THE PROBLEM OF TEACHING ENGLISH READING SKILLS IN A MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tlebaldin R., Abirov M., Ergeshov E., Bissenbayeva Zh.N.

The article describes the main aspects of teaching a foreign language in a medical university, reveals the importance of forming an active base of special vocabulary among students of medical specialties. This article discusses the main shortcomings and problems in the organization of language training of students in a medical university, such as: lack of time allocated to a foreign language; low level of language competence of students. It is stressed that in the process of teaching English in medical school professional text is the primary means of achieving the objectives of the training process - the development of the English language professional competencies, it is necessary to develop of forming English language competence, it is necessary to develop the skills of oral and written communication, namely, communicative competence, which is realized through the implementation of such kinds of speech activities as speaking, writing, listening and reading text.

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УДК 378.4

DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2021.12.73.057

R. Tlebaldin, M. Abirov, E. Ergeshov, Zh.N. Bissenbayeva

iMilitary Institute of Land forces Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail: zhanat 2006@mail.ru


Resume: The article describes the main aspects of teaching a foreign language in a medical university, reveals the importance of forming an active base of special vocabulary among students of medical specialties. This article discusses the main shortcomings and problems in the organization of language training of students in a medical university, such as: lack of time allocated to a foreign language; low level of language competence of students. It is stressed that in the process of teaching English in medical school professional text is the primary means of achieving the objectives of the training process - the development of the English language professional competencies, it is necessary to develop of forming English language competence, it is necessary to develop the skills of oral and written communication, namely, communicative competence, which is realized through the implementation of such kinds of speech activities as speaking, writing, listening and reading text. Keywords: text, reading, learning, types of reading, medical students.

Introduction. The question of the use of professional texts in English classes still remains insufficiently investigated. Despite the fact that professional texts are the mainstay of the educational process, the main component of full-time, part-time or distance learning courses, the issue of methodological recommendations for working on the text in the course of independent work or in academic groups remains open. Despite the constant and rapid change of interests, hobbies and preferences of students, there is a need for continuous improvement of methodological recommendations and guidelines for working with professional text.

The formation of a modern medical specialist who owns modern advanced domestic and foreign medical technologies largely depends on how quickly he is able to extract professionally oriented information not only in his native language, but also in a foreign language. in this regard, there is a problem of teaching students of a medical university to read in a foreign language with the maximum understanding of information of a special nature. At the present stage of human development, improvement of science and technology, one of the most important means of obtaining information is reading, which is one of the spheres of human communicative and social activity. Since specialists deal with different sources of information, they need to master different reading strategies and, in accordance with the goals and objectives, extract information of different depth and volume. It is important to determine the number of necessary types of reading in a non-linguistic university, the stages of their introduction in the course of training, which determines the relevance. The main disadvantages of the organization of language training of students in medical school are: lack of time devoted to foreign language; low level language competence of applicants; the lack of methodology of foreign language teaching, tailored to the interdisciplinary training of medical students.

Currently, greater emphasis is placed on learning a foreign language as a language of professional communication that reading the original medical literature is regarded as the main source of the latest information of a special nature, aimed at improving the level of professional competence of graduates of non-linguistic universities. With this approach, the most important component of teaching a foreign language in a medical university becomes a foreign language professionally-oriented reading.

Research methods. The specificity of teaching a foreign language in a medical university is to focus on the professional needs of future doctors, which are mainly associated with the need to read special medical literature and documents, communicate with foreign colleagues on professional topics in a foreign language. Taking into account the identified needs of future doctors, the training program includes the formation, development and improvement of the necessary professionally oriented foreign language skills and abilities, in which the main emphasis is on professionally meaningful reading due to the limited amount of educational time allocated to this subject, which does not meet the increasingly complex requirements for professional knowledge of future doctors. Assimilation of knowledge in a foreign language by future doctors is as follows, that professional knowledge and skills do not guarantee qualified mastery of foreign language material and the development of communication skills [1].

The introduction of professionally oriented English language teaching in higher medical educational institutions is due to the rapid growth of the social order of highly qualified medical specialists who speak English and are ready for international communication and cooperation. The main purpose of training is to form students ' English-language professionally directed competence, in particular, to master knowledge about the system organization of the English language and the laws of its functioning in the medical field; development of linguistic competence, in particular, knowledge of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the ability to use them in the context of professional activity. The selection of teaching materials is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Pan-European Recommendations for Language Education, according to which the main strategies for selecting language teaching tools include the selection of original texts, taking into account the professional needs of those who study a foreign language. Taking this into account, the professional text is the main unit of teaching and learning English in a professional direction, a source of terminological vocabulary, a means of forming linguistic, professional and socio-cultural competence of students. Lexical, grammatical and semantic richness of the text forms the understanding and sense of language, develops linguistic and cognitive skills.


In the process of teaching English at a medical university, a professional text is the main means of achieving the goal of the educational process - the development and formation of English-language professional competence, which provides for the "imposition" of foreign skills on the subject content of the profession in the course of performing professional tasks [2].

Given this, it is necessary to combine the processes of formation of English-language communicative and professional competencies by means of professional texts, taking into account their relevance, accessibility, lexical-grammatical and linguistic-stylistic complexity and compliance with the real communicative needs of physicians.

