THE MATRIX OF THE SWOT-ANALYSIS TO THE OSCE FUNCTIONING IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONFLICT IN THE EAST OF UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
OSCE / Special Monitoring Mission / hybrid warfare / Russian-Ukrainian conflict / security and cooperation / ОБСЄ / Спеціальна Моніторингова Місія / «гібридна війна» / російськоукраїнський конфлікт / безпека / співробітництво

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — M. Zdorovega, O. Ivasechko

The key trends of cooperation between Ukraine and the OSCE, the place of our country in the process of shaping European security and stability are analyzed. The attention is paid to the achievements of Ukraine in the year of its chairmanship of the OSCE (2013). The role of the Organization in the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Eastern Ukraine is characterized. In particular, attention is focused on evaluating the effectiveness of the OSCE in a hybrid war carried out by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. The modern formats of cooperation between Ukraine and the OSCE – multipurpose and diverse programs and projects aimed at solving urgent problems of social development, namely in the area of legal reform, education, human rights, counteracting organized crime, terrorism and human trafficking, reform of armed forces, environmental protection, and so on. As a result, of the matrix of the SWOT − analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to Ukraine’s participation in the OSCE − are revealed. As a conclusion, extremely important step for Ukraine today is to intensify its participation in shaping the mechanisms of European collective security, in particular, to support initiatives aimed at improving the climate of confidence and stability on the basic level of international security in the region. The important fact is that the Ukrainian side has advocated the reform of the OSCE to improve its effectiveness in resisting the latest threats and challenges. Nonparticipation of Ukraine in European integration processes in the field of security means lack of leverage over European security in general. Thus, the counteracting by our own means to the latest threats is considered to be impossible for the National Security of Ukraine in the context of globalization. Evaluating the effectiveness of the OSCE in Eastern Ukraine, it should be taken into account that this structure does not provide armed support and merely cannot directly affect the balance of powers in the conflict. The main tasks of the OSCE are gathering information, reporting on the security situation and establishing facts, particularly about specific events on the ground. Despite all the deficiencies and comments on the activities of the OSCE in Ukraine, the organization, under its unique safe mandate, plays the key role in the context of finding a peaceful solution to the situation in Eastern Ukraine.

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Проаналізовано ключові напрямки співробітництва України та ОБСЄ, місце нашої держави у формуванні європейської системи безпеки та стабільності. Увагу акцентовано на здобутках України в рік її головування в ОБСЄ (у 2013 році). Охарактеризовано роль Організації у врегулюванні російсько-українського конфлікту на Сході України, зокрема, увагу сфокусовано на оцінках ефективності діяльності ОБСЄ в умовах «гібридної війни», що здійснюється Російською Федерацією в Україні. Розглянуто сучасні формати співпраці України та ОБСЄ спільні багатоцільові та різнопланові програми і проекти, спрямовані на вирішення нагальних проблем суспільного розвитку, а саме: у галузі правової реформи, освіти, в сфері прав людини, боротьби з організованою злочинністю, тероризмом та торгівлею людьми, реформування збройних сил, захисту довкілля тощо. На основі SWOTаналізу виокремлено сильні, слабкі сторони, можливості і загрози участі України в ОБСЄ. Зроблено висновок, що Україні сьогодні є вкрай важливим активізувати її участь у формуванні механізмів європейської колективної безпеки, зокрема, підтримувати ініціативи спрямовані на підвищення клімату довіри та стабільності систем міжнародної безпеки в регіональному розрізі. Важливим є й те, щоб з боку української сторони відстоювалось питання реформування ОБСЄ задля підвищення її дієвості у протистоянні новітнім загрозам і викликам. Неучасть України у європейських інтеграційних процесах в сфері безпеки, означатиме для нашої держави відсутність важелів впливу на систему європейської безпеки загалом. Таким чином, в умовах глобалізації для національної безпеки України є нереальним самостійно протидіяти новітнім загрозам. Оцінюючи ефективність діяльності ОБСЄ на сході України, варто зазначити, що ця структура не надає збройної підтримки і безпосередньо не впливає на співвідношення сил у конфлікті. Основне завдання ОБСЄ – збір інформації, звіт про ситуацію з безпекою та встановлення фактів, зокрема, про конкретні події на місцях. Незважаючи на всі недоліки та зауваження до діяльності ОБСЄ в контексті пошуків шляхів мирного врегулювання ситуації на сході України, ця організація залишається важливою для нашої держави, враховуючи свій унікальний безпечний мандат.


