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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kisel Olesya Vladimirovna, Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna

The purpose of the article is to solve the important problem to improve the efficiency of foreign languages teaching of non-linguistic specialties students. Students' mastery of the foreign language communication competence is a necessary condition for successful formation of the future specialist, where along with professionally oriented competences, communicative competence plays an important role. One of the productive ways to teach a foreign language, according to the authors, is modeling the communicative competence forming process of non-linguistic specialties students in foreign language teaching. The article discusses the process of forming the communicative competence of non-linguistic specialties students, which represents several levels: initial, reproductive and modeling. The authors describe in detail the method of forming the foreign-language communicative competence at all levels. The authors give a description of different methodological techniques used at each level to develop foreign language abilities of non-linguistic specialties students.

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Заключительная часть выступления у всех была разнообразна. У одних она заключалась в суммировании содержания, другие прибегали к призывам, а третьи завершали свою речь цитатами. Исключительно все студенты высказывали слова благодарности аудитории.

Выводы. Оценивая культуру речи обучающихся, отметим основные ошибки, которые были допущены в процессе выступления:

1) Бедность словарного запаса, как следствие, неумение четко и ясно выразить свою мысль.

2) Нарушение орфоэпических норм - неправильная постановка ударения и произношение слова.

3) Лексические ошибки замечены у 43% студентов. Наиболее часто встречаются такие виды ошибок как: нарушение лексической сочетаемости, смешение значений паронимов, тавтология.

4) В речи студенты использовали жаргонизмы и слова-паразиты. Это затрудняло восприятие речи и отвлекало от содержания выступления.

5) Недостаток экспрессивных и выразительных средств в речи ослабил эффективность выступления большинства студентов.

В конце каждого выступления самому выступающему и студентам группы было предложено проанализировать и оценить речь. Данный вид деятельности способствует: развитию риторических навыков, критического мышления и умение придерживаться определенного жанра красноречия, обучению саморефлексии и рефлексии (умение оценивать своё и чужое выступление).

Анализ риторической компетенции у студентов 1 курса аграрного университета показал её недостаточную сформированность и выявил необходимость оптимизации формирования коммуникативных навыков путем внедрения риторических технологий в образовательный процесс. В процессе обучения необходимо искусственно создавать ситуации публичного выступления, в ходе которых ставятся риторические задачи.

Внедрение риторических технологий в образовательный процесс является одним из самых эффективных методов, который позволяет оптимизировать формирование коммуникативных навыков у студентов. Обучение риторики в рамках дисциплины «Культура речи делового общения» способствует развитию риторических умений.


1. Аксенова Л.П. Основы риторической культуры преподавателя. Екатеринбург, 2002.

2. Богомолова, Н.В. Выступление перед аудиторией как способ улучшения речевой профессиональной компетентности студентов / Н.В. Богомолова. — Текст: непосредственный // Филология и лингвистика в современном обществе: материалы I Междунар. Науч. Конф. (г. Москва, май 2012 г.). — Москва: Ваш полиграфический партнер, 2012. — С. 49-51. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/phil/archive/27/2304/ (дата обращения: 24.10.2020).

3. Как произвести впечатление на окружающих: искусство самопрезентации.[Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://zen.yandex.ru/media (дата обращения: 25.10.2020).

4. Касумова Г.А., Моложавенко В.Л. Учебный диалог как коммуникативная составляющая речевой культуры. // Инновации. Наука. Образование. 2020 №12. С. 582-588.

5. Богданова Ю.З. Тренинг профессионально-ориентированных риторики, дискуссии и общения. Практикум / Саратов, 2018 - С. 124

6. Тимошенко Т.Е. Риторика: практикум / Т.Е. Тимошенко. - М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009. - 96 с.

7. Касумова Г.А., Демидюк М.Г. Особенности речевой культуры студентов аграрного университета. // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. 2018. № 61-3. С. 95-97.


