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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Ramazanova Altynay Zharaskyzy

This article provides an overview of the active diplomatic activity of the Kazakh Khanate with the neighboring countries of Central Asia and Russia since its foundation and prior to becoming a full-fledged subject in the international arena, given examples of approaches and implementation of diplomatic relations between the khanates of that time. Also focuses on formation and development of the conceptual bases of the organization of diplomatic activity with a view to the implementation of external policy and security. At this point, emphasized the Khan’s role and activity as the chief diplomat of the Kazakh Khanate in the XVI-XVII centuries in the implementation of economic, trade and political ties with neighboring countries

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Ramazanova Altynay Zharaskyzy

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, MA student 2nd grades of the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology

Abstract. This article provides an overview of the active diplomatic activity of the Kazakh Khanate with the neighboring countries of Central Asia and Russia since its _ foundation and prior to becoming a _ full-fledged subject in the international arena, given examples of approaches and implementation of diplomatic relations between the khanates of that time. Also focuses on formation and development of the conceptual bases of the organization of diplomatic activity with a view to the implementation of external policy and security. At this point, emphasized the Khan's role and activity as the chiefdiplomat of the Kazakh Khanate in the XVI-XVII centuries in the implementation of economic, trade and political ties with neighboring countries

Keywords: diplomacy, Kazakh khanate, foreign policy, trade, economy, Central Asia, embassy, negotiation, conflict.

A famous historian I. Kozybayev writes in the book "Diplomacy of Kazakhstan: pages of history": "Independent Kazakhstan counts the first decade of the diplomacy. However it has the family tree. As they say, the analogy with the past always relative. But we and our descendants will not be right, if we begin to produce lived assessment only through a prism of today's achievements. Maybe it's our problem, thread of traditions was interrupted... ".

If traditions are in many respects conservative in good understanding of this word, then the concept "diplomacy" is subject to the changes filled with new contents... The author of the fundamental book "Diplomacy" G. Nikolson characterized it as maintaining the international relations by means of negotiations. Other scientist and the diplomat E. Satou gave the following definition — "diplomacy is use of mind and a step to maintaining the official relations by the governments of the independent states, and also sometimes between these states and their vassals". According to the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, diplomacy is a science of dismantling of ancient diplomas, documents; science about the mutual intercourses of sovereigns or the states in general.

Indeed, the history of Kazakh diplomacy is rich. And it comes not from the beginning of the official exchange visit of the ambassador, and from the first meeting in the border regions of cohabitation simple Kazakhs and Russian.

I. Kozybaev offers the following periodization of the history of Kazakhstan's diplomacy: 1) the period of Kazakh khanate; 2) the period of colonial rule; 3) the period of Alash Orda; 4) the Soviet period; 5) the period of independence [1, p.31].

Exactly the first period of Kazakhstan's diplomacy, that is, the period of Kazakh khanate, we shall consider in this article.

The study of international relations of the Kazakh Khanate today seems highly relevant scientific direction of the country's history, especially in terms of statehood nomadic peoples of foreign policy and international relations are an integral and important part of the public administration. Do not underestimate their influence on the history of the formation of the state, its existence and independence.

In addition, the accumulated controversial material on the history of relations of the Kazakh Khanate with individual nomadic and agricultural states are settled, it is time to sum up and bring them into one system. This is the historiographical importance of the problem.

The full-fledged international relations in modern understanding of this phenomenon began in our state only from last decade of the XX century. It is easier to study the international relations of the republic for the last 20 years from the methodological point of view than for last centuries. Categories of the international relations are standard today, the concept of a phenomenon of the state and its characteristic are universal. Much more problems should be solved with a research of the international relations of the Kazakh khanate and their characteristic. I will try to list some of them. First, during education the territory of the khanate gradually extended, and its borders were very mobile, some parts of the territory of Kazakhstan were a part of various possession which international priorities were not identical. Secondly, the population which was mainly going in for cattle breeding was also mobile. The structure of the population of the khanate changed, governors attracted the neighboring tribes, and some generations migrate beyond the spread of their power. Communications between the breeding unions and their steady

large associations can be considered as a prototype of the international relations. In other words, the characteristic of the international relations is directly connected with genesis of the state. In the fourth, the history of the Kazakh khanate covers more than five centuries if we take the second half of the fifteenth century for time of its education. Masters of steppes had rather broad international contacts with the next people. And here hard work for historians is necessary to characterize ambassadorial, commercial and cultural ties of those from them who operated the people living in limits of borders of modern Kazakhstan.

