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18. Про запобiгання корупци: Закон Украхни вхд 14.10.2014 р. № 1700-VII. URL: https ://zakon. rada. gov.ua/laws/show/1700-18#Text.
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Ruzinazarov Sh.,
Tashkent city legal University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law, Professor
Ibratova F., Tashkent city legal University of Uzbekistan, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Kalkanova Zh.
South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Candidate of Law, Senior Lecturer
The article discusses the issues of creating conditions for the parties to receive court decisions online, strengthening measures to ensure information and cybersecurity of information systems. It is concluded that special legislative regulation of judicial acts will provide an opportunity for effective legal protection of the rights and interests of subjects of digital civil circulation.
Keywords: judicial act, electronic court proceedings, electronic access, electronic format, information system.
In a digital reality, a judicial act in its content covers not only private law, but also public law elements. In the context of the formation of digital civil circulation, a judicial act is considered as a legal fact. The essence of the public legal elements of judicial acts is that the compulsory execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies is imposed on state bodies established by law [11].
In the context of the digitalization of the activities of the judiciary, court decisions can be expressed in electronic procedural form [2]. Decisions must be signed with an enhanced qualified signature of a judge, and collegial judicial acts must be signed with enhanced electronic signatures of all judges using information systems. The judgment and its digital form are, by their legal nature, a public and private act. [14, 91]. Therefore, the legal fact, as the most important fundamental institution of civil law, is of great scientific and practical interest and is constantly being improved taking into account today's digital realities of society and the state [5, 90].
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 3, 2020, No. 4848 "On measures to digitalize the activities of the judiciary", it is envisaged that the measures implemented in recent years on the widespread introduction of modern technologies into the activities of the courts provided an opportunity to liberalize the institution of citizens and business entities. to courts to protect their rights and interests, increase the level of administration of justice, as well as ensure openness and transparency
of the activities of courts in general [15]. At the same time, today, due to the lack of integration between the information systems of ministries and departments, the mutual exchange of data, when considering cases in courts, is carried out mainly in paper form. In addition, it is required to intensify work to expand the types of interactive services provided by courts to citizens and entrepreneurs [13, 21].
The resolution defines the tasks for the next stage of digitalization of the activities of the judiciary. In particular, expanding the types of interactive electronic services provided to citizens and business entities, ensuring online monitoring of the process of considering each appeal, creating the opportunity to freely use interactive services in court buildings; further expansion of electronic interchange of data with ministries, departments and other organizations to ensure the prompt acceptance of information necessary for the administration of justice in courts; ensuring openness and transparency of the activities of the judicial community through the introduction of special information programs; expanding the possibility of remote participation in court hearings, including through mobile devices and other forms of electronic interaction, as well as creating conditions for the parties to receive court decisions online; strengthening measures to ensure information and cybersecurity of information systems, databases and other software products, comprehensive protection of official information and data of judicial authorities.
Based on this, it should be noted that digitalization covers all areas of judicial activity in general, and the issuance of a digital law enforcement act, in particular, the essence of such digital acts is that they have all the signs of a legal fact as an institution of civil law [17]. A judicial act and its electronic form as a legal act can only be carried out by a judicial authority [1,13]. The court, on the basis of substantive and procedural norms, using information systems, decides specific life circumstances, which always give rise to civil law consequences. This is the main difference between the court decision and other legal facts [9, 170].
The digital judiciary is the authority of the court to consider criminal, civil, economic and administrative cases on the basis of unconditional compliance with the application of the rule of the Constitution and laws using automated technological systems [18, 9]. In accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, acts of the judiciary are obligatory for all state bodies, public associations, enterprises, institutions, organizations, officials and citizens. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of an act of the judicial power entails liability provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan [7].
