TURKMENISTAN Byashimov P.1, Kakabayeva M.2, Sopyev D.3, Salayeva O.4
JByashimov Polat- senior lecturer, 2Kakabayeva Myakhri- trainee lecturer, 3Sopyev Dayanch- student, 4Salayeva Ovezgul- student, TURKMEN STA TE ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTR UCTION INSTITUTE
Abstract: the main directions of economic and social transformation of Turkmenistan for the modern period are shown. The innovative orientation of the development of all sectors of public production is indicated. The conclusion is made about the compliance of the implemented state programs with the Goals of sustainable development.
Keywords: innovation, diversification, sustainable development.
A new significant step designed to help strengthen the economic power of independent and neutral Turkmenistan was the adoption of the Program for SocioEconomic Development of Turkmenistan and Investments in 2024. They are based on the priorities outlined in the concept document "The Revival of a new era of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052" [1, 2], as well as in the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan on socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028" and "The National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the transformation of social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of etraps and etrap centers for the period up to 2028".
The concept of the development of the Motherland, currently being implemented, provides for the modernization, diversification and liberalization of the economy, an effective combination of market elements and state regulation, the widespread introduction of new technologies and innovations, and the active integration of our state into the system of global economic relations. The above-mentioned documents identify priority tasks for each branch of the national economy and regions, the successful implementation of which is designed to ensure the further prosperity of the country and the well-being of Turkmen people. Among the key goals, first of all, an increase in the social and living standards of the population, including improving housing and social security, as well as improving the employment system of citizens, has been identified.
In this context, it is planned to consistently increase the incomes of Turkmen citizens, bring the system of regulating labor relations in line with the realities of the time, and create additional jobs in the regions. The priority is to strengthen the macroeconomic stability and economic power of the country, accelerate the transition of the national economy to market relations, improve activities in the field of financial market development, cash inflow and securities circulation.
At the same time, special importance is attached to the wide use of the potential of the socio-economic development of the Motherland, increasing the level of industrialization of the national economy, ensuring the dynamic growth of industries and services, as well as innovative industry, the active introduction of digital technologies in all sectors, the introduction of information and communication technologies, strengthening the interconnectedness of production and science. It is planned to use enterprises for processing and manufacturing finished products at full capacity, increase the potential of export-oriented complexes and diversify the production of import-substituting goods. At the same time, great attention is paid to the growth of industries based on innovative technologies.
Along with ensuring the country's food security, it is planned to implement specific measures to increase crop yields, expand livestock production opportunities, and increase the number of livestock and poultry. Special importance is also attached to the increase in the number of akhal-teke horses and turkmen alabai.
The creation of industrial and industrial free economic zones in each province, trade, service, transport and logistics, agro-industrial and complex free economic zones should be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of each of the regions. In order to achieve these objectives, it is planned to take practical steps to increase public investment activity, attract domestic and foreign investments. Further development of the social sphere is envisaged, in particular, improving the activities of scientific and educational institutions, providing highly qualified personnel to industries, bringing international cooperation in this area to a new level, primarily through the training of specialists and scientists with world-class scientific knowledge. Along with this, it is planned to further develop highperformance sports and children's sports, and strengthen the role of the mass physical education movement. Particular importance is attached to the successful implementation of the Saglyk State Program, issues of maternal and child health, proper measures for the prevention and treatment of diseases, ensuring the availability of medical services and the development of the pharmaceutical industry. An equally important aspect is the further improvement of the cultural sphere. In this plan, tasks have been set for the development of national crafts, carpet making, song and music art, for the fundamental study, preservation and popularization of the ancestral cultural heritage, ensuring careful protection, study and restoration of historical and cultural monuments, and it is also planned to carry out works that meet the requirements of the time in the field of domestic and international tourism.
The main goal of economic development is to create and develop a competitive, highly efficient innovative economic system through sectorial and structural transformations in Turkmenistan, and an active investment policy. Among the priorities are the technical and technological modernization of domestic enterprises in accordance with international standards, which will increase labor productivity. Special attention is paid to updating the technological and regional investment infrastructure in order to direct funds for the construction of new facilities, as well
as for the expansion of production facilities, reconstruction of enterprises, and technical re-equipment. A significant aspect is the state support of the nongovernmental sector and an increase in its share in the economy, the expansion of the sphere of activity of small and medium-sized businesses in various industries, the development of various forms of public-private partnership and ownership. In this context, it should be noted that work is relevant to ensure effective management of state property, denationalization and privatization of state property through competitive bidding [3].
Thus, at the state level, it is envisaged to invest a set of measures for the development of key sectors of the economy and velayats, including the construction of large innovative joint ventures, export-oriented and import-substituting industries, improving food security, creating new jobs in all regions of the country, and maintaining social security of the population. It should be noted that, based on the accumulated positive national experience and tremendous achievements, Turkmenistan is making confident steps towards prosperity and progress. In general, the socio-economic strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, one of the main goals of which is to ensure the interests of every Turkmen, fully meets the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
1. Berdimuhamedow G.M. Türkmenistan Dumukly ósü§iñ maksatlaryna yetmegiñ yolunda. A§gabat. Türkmen dówlet ne§iryat gullugy. 2018. (In Turkmen).
2. Berkarar dówletiñ taze eyyamynyñ Galkyny§y: Türkmenistany 2022-2052-nji yyllarda durmu§-ykdysady taydan ósdürmegiñ milli Maksatnamasy. A§gabat. Türkmen dówlet ne§iryat gullugy. 2022. (In Turkmen).
3. Gambarova R., Saliyeva V. Socio-economic aspects of sustainable development // Вестник науки и образования. 2023. № 1 (132).Часть 1.