Научная статья на тему 'The relationships between the central Asia and the shaibanid state in Transoxiana'

The relationships between the central Asia and the shaibanid state in Transoxiana Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Karibayev B., Sadyk Zh.

In this article, the author examines the activities and policies of Khaknazar Khan, who ruled in the 40-80's. XVI century, at the time of the revival of the Kazakh Khanate and the personal human qualities of the Khan, the problems of Khaknazar Khan's relationship between the rulers of Maverannahr in the 70s of the mentioned century are also considered. At this time, the political situation of Maverannahr was complicated, the process of power struggle divided into two political groups the Baba Sultan group in Tashkent and the Abdallah Khan group in Bukhara. In the interests of the Kazakh people, Khaknazar Khan supported the ruler of Bukhara. He died during the struggle with Baba Sultan

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Текст научной работы на тему «The relationships between the central Asia and the shaibanid state in Transoxiana»

29. Мухаммед Гамал Эль Дин. О саманид-ском дирхеме из древней Казани // Археологическое изучение Булгарских городов. - Казань, 1999. - С.39-40.

30. Мухаметшин Д.Г. Об арабском дирхеме из раскопа XIII в. // Археологическое изучение Булгарских городов. - Казань, 1999. - С.38;

31 . Мухаммадиев А.Г. Древние монеты Поволжья. -Казань, 1990;

32. Негматов Н.Н. Государство саманидов. -Душанбе, 1977. - С.174-179.

33 . Негматов Н.Н. Экономика Хорасана и Мавераннахра в 1Х-Х вв. // Государство Саманидов. - Душанбе, 1966. - С.84.

34. Петровский Н.П. Заметки по гидрографии Туркестанского края // Известия Императорского Российского географического общества. -СПб., 1898. - Т. 34. - С. 490-94;

35. Путешествие Ибн-Фадлана на Волгу // На стыке континентов и цивилизаций (из опыта образования и распада империй X-XVI вв.). - М. -

С. 8-72;

36. Рахимов Н.Т., Штарк С.. Отчет о работах Таджикско-Германской экспедиции в 2007 году. // Археологические работы в Таджикистане Вып.ХХХШ./Под общей ред.М.М.Масова. - Душанбе, 2009. - С. 211.

37. Савельев П.С. Мухамеданская нумизматика в отношении русской истории. Топография кладов с восточными монетами и изделиями VII, VIII, IX, X, XI веков в России и Прибалтийских странах, объясненная историческими свидетельствами о торговле Северо-Востока Европы в эпоху основания и утверждения русского государства. -СПб., 1846;

38. Сайко Э. В. История технологии керамического ремесла Средней Азии VII-XII вв. - Душанбе, 1966, - 211С.

39. СРЕДНЯЯ АЗИЯ В III-XIII вв. (до монгольского завоевания). [Электронный ресурс!. -

http ://gumilevica.kulichki. net/HE2/he2306. htm (дата обращения: 20.06.2017).

40. Терентьев-Катанский А.П. С Востока на Запад. Из истории книги и книгопечатания в странах Центральной Азии 8-13 веков. Серия: Культуры Народов Востока. — М., Наука. Главная редакция восточной литературы. 1990. С. 37, 9-10, 20-22, 31-32, 34.

41. Товары, шедшие по Шелковому пути [Электронный ресурс!. -

https ://www.kazedu.kz/referat/13636/8 (дата обращения: 24.06.2017).

42. Туркистан в эпоху монгольского нашествия том 1 - Бартольд В.В..Бибилотека Исто-рии[Электронный ресурс!. - http://historv-librarv.com/index.php?id1=3&categorv=istoriva-turkistana&author=bartold-vv&book=1963&page=100 (дата обращения: 29.06.2017).

43. Хвольсон Д.А. Известия о Хазарахъ, Буртасахъ, Болгарахъ, Мадьярахъ, Славянахъ и Руссахъ Абу-Али Ахмеда Бенъ Омаръ Ибнъ-Даста, неизвестнаго доселе арабскаго писателя начала Х века / Известия о Хазарах, Буртасах, Болгарах, Мадьярах, Славянах и Руссах Абу-Али Ахмеда Бен Омар Ибн-Даста, неизвестного доселе арабского писателя начала Х века. - СПб., 1869. -199 С.

44. Шелк и Великий шелковый путь.Уточне-ния. Заметки географа. [Электронный ресурс!. -http://www.proza.ru/2011/01/08/450 (дата обращения: 29.06.2017).

