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Talibova A. , Suyunov R. , Gadoeva M.
1Talibova Aziza - teacher;
Abstract: the article discusses the role of innovation in tourism, the application of science, technology, IT-technologies, the development of strategies as an "Ecological hotel", the introduction of which will preserve the ecological environment, which may be more useful for the health of tourists, will help to rationally use natural resources. Moreover, it is given some examples of Uzbekistan to develop this kind of hotels in our region. It is analyzed and given several points according to international experiences.
Keywords: innovations, tourism, ecology, ecological environment, ecological hotel, natural resources, energy saving, elements of ecological hotel.
ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ Талибова А.1, Суюнов Р.2, Гадоева М.3
1Талибова Азиза - преподаватель; 2Суюнов Рахим - преподаватель; 3Гадоева Муборакхон - студент, факультет сервиса и туризма, Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса, Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются роль инноваций в туризме, применение науки, технологий, IT-технологий, разработка стратегий как «Экологической гостиницы», внедрение которой сохранит экологическую среду, которая может быть более полезной на здоровье туристов, поможет рационально использовать природные ресурсы. Кроме того, приводятся примеры того, как Узбекистан развивает подобные отели в нашем регионе. Он проанализирован и получил несколько баллов в соответствии с международным опытом.
Ключевые слова: инновации, туризм, экология, экологическая среда, экологический отель, природные ресурсы, энергосбережение, элементы экологического отеля.
UDK: 379.85:504.03
The most important feature of the modern stage of economic development is the increasing role of innovation as the basis of economic growth of states, as well as the desire of developed countries to compete with high technologies and non-standard intangible assets. In the conditions of growing competition in the global tourist market, new ideas are needed to increase the attractiveness of our country as a promising tourist destination, effective mechanisms for the development of tourism infrastructure and new innovative approaches in promoting Uzbekistan as an interesting tourist destination. At the end of 2016, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Miramonovich Mirziyoyev signed a decree "On measures
to ensure the accelerated development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan" [1], which includes the creation and development of tourism infrastructure, simplification of visa procedures and provides for the creation of the Coordination Council on Tourism under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Uzbekistan
Elements of the "Ecological Hotel" Hotels seeking to keep up with the times incorporate elements of the "green business" into their development plans - such a business where environmentally "friendly" activities are carried out everywhere. The introduction of "green" technologies is costly, but in addition to a purely economic factor, there are several other reasons for justifying the transition to "green rails"[3]:
1) Competent environmental policy in hotels will lead to cost savings. For example, initially installing more expensive energy-saving light bulbs, after a while it will be possible to reduce energy costs by 20-40%.
2) Competitive advantages. Environmental certificates, other documents testifying to compliance with international standards are also an excellent marketing opportunity, which is quite natural - a traveler, choosing from two approximately the same options, will never risk and give preference to a more reliable hotel.
3) Environmental programs - an effective means of increasing staff motivation. Many companies redirect funds saved as a result of the implementation of the environmental strategy to pay wages to employees. The employee, knowing that from the successful implementation of this or that program (in this case, the "green" program), he will have a real encouragement, he will strive to carry out his part of the work to achieve the goal.
4) One of the most important reasons for implementing sustainable development programs is compliance with regulatory requirements. If now enterprises implement such programs on a voluntary basis, then at some point the requirements may become tougher, and then those hotels that at one time have already begun to implement an environmental program will be in an advantageous position. The rest are at risk of losing the opportunity to organize accommodation.
5) Minimize risks. Traditionally, the risk management strategy in hotels has focused on safety and health protection - food and water quality control, pest control, fire safety, protection from natural disasters, prevention of disease outbreaks and the protection of guests' safety. Now this list can also be replenished with environmental items. These include:
- Reduction of water and soil pollution;
- Reducing the load on the atmosphere, noise reduction;
- Conducting hotel business environmental activities;
- Implement a sound waste policy.
As for saving resources and their costs, the most important resource not only in the hotel industry, but also in everyday life is energy and electrification, without which there can be no development of equipment and technology, scientific and technological progress that plays a major role in the development of the tourism industry generally. Most modern means of mechanization and automation have an electrical basis (from a calculator to complex computing devices and computers), and in addition, a partial replacement of human labor with machine labor allows us to seriously increase its productivity. It is worth noting that today there are a lot of ways to produce electricity (about a dozen), however, only 3 are mainly used - it is thermal power, nuclear and hydropower.
Now we will discuss innovative energy-saving technologies in accommodation institutions. Due to the arrangement of energy saving, it is possible to save electricity in the rooms, the absence of guests in them, as well as the delimitation of the use of electrical appliances for guests and attendants, saves more than 50% of energy costs. The task of energy saving in hotels is to stimulate the rational use and economy of fuel and energy resources, the creation of production and widespread use of energy efficient technological processes, equipment and materials. Energy saving devices for hotels and the development of such important elements as[4]:
1. Power saving device Standard, Smart, Gala dual, Proximity;
2. Alternative energy sources;
3. Energy saving materials;
4. Energy saving paint;
5. Energy saving lamps;
6. Energy saving lamps;
7. Wall insulation;
8. Warming the house;
9. Power supply;
10. Solar panels;
All this allows you to effectively save on electricity costs, which is extremely important for any enterprise.
Based on the above, we can conclude that innovation in tourism and service is a continuous and mandatory process, the essence of which is not only to attract more tourists and strengthen hotel competition, but also innovation can be useful for preserving the ecological environment, saving natural resources thus providing tourists with the opportunity to restore health and guarantee its safety.
References / Список литературы
1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-5326 "On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of the tourist potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 03.02.2018.
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3509 "On measures for the development of inbound tourism" of 06.02.2018.
3. [Electronic recourse]. URL: https://www.glion.edu/blog/what-is-hotel-management-all-about "What is hotel management all about?" by Glion Institute of Higher Education |/ (date of access: 1.04.2019).
4. Electronic recourse]. URL: https://www.siteminder.com/r/trends-advice/hotel-management/successfully-manage-hotel - How to successfully manage a hotel/ (date of access: 1.04.2019).