We can't say that these issues have not been studied. The authors of the history of each period and certain public entities, depending on the material, considered their foreign policy. Now we have to highlight the general and specific features in the construction of international relations of the nomadic states, their diplomacy and diplomatic institutions [2].

It should be noted that the Kazakh diplomacy was based on the forms and methods of the rich arsenal of predecessors - the ancient Turks, and the Golden Horde. In the difficult conditions of formation of the Kazakh Khanate dominated power solutions to interstate contradictions, sometimes supplementing the diplomatic means of finding allies on the conclusion of peace negotiations. With the name of the ruler of Kassym Khan's code of laws related to the adoption of "Righteous Way of Kassym Khan" in which there was a special section of the embassy custom, which stipulates the rules and etiquette of international relations. Ambassadors, performing missions for their rulers were educated, trained since childhood literacy, Arabic, Chaghatay, Persian.

As the complexity of the nature of international relations of Kazakh diplomats used various forms and methods of diplomatic practice based on the conditions of tasks, which included negotiations on the conclusion of peace and trade treaties, interdynastic marriages, search and find allies, bringing gifts to foreign courts, delivery of credentials letters, an exchange of messages. The Kazakh ambassadors of that period distinguished possession of art of diplomatic communication of them. Ambassadors were eloquent and exact in answers; it is noted in official documents of that period [3].

In the XV - beginning of the XVIII century, the Kazakh Khanate was a sovereign state and to act on the international legal field as a recognized subject of other states. This is confirmed by sources of information about its diplomatic relations with both the countries of West and East [4].

The XVI-XVII centuries - a special period in the history of Kazakhstan: time to strengthen the Kazakh statehood, active military, political, commercial and cultural relations of the Kazakhs with neighboring countries and peoples.

Historical and cultural ties with neighboring nations Kazakhs had a great variety of forms. In this case there are two main aspects of the study of these contacts: the first aspect - cultural and second - sociological.

The history of the Kazakh people of the XV-XVII centuries developed in close and multifaceted contacts with the peoples of Central Asia, their development and crossed intertwined, military conflicts interspersed with periods of cooperation and friendship, concluded dynastic marriages. Relationships of the peoples of Kazakhstan, Middle and Central Asia have a long history. They expressed both in foreign relations and in mutual trade exchange. Interesting material on the history of commerce, trade routes and expeditions to the steppe edge indicates that Kazakhstan was a bridge, a bridge on the way and the mutual Eastern and Western cultures. In the XVI-XVII centuries significantly were expanding political and commercial ties with the Central Asian khanates Kazakhstan, India, Afghanistan, the exchange of trade and diplomatic embassies. The exchange of embassies between Kazakhstan and these countries was, in essence, a form of trade relations [5, p. 176].

Currently, it pays great attention to studying the routes of the Great Silk way, and crosses the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Especially, since second half of the XVI century this way of life has received a new impetus. From written sources of the XVI-XVII centuries it is known that at this time through Kazakhstan and trade routes that linked China, India and Central Asia; here passed pilgrims, provided military bands. Trade was a sea route across the Caspian Sea between Astrakhan and Mangyshlak and land - in the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, Bukhara, Khiva. However, information about the level of this trade in the eastern sources is absent. Nevertheless, the available evidence of eastern authors, suggest a regular trade relations. Indeed, trade between the Kazakhs and the neighboring nations was continuous, even during the unrest and wars, even though the latter circumstance greatly hindered its development [5, p. 177].

Relationships of the Kazakh Khanate with the Central Asian khanates were varied. Periods of military clashes, mutual raids were followed by periods of good neighborly relations, which evolved during the caravan trade. The sources of the XVI-XVIII centuries there were evidence of diplomatic negotiations between the Kazakh khans, Khiva, Bukhara, Kokand, and others [5, p. 180].

