THE NEED FOR BOOK READING IN PROTECTING YOUNG PEOPLE FROM INFORMATION ATTACK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
national values / processes of globalization / universal values / independent mind and independent thought / book reading and book reading culture improvement / various destructive ideas / hateful vices that erode morals / национальные ценности / процессы глобализации / общечеловеческие ценности / независимый разум и независимая мысль / чтение книг и совершенствование культуры чтения / различные деструктивные идеи / ненавистные пороки / разъедающие нравственность.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Ochilova, Nigora Ruzimuratovna

Keeping pace with modern, rapid development is becoming a way of life of our youth. Of course, this is a good thing. Because it is possible to be able to speak several languages, to enter the world of the Internet and to be aware of the news of the world. It shows that their knowledge and worldview are expanding. However, it is no secret that in the process of globalization, the struggle of different ideas, information attacks, and ideological pressures are increasing more and more. Even a small message that seems insignificant today can be a force capable of mastering the lives of people, especially young people.

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Идти в ногу с современным, стремительным развитием становится образом жизни нашей молодежи. Конечно, это хорошо. Потому что можно говорить на нескольких языках, войти в мир Интернета и быть в курсе новостей мира. Это показывает, что их знания и мировоззрение расширяются. Однако не секрет, что в процессе глобализации все больше усиливается борьба различных идей, информационные атаки, идеологическое давление. Даже небольшое послание, кажущееся сегодня незначительным, может стать силой, способной управлять жизнью людей, особенно молодежи.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(10), October, 2023



Ochilova Nigora Ruzimuratovna

Institute of counter-engineering economics Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences University of Information Technology and Management Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy

Keeping pace with modern, rapid development is becoming a way of life of our youth. Of course, this is a good thing. Because it is possible to be able to speak several languages, to enter the world of the Internet and to be aware of the news of the world. It shows that their knowledge and worldview are expanding. However, it is no secret that in the process of globalization, the struggle of different ideas, information attacks, and ideological pressures are increasing more and more. Even a small message that seems insignificant today can be a force capable of mastering the lives of people, especially young people.

Key words: national values, processes of globalization, universal values, independent mind and independent thought, book reading and book reading culture improvement, various destructive ideas, hateful vices that erode morals

Идти в ногу с современным, стремительным развитием становится образом жизни нашей молодежи. Конечно, это хорошо. Потому что можно говорить на нескольких языках, войти в мир Интернета и быть в курсе новостей мира. Это показывает, что их знания и мировоззрение расширяются. Однако не секрет, что в процессе глобализации все больше усиливается борьба различных идей, информационные атаки, идеологическое давление. Даже небольшое послание, кажущееся сегодня незначительным, может стать силой, способной управлять жизнью людей, особенно молодежи.

Ключевые слова: национальные ценности, процессы глобализации, общечеловеческие ценности, независимый разум и независимая мысль, чтение книг и совершенствование культуры чтения, различные деструктивные идеи, ненавистные пороки, разъедающие нравственность.


It is known that today in the world there is a sharp struggle and competition, and the conflict of interests is increasing. Globalization processes are creating new opportunities for humanity as well as unexpected problems. Threats and dangers



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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against national identity and moral values are increasing. Thinking only of oneself, looking lightly at work and family, consumerism is masterfully instilled in the minds of people, especially young people, in various ways.

To preserve the heart and mind of our young generation, to educate them in the spirit of national and universal values, to make our children deeply understand the meaning and real reasons of the political processes taking place in the world, to have truthful information about the events happening around them, and most importantly, to have their own independent opinion, to put it simply. , to be able to distinguish white from black should be the main condition and criterion of our educational and spiritual work. For this reason, increasing the interest of our youth in reading books is one of the urgent tasks before all of us. It is a fact that nowadays, due to the rapid development of technology, our youth, or rather our adults, are losing their interest in reading books by reading information on various sites on the Internet.

Of course, our people, including the young generation, do not deny the advanced aspects of Western science and technology, culture, literature. However, it is necessary for our youth to quickly understand the spiritual and moral foundations of "mass culture", which the progressive intellectuals in the West themselves assess as a "problem of the West" [1].


In this sense, the importance of the draft decision "On the National Program for the Development and Support of Reading Culture for 2020-2025" is of incomparable importance. From this point of view, it would be appropriate if a certain day of the week was designated as "Reading Day" in all educational institutions - schools, lyceums and colleges, as well as universities. On this day, every pupil or student will give a detailed account of the fairy tale, short story, novel or poem they have read in the past week in front of the science teacher. Their points obtained in this process should be taken into account in the general evaluation criteria [2].

Unfortunately, young people often do not realize that they are being influenced by this "culture" or are becoming its victims.

