Научная статья на тему 'The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong s (бцѕг°ж) grammar'

The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong s (бцѕг°ж) grammar Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Anikina Vera V.

This article deals with investigation the data of Korean linguists Ju Si-kyeong, Choi Kyu-Soo, Lee Kwang-jung. Ju Si-kyeong`s grammar was the first Korean grammar which introduced the language from the unique point of view. It was the start point for studying the unique fetchers of the Korean language by Korean linguists. The modern Korean linguists interpret the Ju Si-kyeong`s grammar from different point of view, we analyzed Choi Kyu-Soo, Lee Kwang-jung`s interpretations of Ju Si-kyeong`s grammar. Choi Kyu-Soo introduced the connection of word and particle from three ways such as independent, semidependent and dependent. Such way of interpretation helps to understand difficult points of Ju Sikyeong` s grammar, such as why Ju Si-kyeong words »кїЎ, µйїЎ considered as adverbs. Choi KyuSoo`s analyze show to us that Ju Si-kyeong studied the Korean language from syntax. Ju Si-kyeong began from dividing the sentence into parts and than analyzing each part as a word.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong s (бцѕг°ж) grammar»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2008 1) 508-514

УДК 495.7

The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong' s Grammar

Vera V. Anikina*

Irkutsk State Linguistic University, 8 Lenina st., Irkutsk, 664000 Russia 1

Received 27.11.2008, received in revised form 17.12.2008, accepted 24.12.2008

This article deals with investigation the data of Korean linguists - Ju Si-kyeong, Choi Kyu-Soo, Lee Kwang-jung.

Ju Si-kyeong s grammar was the first Korean grammar which introduced the language from the unique point of view. It was the start point for studying the unique fetchers of the Korean language by Korean linguists. The modern Korean linguists interpret the Ju Si-kyeong s grammar from different point of view, we analyzed Choi Kyu-Soo, Lee Kwang-jung s interpretations of Ju Si-kyeong s grammar. Choi Kyu-Soo introduced the connection of word and particle from three ways such as independent, semi-dependent and dependent. Such way of interpretation helps to understand difficult points of Ju Si-kyeong s grammar, such as why Ju Si-kyeong words "-—11, §11" considered as adverbs. Choi Kyu-Soo^s analyze show to us that Ju Si-kyeong studied the Korean language from syntax. Ju Si-kyeong began from dividing the sentence into parts and than analyzing each part as a word.

Keywords: theory, independent form, semi-dependent form and dependent form.

The beginning of the 1900s century saw a boost of grammatical studies in Korea. During that period of time not only European linguists were engaged in active research and description of languages they claimed "exotic", but native speakers of such languages came to grips with uniqueness of their mother tongue.

Humboldt emphasized uniqueness of each living language in his famous "on differences in the human language structures..." in the beginning of XIX century. Focusing on specificity of any living language, Humboldt supported inductive comparative general grammar based on concrete facts which open the way to sweeping generalizations. It led to denying the worth of deductive general grammar, in particular grammar of Port-Royal. Humboldt's manuscripts

* Corresponding author E-mail address: vera2_an@mail.ru

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

established the guidelines in development of linguistics for the whole era.

The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong came to know about the mainstream ideology of the European linguists from the books of the English scholar W. B. Scranton, who worked for the university in Korea where Ju Si-kyeong was a student at the time. A thorough study of European and Chinese linguists' publications had helped Ju Si-kyeong to

make his own discovery of unique features in the language.

The Korean linguist Kim Yun Kyoung ( divided history of development of theoretical Korean grammar into three periods. He described them in his book "The Modern history of native linguistics» in 1963. The first

period is called analytical, the second is called synthetic-analytical and the third period is called synthetical. The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong has been named the architect of

analytical approach. Within the frame work of this approach the minimal independent form is made up by - the maintenance (meaning, sense) and - empty word (grammatical meaning, function, form). and sA}are united in the word as independent elements. is called " #7]" - base, and s A\ is called "m" - particle.

On the one hand, the analytical approach is juxtaposed to the synthetic one where connection of #7] and mis viewed as one word. On the other hand, it is juxtaposed to the synthetic-analytical pattern, where #7] and m are compound elements. Followers of the Ju Si-kyeong's theory Kim Du Bon

in 1916, and Kim Yun Kyoung in 1932

distinguished between clear and m as

independent words which was a breakaway from the founding father of the theory. For example, in the words #4,

7}^1, the base of the word is and the

particles are " 1, # , ^, 1", the base of the word is "7}" and the particles are "^4, fe, ^1, 4". All these elements are independent words. As Ju Si-kyeong (^1^), he did not define such clear boundaries, he marked out only some elements. For example, in such words as the

base and particle "1, are considered to be independent parts of the wholesome word. However, structure of the word "^1" examined in two ways: 1) as made up by different elements of one word (base and particle), and at the same time, as a wholesome word "^1" [^^^(Choi Kyu-Soo), 18].