Professional texts are not only the main source for learning vocabulary of non-linguistic students, but is also a means of formation and development of their professional skills because they contribute to improving the culture and terminology of communication and professionally-oriented learning. Thus, professional texts satisfy the information and cognitive needs of students, serve as a support for stimulating their educational speech interaction on professional topics, by reproducing and semantic processing of the received information, complement the knowledge of the specialty, expand the communicative ability to real communication [4]. English language course can be considered the result of the cooperation of the English language and special medical disciplines, resulting in professional text is high-quality and reliable information and educational material that supplements received by students at studying of special disciplines of knowledge that provides principles of interdisciplinary coordination and professional orientation of foreign language teaching. the medical orientation of the training material facilitates the learning process and more thorough assimilation of the subject, and cross-study of the material helps to better master the discipline, and as a result-has a positive effect on the effectiveness and effectiveness of training in general. In order to form English-speaking competence, it is necessary to develop oral and written communication skills, namely, communicative competence, which is realized through the implementation of such types of speech activities as speaking, writing, listening and reading text. However, it should be remembered that the above types of speech activity do not exist in their pure form, but are closely related to each other. With the help of

reading, translation, discussion, oral and written analysis, exercises to consolidate the material and translation of professional text, it is possible to ensure the formation of types of speech activity in practical classes in English in a professional direction. However, in order to effectively perceive and produce information, students need cognitive, semantic, linguistic and phonetic skills. with the help of a professional text, you can ensure the development and training of these skills by identifying, understanding and interpreting the text when reading and organizing, formulating and developing it when translating or translating [3].

Results. Today, reading as a means of communication has significant practical value. In this regard, more attention should be paid to learning English based on reading professional texts. This type of speech activity should be distinguished as a dominant component of learning English in a professional direction, thus preparing students for independent reading, teaching them to read and perceive what they read correctly. This process should occur automatically and subconsciously and provide for a certain level of mastery of the English language, which can only be achieved through continuous and routine training. In the initial stages of learning, students understand the text only after translation or careful analysis. That is why before each lesson, the teacher should plan the work with the text, identify the most difficult moments, the main lexical and grammatical features, prepare a set of exercises to facilitate reading. Given the complexity of the text, analytical reading should be used to ensure the effectiveness of the study of the material. Conclusion. Since when learning English professionally, the original English text is not only a source of information, but also a means for developing oral and written communication skills, in the process of reading, it is worth focusing not only on semantic or informative, but also grammatical and lexical understanding of the text. Given that the main part of specialized medical texts consists of medical vocabulary and terminology, it is difficult to understand them without prior preparation during the class or careful analysis when reading independently at home. conscious or subconscious lexical and grammatical analysis during reading is reflected in the understanding and perception of information. lexical, grammatical and stylistic features of the text affect the effectiveness of reading professional english text.


1 Karpov i. v. psychological characteristics of the process of understanding and translation by students of foreign texts / i. v. karpov. - m.: vysshaya shkola, 1952. - p. 38.

2 Verbitsky a. a. foreign language education in the context of the profession / / vestnik mglu. education and pedagogical sciences. issue 2 (796) / 2018. pp. 126-141.

3 Gizyatova l. a., plotnikova n. f. professionally-oriented teaching of english to medical students / / kazan linguistic journal, 2019, volume 2, no. 4. 67-73.

4 Guzova A.V., Savitskaya N. V. Technology of formation of lexical competence on the basis of authentic texts in the specialty // Pedagogy and Education, 2020. - No. 1. pp. 1524.

Р. Тлебалдин, М. Абиров, Е. Ергешов, Ж.Н. Бисенбаева

Военный институт Сухопутных войск МО РК, Алматы, Казахстан


Резюме: В статье описываются основные аспекты преподавания иностранного языка в медицинском вузе, раскрывается важность формирования активной базы специальной лексики у обучающихся медицинским специальностям. В данной статье рассматриваются

основными недостатками и проблемы в организации языковой подготовки студентов в медицинском вузе, такие как: дефицит времени, отводимого на иностранный язык; низкий уровень языковой компетенции у студентов. В работе подчеркивается,

что в процессе преподавания английского языка в медицинском вузе профессиональный текст является основным средством достижения цели учебного процесса - развитие и формирование англоязычной профессиональной компетенции, кроме этого необходимо развивать формирования англоязычной компетенции, необходимо развить навыки устной и

письменной коммуникации, а именно -коммуникативную компетенцию, которая реализуется благодаря выполнению таких видов речевой деятельности, как говорение, письмо, аудирование и чтение текста.

Ключевые слова: текст, чтение, обучение, виды чтения, студенты-медики.

Р. Тлебалдин, М. Абиров, Е. Ергешов, Ж.Н. Бисенбаева

КР КМ Курлыц эскерлертщ эскери институты, Алматы, Казацстан


Туши: Мацалада медициналыц ЖОО-да шет тшн оцытудыц негiзгi аспектiлерi сипатталады, медициналыц мамандыцтарда быт алушыларда арнайы лексиканыц белсендi базасын цалыптастырудыц мацыздылыгы ашылады. Бул мацалада медициналыц ЖОО-да студенттердщ тшдж дайындыгын уйымдастырудагы негiзгi кемшшктер мен проблемалар царастырылады, мысалы: шет тшне белтетт уацыттыц жеткпеушыт; студенттердщ тшдж кузыреттшгЫц темен децгеш. Зерттеу жумысында, медициналыц университетте агылшын тшн оцыту процестде

кэаби мэтш оцу процеснщ мацсатына жетудщ негiзгi цуралы болып табылады - агылшын тiлiндегi кэаби кузiреттiлiктi дамытужэне цалыптастыру, сонымен цатар агылшын тiлiндегi к¥зiреттшктщ цалыптасуын дамыту цажет, ауызша жэне жазбаша царыш - цатынас дагдыларын, атап айтцанда сейлеу, жазу, тыцдау жэне мэтiндi оцу сияцты сейлеу эрекеттерт орындау арцымы жузеге асырылатын коммуникативтж к¥зыреттiлiктi дамыту цажет. ТYйiидi свздер: мэтш, оцу, оцу турлерЬ медициналыц студенттер.

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