45. Якубовский А.Ю. К вопросу об исторической топографии Итиля и Булгар в IX-XVI вв. // Советская археология. - 1948. - №10. - С.255-270.

46. Якубовский А.Ю. Феодальное общество Средней Азии и его торговля с Восточной Европой в X-XV вв. / Материалы по истории Узбекской, Таджикской и Туркменской ССР. -Л., 1932. - Ч.1.;

47. Янин В.Л. Денежно-весовые системы русского средневековья. Домонгольский период. -М., 1956;



Karibayev B.

Doctor of History, Professor Sadyk Zh.

master student, 2-nd year Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,Almaty,Kazakhstan


In this article, the author examines the activities and policies of Khaknazar Khan, who ruled in the 40-80's. XVI century, at the time of the revival of the Kazakh Khanate and the personal human qualities of the Khan, the problems of Khaknazar Khan's relationship between the rulers of Maverannahr in the 70s of the mentioned century are also considered. At this time, the political situation of Maverannahr was complicated, the process of power struggle divided into two political groups - the Baba Sultan group in Tashkent and the Abdallah Khan group in Bukhara. In the interests of the Kazakh people, Khaknazar Khan supported the ruler of Bukhara. He died during the struggle with Baba Sultan.

Keywords: Central Asia, Kazakh khanate, Khaknazar khan, Transoxiana, dynasty of shaibanids, Abdallah khan.


In the middle of the XV century the Kazakh Khanate, as a state of the ethnic origin of the Kazakh ethnos, lived up to the first quarter of the XIX century and had two great stages in its history. The first period is - an united stage, that is a period of one centrally managed system of control, the second - disunity, that is, the time when several khans lived and didn't obey to each other in the territory of Kazakh land.

The unified period of the Kazakh Khanate is during from the middle of the 15 th century to the beginning of the 18th century. It is known that, after the death of Tauke Khan started the second phase - the period of disintegration. During the first 250 years of the Kazakh Khanate in all ruled the seventeen Khans. In the 15th century there were three khans (Kerey Khan, Zhanibek Khan and Buryndyk Khan), in the 17th century - five khans, and in the 16th century - nine khans. Only a few of the nine khans of the 16th century are mentioned in the history of Kazakhs. They are Kasim Khan, Khaknazar Khan and Tauekel Khan.

These mentioned khans have a special role in the history of the country. In the second decade of the 16th century, Khasym khan son of famous Zhanibek Khan raised the banner of the Kazakh state to the whole world and his son Khaknazar Khan in the middle and the second half of the 16th century remained as the combiner of the Kazakh people.

In this article, we set out to define the personality of Khaknazar Khan and the politics he carried out in the 70s of the 16th century on the basis of written data and historiographical materials.


During the discovery of the personality of Khaknazar Khan and his policy in the 70s of the XVI century with the rulers of Transoxiana, we used the basic principles and research methods used in the study of historical issues. When considering the ancestors of Khaknazar Khan, especially Kazakh ancestors, the principles of continuity was taken into consideration. During the application of these principles, it was shown that Khaknazar Khan's ancestors had remained in the Cumania territory.

To identify the historical nature of Khaknazar Khan, the data of medieval authors are compiled by the works of Kadyrgali Zhalayr's "Chronicle Collection", Hafiz Tanish's "Sharaf-Rame-i §ahi", "Bahr al-asrar fi manakib al-ahar" by Mahmud bin Uali, Mashhur Jusip Koybeyuly's historiographical materials of research, the data from the Russian data describing the events of the end of the XVI century, as well as experts V. Vel-yaminov-Zernov, A. Isin, V.Trepavlov were used. Recent findings, new data and one of the newest materials are one of the scientific approaches - as a result of comparisons, new stories have been reached.


One of the first researchers of the history of the Kazakh Khanate, V.V. Velyaminov-Zernov, considers that, Khaknazar Khan is the main person in the history of the Khanate's "renaissance" [1, 333]. This historic

value, which was given in the 60s of the 19th century, has not lost its significance until today. In addition, Khaknazar Khan is known as the ruler, who ruled the country for a long time in the history of the unified Kazakh Khanate.

There is no monograph research, which related to history of Khaknazar Khan in history science still. The academic volumes of various periods of the history of Kazakhstan in the chapters of the history of the Kazakh Khanate are studied in close connection with each other about his life and during of the reign. [2,153-157; 3,123-126; 4,285-288; 5,396-403]. Also in the last century, it has been described less in a dozen textbooks devoted to the history of Kazakhstan by some authors. On the contrary, books and articles of researchers of this period have a much information about Khaknazar Khan [6, 283-289; 7,185-190; 8, 9,]. In connection with celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate in 2015, separate articles devoted to Khaknazar Khan were published in several collections [10,69-72; 11,3742]. Let consider data of the relationship between the Kazakh state of Khaknazar Khan and the Shaibanid state in Transoxiana, which based on medieval sources and historiography.