УДК 372.8

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Kisel Olesya Vladimirovna

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk);

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk)


Аннотация. Целью данной статьи является решение одной из важных проблем повышения эффективности процесса обучения студентов неязыковых специальностей иностранным языкам. Овладение студентами иноязычной коммуникативной компетенцией является необходимым условием успешного формирования будущего специалиста, где на ряду с профессионально-ориентированными компетенциями, важную роль занимает коммуникативная компетенция. Одним из продуктивных способов обучения иностранному языку, по мнению авторов, является моделирование процесса формирования коммуникативной компетенции студентов неязыковых специальностей в обучении иностранным языкам. В статье рассматривается процесс формирования коммуникативной компетенции студентов неязыковых специальностей, который представляет собой прохождение нескольких уровней: начальный, репродуктивный и моделирующий. Авторами подробно изложена методика формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции на всех уровнях. Авторами даётся описание разных методических приемов, используемых на каждом уровне развития иноязычных способностей студентов неязыковых специальностей.

Ключевые слова: иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, формирование коммуникативной компетенции, студенты неязыковых специальностей, обучение иностранному языку.

Annotation. The purpose of the article is to solve the important problem to improve the efficiency of foreign languages teaching of non-linguistic specialties students. Students' mastery of the foreign language communication competence is a necessary condition for successful formation of the future specialist, where along with professionally oriented competences, communicative competence plays an important role. One of the productive ways to teach a foreign language, according to the authors, is modeling the communicative competence forming process of non-linguistic specialties students in foreign language teaching. The article discusses the process of forming the communicative competence of non-linguistic specialties students, which represents several levels: initial,

reproductive and modeling. The authors describe in detail the method of forming the foreign-language communicative competence at all levels. The authors give a description of different methodological techniques used at each level to develop foreign language abilities of non-linguistic specialties students.

Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, formation of communicative competence, students of non-linguistic specialties, teaching a foreign language.

Introduction. The transformation of Russian society according to the innovative scenario requires highly qualified personnel capable to generate new knowledge and create innovative world-class technologies, which in turn, immediately affects the status of the discipline "Foreign Language" in non-linguistic educational institutions, since knowledge of a foreign language allows students to operate information obtained from foreign languages sources, expands the professional range of a specialist of any profile. Modern students of a non-linguistic university (future engineer, economist, lawyer and other specialists) need to master foreign-language communicative competence, which allows them to carry out professional activities in new conditions. Mastering a foreign language at a non-linguistic university is currently considered to be an obligatory component of professional training and knowledge of a foreign language communicative competence is considered as the component of a professional competence [7].

Intensively expanding range of international educational projects in line with the Bologna Convention requires from modern students the ability to use a foreign language not only in the professional but also in the academic field of communication. Russia's entry into the global educational space allows students to study in foreign universities on integrated European-level programs with two diplomas.

In this regard, there is a stong need to improve the process of teaching foreign languages within the framework of the Russian Education 2020 model. Modernization concept of educational system in Russia outlines new requirements for the students' life attitudes formation. Educational results undertake reorientation of the assessment from the concepts of "education", "learning", "preparedness" to the concepts of "competence", "competence of students" [5].

The main content of the article. At present time, despite the significant changes in the system of higher professional education at the legislative and regulatory level, the practice of professional foreign language training for specialists in the field of economics is characterized by a contradiction between the requirements for the level of bachelors communicative competence in real professional activities and the actual level of graduates training [4]. Therefore, in the process of teaching a foreign language, the first priority should be given to the students' communicative competence formation, which implies the ability to use a foreign language in various communication situations to achieve any goals.

A.V. Khutorskoy focuses on educational competencies and interprets them as "a set of interrelated conceptual orientations, knowledge, skills and experience of a students' activity necessary to carry out personal and socially significant productive activity in relation to the objects of reality" [3. p. 55].

According to I.A. Zimniaia, competence includes such characteristics as

a) readiness to demonstrate competence (i.e. the motivational aspect);

b) knowledge of the competence content (cognitive aspect);

c) competence experience in various standard and non-standard situations (i.e. behavioral aspect);

d) attitude to the competence content and the object of its application (value-semantic aspect);

e) emotional-voluntary regulation of the process and result of competence performance [8]. In this interpretation, the above characteristics are considered as general oriented criteria for assessing the competence content.