стримування РФ eid продовження та розв'язання традицтних та ггбридних (тформацтних, торгових та тших) воен проти держав-члешв; посилення свободи, дiапазону, ваги та впливу держав-члешв на мiжнароднi арет. Наголошено на необхiдностi пошуку Украгною шляхiв ефективног взаемоди з державами схiдноевропейського регюну, а також значенш гг ролi та мюця у творенш новог системи безпеки у його межах, як могли б на сучасному етат стати належною вiдповiддю гiбридним загрозам нацюнальним ттересам та безпец держав регюну.

Клю^о^^ слова: мiжнародна безпека, нацюнальна безпека, Iнтермарiум, Балто-Чорноморський союз.

UDK 327.7:323(477)

M. Zdorovega, O. Ivasechko


The key trends of cooperation between Ukraine and the OSCE, the place of our country in the process of shaping European security and stability are analyzed. The attention is paid to the achievements of Ukraine in the year of its chairmanship of the OSCE (2013). The role of the Organization in the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Eastern Ukraine is characterized.

In particular, attention is focused on evaluating the effectiveness of the OSCE in a hybrid war carried out by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. The modern formats of cooperation between Ukraine and the OSCE - multipurpose and diverse programs and projects aimed at solving urgent problems of social development, namely in the area of legal reform, education, human rights, counteracting organized crime, terrorism and human trafficking, reform of armed forces, environmental protection, and so on. As a result, of the matrix of the SWOT - analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to Ukraine's participation in the OSCE - are revealed.

As a conclusion, extremely important step for Ukraine today is to intensify its participation in shaping the mechanisms of European collective security, in particular, to support initiatives aimed at improving the climate of confidence and stability on the basic level of international security in the region. The important fact is that the Ukrainian side has advocated the reform of the OSCE to improve its effectiveness in resisting the latest threats and challenges. Non-participation of Ukraine in European integration processes in the field of security means lack of leverage over European security in general. Thus, the counteracting by our own means to the latest threats is considered to be impossible for the National Security of Ukraine in the context of globalization. Evaluating the effectiveness of the OSCE in Eastern Ukraine, it should be taken into account that this structure does not provide armed support and merely cannot directly affect the balance ofpowers in the conflict. The main tasks of the OSCE are gathering information, reporting on the security situation and establishing facts, particularly about specific events on the ground. Despite all the deficiencies and comments on the activities of the OSCE in Ukraine, the organization, under its unique safe mandate, plays the key role in the context of finding a peaceful solution to the situation in Eastern Ukraine.

Keywords: OSCE, Special Monitoring Mission, hybrid warfare, Russian-Ukrainian conflict, security and cooperation.

The intensification of non-military as well as military threats is challenging the European security system. In particular, it is about terrorism, illegal migration, trafficking of arms, illegal drug trafficking, and about armed conflicts across Europe. The military aggression of the Russian Federation in the East of Ukraine points to the need to build an effective European system of collective security. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (hereinafter - OSCE) has been considered to be a guarantor of such kind of security for a long time. The OSCE is one of the largest regional international organizations aimed to support security that has a strong potential in the area of ensuring stability on the European continent. Considering the scale of the OSCE, it is a world leader according to quantitative criteria of a regional security structure because its structure combines 57 states from Europe, Central Asia and North America.

Exploring the issue of the OSCE role in shaping European security environment, most of foreign analysts as certain important facts that in bipolar period the main threat to international security was the issue of «hard security», the so-called «hard security», - military confrontation between «western» and «eastern» blocks. The end of the «Cold War» was the impetus for the expansion of «soft security» problems, the so-called «soft security», to which attention is increasingly focused in the context of globalization. It should be noted that researchers refer to actual and potential political, social and economic challenges to national security to the «soft security» [23]; the only exception is defence issues [25]. Specificity of modern threats and challenges is that the latter come from the areas that are not controlled by separate entities and international relations, in contradiction to threats of geopolitical nature, and they are often formed by outstate entities that acquire international weight and strive to influence the policies of certain countries. The today's realities indicate that security threats have a tendency to transform into cross-border and transnational ones, and the threats of economic and environmental issue are global in nature.