Also for every period of history, since XV—XVIII centuries, it is possible to allocate khans and sultans who played a huge role in development international diplomatic and trade and economic relations

with foreign countries. Diplomatic practice developed during this period according to those needs which then were present [6].

For example, the foundation was laid for active foreign policy of the Kazakh khanate at the Kassym khan (time of government of 1511-1518), and the main goal of the foreign policy concept was to reach benefit. "Benefit" was meant as acquisition that is a gain of new lands that is quite logical as foreign policy interests of the state were defined by its territorial situation. Therefore each of the Kazakh governors, since Kerey and Janibek, sought to win new territories and to carry out new borders [7].

Coming to power of Kassym khan was led to positive changes in political position of the Kazakh khanate, first of all its fight against the state by Shaybanids. During the first rule of Kassym khan there was an important event in the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia promoting strengthening of its power. East Desht-i- Kypchak on the territory of Khwarezm was left by the last big group of the "Uzbek" tribes headed by shaybanid Burek-sultan's sons Ilbarys and Bilbarys. This event as showed the carried-out analysis of data of sources, took place in the second half of 1512. The emergence in the territory of Central Asia of two states Shaybanids became result of these events. It must be assumed that also these Shaybanids - Ilbarys and Bilbarys - were forced out by Kazakhs. The Kazakh governors became autocratic rule to the most part of East Desht-i-Kypchak. Their authority among the next governors increased [8, p. 15].

The XVI century became an important stage in development of the Kazakh diplomacy and formation of the military state. Besides, this time became for Kazakhstan a strip of the deep crisis caused by internal economic, social and political factors. Crisis was not slow to affect also the international situation. Everything with big work to khans was possible to keep the won lands, opponents actively organized the anti-Kazakh coalitions, undermining their influence. The change in favor of the Kazakh khanate occurred only in the second half of the XVI century when the khan of Khak-Nazar came to the power. He carried out a number of reforms and significantly strengthened system of the state management and army. At the same time the main attention at Khak-Nazar (time of board 1548/49-1580) was paid on rich near Syr Darya cities - trading centers. Conducting fight for these rich lands, Kazakhs entered an antagonism with powerful shaybanids and then ashtarkhanids [7]. The nature of relationship of Kazakhs with shaybanids was rather close and versatile. The military conflicts alternated the periods of cooperation and friendship, the marriage alliances were concluded. The greatest interest in rapprochement and the union with Khak-Nazar khan was shown by Shaybanid Abdallah-khan II. He saw in Kazakhs the military-political force which sought to use also for strengthening of the power, especially in areas where his rivals located. For this purpose he concluded with Khak-Nazar khan "the oath alliance" on which both parties undertook to maintain with each other peace the relations [5, p.197]. Continuing the policy of Khak-Nazar, his successor - the Kazakh khan Tauekel (time of government of 1583-1598) it was succeeded to achieve some progress. But also it in the near Syr Darya cities faced strong resistance.

The name of the khan Tauekel should be mentioned especially, he entered interdynastic marriages and the military-political unions into the state practice. For example, Tauekel was one of the first Kazakh khans who established to the union with Russia, having fixed it by the contract. Then the coalition with shaybanids, the Nogai governors and many others was created. One of important contracts on the world and cooperation in reflection of external aggression and settling of political conflicts was the contract signed in 1598-1599 between the Kazakh khanate and the Ashtarkhanid state. The contract was approved after war in which each of the parties tried to broaden the sphere of the influence in near Syr Darya cities.

All this says that diplomacy in the XVI-XVII centuries played extremely important role in development of the Kazakh statehood. The analysis of written sources, diplomas, the seals, coins allowed to restoring story of diplomatic relations of the Kazakh khanate with neighboring states, to investigate international agreements, dynastic marriages - all those diplomatic means and receptions of permission of international disputes which the Kazakh khans actively used, protecting interests of the state [7].

