THE ROLE OF GUEST HOUSES IN THE ORGANIZATION OF RURAL TOURISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Builders of the future
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Ключевые слова
tourism / guest houses / accommodation / hotel business / hotel rooms / traveler / hotel / economy / tourism services. / туризм / гостевые дома / размещение / гостиничное дело / гостиничные номера / путешественник / гостиница / экономика / туристические услуги.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — R. Amriddinova, S. Islomov

This article describes the procedures and requirements for the development of the hotel industry in Uzbekistan, the improvement of entrepreneurial activity in the organization of guest houses, the organization of guest houses in the conditions of our country.

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В данной статье описаны процедуры и требования к развитию гостиничного хозяйства в Узбекистане, совершенствованию предпринимательской деятельности по организации гостевых домов, организации гостевых домов в условиях нашей страны.


Builders of The Future SJIF-2022-5.752


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R. Amriddinova

Associate Professor

Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service Samarkand, Uzbekistan

S. Islomov

Master's student

Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Key words: tourism, guest houses, accommodation, hotel business, hotel rooms, traveler, hotel, economy, tourism services.

Received: 02.06.22 Accepted: 04.06.22 Published: 06.06.22

Abstract: This article describes the procedures and requirements for the development of the hotel industry in Uzbekistan, the improvement of entrepreneurial activity in the organization of guest houses, the organization of guest houses in the conditions of our country.


R. Amriddinova


Samarqand iqtisodiyot va servis instituti Samarqand, O'zbekiston

S. Islomov

Magistratura talabasi

Samarqand iqtisodiyot va servis instituti

Samarqand, O'zbekiston


Kalit so'zlar: turizm, mehmon uylari, turar joy, mehmonxona biznesi, mehmonxona xonalari, sayohatchi, mehmonxona, iqtisodiyot, turizm xizmatlari.

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada O'zbekistonda mehmonxona xo'jaligini rivojlantirish, mehmon uylarini tashkil etishda tadbirkorlik faoliyatini takomillashtirish, mamlakatimiz sharoitida mehmon uylarini tashkil etish bo'yicha tartib va talablar bayon etilgan.


Р. Амриддинова


Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса Самарканд, Узбекистан

С. Исломов

студент магистратуры

Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса Самарканд, Узбекистан


Ключевые слова: туризм, гостевые Аннотация: В данной статье описаны дома, размещение, гостиничное дело, процедуры и требования к развитию гостиничные номера, путешественник, гостиничного хозяйства в Узбекистане, гостиница, экономика, туристические совершенствованию предпринимательской услуги. деятельности по организации гостевых домов,

организации гостевых домов в условиях _нашей страны._


Tourism is a factor that accelerates the process of economic development and plays an important role in solving economic and social problems. The role of tourism in creating additional jobs, increasing employment and improving the welfare of the country is invaluable. After gaining independence, Uzbekistan has developed the necessary legal and regulatory documents to regulate the tourism sector, and large-scale measures are being taken systematically and consistently to develop its infrastructure, preserve national values, restore and repair cultural heritage sites. As a result of the ongoing reforms in the field of peace and tranquility, hospitality and tourism in our country, the flow of tourists from foreign countries is growing.

THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS Uzbekistan has a rich history and unique cultural heritage. This will allow us to develop the tourism industry in our country, which has not yet fully realized its huge potential, to turn our country into one of the world's tourism centers.

The state attaches great importance to the development of tourism and services in our country. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 PF-5326 "On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan" , directions for the full use of available resources and opportunities of the country's rich natural, cultural and historical heritage.

Many countries with developed tourism are creating favorable conditions for recreation and services of foreign tourists, attracting millions of tourists. Also Africa, Australia. It should be noted

that the share of regions such as South America, Antarctica, Mexico in the service of foreign tourists is growing from year to year.

Today, the growth of the national economy depends on the world market. Tourism is not only bringing countries closer together, but also becoming an important factor in the development of international relations. Therefore, there is a need to properly organize and develop the international tourism industry, increase and improve the range of accommodation facilities and apply world experience in this regard.