Legality, validity, stability and legal certainty are a necessary integral attribute of a court decision [19]. The civil law provides for a variety of legal facts as the basis for civil relations. The legislator defines a general list of legal facts that find their legislative consolidation in Art. 8 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive. Civil legal relations can arise, change and terminate on the basis of other legal facts that are not directly provided for by the current legislation, but do not contradict its general principles and meaning [8, 2]. According to Part 1 of Art. 8 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, civil rights and obligations arise from the grounds provided for by legislation, as well as from the actions of citizens and legal entities, which, although not provided for by it, but due to the general principles and meaning of civil legislation, give rise to civil rights and obligations. Part 2 of Art. 8 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides that civil rights and obligations arise from a court decision that established civil rights and obligations (paragraph 3).
In the context of digitalization of the activities of the judiciary, the powers of the judiciary are expanding. A judicial act, as a procedural document, has its own distinct form. Procedural actions of the court are formalized by an appropriate decision, as a procedural law enforcement act. We also join the opinion of those authors, (Malko A.V., Semikin D.S.) [12] which proposes to systematize all general theoretical information about judicial acts in a separate legal act. Some authors propose the adoption of the Digital Code [20,2]. In this scientific and methodological perspective, it seems to us that the systematization of digital legislation also encompasses digital judicial legislation. This is one of the main tasks of the rule-making activity of the legislative authorities and subjects of legislative initiative. [3, 18]. It should be noted that stability and legal certainty of judicial decisions are a necessary attribute of the rule of law [10].
Examination of international fair justice standards reveals that one of the fundamental aspects of the rule of law is the principle of legal certainty, which requires, among other things, that once the courts have finally resolved a particular issue, their decisions should not be questioned. Legal certainty presupposes respect for the principle of res judicata, i.e. the principle of the finality of judgments [6, 98].
According to the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, CM / Rec (2009) 1 (G48), e-justice, as a form of expression of e-democracy, includes official websites of courts, national and international portals, systems for informing about the status of a court case online, systems videoconferencing, as well as methods and standards for electronic exchange of information [16].
It should be noted that the practice of electronic court proceedings is widespread in foreign countries. In particular, in the United States, an electronic court system with free access is successfully functioning -PACER [22]. With the help of this system, you can receive information about the court document, get acquainted with the register of accepted applications, study the progress of the case and the history of decisions made, and also view the calendar of scheduled meetings. For submission of documents to the courts, the CM / ECF application is used [23] in the form of a personal account, access to which is provided by a password issued by the state, and all documents must be sent in pdf format. In Canada, at the request of a party to the proceedings, the court may decide to conduct electronic proceedings. At the same time, the parties themselves must indicate how best to conduct the meeting and which technologies to use. The paperless court system is widespread in Canadian courts of all instances and includes the use of online filing, electronic access to court records, information disclosure and the use of technology in the courtroom. Among countries with a continental legal system, as well as in Ukraine, the most indicative is electronic court proceedings in Germany. In this state, the filing of documents, their processing and even the issuance of a decision take place in electronic format. In addition, with the help of a paid personal account, there is an opportunity in writing to enter into discussions with an opponent and challenge the documents submitted by him. For example, Argentina already has a software application capable of analyzing submitted documents and preparing drafts of final judicial acts in some categories of civil and administrative cases. The procedure for the adoption of such a judicial act provides for its mandatory review and approval by local judges, and, noteworthy, the overwhelming majority of draft judicial acts are approved without amending them.
The Republic of Estonia is actively developing similar software, the task of which will be to automate the resolution of the vast majority of disputes. At the initial stage, this robot will be limited to considering economic disputes arising from contractual relations and, at the same time, with a low amount of claims [4, 29].
Analysis of the experience of foreign countries shows that the activities of electronic (digital) justice
are directly related to electronic document flow in accordance with the legislation [21, 4]. We are deeply convinced that in the context of the digitalization of the activities of the judiciary, the adoption of lawful and well-founded court decisions and their effective execution with the help of information technology systems is an objective necessity. Digital justice occupies a special place in the system of government.
Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that a comprehensive special legislative regulation of judicial acts and their execution in accordance with international standards of fair justice, as well as the best practices of foreign countries, will provide an opportunity for effective legal protection of the rights and interests of subjects of digital civil circulation.
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