R.P. Milrud considers competence as a set of competencies, i.e. observed performance of successful productive activities and notes that "competence is a complex personal resource that provides the possibility of effective interaction with the surrounding world in a particular area and depends on the necessary competences" [6. p. 31].

Furthermore, the scientist defines the main components of communicative competence: "linguistic (knowledge of grammar and vocabulary), discursive (communicative use of the language), pragmatic (achievement of a communicative goal), strategic (overcoming communicative failures) and sociocultural (knowledge of behaviour standards)" [6. p. 32].

Zh.V. Glotova and L.V. Shkodich understand foreign language competence of a person as "an integrative personal education that combines a value understanding of the reality, specific linguistic knowledge serving as a tool, subjective ability to self-determination and interaction with representatives of other societies, personal ability to solve private and professional tasks with the involvement of a foreign language" [1 p. 103].

The process students of communication competence forming is long and laborious. The communicative competence is formed on the basis of language knowledge and skills: the ability to read authentic texts (studying, introductory, viewing reading); to carry out a dialogue and monologic expression in order to express opinion; to write cards, personal and business letters; to understand authentic texts.

It should be noted that the strength of the language material mastering is achievable in a comprehensive training of all speech activity types. The subjects of the disciplines "Foreign Language", "Business Foreign Language" are diverse in terms of stages, goals and terms of study. "Their main goal is to expand, deepen and improve both subject knowledge and the further development of different types of speech activity in a foreign language" [2. p. 112].

In a financial university with a limited number of hours of foreign language learning a foreign language, a teacher should be able to develop individual educational routes for students depending on real needs, as well as taking into account the requirements for the level of communicative competence.

Foreign-language communication competence formation is a process of several levels. The elementary level is adaptive, the students can paraphrase, reproduce the material that has been read. The second level is reproductive, the students are able not only to transmit information, but also to transform and apply it to a given situation. The modeling level includes the first two levels, but the students can model speech activity in a variety of situations within a specific topic. At the system-modeling level, the students have an opportunity to apply communicative skills in any speech situation. It should be noted that for each level of foreign language abilities development, different teaching methods should be applied. It is advisable to use a wide variety of communicative, conditionally communicative and non-communicative exercises in order to learn how to use the most appropriate linguistic forms and means depending on the purpose and situation of communication. Communicative and non-communicative exercises train students to use the vocabulary related to their future professional activities. These may include tasks to find a definition or, for example, an explanation of a term or concept. Although phrase writing exercises are also non-

communicative, they aim to automate students' work with vocabulary and promote communication and verbal competence. The most effective exercises are conditionally-communicative and communicative. These exercises include tasks to determine the correct and incorrect statements, fill in the blanks with active lexical units from thematic texts, generalization of information, expressing one's own attitude to the problem.

The authors focus on teaching methods and forms that are not only academic, but also life-supporting these types of methods and forms help to build communicative competence by modeling communicative learning situations. This is primarily the organization of pair and group work, where each side does not have any information; language, role-playing, business games; various types of sociological surveys; project method; compiling a language portfolio; problem discussions; performance of creative tasks with the specialized content; use of audiovisual media, multimedia technologies, Internet resources. The students' communicative competence formation of a non-linguistic university requires the use of exercises and situations that combine dialogic and monologic, productive and reproductive speech. Retelling is the most frequent type of reproductive speech in the framework of university studies. When teaching foreign language communication, retelling is used both as a means of verifying the understanding of the text read or listened to (when reading and listening), and as a type of reproductive speech (speaking). Retelling as a classical speech exercise requires the completeness of the text and the use of words and phrases from the text.

Communicative exercises and situations most closely bring conditional-educational communication to real. It should be noted that in real conditions retelling is characterized by the brevity of the transmitted content, summarization, inclusion of evaluation, transformation of language means. These characteristics require a lot of attention, for example, when performing exercises and playing situations where it is necessary to summarize what has been done or said.

