THE ROLE OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS IN THE PLACEMENT OF THE POPULATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
population settlements / population density / incarnation / demography / infrastructure / population / standard of living.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Farhodbek Kozimovich Rahimov

In this article we will talk about socio-economic factors and their importance in the placement of the population. The location of the settlements of the population and its development are influenced by many factors. Social and economic factors are among the top leaders in these. As a result of the bumpy factors, the settlements of the population formed will continue to develop as socio-economic development increases. For example, the socio-economic development of the country leads to the emergence and development of various existing population settlements in it.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257



Farhodbek Kozimovich Rahimov

Namangan davlat universiteti magistranti farxodgeograf@mail .ru


In this article we will talk about socio-economic factors and their importance in the placement of the population. The location of the settlements of the population and its development are influenced by many factors. Social and economic factors are among the top leaders in these. As a result of the bumpy factors, the settlements of the population formed will continue to develop as socio-economic development increases. For example, the socio-economic development of the country leads to the emergence and development of various existing population settlements in it.

Keywords: population settlements, population density, incarnation, demography, infrastructure, population, standard of living.

Introduction. Population this is a social group of people living in a certain territory, its absolute number is the quantitative expression of a certain period of time of people in any territory or population group. All changes in the number and composition of the population directly affect the development of the economy, the development of society as a whole. The increase or decrease in the number of the population in the socio-economic development of each territory, State, in the general structure of the population, the health of the working-age population group, their demographic and qualitative formation, as well as the health of children and the elderly above the working age are very important.

The proportion of the population and age-sex composition of each state is a key factor in the development of programs for its development. From this point of view-the number and composition of the population in terms of the world and its individual territories, states, peoples is taken into account from very ancient times, as already mentioned above. The methods, programs, techniques of taking into account the number and composition of the population have developed and improved along with the development of society. The location of the population is the result of the spread of the population over the territories for a certain period of time and the process of formation of the territory of settlements. Most of the places where the inhabitants lived in the Earth's sphere were formed from very ancient times. The location of the population

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along the surface of the Earth is due to a number of factors. They can be attributed to such economic factors as natural conditions and historical features of the formation of settlements, the current stage of demographic transition, the level of development and economic composition.

The main natural factor in the settlement of the population is water resources, since water is the most necessary for human habitation and economic functioning. 1/3 of the world's population is located along the coast of the World Ocean (50 km from the ocean), and this area is 12 percent of the world's dry land. And more than half of the world's population is located in an area up to 200 km from the ocean. According to the Earth's sphere, the population of people living on the shores of the World Ocean, in the lowlands of river valleys, is regularly increasing. At the end of the XXI century, at the beginning of the XXI century, it was found that 42-73 percent of the population of all continents of the world is located at Lowlands 200 m above sea level.

At the initial stage of the development of society, the increase in population on the Earth's surface went very slowly. The natural conditions, water resources and climate of the settlements, where the tribes are located, are considered the main factors in the increase and location of the population. From various natural disasters, some tribes were exterminated. Especially in cold climates, in regions where the winter lasts longer, the population has lost a lot from the cold, famine. That is why in the northern part of Eurasia the population is very sparse. America and Austria also had a very low population at the end of the Paleolithic period. Its natural conditions are favorable for human habitation, in regions with water resources, that is, in the suburbs of the Mediterranean, North Africa, in the south of the Eurasian mainland, the population is denser.

At present, the population along the surface areas of the Earth is very unevenly located. On our planet, the population is very dense (1 km2 to 1000 people), as well as the inhabited areas are also three non-populated areas. The air temperature here is very low, there is no water and there are other reasons. Such areas account for about 10 percent of the landslide. They include the North and South Poles, mountains and deserts with a height of more than 5000 meters. And 50 percent of the landfall is unfavorable for the natural conditions of the population, in which the population is sparse - 1 km2 to 1 person. These regions include tundra, forest-tundra, northern Thai, desert and moist equatorial forests. In 25 percent of the land area, the population density is 1 km2 to 1-10 people, these lands are relatively sparsely populated. In the remaining 15 percent of the landslide, the population density exceeds 1 km2 by 10 people.