During the rule of Khaknazar Khan the southern and south-eastern direction was one of the main directions of the policy of the Kazakh Khanate. The lands and cities along middle and lower streams of the Syrdarya River has had an important role for the Kazakh Khanate. From the economic point of view, the winter pastures and wintering settlements of the nomadic Kazakh tribes were found on the left bank of the Syr Darya, and natural summer pastures were located in the northern part of the Cumania. The nomadic tribes of the Cumania used to use for commercial life all round of Tobol and Syrdarya. It is well-known, that before the Kazakh Khanate and during the Kazakh Khanate cuman rulers were fighting against the rulers of Transoxiana for the Syr-Darya. This struggle continued during the reign of Khaknazar Khan.

From the middle of the XVI century started the political crisis in the Transoxiana of shaibanid dynasty like in the Kazakh society after the Kassym Khan. Let's briefly review the political crisis in Transoxiana. In 1539, after the death of Shibanik Uladallah Khan (1533-1539), Abdullah I (1539-1540) was sitting in the throne. Six months later, he died and at the same time in Bukhara - Abdulaziz Khan(1540-1550), in Samarkand - Abd al-Latif Khan(1540-1551) came to power [12,327]. Thus, the Shibanid rulers had a long history of political crisis. In 1552 when Nauryz -Akhmed Khan (Barak Khan)(1552-1556) - son of the Suiunishkozha khan came to power in Tashkent and the race for power between the sultans even more intensified. In theory, the race for power was between in two Shibanid groups - the Shibanids of Tashkent and andidzhans, which headed by Abdallah II.

In 1556 Nauryz-Ahmad khan passed away. From that point onward, Khaknazar Khan has been taking

concrete action from the political situation in Transox-iana. From 1556 to 1558, Khaknazar Khan threatened Tashkent for three years and threatened to deport the region. This is reported by an English trader, Jen-kinsson, who visited Bukhara at the end of 1558 [1,332]. Khaknazar Khan was not able to get Tashkent in those years, though his attempt was the first active foreign policy of the Kazakh Khanate against the Shai-banid family in Transoxiana after the "time of weakening".

Khaknazar Khan was active in relations with the Nogai in the 60s and 70s of the XVI century, but by the end of the 70s revived the south direction. During those years, the Abdallah II in Transoxiana became the strongest political power and gradually began to subdue the Shibanids' possessions. In 1557, he conquered Bukhara and raised his father Eskendyr in 1560/1561 in Bukhara. In 1573 he conquered Balkh, in 1574 - Hisar, and in 1578 - Samarkand [13,274]. The next city was Tashkent, where it is planted as the governor of Derbis Sultan, the eldest son of Nauryz-Akhmed Khan. Shortly after, the third son of Nauryz-Akhmed Khan, Baba Sultan, killed his brother Derbis Sultan and opposed to Abdallah II Khan. The policy and actions of Khaknazar Khan's life over the last few years are among these two Shiban rulers.

Haknazar Khan supports geopolitical Bukhara ruler in the disputes between Baba Sultan II and Abdallah Khan. After all, Tashkent's intensification was threatening the cities of Syrdarya and pasturelands. At any time by the decree of the ruler of the khanate, the Kazakh tribes of the area came to rob and plunder. Therefore, it was profitable for Haknazar Khan to enter into an alliance with a distant protector than to teach the adjacent enemy. To that end, an "oath of alliance" was made between Khaknazar Khan and Abdallah II.

In 1579 another tension began between the rulers of Tashkent and Bukhara, and Abdallah II Khan went to Tashkent. At that time Khaknazar Khan and Tarim Sultany, Sultans Sultan, Dostay Sultans and other Kazakh sultans were on the Talas River. Several Sultan of Baba sultan are being taken to Kazakhs [14,246]. The Baba Sultan can't produce anything when he intends to set fire to the allies in various ways. On the river Keles, Khaknazar Khan's ambassador to the Abdallah II Khan conveyed the message of the Kazakh khan. It states: "We are still loyal to the former" oath of alliance "made by the khan", says [14,247]. Bukhara Khan thanked the Kazakhs and introduced four settlements in the Turkestan district and asked to return the people of the Baba Sultan, who was captured by the Kazakhs.

