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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Melentiev A.N., Rakovetsky A.I., Sorokin D.V., Malinin A.N.

Objective of the study was to identify the attitude of teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports to professional activities in the conditions of teamwork.Methods and structure of the study. 72 teachers of physical education departments of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University took part in the sociological study. The sample was determined by the main array method and amounted to 70% of the general population.Results and conclusions. As the results of the survey showed, 57% of the staff of the department is in favor of a collegial management style characteristic of the team. Joint decisions help to increase the motivation to perform professional duties based on mutual assistance, mutual assistance and respect for each other. At the same time, an important aspect of professional activity is the establishment of friendly and constructive business relations between members of the cathedral team. According to the opinion of 87% of teachers, communication outside working hours contributes to the establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the team. Most of the teachers (52%) are in favor of granting equal rights to team members in determining the strategic objectives of the department, while 8% of respondents leave the right to make organizational decisions to the head of the department. It is noted that an important component of achieving the strategic goal of the department is mentoring, which involves the transfer of experience from colleagues with long work experience to young teachers.

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Professional activity of the staff of the department of physical culture and sports in the aspect of sociological analysis

UDC 796.077.4

PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Melentiev1 PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Rakovetsky1 PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Sorokin1 A.N. Malinin1

1Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Corresponding author: anmagesa@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to identify the attitude of teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports to professional activities in the conditions of teamwork.

Methods and structure of the study. 72 teachers of physical education departments of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University took part in the sociological study. The sample was determined by the main array method and amounted to 70% of the general population.

Results and conclusions. As the results of the survey showed, 57% of the staff of the department is in favor of a collegial management style characteristic of the team. Joint decisions help to increase the motivation to perform professional duties based on mutual assistance, mutual assistance and respect for each other. At the same time, an important aspect of professional activity is the establishment of friendly and constructive business relations between members of the cathedral team. According to the opinion of 87% of teachers, communication outside working hours contributes to the establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the team. Most of the teachers (52%) are in favor of granting equal rights to team members in determining the strategic objectives of the department, while 8% of respondents leave the right to make organizational decisions to the head of the department. It is noted that an important component of achieving the strategic goal of the department is mentoring, which involves the transfer of experience from colleagues with long work experience to young teachers.

Keywords: professional activity, physical culture, professional competence.

Introduction. As modern negative trends in the field of professional activity of physical education departments, the psychological climate in teams is noted, which can be expressed in tense relations between teachers, poor organization of teaching work, functional imbalance, which in turn leads to a decrease in the level of university education.

In this regard, it becomes relevant to search for ways to improve the organization of the professional activities of teachers in the framework of the departmental work and conduct sociological research on this issue [1-3].

Objective of the study was to identify the attitude of teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports to professional activities in the conditions of teamwork.

Methods and structure of the study. 72 teachers of physical education departments of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University took part in the sociological study. The sample was determined by the main array method and amounted to 70% of the general population.

The distribution of respondents by gender and age composition is presented in tables 1, 2. According to the tables, it can be seen that in the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, the predominance of the male staff is noticeable, in comparison with the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The largest age group of both teams of the studied departments are teachers whose age is from 60 years and above,


Table 1. Gender composition of teachers


Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University 65 35

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 40 60

Table 2. Age groups of teaching staff

Age groups (years) <30 <40 <60 >60

% 10 28 30 35

Table 3. Work experience of teachers

Work experience Less 5 to 10 10 to 20 Over 20

(years) than 5

% 15 20 15 45

and, accordingly, the work experience is more than 20 years (Table 3).

Results of the study and their discussion. The

obvious question always arises before the head of any team: how to manage it? What kind of leadership should be within a team aspiring to be a team? According to the survey, 57% of respondents were in favor of a democratic form of government, while 19% of respondents did not decide on their preferred leadership style. However, 23% of respondents believe that in some problematic work situations, personal responsibility is required when making a managerial decision, therefore, in this case, a one-man management style is preferable. At the same time, most of the department's employees do not recognize the absolutely authoritarian style of team management, believing that it will lead to the destruction of the team [4].

It is important to understand whether the staff of the department would like to maintain personal relationships along with business? The results of the survey showed that 57% of teachers supported only working relationships with colleagues, while 19% of the respondents were in favor of establishing friendships along with professional ones. At the same time, 24% of respondents would like to selectively approach the establishment of communications, based on personal sympathies and professional needs.

In this regard, 87% of the teachers of the department supported the idea of holding joint corporate events, for example, in the form of field trips. In their opinion, communication outside of working hours contributes to the removal of tension within the team, the prevention and prevention of conflict situations.

One of the important points in the activity of the department is the question of the distribution of rights and obligations in the work team. A sociological analy-

sis showed that the majority of respondents would like to be able to freely express their opinion and influence the choice of the head of the managerial decision he makes. Thus, 52% of teachers spoke in favor of granting equal rights to team members in determining the strategic objectives of the department, while 8% of respondents leave the right to make organizational decisions for the head of the department, in particular, to draw up a schedule, vacation schedule, duty, etc.

Some researchers believe that the team should be formed by specialists with a high level of professional competence, others consider such personal qualities as mutual assistance, mutual assistance should be a priority for the effective work of the department. 35% of the respondents spoke in favor of the importance of professional competence, while 35% of the respondents were in favor of mutual assistance. In their opinion, the work team is not always people with high competence, it is a team that rests on friendly, emotional ties based on mutual assistance and mutual respect.

In organizing the work of the department, the head always faces the problem of selecting like-minded people, in particular, inviting new specialists or finding compromises with an already established team of employees. As the study showed, 19% of respondents expressed their opinion about attracting new personnel, abolishing the entire old team, while 27% of respondents were in favor of retaining part of the team. Nevertheless, the majority of survey participants preferred the following option: the efficiency of the department will be higher while maintaining the entire existing staff of teachers, while it is necessary to develop communication with constant prevention of conflict situations.

The solution of professional tasks by the staff of the department is sometimes associated with the need for interchangeability of personnel, the readiness of colleagues to assist in the performance of individual labor functions or the joint performance of work that goes beyond the established norms. When asked about their readiness to help other members of the department team, 21% of respondents confirmed their intention to always help their colleagues at work, 35% of respondents negatively reacted to any manifestation of support for their colleagues if this is done to the detriment of their personal and working time, the rest of the department staff spoke for assistance depending on the situation.

It is known that teachers devote the second half of the working day to methodological work at the department. In this regard, according to the majority


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023

of respondents (76%), it is important for them to have comfortable ergonomic working conditions and a favorable psychological climate in the team. Their expectations from the administration of the university include the availability of modern equipment, spacious premises and household appliances. They see relations between colleagues in the creation of a relaxed atmosphere, a constructive dialogue on professional issues and the discussion of personal plans [5].

Conclusions. The study showed that the survey is an effective sociological tool for obtaining a subjective assessment of the professional activities of teachers in a university department.

As the results of the survey showed, the staff of the department stands for the collegial management style that is characteristic of the team. Joint decisions help to increase the motivation to perform professional duties based on mutual assistance, mutual assistance and respect for each other. At the same time, an important aspect of professional activity is the establishment of friendly and constructive business relations between members of the cathedral team.

An important component of achieving the strategic goal of the department is mentoring, which involves the transfer of experience from colleagues with long work experience to young teachers.

The staff of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports is a multipolar world that reflects the moods, the level of professional competencies, expectations and values of teachers, who are united by the strategic goal of improving the quality of physical education of students. The optimal ratio of all vectors of interaction within the framework of professional activity contributes to the effective achievement of the goal.


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