РОЛЬ ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА В ДОСТИЖЕНИИ ЦЕЛЕЙ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ И МИРА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Худайназаров Сердар Аманязович

В независимом, постоянно нейтральном Туркменистане достигаются большие успехи и новые высоты в развитии культуры и искусства. Достижения признаны мировым сообществом и международными организациями. Несмотря на то, что художественное и музыкальное наследие стран, расположенных вдоль Великого Шелкового пути, различается, культура всех народов представляет собой единую систему. Искусству отведена особая роль в развитии дружеских и братских отношений, взаимопонимании и поддержании мира. Уникальная культура и искусство всех стран региона имели решающее значение в мировой цивилизации. Роль Великого Шелкового пути в сходстве культур народов в истории также велика. Мы считаем, что здесь было бы уместно упомянуть, что Великий шелковый путь - это культурный путь народов. Действительно, Великий Шелковый путь в истории оказал непосредственное влияние не только на развитие торгово-экономических отношений между странами, но и на развитие культуры и искусства. Эти пути объединили культуры разных стран и привели к появлению культурных духовных ценностей, музыкального творчества. В результате Великий Шелковый путь стал объединяющей силой для культур и искусств народов региона. Работа ЮНЕСКО по сохранению искусства народов сегодня и передаче его будущим поколениям заслуживает высокой оценки. Исторические памятники, культурное наследие и искусство стран, расположенных вдоль Великого Шелкового пути, регулярно включаются в список материального и нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО, и организация проводит регулярную работу по их сохранению.Great achievements are made and new heights are reached in the development of culture and art in Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan. The achievements are recognized by the world community and International organizations. Despite the fact that art and musical heritage differ among the countries along the Great Silk Road, the culture of all nations constitute a unified system. Art has a special role to play in the development of friendly and fraternal relations, mutual understanding and the maintenance of peace. The unique culture and art of all the countries of the region have been of crucial significance in the world civilization. The role of The Great Silk Road in the similarity of the cultures of the peoples in history is also great. We think it would be appropriate to mention here that the Great Silk road is the cultural path of peoples. Indeed, the Great Silk Road in history has had a direct impact not only on the development of trade and economic relations in countries, but also on the development of culture and art. Those paths united the cultures of different countries and led to the emergence of cultural spiritual values, musical work. As a result, the Great Silk Road has become a unifying force for the cultures and arts of the peoples of the region. The work of UNESCO in preserving the art of the peoples today and passing it on to future generations deserves commendation. The historical monuments, cultural heritage an art of the countries along the Great Silk Road are regularly included in the UNESCO list of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and regular work is being done by the organization to preserve them.

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Худайназаров Сердар Аманязович, Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан

E-mail: shamyradowatajan2000@gmail. com

Аннотация. В независимом, постоянно нейтральном Туркменистане достигаются большие успехи и новые высоты в развитии культуры и искусства. Достижения признаны мировым сообществом и международными организациями. Несмотря на то, что художественное и музыкальное наследие стран, расположенных вдоль Великого Шелкового пути, различается, культура всех народов представляет собой единую систему. Искусству отведена особая роль в развитии дружеских и братских отношений, взаимопонимании и поддержании мира. Уникальная культура и искусство всех стран региона имели решающее значение в мировой цивилизации. Роль Великого Шелкового пути в сходстве культур народов в истории также велика. Мы считаем, что здесь было бы уместно упомянуть, что Великий шелковый путь - это культурный путь народов. Действительно, Великий Шелковый путь в истории оказал непосредственное влияние не только на развитие торгово-экономических отношений между странами, но и на развитие культуры и искусства. Эти пути объединили культуры разных стран и привели к появлению культурных духовных ценностей, музыкального творчества. В результате Великий Шелковый путь стал объединяющей силой для культур и искусств народов региона. Работа ЮНЕСКО по сохранению искусства народов сегодня и передаче его будущим поколениям заслуживает высокой оценки. Исторические памятники, культурное наследие и искусство стран, расположенных вдоль Великого Шелкового пути, регулярно включаются в список материального и нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО, и организация проводит регулярную работу по их сохранению.

Ключевые слова: Великий Шелковый путь, ЮНЕСКО, нейтралитет.