It is necessary to admit the fact that the security of Ukraine is considered as an essential component of European security in general. Thus, despite the domination of «soft security threats» or «hard threats» in international relations, particularly in Europe - Ukraine's membership in international security structures based on democratic principles of solidarity and mutual support are to provide the last real security guarantees. Since independence our country has been actively involved in collective security structures in the European sub continent, has been an active participant and has had real security guarantees. It is important for the Ukrainian side to react in time to failures and inefficiency of international legal mechanisms of security. It should be pointed out, domestic experts note that the lack of reliable international guarantees of security of our country put Ukraine in a situation of security «vacuum» [14]. Moreover, the focus of the Ukrainian side has to be made on reforming the OSCE towards improving its capacity to counter threats and challenges of the modern type - it refers to «hybrid war» being waged by the Russian Federation in the East of Ukraine.

The OSCE is the structure that promotes overcoming the conflict between East and West (some researchers refer the term to the management agency to designate it). The organization is actively involved in the process of promoting security and cooperation in the OSCE area of responsibility.

It is worth noting that the Organization has a special role in the architecture of Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security, and its uniqueness is driven by the four key factors: firstly, its "inclusion" - geographical coverage, much of the Northern Hemisphere from Vancouver to Vladivostok; secondly, a comprehensive security mandate, which allows the OSCE to handle a wide range of domestic, bilateral and interregional causes of conflict; thirdly, the presence of a consensual approach to decision making, Organization professes cooperative style of policy; fourthly, an essential feature of the OSCE is a common legal framework, which is based on two documents -the Helsinki Final Act Decalogue and the Paris Charter for a New Europe. In addition, we must pay tribute to the Organization, which plays an important role in further expansion, differentiation

and approval of «value canon», which describes the current «ordre public», i.e. «public order» human rights, minorities, democracy, and rule of law and in the field of market economy [6, p. 228-229].

Historical background indicates that the OSCE was established on January 1, 1995, but its formation began on August 1, 1975 with the establishment of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

In this case, in our opinion, the words of domestic researchers O. Besarab seem to be very appropriate. He indicates that «the development of the European security system is complicated by the nature of challenges and threats as well as by the value of Europe in global security» [19].

The international community has made significant efforts to form a single mechanism in order to implement consensus efforts to maintain peace and security, but the formed structure demonstrated their inefficiency or incompetence in the adoption and, most importantly, the implementation of the assigned decisions. On the other hand, it is in appropriate to talk about the constructive role of regional organizations in this sphere, including the OSCE as one of the most promising regional organizations in the security sector. Finally, it should be noted that during the war in the east of Ukraine, the main body of maintaining peace and security - the Security Council - does not show efficacy in preventing and resolving armed conflicts.

Meanwhile, world diplomacy is trying to find ways and means to resolve the conflict. In September 2014 representatives of Ukraine, Russia and OSCE signed Minsk Agreements on the settlement of the situation in the east of Ukraine. The negotiation process is taking place in a variety of formats, so it is particularly important for us to clarify the positions of heads of embassies accredited in Ukraine. For example, so-called elections organized by the separatists in November 2, 2014 were recognized by the OSCE as illegal and illegitimate, as those having violated «the Minsk Agreements».

Focusing on the problematic aspects of the OSCE functioning, crisis of confidence and lack of political will within the organization should be taken into account, but it would be wrong to lay all the responsibility to resolve and prevent conflict on the OSCE - the Russian-Ukrainian example, and thus accuse it of weak and inefficient execution of the assigned tasks. First of all, the lack of dialogue within the Organization is explained by external influence and the current state of cooperation only reflects the nature of international relations and trust between the Member States.

Since January 30, 1992 Ukraine is an equal member of the OSCE. Our country actively joins the work of all the governing bodies and their adoption of crucial decisions [19].

