THE PHENOMENON OF "COHESION" FROM THE POSITION OF SOCIOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Lubysheva L.I.

Objective of the study was to consider the phenomenon of "cohesion" in the aspect of a comparative analysis of its socio-psychological characteristics.Results and conclusions. The author notes that in psychological science the phenomenon of cohesion is considered in the context of building an internal positive climate of the group. In contrast to the psychological understanding of the phenomenon of cohesion, sociological science explains it from the standpoint of a social space in which the group is only a structure that performs its functions in accordance with the target orientation of the organization in which it functions.For a broad understanding and consideration of the problems of the “cohesion” phenomenon, an effective way to study them is specific sociological research based on the survey method, the main advantage of which lies in the possibility of knowing various areas of social practice.The use of sociological tools in the study of various aspects of "cohesion" implements the interdisciplinarity of methodological approaches in the study of this scientific category.

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The phenomenon of "cohesion" from the position of sociological knowledge

UDC 796.077.5

Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1 1Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Corresponding author: fizkult@teoriya.ru Abstract

Objective of the study was to consider the phenomenon of "cohesion" in the aspect of a comparative analysis of its socio-psychological characteristics.

Results and conclusions. The author notes that in psychological science the phenomenon of cohesion is considered in the context of building an internal positive climate of the group. In contrast to the psychological understanding of the phenomenon of cohesion, sociological science explains it from the standpoint of a social space in which the group is only a structure that performs its functions in accordance with the target orientation of the organization in which it functions.

For a broad understanding and consideration of the problems of the "cohesion" phenomenon, an effective way to study them is specific sociological research based on the survey method, the main advantage of which lies in the possibility of knowing various areas of social practice.

The use of sociological tools in the study of various aspects of "cohesion" implements the interdisciplinarity of methodological approaches in the study of this scientific category.

Keywords: group, collective, social, psychological, social cohesion, joint activity, efficiency.

Introduction. In psychology, "cohesion" is an indicator of the success of a team or small groups. It is known that a close-knit team performs professional tasks faster and better and achieves success in achieving strategic goals than a disunited one. The concept of "cohesion" in psychology includes the ability of group members to stick together; interaction between them is based on mutual assistance and mutual support; their basic values have a common vector of development.

Psychologists, as a rule, distinguish the following signs of cohesion:

• the group is a single whole, has a high tolerance and a low level of conflict;

• joint activity is characterized by an active position of team members;

• the group focuses problem solving on achieving a common goal;

• rational distribution of resources is carried out;

• the openness of relations is manifested: mutual assistance and mentorship are developed.

The determinants of group cohesion are:

1) commonality of goals, interests, views, values and orientations of group members;

2) open communication between group members;

3) adequate distribution of powers and responsibilities among group members in accordance with their professional status;

4) observance of democratic norms of group relationships;

5) positive emotional support of joint activities in the framework of achieving a strategic goal;

6) consistency of the intrapersonal state of the group members with the interpersonal attitude towards each other;


7) the optimal ratio of the size of personal and work space;

8) the transfer of the positive experience of each member of the group into a joint solution of common problems.

Thus, in psychological science, the phenomenon of "cohesion" is considered in the context of building an internal positive climate of the group.

In contrast to the psychological understanding of the phenomenon of "cohesion", sociological science explains it from the standpoint of a social space in which the group is only a structure that performs its functions in accordance with the target orientation of the organization in which it operates.

Objective of the study was to consider the phenomenon of "cohesion" in the aspect of a comparative analysis of its socio-psychological characteristics.

Results of the study and their discussion. In the development of sociological ideas about group cohesion, there is a trend towards a comprehensive study of this phenomenon, including it in the range of psychological and social problems of small groups. In this case, the orientation of scientific views on the construction of a model of a group as a community in the context of a social environment is proposed.

Considering a small team in a certain connection with society, group cohesion, in our opinion, should be presented from the position of the category of "social cohesion".

The core of this category is social solidarity, when groups of people come together for a common goal and realize that there is a real prospect of achieving a common good. They are ready to act, while sacrificing their personal interests. Thanks to social cohesion, people feel connected with society and share the values and social goals generally accepted in it, they see the existing social system as a guarantee of their social well-being. The level of social cohesion shows, first of all, the ability of society to ensure the well-being of all its members, to minimize disproportions in social development and prevent its polarization [3].

For a broad understanding and consideration of the problems of the "cohesion" phenomenon, an effective way to study them is specific sociological research

based on the survey method, the main advantage of which lies in the possibility of knowing various areas of social practice [1].

A demonstration of the successful application of sociological tools in the study of the problem of team cohesion was a study conducted by a group of authors led by A.N. Melentiev, aimed at identifying the attitude of teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports to professional activities in the conditions of teamwork. The results of the survey showed that respondents are in favor of a collegial management style that is typical for a team. At the same time, an important aspect of professional activity is the establishment of friendly and constructive business relations between members of the cathedral team. Thus, a specific sociological study allows expanding the presentation of the socio-psychological characteristics of the "cohesion" phenomenon [3].

Conclusion. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the use of sociological tools in the study of various aspects of "cohesion" implements the inter-disciplinarity of methodological approaches in the study of this scientific category.


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2022. No. 11. p. 103.

2. Melentiev A.N., Rakovetsky A.I., Sorokin D.V., Malinin A.N. Professionalnaya deyatelnost kolle-ktiva kafedry fizicheskoy kultury i sporta v aspekte sotsiologicheskogo analiza [Professional activities of the staff of the department of physical culture and sports in the aspect of sociological analysis]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury.

2023. No. 1. pp. 104-106.

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023

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