Abstract. Great achievements are made and new heights are reached in the development of culture and art in Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan. The achievements are recognized by the world community and International organizations. Despite the fact that art and musical heritage differ among the countries along the Great Silk Road, the culture of all nations constitute a unified system. Art


has a special role to play in the development of friendly and fraternal relations, mutual understanding and the maintenance of peace. The unique culture and art of all the countries of the region have been of crucial significance in the world civilization. The role of The Great Silk Road in the similarity of the cultures of the peoples in history is also great. We think it would be appropriate to mention here that the Great Silk road is the cultural path of peoples. Indeed, the Great Silk Road in history has had a direct impact not only on the development of trade and economic relations in countries, but also on the development of culture and art. Those paths united the cultures of different countries and led to the emergence of cultural spiritual values, musical work. As a result, the Great Silk Road has become a unifying force for the cultures and arts of the peoples of the region. The work of UNESCO in preserving the art of the peoples today and passing it on to future generations deserves commendation. The historical monuments, cultural heritage an art of the countries along the Great Silk Road are regularly included in the UNESCO list of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and regular work is being done by the organization to preserve them.

Key words: The Great Silk Road, UNESCO, neutrality

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which UN member countries adopted unanimously on September 2015, make up an essence of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets forward great goals to implement in the upcoming years.

Issues of sustainable development have a special significance for all countries and regions of the world, including Turkmenistan. In its approaches to implementation of SDGs, the Turkmen government follows the definite idea of necessity of joint efforts of the private sector of the state, non-governmental organizations and civil society in this work. Turkmenistan strives to display its active approaches to successful implementation of SDGs not only at the national level, but also at the regional level by setting forward its initiatives aimed at solution of issues existing in Central Asian countries. In this connection, Turkmenistan aims at successful integration of the region in the modern global affairs and creation of necessary conditions for its revival as a firm and sustainable part of its international cooperation. In fact, this goal is possible in case of ensuring peace, tranquillity and security in the region and this will enable every country to develop progress and prosper. At present, the main efforts of Turkmenistan call for involvement of international community through the UN representation and all projects and initiatives of the country under implementation reflect these goals. By recognizing the high authority of the UN and its leading role as a guarantor of international security, Turkmenistan expresses its readiness to direct its creative opportunities to achievement of SDGs.

The Government of Turkmenistan firmly believes that its intention to implement the Agenda for Sustainable Development will enable it to change the direction of socio -economic development of the state greatly by diversification of its national economy. Moreover, it can be achieved at the expense of increase in sustainable development by successful application of principles of market relations, increase in human capital, and


efficient management and use of rich natural resources of the country. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development serves as an outcome of international efforts in search of solution of modern threats. As an active participant of the international community, Turkmenistan participated in development of sustainable development goals and adopted all 17 goals of sustainable development officially and was one of the first countries to adapt them to its national plans and socio- economic development strategies. Since the adoption of SDGs, Turkmenistan has succeeded in achievement of great results in its social policy, implementation of market reforms as well as measures for adaptation to climate changes and mitigation its impact.

Affordable and high quality healthcare and education services indicators country are maintained in the country; measures for improvement of health and education systems continue. The country has embarked on the path of development of market relations, it is implemented with continuation of socially oriented economic development, development of the ecology sphere of economic sectors, reasonable use of natural resources and efficient adaptation to climate change jointly. At the same time, special attention is given to involvement of all areas by national reforms, including equal opportunities for women in economic, political and cultural life and their close participation in these activities. With a view to ensure supervise this development, the Working Group of deputies heads of ministries, sectoral departments, social organizations, education and research institutions was set up. This group is engaged in implementation of SDGs and their monitoring as well as their adaptation to national, sectoral and regional programs for development of the country. Preparation of the review was carried out with participation of all interested parties and adherence to the principle of "no one should be left behind" and along with others, highlights views of pubic organizations, and civil society, private sector and the youth and acts as an outcome of beneficial mutual interaction of Turkmenistan and UN.

In achievement of positive progress in implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, interested parties should take part in realization of SDGs at the country level. Cooperation at the global level is also necessary. Since the state got its independence, our Turkmenistan acts as responsible participant of international affairs and fulfils its international obligations regularly. At present, the mechanism for involvement of interested sides in implementation of SDGs has been developed and it serves as platform for mutual action between the state and other interested sides. In order to promote the idea of sustainable development among the younger generation, young ambassadors of SDGs have been appointed. In 2018, the book "On the Way to Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan by our Hero Arkadag was released out of print. In the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, presentation of the book took place. This book enables to be familiarised with facts of large-scale activities realized in our country and incudes rich statistics data as well as references to plans in this area. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims at resilience, progress, inclusive development, social integration, environmental protection as well as cooperation in sustainable and viable development goals. In Turkmenistan, Agenda for Sustainable Development acts as the main strategy of the


