Научная статья на тему 'Readiness of future teachers of physical culture to social transforming voluntary activity'

Readiness of future teachers of physical culture to social transforming voluntary activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
social creativity / readiness for socially transformative volunteering / pedagogical technologies / social educational project

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Marina M. Shubovich, Larisa I. Eremina, Nadezhda V. Bibikova, Irina A. Plohova

The article deals with the problem of the future physical education teachers readiness formation for social creativity. Social creativity involves development of students' social activity, formation of readiness for the development and implementation of socially significant projects. Materials. The article reveals the concept of "socially transformative volunteering" as voluntary, feasible participation of students in improving relationships, transforming the surrounding reality. The cognitive, emotional and activity components of the students' readiness formation for socially transforming volunteering are highlighted. Research methods. A test for measuring social and labor activity of Yu.P. Platonov, a technique for studying the socialization of M.I. Rozhkova personality, a test for diagnosing motivators of a person’s socio-psychological activity (the methodological basis of the test is D. McClelland’s theory of motivation). Results. The experience of practical implementation of students' selected components readiness formation for social creativity through modern educational technologies (gaming technology, technology of collective creative activity, design technology) is described. In the course of the empirical research, the dynamics of students' readiness formation for socially transformative volunteering was shown. Conclusion. The study of the social creativity problem is associated with the formation of an active life position and the participation of physical culture future teachers in the transformation of the surrounding reality. The active use of modern pedagogical technologies contributes to the successful formation of future physical education teachers readiness for socially transformative volunteering.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-76-82
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Текст научной работы на тему «Readiness of future teachers of physical culture to social transforming voluntary activity»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-76-82

Readiness of future teachers of physical culture to social transforming voluntary activity

Marina M. Shubovich*, Larisa I. Eremina, Nadezhda V. Bibikova, Irina A. Plohova

Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-8325-8626, shubmm@mail.ru* ORCID: 0000-0001-6189-8529, lariv73@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-8227-2285, nv95@rambler.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5769-5638, soc.rabota2007@mail.ru

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of the future physical education teachers readiness formation for social creativity. Social creativity involves development of students' social activity, formation of readiness for the development and implementation of socially significant projects. Materials. The article reveals the concept of "socially transformative volunteering" as voluntary, feasible participation of students in improving relationships, transforming the surrounding reality. The cognitive, emotional and activity components of the students' readiness formation for socially transforming volunteering are highlighted. Research methods. A test for measuring social and labor activity of Yu.P. Platonov, a technique for studying the socialization of M.I. Rozhkova personality, a test for diagnosing motivators of a person's socio-psychological activity (the methodological basis of the test is D. McClelland's theory of motivation). Results. The experience of practical implementation of students' selected components readiness formation for social creativity through modern educational technologies (gaming technology, technology of collective creative activity, design technology) is described. In the course of the empirical research, the dynamics of students' readiness formation for socially transformative volunteering was shown. Conclusion. The study of the social creativity problem is associated with the formation of an active life position and the participation of physical culture future teachers in the transformation of the surrounding reality. The active use of modern pedagogical technologies contributes to the successful formation of future physical education teachers readiness for socially transformative volunteering.

Keywords: social creativity, readiness for socially transformative volunteering, pedagogical technologies, social educational project.

For citation: Marina M. Shubovich*, Larisa I. Eremina, Nadezhda V. Bibikova, Irina A. Plohova. Readiness of future teachers of physical culture to social transforming voluntary activity. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(2): 65-70. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-76-82.

INTRODUCTION the possibility of independently achieving the goals

The strategy of educational policy in the set [3]. higher education system actualizes the problem Social creativity (socially transforming

of a pedagogical university students readiness for volunteering) is the voluntary, feasible participation

socially transformative volunteering (2018 has of students in positive change, improving relations

been declared the year of volunteer and volunteer in society, and transforming the surrounding social

in the Russian Federation) [1]. Social creativity reality [4]. The theoretical characteristics of social

involves the formation of an active life position in creativity as an environmental transformation

students, the development of social activity, creative process were reflected in their research by SA.

orientation, contributing to the development of their Buksh, R. Owen, T.V. Kozyrev, D.V. Grigoriev,

own social activities significance understanding; P.V. Stepanov et al. Practical aspects of socially

development and implementation of social projects transformative volunteering as an active attitude

to transform the surrounding reality [2]. Socially towards the surrounding reality are revealed in

transformative volunteer activities of students is the research of I.P. Ivanov, N.V. Beloborodov, B.V.

relevant, as it affects their interests; free, because it Kupriyanov, N.P. Tsareva, G.V. Olenina et al. [2]. gives the opportunity to exercise their abilities; At Willingness is understood as a condition for

the same time, it requires serious efforts and implies performing any activity, as being prepared for


solving tasks in the framework of a particular activity. In this case it is socially transformative volunteering [5].