Attention should be focused on the activities of Ukraine in the OSCE, including the settlement of «frozen» as well as «open» conflicts, especially in Eastern Ukraine[19]; active work within the OSCE on reforming the Organization to increase its effectiveness. Ukraine stands for: balance the three dimensions of the OSCE - politico-military, human, economic and environmental; improvement of field missions and peacekeeping activities; strengthening analytical capacity of the Organization; ensuring the principle of geographic equality in personnel policy; resolving of issues related to energy security; supervision of the OSCE observation mission for the elections in Ukraine; freedom of speech, etc [19].

It is relevant to conside the unresolved conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which has become a serious challenge and threat to security in the European area and has stipulated scientific interest to the problem.

The position of Ukraine in the OSCE as a full member of the Organization in shaping security and stability in Europe has become the subject of a significant amount of researches. In particular, this problem was studied in the context of existing conditions, objectives and main goals of the OSCE. It is worth mentioning the works of W. Weidenfeld and W. Wessels, D. Kanyevski, S.Vendlinh, K.Bekker, F. Maustakisa [6, p. 228-229; 23; 24;25;27]. Among domestic researchers addressed this issue L. Kozhara, O.Lyashenko, B. Parahonskyy, S. Tolstov, H. Shelest,

V.Falalayeva, considering the problem of the OSCE influence on the formation of the European security system [9; 11; 12; 17; 19; 20]. The mentioned scientists express differentiated approaches to evaluating the current processes in the field of European security and have different understanding of efficiency of the OSCE structure and functioning. Important information about the current format of cooperation between the OSCE and Ukraine, as well as support for projects of this structure in our country in the condition of a «hybrid war» waged by the Russian Federation is contained in the Internet sources - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the official website of the OSCE, analytical Razumkov Center website reports; electronic resources of such periodicals as the newspaper Dat, Ukrainian Truth, The Chamber, Government Portal, Zerkalo Nedeli etc.[4; 5; 11; 13; 16; 17;18; 24].

However, today, there are almost no studies that highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Ukraine's participation in the OSCE.

Today a comprehensive and integrated research of the problem of reforming of the OSCE, the clarification of its role in the conflict in eastern Ukraine is required; attention should be also focused on the modern form of cooperation between the OSCE and Ukraine.

The purpose of the work is to make a comprehensive study of the specific features and modern formats of cooperation between Ukraine and the OSCE in shaping security and stability in Europe.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict became a challenge and a threat to the world security system on both regional and global scales. The World Community did not recognise the annexation of Crimea and condemned the Russian expansion in Donbas.

To summarize, SWOT- analysis matrix highlights strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to Ukraine's participation in the OSCE. It is advisable to consider them:

SWOT- analysis matrix of Ukraine's participation in the OSCE


1) The presence of the OSCE observers (SMM of the OSCE) in the area of the ATO (over 500)[7] an dat Russian check points on the Ukrainian-Russian state border, who collect information and inform on the security situation, establish and report the facts in response to specific incidents, set up contacts and organize dialogue in place to promote normalization of the situation and reduction of tension[8]; 2) The existence of authoritative neutral mediator in the peaceful resolution of conflict in the east of Ukraine, 2014-2015; the organization serves as a platform for negotiations and political dialogue to resolve the conflict in the Donbas region; 3) Establishing and implementing joint projects in Ukraine in the fields of democratization and good governance, rule of law and human rights, military, political sphere, etc; promoting Ukraine reforms in different aspects of social life [18]; 4) Monitoring the abiding of human rights and proving free mass-media in Ukraine; observing the election process, that increases the legitimacy of the elections in Ukraine. 1) Cases with biased assessment of the situation during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, including the support of Russia[10]; 2) Doubts of the Members of European Parliament (MEPs) considering objectivity of the OSCE Mission in Ukraine [15]; 3) Strong and influential Russian lobby in the OSCE mission in Ukraine[2]; 4) According to executive director of the Polish-Ukrainian Foundation(PAUCI) Ian Pieklo, we are likely to be concerned with the reasons for weakness or passivity of such international organizations as the OSCE in resolving the conflict[14]; 5) Data transferring on location of Ukrainian military positions in the area of ATO to the Russian side [1].


