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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Eroshenkova E.I., Isaev I.F., Irkhin I.V., Irkhin V.N.

Objective of the study was to identify the prosocial needs and experience of future physical education teachers in the process of professional education at the university. Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State National Research University in 2021 with the participation of 87 students of pedagogical areas of training based on the online survey "Prosocial practices of the future teacher" (E.I. Eroshenkova), the application of the methods "Social norms of prosocial behavior" ( I.A. Furmanov, N.V. Kukhtova), “Measuring prosocial tendencies” (G. Carlo and B.A. Randall), questionnaires “Tactics of accumulating social capital” (A.L. Sventsitsky, T.V. Kazantseva). Results and conclusions. It was established that students in the process of professional education at the university acquired pro-social experience of participation in the practices of patronage, tutoring, volunteering; expanded the “pro-social” network of helping others; increased the degree of pro-social activity in sports, leisure, educational and developmental, health-oriented activities. In the process of studying at a university, when communicating with teachers and students, future teachers of physical culture prefer to use the tactics of "expressing sympathy", "openness", "assistance". The obtained results fix the effectiveness of the pro-social vector of professional education carried out at the university.

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UDC 378.1

PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Eroshenkova1

Dr. Hab., Professor I.F. Isaev1

Dr. Hab., Professor I.V. Irkhina1

Dr. Hab., Professor V. N. Irkhin1

1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Prosocial needs and experience of future physical education teachers in the process of professional

education at the university

Corresponding author: v_irkhin@list.ru


Objective of the study was to identify the prosocial needs and experience of future physical education teachers in the process of professional education at the university.

Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State National Research University in 2021 with the participation of 87 students of pedagogical areas of training based on the online survey "Prosocial practices of the future teacher" (E.I. Eroshenkova), the application of the methods "Social norms of prosocial behavior" ( I.A. Furmanov, N.V. Kukhtova), "Measuring prosocial tendencies" (G. Carlo and B.A. Randall), questionnaires "Tactics of accumulating social capital" (A.L. Sventsitsky, T.V. Kazantseva).

Results and conclusions. It was established that students in the process of professional education at the university acquired pro-social experience of participation in the practices of patronage, tutoring, volunteering; expanded the "pro-social" network of helping others; increased the degree of pro-social activity in sports, leisure, educational and developmental, health-oriented activities. In the process of studying at a university, when communicating with teachers and students, future teachers of physical culture prefer to use the tactics of "expressing sympathy", "openness", "assistance". The obtained results fix the effectiveness of the pro-social vector of professional education carried out at the university.

Keywords: future teacher of physical culture, pro-social needs and experience, professional education at the university.

Introduction. Professional education of future teachers of physical culture, carried out at the university at the present stage of society development, is increasingly acquiring a pro-social character (from Latin pro - acting in the interests of something, someone and socialis - public), which is reflected in the awareness of the need to form students of competencies aimed at the benefit, benefit to society and a particular individual [1]. Such formation is possible when taking into account the needs of the future teachers themselves in pro-social (helping, collaborating, etc.) pedagogical education and studying their subjective experience in mastering the skills of providing pedagogical assistance, support in solving situations of trouble for children and adults; creating

conditions for a shared sense of "we" in the humani-zation of relations; organization of an ethical, "prosperous" vector of pedagogical communication; solidarity, cooperation, development of the educational ecosystem [2].

Having identified prosocial needs and the presence or absence of prosocial experience among students, it can be assumed whether future physical education teachers will use prosocial tactics and behavior strategies in their further pedagogical activity and everyday life. Taking into account the data obtained will allow to correct the process of professional education carried out at the university, to determine the points of growth for further research and professional activities of physical education teachers.


Objective of the study was to identify the prosocial needs and experience of future physical education teachers in the process of professional education at the university.

Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State National Research University in 2021 with the participation of 87 students of pedagogical areas of training based on the online survey "Prosocial practices of the future teacher" (E.I. Eroshenkova), the application of the methods "Social norms of prosocial behavior" ( I.A. Furmanov, N.V. Kukhtova), "Measuring prosocial tendencies" (G. Carlo and B.A. Randall), questionnaires "Tactics of accumulating social capital" (A.L. Sventsit-sky, T.V. Kazantseva). To obtain and process empirical data, methods of quantitative and qualitative data processing, Google Forms, Microsoft Excel services were used.

Results of the study and their discussion. The

data obtained as a result of an online survey revealed that future physical education teachers, to a greater extent, during their studies at a university, feel the need for a diffuse type of pro-social pedagogical assistance (40.3%), which consists in positive interaction, friendly communication, joint pastime, distraction from stressor; emotional type of assistance (37.7%) aimed at personal confidential communication, expression of sympathy, empathy, ensuring interpersonal comfort, support and security. To a lesser extent, students need status assistance (7.8%), expressed in a positive social comparison, support for self-esteem, self-esteem, individuality of the subject, etc.

At the same time, as 22.5% of respondents stated, at the university students fully satisfy their needs for emotional, informational, intellectual, status assistance provided to them by teachers, curators of student groups and other subjects of professional education, but are not completely satisfied with organizational assistance, aimed at assisting in planning and implementing the plan, coordinating the efforts of other entities, etc. 21.7% of respondents rated the instrumental type of assistance (assistance in the management of resources, services, in overcoming the crisis, etc.), and 20.1%. - a diffuse type of assistance, which turned out to be the most in demand, according to future physical education teachers.

