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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Buryak N.Y.

This article attempts to prove the illegality of putting forward as the main goal of teaching foreign languages exclusively the development of skills to communicate in a foreign language. This point of view is based on a broader understanding of the tasks of teaching foreign languages than just providing practical knowledge of foreign language communication. As a justification of this theory, important arguments related to the acquisition of knowledge about the language and through the language - the culture of the corresponding people are given. The focus solely on the assimilation of practical skills and abilities by students does not allow taking into account the diversity of possible motivations of students in mastering the subject. The emphasis is placed on the fact that not for all students, communicative motivation is the main component in mastering a foreign language. The practical significance of this article lies in the development of a number of competencies necessary to achieve the main goals of teaching foreign languages.

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N.Y. Buryak, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Academy of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies - IMSIT (Russia, Krasnodar)


Abstract. This article attempts to prove the illegality of putting forward as the main goal of teaching foreign languages exclusively the development of skills to communicate in a foreign language. This point of view is based on a broader understanding of the tasks of teaching foreign languages than just providing practical knowledge of foreign language communication. As a justification of this theory, important arguments related to the acquisition of knowledge about the language and through the language - the culture of the corresponding people are given. The focus solely on the assimilation of practical skills and abilities by students does not allow taking into account the diversity of possible motivations of students in mastering the subject. The emphasis is placed on the fact that not for all students, communicative motivation is the main component in mastering a foreign language. The practical significance of this article lies in the development of a number of competencies necessary to achieve the main goals of teaching foreign languages.

Keywords: foreign language, goals and objectives, communicative competence, teaching methods, intercultural communication, speech, communicative culture.

Currently, there is a general tendency to put forward the development of skills to communicate in a foreign language as a learning goal. This goal reflects a broad social view of the nature of language and fully takes into account the specifics of the object of study in a foreign language classroom. But there is a point of view that it is wrong to put forward this goal as the main one in relation to teaching foreign languages. This point of view is based on a broader understanding of the tasks of teaching foreign languages than just providing practical knowledge of foreign language communication. Other important tasks related to mastering knowledge about the language and, through the language, the culture of the corresponding people should also be in the field of view. The focus solely on the assimilation of practical skills and abilities by students does not allow taking into account the diversity of possible motivations of students in the study of the subject. Not for all students, communicative motivation is the main engine in mastering a foreign language [2]. This may be the student's desire to deepen the scope of his cognitive activity, for others - the essential beauty of the sound of

the language itself, and for others - love and interest in the culture of another country.

In pedagogy, attempts have been made to correlate the specific in teaching foreign languages with the general orientation of the entire system of vocational education to the formation of the personality of the future specialist. For decades, the idea of a comprehensive implementation of practical, educational and developmental learning tasks with the leading role of the former has been developed in Russian pedagogy. The promotion of the practical aspect to the first place is dictated by the specifics of the educational subject. The consequence of such an "unequal" attitude to the target components is often an excessive pursuit of stable speech skills and abilities to the detriment of the developmental, educational and educational aspects of learning. In Russian pedagogy, attempts are known to realize at the level of goal-setting an equal position of all aspects of the learning process, upbringing, education and personal development of the student, while foreign language culture is put forward as the goal of learning, i.e. all that the process of mastering foreign language can bring in educational, cognitive, developmental and educational aspects (E.I. Passov).

In Russian pedagogy, there are four components of the purpose of teaching a foreign language: practical (communication training, communication); upbringing (respect for language, people, traditions, perseverance, hard work is brought up); educational (increasing horizons); developing (development of mental functions - attention, memory, logical thinking).

The following main objectives of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic areas of bachelor's degree training are defined as following:

1. Formation and development of students' communicative culture (formation and development of linguistic, speech and socio-cultural competence necessary and sufficient for communication within the threshold and advanced threshold level; teaching the norms of intercultural communication in English; development of the culture of oral and written speech in English in terms of official and informal communication).

2. Socio-cultural development of students (learning the language and culture of other peoples, developing students' abilities to represent their country and culture in terms of foreign-language intercultural communication).

3. Familiarization of students with the strategies of self-observation of their communicative development as they move from one stage of studying foreign language at the university to another, which will allow them to set and achieve their own tasks in studying foreign language.

4. Formation of students' respect for other peoples and cultures, readiness for business cooperation and interaction, joint solution of universal problems.

5. Development of motivation to study the second foreign language.

6. Development of self-educational potential of young people taking into account the diversity of the modern multilingual and multicultural world.

7. Development of intellectual and creative abilities of students in the process of learning languages and cultures.

The main purpose of teaching foreign language at the threshold level is called the formation of communicative competence, i.e.

there are no longer differentiated goals for general education, practical, educational and developmental. It is an integrated approach to the implementation of these goals that allowed them to identify several of its components:

1) linguistic competence;

2) sociolinguistic competence;

3) socio-cultural competence;

4) strategic competence;

5) discursive competence;

6) social competence [5].