The Baba Sultan uses some of the most arrogant ways to maintain his authority. Sometimes it means that he is subordinate to the khan of Bukhara, or he is opposed to him. He gives false information to Bukhara about politics of Kazakh rulers. Finally, in April 1580, at a meeting near the bank of the Sharapkhana River, he killed Zhalym and his two sons and two sons of Khaknazar Khan without regret [14, 254], and sent the most reliable people for the death of Haknazar Khan. Thus, Khaknazar Khan died at the end of April 1580. In the events of June 10, 1580, the name of the Shygay khan began to be named [14,256]. More than 20 years

after the death of Haknazar Khan, Kadyrgali Zhalayr wrote about this incident: "... Khaknazar was killed during the conflicts among them [15,121].

Khaknazar Khan has been in power for more than 40 years and is opening way to the revival of the history of the Kazakh Khanate. His goal was to bring the territory of the Kazakh Khanate to the same level as his father, Kassym Khan. It can be said that he has done his best to achieve this goal. The history formed him as a great statesman, a strong organizer, a masterful diplomat, a glorious commander.

In the 60s and 70s of the XVI century, it was the first to introduce the Kazakh Khanate to the strongest states, such as the Crimean Khanate, the Siberian Khanate, the Nogai Orda and the Moscow Principality, which were established on the territory of the Golden Horde. Thus, Khaknazar Khan became one of the most influential and famous figures of those years.

According to the oral literature, the Kazakhs divided into three parts was formed by Khaknazar Khan [1,335]. Although all the historians use this information, they do not refer to its significance. Let's express our opinion below.

There are many legends about the appearance of the faces in the Kazakh society, and there are many opinions. We will not discuss every legend. "Zhuz" -from arabic "dzhuz", it means "part", "branch" and its emergence connected with kazakh history in XVI century.

In the XVI century the territory of the Kazakh Khanate was the most widely spread and gained power, when headed by Khan Khan. At the same time, the laws of the Kassym Khan, which was born, were not limited to the legal side, but also to the massive number of million people living in the area, mainly nomadic livestock farming, which was used for the most effective management of political and administrative is a collection of laws. The death of Kasim Khan does not allow these laws to go deeper into life. And in the later period of "temporary weakening" the foundations of political and administrative reform of Kasim Khan begin to appear. In the "last years of temporary weakening" Akhmed Khan in the western part of the Kazakh land, in the central part - Togim Khan, Zhetysu - Budaqdhan khans power [15,122; 16,306]. Ahmed Khan - in the war with the Nogai, Toghim khan is killed in the battle near the border. With the death of the khan, the country remains. Khaknazar was forced to unite the land that had sprung into the khan. And in the years that he was in power, he gradually began to realize his reputation. Thus, Kassym Khan began to use the political-administrative system in order to regulate the vast territory. Thus, the hundredth system was formed as a major administrative unit, established in accordance with the principle of "land and land" in the Kazakh Khanate. Thus, we believe that such sincerity lies under the legend that the Kazakhs appeared under the rule of Khaknazar Khan. And its first appearance on paper is in the beginning of the XVII century [4, 258].

Some information about the descendants of Haknazar Khan.

There are four sons of Khaknazar Khan. In 1580, Two sons were killed by Baba sultan [17,254], their

names unknown. From them were the two sons, who named Munfytay Sultan and Din-Muhammaed Sultan [17,79]. No information about their descendants. Kadyrgali Zhalayr writes: "In these days his sons lose power" [15,121].

All the researchers in the domestic historiography give a positive assessment to the historical reality and personality of Khaknazar Khan. The collector of folklore, ethnographer, historian Mashkhur Zhusip Ko-peyevich (1858-1931) in his works "Kazakh khans" and "Kazakh bottom" gives the estimation of Khaknazar Khan to "keen, heroic khan". He writes that Haknazar khan is the work of the Russian authors - Aknazar Khan. Below we will listen to K. Kugeyuly's comments about Khaknazar Khan.

