.uppenn/edu

18. Roberts, R.D., Eighteen Years of University Extension. Cambridge: University Press. 1891.

19. "University Extension. Its Definition, History, System of Teaching and Organization". Philadelphia: The American Society of the Extension of University Teaching. 1891.



Марценюк О.

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри фiнансiв, банювсько'1 справи та страхування,

Вiнницький нацюнальний аграрний утверситет



Martseniuk O.

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate professor of department of finances, banking and insurance,

Vinnytsia national agrarian University


Система солвдарного пенсшного забезпечення, яка юнуе сьогодш е незбалансованою та неефектив-ною. На протязi довготривалого перюду в Укра!ш зростае щорiчне навантаження на частину працюючого населения через демографiчну ситуацш та нестабшьний стан економiки. Внески до Пенсшного фонду не забезпечують потрiбний розмiр пенсшних виплат, що призводить до необхвдносп отримання постшних дотацш i3 Державного бюджету. Найважлившим питанням, яке висвгглюе проблеми забезпечення грома-дян достатшм рiвнем доходiв тсля досягнення пенсшного вшу для запоб^ання бщносп та уникнення ри-зишв, пов'язаних зi зниженням якосп життя та здоров'я, являеться розбудова системи недержавного пенсшного забезпечення. Для досягнення ще! мети необхщно найближчим часом створити умови для ефективного функцюнування недержавних пенсшних фондiв в Укрш'ш, здатних забезпечити реалiзацiю сощально! полггики у сферi сощального захисту працюючо! частини громадян.

В статп дослiджено дослiджено види пенсшного забезпечення в Украш, проаналiзовано фiнансовi показники сектору недержавного пенсiйного страхування та визначеш напрями розвитку недержавного пенсшного забезпечення в Укрш'ш.


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