Научная статья на тему 'Components of intercultural competence in language learning'

Components of intercultural competence in language learning Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lee Svetlana Pavlovna

The article discusses the main components of intercultural competence in language training. The solution to the problem of the development of foreign language intercultural competence implies the need to study the individual components of this competency in order to develop an effective methodology for mastering it by students. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, there are different views on the structural components of intercultural competence. For successful communication, it is necessary not only to possess the same linguistic means of the interlocutor (phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills), but also general informative knowledge about the world.

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В статье рассматриваются основные компоненты межкультурной компетенции в обучении языку. Решение проблемы развития иноязычной межкультурной компетенции предполагает необходимость исследования отдельных составляющих данной компетенции с целью разработки эффективной методики овладения ею обучающимися. В методике обучения иностранным языкам существуют различные взгляды на структурные компоненты межкультурной компетенции. Для успешного общения необходимо не только владеть одинаковыми языковыми средствами собеседника (фонетическими, лексическими, грамматическими навыками), но и общими содержательными знаниями о мире.

Текст научной работы на тему «Components of intercultural competence in language learning»



Abstract: the article discusses the main components of intercultural competence in language training. The solution to the problem of the development of foreign language intercultural competence implies the need to study the individual components of this competency in order to develop an effective methodology for mastering it by students. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, there are different views on the structural components of intercultural competence. For successful communication, it is necessary not only to possess the same linguistic means of the interlocutor (phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills), but also general informative knowledge about the world.

Keywords: component of intercultural competence, content of components, intercultural interaction, professional communication.


Ли Светлана Павловна - преподаватель, кафедра практических аспектов языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются основные компоненты межкультурной компетенции в обучении языку. Решение проблемы развития иноязычной межкультурной компетенции предполагает необходимость исследования отдельных составляющих данной компетенции с целью разработки эффективной методики овладения ею обучающимися. В методике обучения иностранным языкам существуют различные взгляды на структурные компоненты межкультурной компетенции. Для успешного общения необходимо не только владеть одинаковыми языковыми средствами собеседника (фонетическими, лексическими, грамматическими навыками), но и общими содержательными знаниями о мире. Ключевые слова: компонент межкультурной компетенции, содержание компонентов, интеркультурное взаимодействие, профессиональная коммуникация.

UDC 001.891

Between the components of communicative and intercultural competencies in foreign language, there is a certain relationship and interdependence. At the same time, according to experts of the Council of Europe [1], there is no full correlation between the components of intercultural competence. This fact is confirmed by the fact that a person, having reached the pinnacle of success in intercultural communication, may have weak linguistic knowledge. The situation may be different: having a high level of knowledge of the language system does not mean an adequate level of intercultural competence.

Therefore, teaching a foreign language should imply familiarization with the linguistic consciousness of the people, language that is being studied. The main components of this content are areas, topics, communication situations, philological and regional knowledge, language skills, speech, educational and compensatory skills, etc.

Having analyzed various points of view on the content of the components that make up intercultural competence, we tried to present the knowledge, skills, abilities that are part of foreign language intercultural competence.

Intercultural competence is a complex phenomenon and includes a set of components belonging to different categories.

The following components of intercultural competence can be distinguished, the development of which through teaching foreign languages can and should be effective [4] :

- linguistic and regional component (equivalent and non-equivalent lexical concepts, background and terminological vocabulary, phraseological units in combination with elements of geography and the ability to apply them in situations of intercultural communication);

- sociolinguistic component (the correct ratio between the choice of the linguistic form and the way of language expression according to the communicative situation);

- sociocultural (a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities related to the sociocultural characteristics of the country of the studied language, the corresponding specifics of speech / non-speech behavior, the identification of common and specific features in the culture of the native country and the country of the studied language);

- general cultural component (awareness and strict implementation of the norms and rules of speech behavior);

- pragmatic component (a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student -possession of which opens the way to familiarization, familiarization with the national cultural wealth and values of the country of the language being studied for the successful implementation of interpersonal and intercultural interaction);

- thematic component (reading skills "between the lines", allowing to perceive the intercultural information behind the text).

In the "dialogue of cultures", we purposefully develop the ability and willingness of students to dialogue individuals. At involvement of the educational / extracurricular activities involved in such a dialogue of cultures provides the formation of both universal speech and intellectual skills and personal qualities demanded in communication on any language. Therefore, to prepare students for such a dialogue of cultures in extracurricular work on foreign language in the center of language education for professionally oriented teaching requires not just communicative teaching technologies, but technologies that develop speech-learning activities.

Foreign-language intercultural competence in the field of professional communication means a combination of:

- knowledge of native and foreign cultures;

- skills to understand and adequately use in speech

- intercultural vocabulary, apply knowledge about the culture of native speakers in professionally directed communication situations;

- abilities to participate in professional intercultural interaction.

Teachers experience serious difficulties in the practice of using extracurricular activities in a foreign language for professionally-oriented teaching of students because of insufficient knowledge of this problem along with a lack of scientific and methodological developments of a system-forming and integrating principle. Without which it is impossible to form the students' readiness to enter into a dialogue of cultures and professional intercultural communication.

The professional knowledge acquired by students is not properly implemented in the practice of foreign language communication in typical situations of a specific professional activity. One of the possible ways to develop professionally foreign language communicative competence of future specialists is to use predominantly active and interactive teaching methods, intercultural-communicative speech situations, which are of great practical importance in the development of foreign-language intercultural competence,

interpersonal communication, especially in the formation of skills of the future professional interactions.

The purpose of professionally oriented training is the formation of the amount of knowledge necessary for effective intercultural professional cooperation. A successful and productive way of its implementation may be, in our opinion, an appeal to the concept of a situation of intercultural communication.

Under the intercultural-communicative situation following I.A. Giniatullin, we mean a number of factors that influence their intercultural behavior of participants in intercultural communication [2].

The communication participants of their speech actions in the process of speech communication understand the communicative-speech situation as a variety of factors that have a beneficial effect on the beginning, continuation, and successful completion. In relation to the communicative-speech situation, the intercultural-communicative situation is considered as the first situation [2].

In this capacity, it is able to influence motivation, the content of speech, language tools, non-verbalism.

Thus, the systematic use of professional knowledge, foreign language skills in the context of practiced intercultural and communicative speech situations using interactive forms, techniques and training methods provides the integration of technical and humanitarian disciplines. This approach will increase the competitiveness of domestic specialists - graduates of language educational institutions. A professional foreign-language communicative competence, being a component of the professional competence of a specialist, allows for the implementation of an adequate and successful every day and professional-business foreign language communication [3].

References / Список литературы

1. Common European Framework of Reference. Draft 1. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1993. 204 p.

2. Giniatullin I.A. On some problems of the systemic implementation of intercultural language teaching. Actual problems of German studies, novel studies, Russian studies, 2010. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http: // www./bitpro.ru/ (date of access: 02.04.2020).

3. Mineeva O.A. Formation of professional foreign-language communicative competence of future engineers at a university: Author. dis. ... cand. ped Sciences 13.00.08. N. Novgorod, 2009. 23 p.

4. Solovova E.N. Methods of teaching foreign languages, the basic course of lectures: a manual for students of pedagogical universities and colleges. M.: Education, 2005. 239 p.

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