1) The development of political dialogue and cooperation in the security policy and all its dimensions - political, military, economic, environmental and humanitarian; 2) Strengthening of the capacity of the OSCE as the tool for early warning as well as conflict prevention, crisis management, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction; 3) Restoration of the Russian Federation abidance of the fundamental principles of Helsinki Final Act of the CSCE in 1975 and OSCE commitments as a result of military aggression in Eastern Ukraine, occupation and annexation of the Crimea and Sevastopol, condemning the kidnapping and illegal retention of Ukrainian citizens in Russia (O. Sentsova and others); 4) Facilitation of the process of finding models for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Transnistria; 5) Strengthening the capacity of the OSCE in combating transnational threats and challenges (the fight against manifestation of terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, coming from the cyberspace attacks); 6) Further development and strengthening of the OSCE dialogue on the base of energy security; 7) The development of cooperation between member-states in the field of environmental protection, combating human trafficking, promotion of tolerance and non-discrimination, establishing freedom of expression, and paying attention to the minority issues in the context of international relations. 1) The possibility of dissolution of the OSCE as a discredited organization that has proved to be such in the performance of their duties as the OSCE Mission to Ukraine [3]. - Numerous accidents of photo fixation of military personnel, heavy weapons, exposed activity of special services of the Russian Federation; - Partial cooperation of the OSCE representatives with militants of the unrecognized republics of DNR and LNR.

In our opinion, the opportunities our country has gained from its status as a Member State of the OSCE were identified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the list of priorities regarding the further activity of our country in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Such opportunities are the following: strengthening the capacity and effectiveness of the OSCE in order to prevent and resolve threats to international community by peaceful means, including ceasing of Russian military aggression against Ukraine as well as strengthening the role of the OSCE in addressing the issues of democratization and providing «soft security»[18].

The OSCE mediation in resolving the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine during 2014 - 2017 is considered to be one of the strong sides of Ukraine's participation in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Thus, the organization serves as an important mediator and venue for negotiations that leads to normalization of the situation and reduction of tension. In

addition, the OSCE supports implementation of key reforms in different spheres of public life in Ukraine.


1. «Голос Америки». ОБСС у Марiуполi «зливало» даш позицш сил АТО [Електронний ресурс] // Телеканал 24. - Електрон. вщеодаш (1 файл : 27 хв.). -Телерадюкомпашя "Люкс", 14 травня 2015. - Перевiрено 12.05.2017. - Режим доступу : http://24tv.ua/golos_ameriki_obsye_u_mariupoli_zlivalo_dani_pozitsiy_sil_ato_n574810 ; «Holos Ameryky». OBSIe u Mariupoli «zlyvalo» dani pozytsii syl ATO [Elektronnyi resurs] // Telekanal 24. - Elektron. videodani (1 fail : 27 khv.). - Teleradiokompaniia "Liuks", 14 travnia 2015. - Perevireno 12.05.2017. - Rezhym dostupu : http://24tv.ua/golos_ameriki_obsye_u_mariupoli_zlivalo_dani_pozitsiy_sil_ato_n574810

2. В ОБСС заявляють, що роаяни в Midi' на Донбас - професюнали [Електронний ресурс] // Украшська правда. - Режим доступу : http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/11/13/7044112 ; V OBSIe zaiavliaiut, shcho rosiiany v misii na Donbasi - profesionaly [Elektronnyi resurs] // Ukrainska pravda. - Rezhym dostupu : http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/11/13/7044112

3. Война в Украине. А нужна ли миру такая ОБСЕ (OSCE)?! [Электронный ресурс] // InformNapalm. - Режим доступа : https://informnapalm.org/4860-vojna-v-ukrayne-nuzhna-ly-myru-takaya-obse-osce ; Voyna v Ukraine. A nuzhna li miru takaya OBSYe (OSCE)?! [Elektronnyy resurs] // InformNapalm. - Rezhim dostupa : https://informnapalm.org/4860-vojna-v-ukrayne-nuzhna-ly-myru-takaya-obse-osce

4. Геращенко I. Ом «ш» та ам «так» паризько'1 зустрiчi [Електронний ресурс] / I. Геращенко // Украшська правда. - Режим доступу : http://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2015/10/5/7083777/ ; Herashchenko I. Sim «ni» ta sim «tak» paryzkoi zustrichi [Elektronnyi resurs] / I. Herashchenko // Ukrainska pravda. - Rezhym dostupu : http://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2015/10/5/7083777/