Ju Si-kyeong studied the

classification of parts of speech, the forms of inflection and word-formation in close connection with semantic and syntax. He defined the following entities as parts of speech: "the noun

is a name of various things and kinds of activity", "predicative adjective is a name of various attributes", "verb (w) is a name of various activity", "particle is a name which designates grammatical categories of a predicate and a position of nouns in the sentence", "conjunction

is a name which designates specifying connection between words", "adjective is a name of an indication of the thing", "adverb ( is a name of an indication of the activity", "interjection (a) is a word which designates a person's feeling and emotion", " ending is a name which designates final forms. [1 % ^ (Lee Kwang-jung), 256] The theory was presented in Ju Si-kyeong's book "Native grammar"

in 1910.

Ju Si-kyeong divided all nouns into

the main nouns and the pronouns. Consequently, the main noun class falls into the common nouns and the proper nouns. The pronouns were classified in numerals, negatives and indefinites.

Predicative adjectives were subdivided into qualitative adjectives for a subject, adjectives of manner for subjects, qualitative adjectives for a person, adjectives of manner for a person, temporal adjectives, numeral and indicating adjectives.

Verbs were assigned transitive and in transitive forms, active and passive voice.

All particles were divided into two classes. Those were defined as auxiliary (denote a place of a word in the sentence) and limiting particles.

Words used for connecting other words in a sentence or for connecting sentences were named conjunctions.

Adjectives as a category were marked out by Ju Si-kyeong (^1^). This category was claimed an invariable part of speech. To adjectives were attributed all words that performed descriptive function and were normally paced before nouns.

Adverbs were defined s that a part of speech designates an attribute of action or an attribute

Table 1

Form #7 #7 h s

1. Independent form A B A+B

2. Semi-dependent form A B A+B & Y

3. Dependent form A Y

* A, B, Y - parts of speech (Choi Kyu-Soo), 20]

of other attribute. All adjectives which were formed by attachment of the ending til to their bases were referred to adverbs. [°1^~^(Lee Kwang-jung), 262]

Considering in more detail the classification of particles, it is possible to allocate three forms the division of words followed: the first form is a combination of #7] and m as independent parts of one word, the second form is a combination of #7] and m as semi-dependent parts of one word, and the third form is a combination of #7] and m as dependent parts of one word.

Particles of nominal parts of speech

According to Ju Si-kyeong's theory, there are several classes of particles. They are^^m (^^elm - particles of nominative case, ^^m - particles of accusative case, - particles of vocative case,

- particles of adverbial modifier of place and time, i^^em - possessive particles), - auxiliary particles, -

connectives, ^^m - special particles.

Particles of nominative case, particles of accusative case, particles of a vocative case, auxiliary particles & connectives represent the first form. All of these particles accept connectives that were called (^°1) by Ju Si-kyeong (^1^), connectives were called For example, in the words «4^,

414» - «4^, 444

4«1» are defined as «^» - noun, but «1,

°14 fe» are «4», «4» is «^».

From the semantic point of view particles of adverbial modifier of place and time are representative of the second form. Ju Si-kyeong argued that #7] and m fall into the words «^-as., ^as., 44 , 4^1,

444 4^4», for example in the word « ^-a^» - «^» is «^» - a noun, but «a^» is « 4» - a particle.

But from the syntactical point of view ( 4^4) in the sentence «^ 41 ^m

4^4 - That horse ran to the mountain», we observe a different structure: in the word » -«§» is a noun (^7]), which includes the particle (47]) «^», in this case «^» is a part of word which changes the form and is transformed into an adverb: consequently is a wholesome

word - adverb. It means that this word can be viewed as representative of the third form.

Possessive particle "4' represents the third form.

The results of the above analysis can be summarized in Table 2.

Particles of predicative parts of speech

Predicative particles are particles which are joined to a basis of a predicate and are subdivided into the following kinds: 4^«m - final, - connectives, 44«m - inflexion particles - substantivizing, i^^m

- change to the mood of adjective, ^^^m -change to the mood of participle).

The particles are representative of the first form in such words as «34, 4^», where «3»

Table 2

Form word + particle Part of speech Notice

1 . Independent form 441 < + 31

5T Ö < +

4^11 < + 3 i

441^ < + 3 i

414 < + i

2. Semi-dependent form 411 < + 32 & 1 Semantics


Semantics, syntax

3. Dependent form 41 1(1+1) Syntax, semantics

* 5U -particle(^°1), ^ 2 - particle of descriptive form or p pl^^(Choi Kyu-Soo), 23].

is - the base of the adjective and «7» is « w» the base of the verb, but «4» and «^» are « the final form. Inflexion particles represent to the third form but not so in the words with those bases that join.

Ju Si-kyeong analyzed the next

examples from the semantic point of view within his theory of parts of speech:

^ - Red flowers bloom.

444 li - The baby is drinking milk.

44^- 441^. - It is an early

morning now.

In the framework of semantic analysis the words 1^, ife» are viewed as

one word (adjective). However, from the syntactic point of view particle "fe" is connected to the word forming adjective in the example

«4 ^4 ## 4 - That caw eats green grass very well».