Theoretical studies on the relationship of results and forms of social creativity by D.V. Grigoriev, B.V. Kupriyanov allowed us to characterize the readiness of students for socially transformative volunteering in three aspects: cognitive, emotional, and activity.

The cognitive component of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering includes the acquisition of social action knowledge. The expected results of this component: students acquire social knowledge, criteria for social norms and risks when they change, understanding the realities of social and everyday life; students know the basics of volunteering and the rules of group creative work; they know how to independently search, find and process information; increasing social inclusion. The main pedagogical technology is gaming technology (technology of organizational-activity game), the initiative participation of students in socially significant affairs and actions (social test) [6].

The emotional component of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering is the formation of a positive attitude towards social creativity and social reality in general. Expected results of this component: a positive attitude to social creativity, to the social reality in general; awareness of their capabilities and increasing the desire to participate in volunteer activities; increase the level of students social activity and creativity development. The main means of optimizing the social creativity of students is the technology of collective creative activity [7].

The activity component of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering is getting by students independent social experience, experience of active social interaction with the world (independent, voluntary social action for the welfare and care of themselves and other people) [8]. Expected results of this component: an experience of independent socially significant, useful action is formed; gaining experience in organizing their own activities and the ability to take responsibility for other people; mastering the skills, abilities and ways of interacting in volunteering

activities; increase of initiative, independence in solving socially significant problems [9]. The pedagogical technology for achieving the results of students' readiness activity component for socially transformative creativity is a social educational project.


In order to identify the level of future physical education teachers readiness formation for socially transformative volunteering, the following methods were used: a test to measure the socio-labor activity by Yu.P. Platonov, a technique for studying the socialization by M.I. Rozhkova personality, a test for diagnosing motivators of a person's socio-psychological activity (the methodological basis of the test is D. McClelland's theory of motivation). The main criteria for diagnosis were selected components of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering: cognitive, emotional, and activity.

The research was conducted in Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports. The research involved 90 bachelor students in the direction preparation "Physical Education. Life Safety".

In the course of the study, the levels of students' readiness formation for socially transformative volunteering (in generalized form in the category "level": high, medium, below average, low) were identified.

The low level of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering is characterized by low indicators on the selected criteria of social creativity. Below average: students have knowledge of social and social action, a situational-positive attitude to social creativity is noted, and they have social interaction skills. The average level is characterized by average indicators for the selected criteria of social creativity. Students have an experience of an independent socially significant, useful action. A steady-positive attitude towards social creativity is noted. High level: students know, can, want and have experience of independent social action. It is characterized by sustained positive motivation for independent socially transformative volunteering,

pronounced social activity, creativity and independence [10].


According to the data obtained in the course of the research, according to the results of input and final diagnosis, we can trace the dynamics of students' readiness formation for social creativity.

An analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that at the beginning of the empirical research, students are characterized by a low 48,9% and below the average 38,9% level of readiness for social creativity, only 11,1% of respondents belong to the average level and 1,1% to a high level of readiness formation for socially transformative volunteering. It is also evidenced by the survey conducted in order to identify the attitude of students to social creativity. More than half of the surveyed students are neutral towards socially transformative volunteering, not understanding the meaning and content of social creativity.

A comparative analysis showed that at the end of the empirical study, the number of respondents who are at a low level of students' preparedness readiness for social creativity decreased 1,6 times (ID — 48,9%; FD — 31,1%), 1.5 times (ID - 38,9%; FD - 25,5%) -at a level below the average. The results of the final diagnosis show that the number of respondents of the average level increased 2,5 times (ID - 11,1%; FD - 27,8%). At the same time, we note that 15,6% of students from the total number of respondents turned out to be at a high level of preparedness for socially transforming volunteering activities (ID -1,1%; FD - 15,6%).

To prove the effectiveness of an empirical study, we used the criterion p * - the Fisher angular transform. Results obtained p * emp = 2,455 (low level), p * emp = 2,898 (medium level), p * emp = 2,670 (high level), with p * cr = 2,31 (p < 0.01), p * emp = 1,932 (level below average), with p * cr. = 1,64 (p < 0.05) indicate shifts in the values of students' readiness formation indicators for social creativity.