5. ДСНС та ОБСС розпочали реалiзацiю спшьного проекту з очищення територш Сходу Украши вщ вибухонебезпечних предметсв [Електронний ресурс] / Прес-служба Державно'1 служби з надзвичайних ситуацш // Урядовий портал. - Режим доступу : http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=248373092&cat_id=244277212 ; DSNS ta OBSIe rozpochaly realizatsiiu spilnoho proektu z ochyshchennia terytorii Skhodu Ukrainy vid vybukhonebezpechnykh predmetiv [Elektronnyi resurs] / Pres-sluzhba Derzhavnoi sluzhby z nadzvychainykh sytuatsii // Uriadovyi portal. - Rezhym dostupu : http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=248373092&cat_id=244277212

6. Свропа вщ А до Я : довщник з европейсько'1 штеграцп / за ред. В. Вайденфельда, В. Вессельса; / пер. з шм. А. Тюшка. - Львiв : Iмперiал, 2007. - 514 с. ; Yevropa vid A do Ya : dovidnyk z yevropeiskoi intehratsii / za red. V. Vaidenfelda, V. Vesselsa; / per. z nim. A. Tiushka. - Lviv : Imperial, 2007. - 514 s.

7. Зв^ на 2 грудня 2015 [Електронний ресурс] // Спещальна монггорингова мiсiя (СММ) ОБСС в Укрш'ш. - Режим доступу : http://www.osce.org/uk/ukraine-smm/205581?download=true ; Zvit na 2 hrudnia 2015 [Elektronnyi resurs] // Spetsialna monitorynhova misiia (SMM) OBSIe v Ukraini. - Rezhym dostupu : http://www.osce.org/uk/ukraine-smm/205581?download=true

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15. Сарiуш-Вольський сумшваеться в об'ективносп мсп ОБСС в Укрш'ш [Електронний ресурс] // Свропейська правда. - Режим доступу : http://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2014/11/13/7027759 ; Sariush-Volskyi sumnivaietsia v obiektyvnosti misii OBSIe v Ukraini [Elektronnyi resurs] // Yevropeiska pravda. - Rezhym dostupu : http://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2014/11/13/7027759

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18. Участь Украши в Оргашзацп з безпеки та ствробггництва в Свропi (ОБСС) [Електронний ресурс] // Мшютерство закордонних справ Украши. - Режим доступу : http://mfa.gov.ua/ua/about-ukraine/international-organizations/osce ; Uchast Ukrainy v Orhanizatsii z bezpeky ta spivrobitnytstva v Yevropi (OBSIe)[Elektronnyi resurs] //Ofitsiinyi veb-sait Ministerstva zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy. - Rezhym dostupu:http://mfa.gov.ua/ua/about-ukraine/international-organizations/osce;

19. Фалалаева В. Особливостi оргашзацп та дiяльностi ОБСС в умовах загострення невоенних загроз [Електронний ресурс] / В. Фалалаева // Вюник Академп адвокатури Украши. - 2013. - № 2. - С. 136-145. - Режим доступу : http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/vaau_2013_2_24.pdf ; Falalaieva V. Osoblyvosti orhanizatsii ta diialnosti OBSIe v umovakh zahostrennia nevoiennykh zahroz [Elektronnyi resurs] / V. Falalaieva // Visnyk Akademii advokatury Ukrainy. - 2013. - № 2. - S. 136-145. - Rezhym dostupu : http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/vaau_2013_2_24.pdf

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Стаття надшшла до редакцп 07.05.2017 р.

М. Здоровега, О. 1васечко


Проанал1зовано ключов1 напрямки ствробтництва Украши та ОБСС, мгсце нашо1 держави у формуванн европейсько1 системи безпеки та стабшьност1. Увагу акцентовано на здобутках Украши в рт ïï головування в ОБСС (у 2013 роц1). Охарактеризовано роль ОргашзащХ у врегулюванш ростсько-украшського конфлшту на Сход1 Украши, зокрема, увагу сфокусовано на оцшках ефективност1 д1яльност1 ОБСС в умовах «гiбридно'ï вшни»,

ISSN 2518-1521 (Online), ISSN 2226-283G (Print)



що здтснюеться Ростською Фeдeрацieю в Украïнi. Розглянуто сучасн форматu ствпращ Украïнu та ОБСС - стльш багатоцiльовi та рiзноnлановi nрограмu i nроeктu, спрямован на вuрiшeння нагальнт nроблeм сустльного розвuтку, а самe: у галузi nравово'ïрeформu, освтu, в сфeрi прав людuнu, боротьбu з оргашзованою злочuннiстю, тeрорuзмом та торгiвлeю людьми рeформування збройнт сш, заxuсту довкшля тощо. На основi SWOT-аналiзу вuокрeмлeно сшьт, слабк сторону можлuвостi i загрозu участi Украmu в ОБСС.