Linguistic competence involves mastering a certain amount of formal knowledge and corresponding skills related to various aspects of the language: vocabulary, phonetics, grammar.

Sociolinguistic competence is the ability to make a choice of language forms, use them and transform them in accordance with the context.

Sociocultural competence implies not just a dialogue at the level of individuals, but the willingness and ability to conduct a dialogue of cultures. The dialogue of cultures implies knowledge of one's own culture and the culture of the country or countries of the language being studied.

Strategic and discursive competencies involve the formation of certain skills and the ability to organize speech, the ability to build it logically, consistently and convincingly, set tasks and achieve the goal.

Social competence implies a willingness and desire to interact with others, self-confidence, as well as the ability to put yourself in the place of another and the ability to cope with the current situation.

As an integrative goal of teaching foreign language programs, the formation of foreign language communicative competence is considered, that is, the ability and real readiness of students to carry out foreign language communication and achieve mutual understanding with native speakers of a foreign language, as well as the development and education of students by means of an educational subject.

The personality-oriented approach, which puts the student's personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities and inclinations, as-

sumes a special emphasis on the socio-cultural component of foreign language communicative competence [4]. This should provide a cultural orientation of education, familiarizing students with the culture of the country /countries of the studied language, a better awareness of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it by means of a foreign language, the inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures.

As you know, knowledge itself, outside of certain skills and abilities of their use, does not solve the problem of human education and its preparation for real activity outside the walls of an educational institution. Currently, the question is posed more broadly: the purpose of education is not just knowledge and skills, but certain personality qualities, the formation of key competencies that should "equip" young people for further life in society [1].

1. Socio-political competence or readiness to solve problems. We are talking about the willingness to take responsibility for decision-making and their implementation.

2. Information competence. Its essence can be defined as the unity of willingness and need to work with modern sources of information, as well as a set of skills: find the necessary information using various sources, including modern multimedia tools; determine the degree of its reliability, novelty, importance; process information in accordance with the situation and the tasks set; archive and save information; use it to solve a wide range of tasks.

3. Communicative competence. This competence is multicomponent. The Council of Europe has defined a threshold level of knowledge of foreign language, in which five components of communicative competence were identified, they were discussed above.

4. Socio-cultural competence. It is often considered as one of the components of communicative competence, but recently it has been singled out as an independent goal of education related to the willingness and ability to live and interact in the modern mul-

5. Readiness for lifelong education. This provision naturally follows from the realization of all the above-considered goals of modern education.

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusions:

Communicative competence is the leading and core, because it underlies all other competencies.

The interpretation of goals generally accepted in Russian education at the present stage should be specified as follows: practical and educational goals should be aimed at obtaining knowledge that creates the foundation of educational and real activities; developing goals can be correlated with the formation of intersubject or suprasubject skills and abilities, as well as with the development of certain thinking abilities, without which it is impossible to effectively apply the knowledge gained, taking into account the tasks and characteristics of the situation; educational goals are the culmination of education, the desired outcome or a set of competencies related to readiness and ability to act and interact, taking into account the laws and norms of behavior adopted in society, formed moral and value attitudes of the individual.

The effectiveness of knowledge acquisition largely depends on the degree of emotional and sensory impact on students. The more senses are involved in the process of cognition, the stronger the associations that determine the range of vision of the world, the depth and accuracy of its analysis [3].

So, all the components of the learning goals are interrelated with each other and mutually depend on each other. The purpose of training - the development of the ability to intercultural communication - is integrative in its essence, says E.I. Passov. Underestimation, as well as hypertrophy, of one of the components (pragmatic or general professional) will inevitably lead to negative consequences, which will negatively affect the quality of students' mastery of the studied language as a means of intercultural communication.

ticultural world.

Библиографический список

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2. Гаврилова О.В. Ролевая игра в обучении иностранному языку // Газета «Английский язык». - 2008. - №1.

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Н.Ю. Буряк, канд. культурологии, доцент

Академии маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ (Россия, г. Краснодар)

Аннотация. В данной статье делается попытка доказать неправомерность выдвигать в качестве основной цели обучения иностранным языкам исключительно развитие умений общаться на иностранном языке. Эта точка зрения основывается на более широком понимании задач обучения иностранным языкам, чем просто обеспечение практического владения иноязычным общением. В качестве обоснования данной теории приводятся важные аргументы, связанные с овладением знаниями о языке и через язык -культурой соответствующего народа. Нацеленность исключительно на усвоение студентами практических навыков и умений не позволяет учесть многообразия возможных мотиваций студентов в овладении предметом. Делается акцент на том, что не для всех обучающихся коммуникативная мотивация является основной составляющей в овладении иностранным языком. Практическая значимость данной статьи заключается в разработке ряда компетенций, необходимых для достижения основных целей обучения иностранным языкам.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, цели и задачи, коммуникативная компетенция, методика обучения, межкультурная коммуникация, речь, коммуникативная культура.

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