country, the state policy is aimed at implementation of the strategy. For example, «The national program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2011-2030» and «The socio-economic development program of the President of Turkmenistan for 2019-2025» being aimed at achievement of sustainable development, they display SDGs as priority areas for regular realization. Turkmenistan further plans to introduce goals and tasks of sustainable development in the national, sectoral, and regional development programs and plans as well as its financial plans. In this connection, the national coordination mechanism has been developed as the working group of deputy heads of ministries, sectoral departments, public organizations, education and research institutions. It deals with implementation and monitoring of sustainable development goals. As coordinating institution, the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan acts. To monitor and report on development in this area, the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan was appointed as responsible establishment to ensure methodology of state and sectoral statistics, collection of state reports, and administrative data and coordination of sectoral statistics as well as creation of information bank of SDGs.

The ensuring of national security lies in the essence of creation of peace loving and safe society and makes up an inseparable part of 8internatioa security. In the national legislation, principles of human safety and security of the state have been outlined. Special attention is attached to cooperation with other countries within the framework of various agencies. In Ashgabat, the headquarters of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia are located. Turkmenistan sands for an active participation of this agency in different aspects of regional issues. With a view of implementation of the strategy for prevalence of law, Turkmenistan carries out activities at all levels for creation of efficient, accounting, and transparent institutions. It strengthens national response measures against threats to ensure security of borders. Measures are taken for improvement of management of risks, security of route of supply of goods, simplification of entry and exit procedures at borders in seaports, airports, land boundaries and trade transactions and prevention of smuggling of goods. In Turkmenistan, creation of peace loving and open society for sustainable development is connected with ensuring of equity in sustainable development goals, education as well as issues of economic progress. At the same time, increase of awareness of population of sustainable development, gender equality, and culture of nonviolence and change of its outlook of this matter serve as main goal.

In many respects, achievement of Sustainable Development Gaols (SDGs) depends on global cooperation, cooperation between governments, as well as partners in sustainable development and interested sides. As an active participant of international cooperation. Turkmenistan establishes regularly mutually beneficial relations with all countries based on equity, friendship, goodly neighbourhood and mutually beneficial principles. Turkmenistan is a member of international organizations, international conventions and agreements as well as 9 UN councils, committees and commissions. Besides it, Turkmenistan makes best efforts to create


active civil society and it will enable it to gain good results in achievement of SDGs [2].

Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can be ensured with development of its complex financing mechanisms and their realization at all levels. Turkmenistan supported the action plan adopted at Addis Ababa as well as takes measures for regular financing of measures aimed at implementation of SDGs. As an example for it, one can mention the conference "Partnership for Development Financing at the Heart of the Great Silk Road" held in Turkmenistan in June, 2018. At this conference, issues of financial needs connected with implementation of SDGs, including development of private sector and methods of collection of necessary funds at the expense of diversification were discussed.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in various countries to support activities connected with SDGs refers to the role of World Trade Organization (WTO) and trade in their realization. Turkmenistan is not a member of WTO, but Turkmenistan carries out due work to accelerate its joining this organization. Its joining WTO, will not only enable Turkmenistan to integrate world trade activities more efficiently but also creation of an economic and legal basis for international trade and economic cooperation and continuation of financial and economic reforms in the country. At the same time, as the country with no access to the world ocean, Turkmenistan attaches special attention to transform its economy structurally and develop transport transit corridors. It enables the country to develop its economy and join transport transit routes. For example, development of roads in the direction of North-South (Kazakhstan -Turkmenistan-Iran) and West-East (Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Turkey) helped the country to expand opportunities for potentials of transit transportation. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway is developed. In addition to railway transportation, the country also attaches special attention to the development of motor transport roads, new roads and autobahns are built. In Turkmenbashi city, the international seaport, which comprises ferry, passenger and cargo terminals, was opened. With a view to ensure a reliable and sustainable transit corridor as well as to diversify export routes of energy carriers, Turkmenistan realizes the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) transnational gas pipeline project.


1. Гурбангулы Бердымухаммедов. Туркменистан - сердце Великого шелкового пути. - Ашхабад, 2018.

2. Добровольное национальное обозрение Туркменистана. - Ашхабад,


3. Сахидов Т., Мусаев Г. История культуры Туркменистана. - Ашхабад,


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