The main areas inhabited by the population of the Earth's sphere are located between 78 northern latitudes and 54 Southern latitudes. The most densely populated

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257

areas on earth are the industrial centers of South, Southeast and East Asia, the river valleys of North Africa, as well as the industrial centers of Europe, which have long been the Centers of art and culture, and they account for about 7 percent of the landfill land. In this area, almost 70 percent of the world's population is located. 4/5 part of the population of the Earth's sphere is in the plains and up to 500 meters.

The basis of the life of society is the production of material wealth. Any production activity serves as the basis for the formation, development of any population settlement. For example: as a result of the discovery of the Muruntov gold mine in our country, Zarafshan, Uchkuduk cities arose or the assimilation of new lands on the territory of Karshi and Mirzachul caused the restoration of a number of population settlements. Various production activities have a different impact on the size and shape of the settlements of the population and the population. In particular, the discovery of the Muruntov gold mine led to the incarnation (concentration) of the population in this area. In turn, it also gave impetus to the development of other types of socio-economic spheres.

It is known that three functions of the population are distinguished in science. To these is the fact that the population is a productive force, the second is the consumption of material and spiritual wealth created by it, and the third is self-reproduction. The previous two functions characterize the population as a socio-economic category.

It is known that three functions of the population are distinguished in science. To these is the fact that the population is a productive force, the second is the consumption of material and spiritual wealth created by it, and the third is self-reproduction. The two previous functions of the population of each separate territory in the social sphere have different specific manifestations, depending on the historical, natural conditions and ethnographic aspects of the population and population settlements. In particular, natural conditions affect the location of settlements both directly and indirectly. When choosing a place for residential settlements, it is impossible not to count directly with natural conditions (relief, waterway, wind road, seismic, erosion, etc.). If the population settlements occur from the point of view of production activity, the natural conditions are indirectly affected.

Another factor affecting the development of settlements of the population is the socio-economic factors. Due to socio-economic factors, the settlements of the population will continue to develop as socio-economic development increases. For example, the socio-economic development of the country leads to an increase in both the width and the height of the existing various population settlements in it. At one time, the regions of Sirdarya, Jizzakh and Navoi were not part of the regions of the Republic at all, and later, due to the above-mentioned factors, new population settlements were

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restored in the place of small villages or in places where the population did not live at all, and today they have become large regions, which include several dozen population settlements.

Since the forms of settlement of settlements of settlements and settlements of the population are diverse, they are divided into two types of large, surround (dispersive) and grouped forms. The settlements of the population located in surround are settlements built individually, they are more established on the surface of the service (farmers) and are located at a certain distance from each other. In the form of grouped settlements - urban and rural settlements of different sizes will be located. Therefore, the population addresses in the form of such a group are divided into two - urban and rural population addresses.

Since the forms of settlement of the settlements of the population and the population are diverse, they are divided into two types of large, tarqoq (dispersive) and grouped, which is a population punk, usually slower than the city in socio-economic development.

The multifunctionality, size, innovation, strength of investment and infrastructure potential of cities, the versatility and high level of development of the economy, the wide range of opportunities for the survival, education, treatment, operation of the population, their expediency ensures that they play a leading role in the regional socioeconomic systems or complexes. The village is subject to a certain extent to the city, it is endowed with agricultural raw materials, fresh air, water, economy of the population with labor force. And the city provides qualified personnel to the village, machinery, equipment, mineral fertilizers, building materials, modern service to agriculture. It's all right. The settlements of the population located in surround are settlements built individually, they are more established on the surface of the service (farmers) and are located at a certain distance from each other. In the form of grouped settlements - urban and rural settlements of different sizes will be located. Therefore, the population addresses in the form of such a group are divided into two - urban and rural population addresses.

Urban and rural settlements are closely connected with each other, and there is no clear border between them. The reason is that between the city-village there are also a number of population settlements, one of which is adjacent to the other. But, nevertheless, there are also some special criteria that distinguish the city and the village from each other, these criteria will have their own characteristics in different states.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257


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