According to the first Kazakh version, "... Aknazar Khan became the son of Khan Aknazar, who defeated the Uzbek khan Aknazar and conquered Nogai Khan Migration and conquered it by Russians. At that time, the Russian Prince set up a fourth ambassador to Ivan Aknazar, to trade a caravan, Aknazar has brought the Kazakhs back to restored Kassym Khan "[18,18; 19206], "In the Kazakh khans" (1), "... After Kassym Khan's death, the children were thrilled with the throne, the Nogai Uzbek, the Kalmyk - three of them were enemies from three sides, and the belly of Kassym Khan Aknazar was raised by the khan and Aknazar was called a "keen, heroic khan", and the Uzbek khan shibanillah rattled and Nogay khan protected Kushim Khan and left the house, and then the Russian envoy to the fourth Ivan Aknazar sent an envoy, saying, "Let's fight, Aknazar Khan is the Kazakh khan at the time of Kassym Khan a] [e] take the field, "as it will reinforce [18,126-127; 19,259].

The well-known historian TI Sultanov summarizes the historical essence of Khaknazar Khan as follows: "Khaknazar was a great political figure like his father. ... He truly was a clever and skillful ruler, who was able to combine the requirements of the daily life of the Great Steppe nomadic with the state's policy. He was able to perceive political situations very well and effectively used his time. "[7,188].


Consequently, we come to the following conclusions by summarizing the above points about the historical person and personality of one of the famous Kazakh khans of the sixteenth century - Khaknazar Khan.

Khaknazar Khan was the ruler of the state policy in the life of his people, rebuilding the flag of the Kazakh state, whose flag had fallen in the years of "temporary weakening". Due to the political situation in the territory of the Muerennakhr, the efforts of the Kazakh Khanate to actively pursue its policy in that region. The long-term foreign policy of the Kazakh people is the basis for the end of the ethnic territory.


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Bedelova G.

Associate professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Tynyshtykbay A.

2-ndyear MA student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


The article reviews the fact that because of the close political, diplomatic and trade relationships which the Golden Horde had with many medieval countries, there are some data on it in Arabic, Persian, Kipchak, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Latin, and some other languages. In addition, the Khan's decrees and archaeological data, which are the documentary evidence of the authenticity of the historical record, are noted. The article also mentions the archaeological excavations conducted on the territory of the Golden Horde. As a result of these excavations many artifacts that testify to various aspects of trade and economic relations have been discovered. These artifacts include trading instruments, imported and exported goods. The material data found will help to determine the true nature of the narrative data.

Keywords: political, diplomatic and trade relationships, the Golden Horde

Because of the close political, diplomatic and trade relationships which the Golden Horde had with many medieval countries, there are some data reserved in Arabic, Persian, Kipchak, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Latin, and some other languages. Besides it is worth to mention that there are Khan's decrees and archaeological artifacts, which are the documentary evidence of the authenticity of the historical records. In fact, Khan's decrees acted as trade agreements. That is why, the information contained there is true. As a result of these excavations many artifacts that testify to various aspects of trade and economic relations have been discovered. . These artifacts include trading instruments, imported and exported goods (ceramics, glassware, expensive jewelery, silk). The material data found will help to determine the true nature of the narrative data.

Khan's decrees. Khan's decrees is a collection of documents of national importance in the Golden Horde. This set of documents includes information about trade agreements, discounts on foreign merchants, free access to trade routes, solutions for acertain economic disagreements. In Khan's decrees, only the decree issued by Tokhtamys Khan to the Polish King Yagailo on May 20, 1393 is reserved in original [1]. Other documents are reserved only in translation into other

languages. To date, there are dozens of Khan's decrees in Latin, Italian and Russian [2]. Among them there are a lot of decrees, including a decree issued by the Uzbek khan to the Venetian merchants in Azak (9 October 1332), a decree issued by Zhanibek Khan to Venetian merchants in Azak (September 30, 1342), Taidulla's missive and fees list to Venitian doge Giovanni Dolfin (March 4, 1359), a decree issued by Zhanibek Khan to Venetian merchants which is reserved in translated version (into Venetian dialect) (December 26, 1347), the Old Crimea's (Solkhat's) ruler Ramadan's letter to the Venetian doge Giovanni Gradenigo (March 4, 1356), a decree issued by Berdibek Khan to Venetian merchants (September 13, 1358), Temur Qutlugh's notice to Venetian merchants (September 20, 1358), the Old Crimea's ruler Cherkes-bek's borough charter to Genoan merchants in Kaffa (November 27, 1380) and Iliyas-bek's borough charter (February 24, 1381) [3], a decree issued by Mengu-Timur to the Grand Duke Ya-roslav Yaroslavovich in Russian (1270). Unfortunately, the original Kipchak versions of these documents were not reserved[4]. The abovementioned documents give valuable information on the Golden Horde's trade system. Khan's decrees given to the Venetian merchants are stored at the Venice State archives in the collection

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