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Ключевые слова
Russian / proficiency / cloze test / heritage speakers / L2 learners / linguodidactic testing / level system of testing advanced level of language proficiency.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Sarvar I.Fayzullayev, Saidaxon Abduvaqqos Qizi Fayzullayeva

The starting point of most experimental and clinical examinations of bilingual language development is the choice of the measure of participants’ proficiency, which affects the interpretation of experimental findings and has pedagogical and clinical implications. Recent work on heritage and L2 acquisition of Russian used varying proficiency assessment tools, including elicited production, vocabulary recognition, and in-house measures. Using such different approaches to proficiency assessment is problematic if one seeks a coherent vision of bilingual speaker competence at different acquisition stages. The aim of the present study is to provide a suite of validated bilingual assessment materials designed to evaluate the language proficiency speakers of Russian as a second or heritage language. The materials include an adaptation of a normed language background questionnaire (Leap-Q), a battery of participant-reported proficiency measures, and a normed cloze deletion test. We offer two response formats in combination with two distinct scoring methods in order to make the testing materials suited for bilingual Russian speakers who selfassess as (semi-) proficient as well as for those whose bilingualism is incipient, or declining due to language attrition. Data from 52 baseline speakers and 503 speakers of Russian who reported dominant proficiency in a different language are analyzed for test validation purposes. Obtained measures of internal and external validity provide evidence that the cloze deletion test reported in this study reliably discriminates between dissimilar target language attainment levels in diverse populations of bilingual and multilingual Russian speakers

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Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:

muammo va yechimlar


Sarvar I.Fayzullayev

Teacher of the department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Languages,

Tashkent Medical Academy [email protected]

Saidaxon Abduvaqqos qizi Fayzullayeva

2nd course of student of master's degree of Tashkent Medical Academy


The starting point of most experimental and clinical examinations of bilingual language development is the choice of the measure of participants' proficiency, which affects the interpretation of experimental findings and has pedagogical and clinical implications. Recent work on heritage and L2 acquisition of Russian used varying proficiency assessment tools, including elicited production, vocabulary recognition, and in-house measures. Using such different approaches to proficiency assessment is problematic if one seeks a coherent vision of bilingual speaker competence at different acquisition stages. The aim of the present study is to provide a suite of validated bilingual assessment materials designed to evaluate the language proficiency speakers of Russian as a second or heritage language. The materials include an adaptation of a normed language background questionnaire (Leap-Q), a battery of participant-reported proficiency measures, and a normed cloze deletion test. We offer two response formats in combination with two distinct scoring methods in order to make the testing materials suited for bilingual Russian speakers who self-assess as (semi-) proficient as well as for those whose bilingualism is incipient, or declining due to language attrition. Data from 52 baseline speakers and 503 speakers of Russian who reported dominant proficiency in a different language are analyzed for test validation purposes. Obtained measures of internal and external validity provide evidence that the cloze deletion test reported in this study reliably discriminates between dissimilar target language attainment levels in diverse populations of bilingual and multilingual Russian speakers.


April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:

Keywords: Russian, proficiency, cloze test, heritage speakers, L2 learners, linguodidactic testing, level system of testing advanced level of language proficiency.

One of the most important methodological problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language is the problem of ensuring objectivity in the assessment of communicative activity. Linguistic testing is understood as:

1. The use and implementation of tests to determine the level of proficiency in the target language, language competence and the formation of spoken (communicative) competence in the process of teaching a non-native language;

2. A series of planning, composing, checking, processing and interpreting the results of linguistically determined tests of procedures and stages. Test control is one of the promising methods of objective assessment of students' knowledge and competence.

In modern linguistics, tests are used not only to measure the level of preparedness, but also to assess students and control the learning process. In addition to its main function, testing serves as a means of diagnosing the difficulty of language material for students, a measure of learning level and a means of predicting the success or failure of learning. Testing the level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language acquired official status in the mid-1990s, with the development of the concept of communicative competence levels and standardization of teaching methods. Accordingly, the level of language proficiency was usually determined taking into account the parameters of communicative competence "situation-content-structure-function". These include the correspondence between the situation or communicative area and the content of speech, correlation of speech content with a specific socio-communicative role, completeness of speech content, achievement of communicative goals with the help of selected speech acts and speech tactics. When assessing a foreigner's Russian language proficiency, both the form and content of statements, communicatively significant and non-communicatively significant, are taken into account. Advanced levels of Russian language proficiency include III and IV certification levels. Attainment of these general levels of Russian language proficiency implies high communicative competence in all spheres of communication. Masters of Russian Language Level III can carry out professional activities in Russian as linguists, translators, editors, journalists, diplomats and managers working in Russian-speaking teams. Masters of Russian Language Level III can carry out professional activities in Russian as linguists, translators, editors, journalists, diplomats and managers working in Russian-speaking teams. A Master of


April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:

Russian Language Level IV demonstrates proficiency in Russian at a level close to that of a native speaker. In the Russian system of higher education, the Level III certificate is conducted as a final state examination (USE), which entitles the holder to receive a Bachelor's, Specialist's or Master's diploma in the specified specialty.

Certificate of proficiency in Russian language of the IV level is necessary for obtaining a master's diploma in linguistics, which gives the right to all kinds of teaching and research activities in the field of Russian language. The test on Russian as a foreign language is complex and consists of five specialized tests.

1. Vocabulary and grammar. The duration of the test is 90 minutes. The use of dictionaries and reference books in solving the tasks is not allowed. The number of tasks-100, all tasks are evaluated on a 100-point scale.

2. Reading. The number of tasks is 60 minutes and all tasks are evaluated on a 100-point scale. Reading. All tasks are evaluated on a 150-point scale. Reading. The number of tasks is 60 minutes. All tasks are assessed on a 150-point scale.