The minds of young people are being poisoned as a result of "unfiltered" reception of messages from the global information system. For example, young people who enter the site in order to get some necessary information, see a sensational announcement such as "such and such a famous person has crashed" and unwittingly open it. And there another site opens and reads the continuation of deceptive messages. In this way, the youth of the cave are caught in the trap of the swindlers.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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A teenager exposed to such a disgusting "culture" grows up to be apathetic, a person who looks at life lightly, indifferent to the development of the country and the peace of the people. Also, children who are caught in the trap of crowd culture know that they can do whatever they want, that is, they will turn into a mangurt.

One of the biggest threats of social networks to the stability of the family and society is that many peaceful families are being destroyed because of their communications.

Every parent who wants their child's perspective and bright future should pay serious attention to the issue of education. It is necessary for young people to receive education not from various computer houses, internet and social networks, but first of all from parents, grandparents, good books that call for goodness, purity and religion

After all, fiction and books are the main means of enlightening society and saving people from ignorance. "Enlightenment is a person's exit from the state of youth that remains due to his own fault. Minority is the inability to use one's own mind and reason without the guidance of an outsider. Self-inflicted immaturity is not a lack of intellect, but a lack of determination and courage, and the inability to use the mind unaided. Sapere aide! Dare to use your mind! - this is the slogan of enlightenment [4].

"In the conditions of certain difficulties of the transitional period, a part of the young generation may form and decide on an absolutely unethical point of view that the main way to achieve a high standard of living in life is related to illegal activities

All of them are caused by mistakes and shortcomings in the education of young people, impoverishment of spirituality. Such a process is taking place as a result of not paying enough attention to the education of involvement in the process of civil society formation [6].

Spiritual impoverishment leads to a weakening of a person's attachment to his people, his Motherland. The formation of ideological immunity that can resist the information attack and destructive ideas is also directly related to the level of involvement. Because the ideological immunity of the concerned person will be strong. And the spirituality of a person who has ideological immunity increases even more [7].

At the same time, he learns well to fight against these attacks. It will not be indifferent. Therefore, special attention is paid to the issue of involvement in the establishment of civil society. All this prompts us to analyze the problems of protecting social morality and raising morale, which ensure the strengthening of the



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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population's, first of all, youth's involvement in the reforms in the process of the formation of civil society. There is a threat of such a global crisis entering our country, and it is very important to realize it in time. Therefore, people are required to be concerned about indifference.

At the same time, he learns well to fight against these attacks. It will not be indifferent. Therefore, special attention is paid to the issue of involvement in the establishment of civil society. At the same time, he learns well to fight against these attacks. It will not be indifferent. Therefore, special attention is paid to the issue of involvement in the establishment of civil society. All this Here, in the words of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "...We are living in the era of information globalization today. Whether we want it or not, it is natural for our country to have information attacks of various forms. The role of television and radio is incomparable in strengthening the immunity of the population against such attacks, especially in the youth, and educating them in the spirit of loyalty to our national values and ideas of independence [8].

An important factor that determines the meaning of a person's life, that he is educated, educated, professional, and certainly happy and not less, is to be familiar with books, always read books and make reading books a lifelong habit, a part of his life. In particular, the book has a special place in the development of society, human capital, human thinking, intellectual development. Because a good book helps a person to develop both intellectually and morally, to be formed as a unique person, to feed the world with a special look.

In conclusion, it can be said that young people's worldview, knowledge, and attitude to the surrounding events are considered important factors in determining our tomorrow, our future, and books and reading are leading in this. After all, no one can mislead the reading public.


1. E. Jumaev. Prevention of moral threats by increasing reading culture in the minds of young people. The role and relevance of social humanities in the formation of reading thinking in young people. Opposite. May 5-6. 2021. Pages 66-68.

2. S. Tursunov. What saves young people from the "Spider's Web"? https://adolat.uz/news/nima-kutkaradi

3. O. Narzullaev. Protecting young people from information attacks and ideological threats. May 28, 2021. http://fitrat.uz/yoshlarni-ahborot-huruzhlari-va-mafkuravij-ta-didlardan-asrash/

4. Kant I. Criticism is understandable. M., 1964. T. 3 -S. 85.

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5. K. Toraev. Development of leadership skills in young people. Social activity of young people in the modernizing society: a collection of articles of the republican scientific-practical conference on the topic of problems and solutions - Tashkent: "Innovative Development Publishing House", 2020. - 10 p.

6. On additional measures to improve the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work. Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. May 7, 2019 PQ-4307. // Tashkent, People's word. 2019 year. May 4. No. 78 (6710).

7. Goals and tasks of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan. Electronic resource: https://yoshlarittifoqi.uz/uz/menu/maqsad-va-vazifalar Date of application:

8. Mirziyoyev Sh. We will build our great future together with our brave and noble people. -T.: Uzbekistan, 2017. -B. 25-6.


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