"Summing up" can be carried out as follows. One student is a "client," the other is a "consultant", the client's task is to tell the consultant about his problem, the consultant's task is to listen carefully to the client. In a few minutes, the consultant should fully summarize everything what has been said by the client. Then students change roles and go through the same phases of the exercise. This task can be used not only in pair work, but also in "one -the whole group", "one - small group", etc. Moreover, "summing up" is one of the most effective methods for completing business talks, negotiations and consultations. "Summing up" can be done in the following form: "You said that there were some difficulties associated with the organization of your own business. Then you talked about the problems that arose when obtaining a loan at the bank, and ended with the words that, in spite of all the difficulties, you have acquired an office that fully meets your needs". Since the authors face the goal of forming the communicative competence of students of a non-linguistic university, they suggest not only speech techniques, but also psychotechniques, i.e. exercises that are directly connected with thought, feeling and imagination, as they subordinate the technique of pronouncing the creative thought of the speaker.

It is necessary to take into account the essential characteristics of business communication when creating a communicative situation as a form of the communication process: message transmission by verbal and non-verbal means, adequate perception and interaction of communication subjects, functional purpose (business conversation, consultations, presentations, business negotiations), types of contact, level nature of communication. The essence of communicative situations is a concrete reaction of students to conditionally real or imaginary circumstances. Communicative situations are typical parts of business interaction, consultations and conversations. Thus, the organization of conversations and negotiations is characterized by three stages:

1) creating a positive atmosphere of interaction;

2) application of asking questions and conducting interviews techniques;

3) application of completing conversations and negotiations techniques.

It should be noted that creating a positive atmosphere of interaction is very important. It is considered as the basic prerequisite for pleasant communication of all participants. Here, a brain storm technique can be a stimulating tool, when students themselves offer various ways to create a positive atmosphere of interaction. The following factors can be highlighted here: verbal, non-verbal, psychological. Among the verbal factors are: greeting and presentation adequate to the situation, addressing a partner by name, giving compliments, praise, the need to start negotiations with neutral topics. The category of non-verbal factors include: keeping a distance between students, the use of positive gestures, the need to emphasize the friendly meaning of what is said by the appropriate intonation, accent, the use of average pace of communication. A group of psychological factors include: creating a positive atmosphere of communication, the ability to listen to a partner, empathetic communication, maintaining communication, stimulating the activity of the communicator. It should be noted that the above factors are closely interrelated.

We focus on the development of the empathy in communication process. The exercises for its development can be the following: a student try to take the place of another person. The work is carried out in pairs, one student begins to talk about something to his partner, and he must undertake interventions that indicate the presence of the empathy with a communicator. After a few minutes, the students change roles in their pair. There are some examples of empathic statements: which can be used by the students: "It seems that you really do not like this model"; "It sounds like you are very upset by buying this device"; "It seems that you have not yet come to a consensus about buying this model from us." The purpose of the empathic exercises is to improve communication, to show to the listeners that the person is on their side. The performance of these exercises as well as creation of similar communicative situations is necessary for students of a non-linguistic university as it helps them to create and maintain a positive atmosphere of communication in practical way. Given situations make students act in conditions similar to real ones, form their thoughts with the help of a foreign language, allow them to activate conversation formulas, business vocabulary and grammatical structures, without fixing their attention on them, but concentrate on the process of communication.

Since the number of classroom sessions is small and students need to master their skills of working with the necessary vocabulary, it is advisable to give more tasks to make various projects and presentations as an independent work. It is recommended to offer topics based on problems: "What do you prefer: investing in a starting business or investing in a reliable business? Why?"; "If you were to start your own business, what would it be?"; "How well-known companies have developed?" What is their role for the development of Russia?"; "How can we solve the problem of urbanization in our country?" and etc.

Conclusion. Consideration of the methodological and theoretical foundations of teaching foreign communicative competence of non-linguistic students allows us to make the following conclusion:

The process of mastering the foreign-language communicative competence of the students of non-linguistic universities is intensively studied in several directions, including contextual and professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language; teaching in the dialogue of cultures; interdisciplinary paradigm of teaching foreign languages; productive approach to teaching foreign languages; modeling in teaching foreign languages. As a result, the foreign-language communication activity, skills and abilities in the learning process will contribute to the formation of communicative competence among students and ensure their future successful professional activity.