3. Writing. The examination time is 60 minutes. The use of dictionaries and reference books is not allowed. There are three tasks in total. All tasks are graded on a 100-point scale.

4. Listening. The use of dictionaries and reference books is not allowed. The number of tasks is 12. All test items are graded on a 120-point scale.

5. Speaking. The duration of the test is 45 minutes. Candidates are required to prepare a report on a given topic using the material, text and tables. The number of tasks-15. All tasks of the test are evaluated in 150 points. The purpose of the test is to check the level of linguistic competence necessary for solving specific communicative tasks in accordance with the State Educational Standards for Russian as a foreign language. Requirements for Level II

I of the certificate of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language.

1) Communicative and speech skills. When solving communicative tasks at the advanced level, foreigners need to demonstrate the developed tactics and speech behavior in situations of formal or informal communication. Adhering to the rules of stylistic design of speech, a foreigner can combine tactics of speech behavior depending on the purpose, task, time and place of communication, social status and expected communicative competence of the interlocutor, to establish contact, coordination, information and evaluation of intentions and, if necessary, the following skills. Reading. The foreigner must be able to understand and appropriately interpret texts related to socio-cultural and public business communication. Understand the main content, logical, emotional and metaphorical elements of


April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:


popular science texts and identify similar content expressed by different linguistic means;

2) Writing. The student is able to produce problem texts related to the sociocultural sphere of communication after selecting the necessary information material, including description, narration and reasoning;

3) Listening. The foreign citizen should be able to understand the content of the speaker's speech, communicative intentions and features of social and emotional manifestations to the fullest extent possible. The foreign citizen should be able to perceive the main semantic information, including the speaker's implicit statements of intention, communicative intentions, and the speaker's social and emotional manifestations.

4) Speaking. Foreigners should be able to achieve specific communicative goals in situations where extended parameters are given, necessarily using a range of different linguistic means according to the task. They should also be able to achieve specific communicative goals in all communicative spheres, taking into account different social and behavioral roles in dialogic and monosyllabic forms of speech.

3) Linguistic competence. Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of the linguistic system and the ability to understand and use the linguistic system.


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2. Fayzullaev, S. (2023). Improving the methodology of teaching foreign languages based on the competence approach in the higher medical education system. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 7(9), 697-700.

3. Fayzullayev Sarvar. (2023). OLIY TA'LIM TIZIMIDA TA'LIM METODLARINING QO'LLANILISHI. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 2(14), 402-406.

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April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:


6. Белый В.В. Стандартизированная система контроля и оценки результатов обучения иностранцев русскому языку // Русский язык: система и функционирование (к 70-летию филологического факультета): сб. материалов IV Междунар. науч. конф., г. Минск, 5-6 мая 2009 г.: в 2 ч. - Минск: РИВШ, 2009. - Ч. 2. - С. 190-193.

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9. Типовые тесты по русскому языку как иностранному. Четвертый сертификационный уровень. Общее владение / Аверьянова Г.Н. и др. - М., СПб: «Златоуст», 2000. - 108 с. © А.А. Яковлева, 2013

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11. Fayzullayev Sarvar, & G'afforova Saidaxon. (2023). Oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalariga xorijiy tillarni o'qitish metodikasi va mediatexnologiyalaridan foydalanish usullari. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 7(10), 551553.

12. Бухарова, Н. Г., & Файзуллаев, С. И. У. (2021). ДИСКУРС-АНАЛИЗ КАК СРЕДСТВО ВОСПРИЯТИЯ УСТНОЙ РЕЧИ. Вестник науки и образования, (23 (105)), 17-19.

13. Fayzullayev Sarvar, & G'afforova Saidaxon. (2023). Oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalariga xorijiy tillarni o'qitish metodikasi va mediatexnologiyalaridan foydalanish usullari. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 7(10), 551553. извлечено от http: //nauchniyimpul s. ru/index. php/noiv/articl e/view/8689

14. Fayzullayev, S. (2023). Mechanism of integrated teaching of speech competence in Uzbek and English languages in medicine.

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16. Sarvar Fayzullayev. (2023). Ingliz tilida tibbiyot terminologiyasining tutgan o'rni. Scientific Impulse, 7(10), 364-367. Retrieved from http: //nauchniyimpul s .ru/index .php/ni/articl e/view/9230


April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:


17. Fayzullayev Sarvar. (2023). Oliy ta'lim tizimida ta'lim metodlarining qo'llanilishi. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 2(14), 402-406. извлечено от http: //nauchniyimpuls.ru/index.php/noiv/article/view/11998

18. Sarvar, F. (2022). Mechanism of integrated teaching of speech competence in Uzbek and English languages in medicine Tashkent Medical Academy.

19. Sarvar, F. (2022). Mechanism of integrated teaching of speech competence in Uzbek and English languages in medicine Tashkent Medical Academy. Global Scientific Review, 10, 188-191.

20. Fayzullayev, S. (2023). Ingliz tilida tibbiyot terminologiyasining tutgan o'rni. Scientific Impulse, 1(10), 364-367.

21. Fayzullaev, S. (2023). Improving the methodology of teaching foreign languages based on the competence approach in the higher medical education system. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 1(9), 697-700.

22. Ibrohim o'g'li, F. S. (2023). Tibbiyotda O'zbek va Ingliz tillarida nutqiy kompetentsiyasini integratsion o'qitish mexanizmi.

23. Ibrohim o'g'li, F. S. (2023). Tibbiyotda talabalarning o'zbek va ingliz tillarida nutqiy kompetentsiyasini integratsion o'qitishni takomillashtirish.


April 26, 2024

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