Emphasizing the positive aspects of the research, it should be noted that the use of modern educational technologies contributed to the effective formation of the Physical Culture and Sports Faculty students' readiness for social creativity.

The practical implementation of students'

readiness cognitive component for socially transformative volunteer activities included the active participation of students in organizational and activity games, socially-oriented actions and socially useful activities (participation in charity events, rallies, processions, the spread of social orientation visual agitation, improvement social and natural sites, etc.), volunteer assistance for children with disabilities, disabled children, orphans; help to veterans, elderly people, disabled people, etc [11].

The emotional component in practice-oriented activities is reflected in the collective creative affairs held at the faculty: freshmen competition, KVN, "Creative day", the Healthy lifestyle olympiad, tournament of pedagogical skills, etc.

Most of the social and educational projects reflecting the activity component of readiness were developed and implemented by students. These projects were aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle in the youth environment, a conscious choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, attitudes and value orientations [12].

The social and educational project "We choose health!" was aimed at preventing the bad habits of adolescents through health-saving technologies. At the initial stage, diagnostics was carried out in order to determine the levels of adolescents' attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, the presence of bad habits. In order to form the motivation of adolescents to engage in physical culture and sports and maintain a healthy lifestyle, a set of project activities was implemented: the art exercise "Chamomile healthy lifestyle", the training "Health and healthy lifestyle", a quiz game "Ways of healthy lifestyle" "Poster competitions" "We are for a healthy lifestyle!" Selection and organization of watching films on the subject of a healthy lifestyle, a competition of social advertising commercials. As a result of the program, its participants learned how to use methods to improve and maintain health, to actively lead a healthy lifestyle, to acquire basic knowledge and concepts about healthy lifestyles, the consequences of taking drugs, alcohol and nicotine


The student project "Being healthy is great!" was devoted to the actual problem of preventing addictive behavior in adolescent environments. It is aimed


at reducing the propensity to addictive behavior (the propensity to use psychoactive substances, alcohol addiction, internet addiction). The complex of project activities that took place in the form of training exercises, games, lecture cycle, allowed to achieve a positive result. Prevention of addictive behavior is most effective through self-knowledge, self-education, raising the level of students' life competence, developing healthy lifestyle skills, the ability to say "no", to be responsible for themselves and for their actions.

The social-educational project "I Give the Heart to Children" is aimed at solving the problems of children with disabilities and orphans socialization through the formation of their social activities through a set of the following social and cultural events: an event dedicated to March 8, "A gift to mother"; May 9th singing together event; an event dedicated to Children's Day on June 1; New Year's show "Journey to the New Year"; show program "Communication in joy" for orphans and persons with disabilities; exhibition and sale of handicrafts made by orphans and children with disabilities. One of the main project activities in the pedagogical university was the charity concert "I give the heart to children". It was fully organized and conducted by the students. It is important to note that the implementation of this project contributed to the formation of the socially active position of orphans and children with disabilities, as well as the development of social project skills of students in the process of socially transformative volunteering


The social project "Roads of good deeds" within the framework of the social advertising competition "New look", the social-educational project "Give good to children" within the framework of the charitable assistance organization to orphans, the social-creative project "Create. Love be friends take care "for the expansion of the accessible educational environment, the volunteer project" Who if not us "for people with disabilities and other projects are the technological component of students' readiness activity component for socially transformative volunteering [16].


Thus, the results of students inclusion in socially transformative volunteering are the formation of students' social experience, the development of their social activity, the training of bachelors in the organization and implementation of socially significant projects. The study of the social creativity problem is closely connected with the formation of an active life position and the participation of students in the transformation of the surrounding reality. The main results of the empirical research allow us to conclude that the use of modern educational technologies contributes to the successful formation of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering [17].

It seems to be a significant study of introducing into practice the work of organizations carrying out educational activities, selected technologies as a means of optimizing socially transformative volunteering, developing a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the social creativity of children, teenagers and young people.


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Submitted: 15.04.2019 Author's information:

Marina M. Shubovich - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, square of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, House 4, e-mail: shubmm@mail.ru

Larisa I. Eremina - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Ulyanov State Pedagogical

University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, square of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, House 4, e-mail: lariv73@mail.ru

Nadezhda V. Bibikova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, square of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, House 4, e-mail: nv95@rambler.ru

Irina A. Plokhova - Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, square of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, House 4, e-mail: soc.rabota2007@mail.ru

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