Thus, the study of the diplomatic service of the history of the Kazakh khanate with neighboring countries is important, as well as for a more complete understanding of the nature taking place, especially in the early years of the formation of statehood in the Khanate of processes, understanding the reasons for the choice of this or that foreign policy priorities, and to assess the foreign policy perspectives of the Kazakh Khanate respect to neighboring countries.


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2. Hafizova K.Sh. Problemy issledovaniya mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenii Kazahskih hanstv, "Tsivilizatsii Velikoi Stepi" (Almaty)// http://e-history.kz/ru/books/library/read/832 (in Russ.)

3. Mazhidenova D.M. Istoki kazahskoi diplomatii//http://e-history.kz/ru/expert/view/96 (in Russ.)

4. Atygayev N.A. About diplomatic contacts of the Kazakh khanate with the muslim states (XVI-the beg.of XVIII c.)/NAAtygayev// Otan tarihy, 2015. №2.-15-22p. (in Russ.)

5. Abuseitova M.H. Kazakhstan and Central Asia: political, international and cultural relations (XV-XVII c.).-Almaty, 1997.-312 p.(in Russ.)

6. Nemnogo o diplomatii v period Kazahskogo hanstva// http://e-history.kz/ru/proj ect/view/3 ?type=publications&material_id=1229 (in Russ.)

7. Korni kazahskoi diplomatii berut nachalo v glubokoi drevnosti// http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2475915 (in Russ.)

8. Atygayev N.A. Kazahskoe hanstvo v XV- seredine XVI veka. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata istoricheskih nauk. A., 2003.-30 s. (in Russ.)


1920-е гг.

к. и. н., доцент Цыкина Ю. Ю.

Россия, Республика Марий Эл, г. Йошкар-Ола, Марийский государственный университет

Abstract. The article reveals the peculiarities offormation of professional performance in Mari Autonomous Oblast during the complex period of its formation. The author analyzes historical, political, economic factors contributing to the establishment and functioning of the Mari autonomy of amateur and professional troupes, considers the activities of the choir Krasnokokshajskogo pedagogical school and a brass band and their contribution to the further development ofperformance professionalism.

Keywords: Krasnokokshajsk, Mari Autonomy, performing collective, active creativity, national culture, professionalism.

Становление и развитие профессионального исполнительства в Марийской автономии протекало в течение нескольких этапов. Отсутствие необходимого кадрового потенциала, материальной базы, низкий уровень слушательской аудитории в первое послереволюционное десятилетие были существенной причиной стагнации профессионализма во многих областях музыкальной жизни.

В первые годы после революции в Марийском крае началось активное культурное строительство. Так, в 1921 г. в Краснококшайском кантоне работало 2 театра, 19 библиотек, 130 изб-читален, 7 драматических и 2 музыкальных кружка, функционировал музей. [3, л. 123].

В марте 1921 г. при областных и кантонных отделах народного образования начали функционировать самостоятельные подотделы искусств, подчиненные сектору Народного комиссариата просвещения и местному ОНО. Однако уже к концу 1921 г. по Марийской автономии произошел спад культурно-просветительной работы. Причиной этому были большие потери в экономике Марийской автономной области из-за сильных морозов (из-за непогоды погибли все озимые), лесных пожаров и засухи. Голод, вызванный этими стихийными бедствиями, стал препятствием для развития национальной культуры [1, Л.47]. Новая экономическая политика (НЭП), а также передача на местный бюджет большинства учреждений народного образования также не способствовали укреплению позиций национальной культуры. С 1922-1923 гг. начинается упорная борьба за дальнейшее развитие культуры и одновременно за повышение качества массовой политической работы [1, Л. 123]. В результате деятельности местных и центральных руководящих органов и организаций, активной деятельности местной интеллигенции в 1923 г. в Марийской автономной области насчитывалось 36 библиотек с 43 работниками, 1 музей (одни работник), 3 театра, 17 народных домов.

Наличие талантливых знатоков народного искусства, многочисленных исполнителей-любителей, а также большой интерес к национальному музыкальному фольклору со стороны всех слоев населения автономии явились факторами, способствовавшими возникновению и

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