1. Glotova J.V., Shkodich L.V. Foreign language professional competence of future specialists. Monograph. -Kaliningrad: FGEI HPE "KSTU", 2008. - 334 p., p. 103.

2. Kalmykova, E.I. Creative types of tasks for development of speech communication skills in module teaching (in Russian) // Priority directions in teaching foreign languages. Vestnik of the Moscow State Linguistic University. - 2011. - Issue. 12 (618)., P. 112.

3. Khutorskoy A.V. Didactic heuristics. Theory and technology of creative learning. - M., 2003.

4. Kisel O.V. Assessment as one of the criteria for increasing the effectiveness of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language. // Actual problems of modern science, technology and education. Abstracts of the 78th International Scientific and Technical Conference. 2020. S. 456.

5. Linguistic and methodological aspects of professionally oriented teaching of foreign languages: traditions and innovations: monograph / collective of authors, ed. V.P. Barbashova, I.I. Klimova, M.V. Melnichuk, L.S. Chikileva. - M.: Financial University, 2014. 240 p.

6. Milrud R.P. Competence in language learning // Foreign languages at school. - 2004. - No. 7.

7. Nefedov O.V. A rational methodology for teaching foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic universities (English, initial stage) // dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, Pyatigorsk, 2014

8. Zimniaia I.A. Competence and competency in the context of the competency-based approach in education // Foreign languages at school. - 2012. - No. 6.


УДК 376.2

кандидат психологических наук, доцент Кисова Вероника Вячеславовна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина» (Мининский университет) (г. Нижний Новгород); студент факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения Семенова Елизавета Алексеевна

Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова» (г. Москва)


Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты экспериментального исследования, посвященного проблемам развития мотивации к изучению иностранного языка младшими школьниками с задержкой психического развития, обучающихся в условиях коррекционного образовательного учреждения. Приводятся результаты исследования особенностей развития мотивации к изучению иностранного языка у детей с данным видом нарушения психического развития, анализируются доминирующие мотивы, наличие и степень устойчивости интереса, степень познавательной самостоятельности. Рассматривается коррекционная программа, направленная на развитие эффективной мотивации изучения иностранного языка младшими школьниками с задержкой психического развития. Обсуждаются результаты ее реализации, выявляются наиболее проблемные аспекты коррекционной работы.

Ключевые слова: младшие школьники с задержкой психического развития, иностранный язык, мотивация, интерес, познавательная самостоятельность, доминирующие мотивы, внешняя и внутренняя мотивация, коррекционная программа.

Annotation. The article presents the results of an experimental study addressing the issues of how one can increase motivation in foreign language learning in children with delayed mental development studying at educational-correctional institutions. Besides, it contains the results of the research aimed at determining the features of development of foreign language learning motivation in children having such kind of delayed development. In addition to this, it provides the reader with the analysis of the dominant foreign language learning motives. It also deals with detecting these children's continued interest in foreign language learning and determining this interest's level as well as the level of cognitive independence. Furthermore, the article describes a correctional programme aimed at developing effective motivation in foreign language learning in primary school children with delayed mental development. Finally, it presents the results of this programme's implementation and reveals the most problematic aspects of this kind of correctional work.

Keywords: primary school children with delayed mental development, foreign language, motivation, interest, cognitive independence, dominant motives, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, correctional programme.

Введение. В основу Стандарта начального общего образования обучающихся с задержкой психического развития положен деятельностный и дифференцированный подход, осуществление которого предполагает разработку содержания и технологий образования обучающихся с задержкой психического развития, определяющих пути и способы достижения ими социально желаемого результата личностного и познавательного развития с учетом их особых образовательных потребностей [3]. Несомненно, что изучение иностранного языка детьми с задержкой психического развития (ЗПР) способствует приобретению ими иноязычных коммуникативных и лингвистических компетенций, а также становлению самопознания и самообразования.

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