Comprehensive support of business entities engaged in tourism in Uzbekistan, the opportunities and benefits provided for their effective operation serve to improve the tourism infrastructure. In particular, due to a relatively new direction in the industry - the focus on supporting the network of family guest houses, this area of tourism is gaining momentum. We analyze the views and opinions of some authors conducting research in this area, summarize their results and summarize our views on the development and improvement of hotel types in Uzbekistan.

E.L. Pisarevsky's textbook "State and municipal management in the field of tourism" provides a systematic knowledge of the formation, current state and prospects of state and local government in the field of tourism in Russia and other countries. Also, this literature pays special attention to the current international and most effective foreign experience of public administration in the field of tourism.

A.S. Kuskov's textbook "Hotel Business" describes the current state and characteristics of the hospitality industry, the role of hotel enterprises in the structure of tourism services, analyzes the basic types of hotel enterprises, as well as the regulatory framework of the hotel business. The manual also pays special attention to the features of hotel services, management and interaction with hotel staff, customers and travel agencies, the provision of additional services.

A.D. Chudnovsky's textbook "Tourism and Hospitality" contains the basic concepts of the theory and practice of organizing the hotel and tourism business. Issues of organization of management of hotels and tourist complexes, including advertising and marketing communications in the field of tourism, organization of tourism in the field of recreation, organization of hotel management, performance appraisal are described. The issues of using automated data processing systems in hotels, as well as regulatory documents regulating economic activity in the hotel and tourism business were considered.

R.S. Amriddinova's textbook "Organization of hotel services" states that in the current transition to a market economy, it is necessary to make the best management decisions in the field of hotel services, the need to improve management. Emphasis is placed on how guests are required by guests to a modern level of service, economic factors that affect the quality of hotel services, as well as the need for hotel managers to constantly improve the quality of service management and expand it. The

textbook also covers the history of accommodation, types of modern hotels, hotel classification system, architectural and technical solutions of hotels, basics of hotel use, organizational and managerial structure of hotels, organization of reception and accommodation in hotels.

In general, these publications do not dwell on the specifics of the development of guest houses, the regulatory framework for their organization, the need for guest houses for the country, as well as the creation of an integrated structure for the formation of guest houses.

The study uses the methodology of studying the hotel industry as a separate branch of tourism in the development of the tourism industry, taking into account the expected innovative changes in the development of the hotel industry in the coming years. A method of determining the direction of development of the components of the infrastructure through such methods has been proposed. Also, conclusions were made on the priorities of tourism development in the country until 2025 and specific recommendations for improving the tourism sector were developed.

Currently, the Republic of Uzbekistan is in the process of forming a modern model of tourism. This model emphasizes that the developing tourism market in the country, like any other market, affects the socio-political and economic situation of the country. It is an important tool in developing cooperation between countries and determining the level of investment and capital inflows. It is known that in countries with developed market economies, mainly private and commercial companies serve tourists. However, in any case, tourism can develop only if the state creates an optimal economic and legal basis.

If the state does not address issues of vocational training, protection of natural and cultural environment, information and publicity and simplification of procedures, then tourism will not reach the expected level of development. It is important for the state to develop methodological and practical approaches to the development of tourism, the formation of the market of tourism services, reforming the methods and frameworks of economic regulation, improving the organizational structure of tourism, increasing its export potential and, most importantly, attracting foreign investment. reaches

The development of tourism in any country depends primarily on the level of effectiveness of government policy in this area. Creating the necessary conditions for the formation and operation of state tourism infrastructure, ie the establishment of a regulatory framework, the implementation of appropriate organizational and economic measures to promote tourism in general and its individual types, the creation of a fair competitive environment among tourism enterprises , promotes the development of the tourism industry by regulating the market infrastructure, protecting and guaranteeing the rights and interests of tourism.

Special attention is paid to the development of tourism in our country, including the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. Special attention

will be paid to the development of pilgrimage tourism, ecological, educational, ethnographic, gastronomic tourism and other sectors of the industry, with the active involvement of world brands in this area.