As for the study of the subjects of pedagogical assistance at the university, they, according to 74.8% of students, are classmates; 63.6% of students indi-

cated the curator of the student group, and 42.9%. -subject teachers. The future teachers of physical culture themselves note that during their studies at the university they have the experience of participating on an ongoing basis in pro-social practices, including helping other people, practices of patronage, tutoring, volunteering, volunteering, etc. The following results were obtained: " I never participate" - 3.9%; "almost never" - 16.9%; "sometimes" - 41.6%; "I participate sufficiently" - 18.2%; "participate often" - 19.5%. Moreover, in the "pro-social network" of people who are most often assisted by future physical education teachers, they were included in order of importance: friends - 92.2%; relatives - 84.4%; classmates - 50.6%; acquaintances - 39.0%; veterans, old people - 31.2%; neighbors - 20.8%; needy categories of citizens - 18.2%; strangers, random people - 16.9%; countrymen - 10.4%. The option "other" was not specified by the students. In total, the results exceed 100%, since no more than 5 choices could be made.

It was also revealed that students provide the most assistance to: children - 68.8%; old people - 55.8%; women - 54.5%. To a lesser extent - people with disabilities (HIA), the disabled - 40.3%; men - 31.2% and animals - 27.3%.

As the students' answers showed, the university contributes to the formation of their prosocial experience in leisure, sports activities (53.2%), health-oriented (46.8%), as well as in educational and developmental activities (44.2%). To a lesser extent, future teachers of physical culture note that they have experience in social-pedagogical (20.8%) and spiritual (13.9%) activity.

As for the measurement of prosocial tendencies [3], future physical education teachers have more experience of "compliant" (obliging, on the basis of a request) behavior - 32.7% and experience of "emergency prosocial behavior" - 26.9%, when it is necessary to help because the other person needs it. The tendencies of emotional (17.5%), public (13.7%), anonymous (5.7%) and altruistic behavior (3.9%) are used less frequently.

Of scientific interest are the results obtained in the study of social norms of prosocial behavior [3] and the frequency of their application in practice-oriented pedagogical activity at the university. Thus, for future teachers of physical culture, the reference point in the implementation of pro-social activities is the "reciprocity norm" - 36.4%; "norm of fairness" - 28.2%;


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I May I № 5 2022

the norm "costs - rewards" - 18.1%; "norm of social responsibility" - 17.3%.

During the study of everyday prosocial practice [4], students were asked to determine the frequency of tactics they use in the process of studying at a university. The results of the study showed that tactics aimed "at others" ("expression of sympathy", "empathy and attention", "bribery", "openness", "unique contact", "help") are mentioned by students more often (in 69% of cases) than tactics aimed "at oneself" ("self-presentation", "intelligence", "community", "reminder of oneself", "assistance", "bridge") (in 31% of cases). Tactics of "openness" (50.4%), "assistance" (46.2%), "expression of sympathy" (45.1%) occupy leading positions in terms of the number of elections. The least chosen by the students were tactics: "reminder of oneself" and "bribery".

Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the formation of prosocial needs in diffuse and emotional types of assistance among future physical education teachers, but the insufficiency of their satisfaction in the process of studying at a university. Students associate the experience of providing and receiving prosocial assistance mainly with classmates, the curator of the student group, leisure and sports activities, which reflects the cohesion of the student team and the effectiveness of professional education at the university.

Despite the predominance of accommodating tendencies in the provision of professionally oriented pedagogical assistance, students are more inclined towards prosocial tactics aimed at "others". This, in our opinion, is due to the specifics of the pedagogical training received by students at the university. This circumstance confirms the conclusion about the productive work of the university in the professional education of future teachers of physical culture [1] and the formation of students' pro-social needs, attitudes,

experience, awareness of the socio-pedagogical significance of "helping", "contributing", aimed at the benefit and benefit of the activity of the future teacher.

The article was prepared as part of the State task of the Belgorod State National Research University for 2020-2022. No. 0624-2020-0012 "Substantiation of the integrative methodology of professional education at the university: dominants in the formation of universal competencies, pro-social attitudes and polysubjectivity of the future teacher."


1. Eroshenkova E.I. Prosocialnaya napravlennost pedagogicheskoj deyatelnosti v sovremennoj nauke i obrazovanii: ot sushchnosti k soder-zhaniyu [Prosocial orientation of pedagogical activity in modern science and education: from essence to content]. Nauchnyj rezultat. Peda-gogika i psihologiya obrazovaniya. 2019. Vol. 5. No. 2. pp. 3-16.

2. Eroshenko E.I., Shapovalova I.S., Karabutova E.A. et al. Prosocialnaya kompetentnostnaya model budushchego pedagoga [Prosocial competence model of the future teacher]. Obrazo-vanie i nauka. 2022. 24 (2). pp. 11-47. Available at: https://doi.org/10.17853/1994-5639-2022-2-11-47

3. Molchanova N.V., Gritsenko V.V. Trening proso-cialnogo povedeniya [Prosocial Behavior Training]. Practical Guide. Smolensk: Madzhenta publ., 2013. 88 p.

4. Sventsitsky A.L., Kazantseva T.V. Povsednevnoe prosocialnoe povedenie lichnosti kak nakople-nie socialnogo kapitala [Everyday prosocial behavior of the individual as the accumulation of social capital]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Ser. 12. 2015. Issue. 2. pp. 45-55.



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