THE PEDAGOGICAL IDEAS OF JOHANN HENRY PESTALOZZI Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Pedagogical ideas / teaching methods / visual education / analytical education / synthetic education / philosophical ideas / the purpose of education.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhlisa Nurullayevna Yorieva

This article describes the pedagogical ideas, democratic views and various views and methods of education of the German nationalist Johann Henry Pestalozzi. Statement of implementation of pedagogical.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257


Mukhlisa Nurullayevna Yorieva

2nd-year student of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, Faculty of theory and practice of translation


This article describes the pedagogical ideas, democratic views and various views and methods of education of the German nationalist Johann Henry Pestalozzi. Statement of implementation of pedagogical.

Keywords: Pedagogical ideas, teaching methods, visual education, analytical education, synthetic education, philosophical ideas, the purpose of education.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Johann Friedrich Gerbart of Germany was one of the first teachers to use his ideas and practical influence to influence the development of world pedagogical thought over the next century. This trend is called Pestaloztsianism.

In the history of world pedagogy, Johann Henry Pestalozzi (1746-1827) is known as one of the great and noble devotees who made a great contribution to the upbringing of abused and tortured children. Due to such services, he rightly became a "people's preacher", "father of orphans", the founder of a real people's school. Johann Henry Pestalozzi was born into a poor family of surgeons (according to other sources, an ophthalmologist). Due to her early separation from her father, her upbringing was greatly influenced by her mother and a servant woman from a hardworking peasant family. Perhaps this is why Pestalozzi became acquainted with the plight of the peasants and grew up with a deep sense of sympathy for them from a young age.

Pestalozzi's pedagogical ideas and worldview were democratic but historically limited. Pestalozzi dreamed of the restoration of his people, but he simply believed in the possibility of changing the lives of the working people through their education and upbringing. He did not realize that the social and legal inequalities of the people in his present society were the result of existing social relations, and saw the source of national disasters not in economic conditions but in the lack of education.

Gerbart developed the theory of stages of education, a theory that is widespread among educators in all countries. Gerbart divided education into three types: - visual education; -

analytical education; -

synthetic education;

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Visual education is used in a limited way, but it is very important within its boundaries. She aims to identify the child's experience and complete that experience. The teacher expands the students' knowledge by giving the material a vivid, figurative story. Visual aids play a big role in this.

Analytical education has the task of dividing what is "simultaneously surrounding" into individual things, and these things into components, and these components into symbols. When children come to school, they have a lot of imagination. The task is that under the guidance of the teacher, these ideas of the students should be broken down, corrected and improved.

Synthetic education is mainly used in the upper grades. As the teacher describes the new material, he does not limit himself to describing it, but draws general conclusions. attaches great importance to education.

According to Gerbart, imagery, analysis, and approximation are not separate teaching methods that are introduced one after the other in the learning process and that one is replaced by another in sequence. The learning process should ensure unity in all three modes of learning. Gerbart developed a system in which the level of moral education was imbued with the spirit of ultra-intellectualism. In his pedagogical system, great emphasis is placed on inculcating moral concepts in the minds of students through the teacher's teaching tools.

The theory of primary natural education and upbringing, developed by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, is not only of historical interest, but remains relevant. He was the first to express the idea that all the tendencies of the human personality - intellectual, physical, moral - need parallel and harmonious development. "The primary goal of primary education is not to educate the student, but to develop and enhance his or her mental abilities," Pestalozzi said.

The teacher advocated the maximum simplification of the teaching tools: "From easy to difficult; stepping into the growth of the student's strength" is a basic rule that must be followed by the teacher.

Philosophical Thoughts of Pestalozzi:

... not being able to do good, just dreaming, was not our fault, it was unhappiness. Over the years, I have lived with more than fifty poor children, shared my bread with them in poverty, and begged myself to teach the poor how to live as human beings. We know what we want. You have to love people to change them. The impact on them is proportional to the love for them.

According to Pestalozzi, the most important means of educating and perfecting a person is labor, which develops not only physical strength but also the mind and morals.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257

It convinces the working man of the great importance of labor in the life of society, which is the most important force which binds people together in a strong social union.

In short, each of Pestalozzi's ideas helped the younger generation both spiritually and physically at that time. In each of his ideas, his main goal is to help only those in need, and to do good. With such noble ideas, Pestalozzi was able to leave a huge mark on history.


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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22257

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