Today, the basis of the system of normative legal acts regulating the development of domestic and international tourism in Uzbekistan is the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Civil and Tax Codes, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Tourism" of August 29, 1999. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 PF-5326 "On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4947 of February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan", Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 16, 2017 "On the development of tourism in 2018-2019" Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 2, 2016 No. PP-2666 "On the organization of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan", President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated December 2, 2016 on measures to ensure development ".

According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a hotel is a means of collective accommodation, providing a single set of services, consisting of a certain number of rooms.

Hotels that are usually considered accommodation will have the following characteristics:

• the hotel consists of rooms, the number of which exceeds the established minimum and has a single management;

• The hotel offers a variety of services, the list of which is not limited to the daily monitoring of the bed, ie tidying up, cleaning the room (room) and the sanitary unit;

• hotels are grouped into classes and categories according to the provision of services and have country-standards and equipment;

• hotels do not fall into the category of specialized establishments;

• hotels are designed for their segment of travelers;

• Hotels can be independent or join a specialized association, ie hotels (chains).

Among the trends in the development of the hospitality industry in recent years are:

• deepening the specialization of hotel and restaurant services;

• establishment of international hotel and restaurant chains;

• development of a network of small businesses;

• Introduction of new computer technologies in the hospitality industry.

Currently, there are several systems operating in world tourism that offer hotel rooms and cheap places. One of them is AirBnB - a web platform that is a place to communicate between a landlord who wants to rent out his house in whole or in part and a guest who is ordering in the country.

Today in Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to the improvement of the hotel industry and the development of hotel types, and simplified licensing procedures have been developed and are being implemented, depending on the type of hotel. As a result of reforms in the tourism sector, the number of tourists visiting our country is growing and, accordingly, the number of hotels is growing.

According to the Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2018, the number of hotels in Uzbekistan is 914 (Table 1), the number of hotel rooms is 20 thousand and the number of hotel rooms is 41.1 thousand3. The number of these hotels in the country is projected to reach 2,994 in 2025. As a result of ongoing reforms to develop tourism, the number of hotels has increased from 676 (2017) to 914 (2018) over the past year.

Table 1.

Growth of the number of hotels in Uzbekistan (forecast for 2018-2025)

Indicators 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Number of hotels 914 1098 1609 2394 2562 2715 2851 2994

Number of rooms (thousand) 20,0 24,0 33,7 48,7 52,1 55,2 58,0 60,9

In the tourism market, 1-star hotels account for 21%, 2-star hotels for 3%, 3-star hotels for 14%, 4-star hotels for 6% and 5-star hotels for 1%. In our country, 5-star hotels have the lowest share, they are mainly hotel chains that are considered a global brand.

In Uzbekistan, the establishment of guest houses is recognized as one of the main directions in the development of tourism. Entrepreneurial activity in the development of guest houses in foreign countries is well established and has extensive experience.


Concluding from the above, in this regard, the hotel industry in our country has its own peculiarities in the organization and improvement of guest houses in the regions and in rural areas. This type of accommodation is relatively inexpensive and convenient for tourists, and according to foreign experience, this type of hotel is widely used in the development of tourism in rural areas. Taking into account the reforms carried out in the field of tourism in recent years, it is expedient to identify the following key areas that should be taken into account:

- Accelerate the development of entrepreneurship in guest houses in rural areas, taking into account the uniqueness, history, culture and traditions of the population in the regions and villages of the country;

- The development of entrepreneurship in this area is of greater social importance for rural areas, and in many cases the middle-aged population tends to work in urban areas. Taking this into account, widely promote entrepreneurship in the organization of guest houses and the organization of training courses in rural areas with the involvement of specialists in this area;

- It is necessary to create an investment climate in rural areas and attract investment, taking into account the development of rural tourism and guest houses, helping to solve social problems in rural areas.


1. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the organization of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development". December 2, 2016, PQ- No. 2666.

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