Зроблeно вжновок, що Украïнi сьогодн e вкрай важлuвuм актuвiзуватu ïïучасть у формуванн мexанiзмiв евротйсь^ колeктuвно'ï 6e3rnrn, зокрeма, niдтрuмуватu iнiцiатuвu спрямован на niдвuщeння кл1мату довiрu та стабiльностi сuстeм мiжнародно'ï бeзneкu в рeгiональному розрiзi. Важлuвuм e й тe, щоб з боку украïнсько'ï сторонu вiдстоювалось ттання рeформування ОБСС задля niдвuщeння ïï дieвостi у протжтояню новтшм загрозам i вuклuкам. Шучасть Украmu у eвроneйськux iнтeграцiйнux nроцeсаx в сфeрi бeзneкu, означатuмe для нашо'ï дeржавu вiдсутнiсть важeлiв вплжу на сuстeму eвроneйськоï бeзneкu загалом. Ташм чшом, в умовак глобалiзацlï для нацiональноï бeзneкu Украmu e нeрeальнuм самостшно nротuдiятu новтшм загрозам. Оцiнюючu eфeктuвнiсть дiяльностi ОБСС на сxодi Украшу варто зазначuтu, що ця структура ж надаe збройно'ï niдтрuмкu i бeзnосeрeдньо ж вnлuваe на сniввiдношeння сш у конфлтти Основж завдання ОБСС - з61р тформаци, звт про ттуащю з бeзneкою та встановлeння фактiв, зокрeма, про конкрeтнi nодlï на мiсцяx. Нeзважаючu на вЫ ждолim та зауважeння до дiяльностi ОБСС в контeкстi пошутв шляxiв м^ного врeгулювання сuтуацlï на сxодi Украшу ця оргатзащя залuшаeться важлжою для нашо'ï дeржавu, враxовуючu свт уткальнш бeзneчнuй мандат.

Клю^о^^ слова: ОБСС, СтщальнаМотторшговаМшя, «гiбрuдна втна», ростсько-украïнськuй конфлтт, бeзneка, ствробтнщтво.

УДК 323.1(73)

О.О. Козачук



У статтi nроаналiзовано прощс становлeння дeржавностi в США та його вплж на eтнiчнi, расовi грут та кортю народа Довeдeно, що найбшьшого вплжу зазналu iндiанцi та афроамeрuканцi. Вuзначeно, в якай самe спос16 дeржава чeрeз сво 'ï iнстuтутu вплжала на прощс eтнiчно'ï мобiлiзацlï в цт груnаx. Дослiджeно nроявu eтнiчно'ï мобiлiзацiï iндiанцiв та афроамeрuканцiв, в також рeакцiю дeржавного апарату на щй прощс.

Ключовi слова: eтнiчнi грут, eтнiчна мобшзащя, кортю народу афроамeрuканцi, iммiгрантu.

Становлення державносп в Сполучених Штатах Aмерики e достатньо дослщженим процесом серед науковщв св^у, в тому чист i украшських. Так само продовжують з'являтися наyковi розвщки, яю мають на мет розгляд певних етшчних груп чи коршних народiв в щй державь Проте до сих тр мало дослщженим моментом у пол^ичнш наущ (особливо втизнянш) залишаеться процес впливу становлення державносп та етшчш групи та коршш народи. Яко'1 якосп був цей процес? Чи був його вплив визначальним на пол^изащю етшчносп в СШЛ? Чи супроводжувався процес впливу становлення американсько'1 державносп на етшчш групи та коршш народи етшчною мобшзащею останшх? Давши вщповвд на поставлен запитання, ми зможемо за допомогою методу

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