In the theory of inflection the words « 4fe, 4, 4» are analyzed in the following way: particles "fe, i-, e" are joined to the base of the verb "4" forming adjective. According to this explanation within the theory of parts of speech, the words 1^, ife» have explicit

bases of the verb «w» and adjective «^», and particles i», but the particles are not viewed as full fledged words - unlike the bases of verb and adjective.

cles of an adverbial modifier of place and time (^°14 44

Nominal parts of speech are not analyzed from the semantic point of view, b we can analyze the next sentence within syntactic framework.

4^1 ^44 ^ - White moon

shining looks like snow.

If we assume the phrase "4^1 ^4" as a base of the word, the particle "4 " becomes the part of word's base. From the viewpoint of changing word, Ju Si-kyeong econsiders the substantive

endings " o, 4, 4 etc.," as endings which are a part of the word's base. Ju Si-kyeong did not

single out particles and derivation endings.

Connectives are classified under three forms. However, in this case the first and the second forms are united. Examining the classification of connectives within the framework of semantic analysis, Ju Si-kyeong considers the

next examples:

1) 444 44 li 4^. - a little babe drinks milk and sleep.

2) 1^4 - A green pine-tree and white snow.

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3) 4fe 4444. - heavy metal and firm stone.

4) 4fe 4i ife 44.

- I will play and you will sing.

5) 4 441 4-^. The man goes and sings.

6) 14 444 4^44 114« a^.

- A little baby smiles and looks at his mother.

7) 44 344 4^. - That baby drinks milk and sleeps.

8) 41 34 - Dipping the pen into ink I am writing.

9) ^ 14 314. - Take that pear and eat.

10) 44^fe 34. - Even if you wash a crow, it is black anyway.

11) 41 ^4 h If the spring comes the flowers will bloom.

12) ^fel 4«fe ^¥4. The flowers are blooming, butterflies are flying.

13) «4 4¥ 4 3^. - If the rain often comes the grass grows very well.

14) 441 44 ^44 41^. - One plus two equals three.

15) ^41 #14. - Hold a yard in cleanliness.

16) 441 444 44! - That man's heart is kind.

17) ^4 4^1 4^. - The sound moves quickly.

18) 4^4 14 4^1 4^. - Lightning moves very quickly. [^44(Choi Kyu-Soo), 26].

Analyzing the examples from 1) to 14) Ju Si-kyeong (¥4^) distinguished between the base of the word and the particles, but in the examples from 15) to 18) the particle "1" is considered within the structure of the word's base.

From the semantic point of view connectives "1" are reffered to the third form. But a syntactic analysis of the sentence "1 ^4 4^1 41 ^^ - That spring flowers are blooming beautiful" - presents the word "41" as made of two parts: the particle "1" and the base of adjective "4". From the theory's of inflection point of view, the particle "1" is joined to the bases of verbs "4, ^4, 4' and adjectives "4 4' form one word.

The examples 9) and 10) include the words that have the connectives "1 " which are representative of the second form. As far as of

inflexion is concerned connectives " 1" are joined to the bases of verbs "4, 4' forming one word. Connectives in examples 9) and 10) represent the second form. But with an exception of examples 15) and 18) the particles of all other examples are referred to the first form. From the view point of inflexion, these particles represent the first form but from the syntactic point of view we can find different facts. These facts can be made clear as a result of analysis of such sentences as:

1) 1 444 ^1441 4^. - The man goes and singes.

2) «4 4¥ #1 4 44-£. - If the

rain often comes the grass grows very well.

3) 441 41 14 4^. - The wind is blowing and it is raining.

4) 1 ife 1 44 34. - This cow is yellow, but the horse is white.

5) 4 441 444 41 41

4a^. - The person has taken a fishing tackle, has come to a stream and has fished. [ ^4¥(Choi Kyu-Soo), 27].

In example 1) the subject of action is one, but in the example 2) there are two subjects of action. In example 1) the word "^1444' can be analyzed into the base of the verb "^14" and the particle "41"; in this case the base and particle are independent words. In example 2) the word " can be analyzed into the base of verb ".£-" and particle "1 forming an adverb, in other words they are semi-dependent. Such explanation leads to a conclusion that the particle "41" always represents the first form and ".2-1" - the second form.

In example 3) there are two subjects, that is why the word "41" can be related to different parts of speech. On the one hand, the particle " 1" is joined to the base of the verb "4", on the other hand, the word "41" is one word. Ju Si-kyeong (¥4^) argued that the particle "1" which contains the meaning of reason is joined to the base of the verb "4" and this particle changes

Table 3

Form Base + Particle Part of speech Notice

1 . Independent form 34 1 + S 1 + S

4 + S

1 + 1

^1411 4 + 1

41 4 + 1

2. Semi-dependent form 41 4 + 1 & 1 Syntax

11 4 + 1 & Semantic

1 (4 + 1) Inflection

3. Dependent form 4=1 i Semantic

1 + «1») Syntax, inflection

1 Semantic

1 + «£») Syntax, inflection

14 1 + «1») Syntax, inflection

the form of the word. Accordingly, we can suggest that the particle is reffered to the first and the second forms.

In examples 4) and 5) we can see variations in referring connectives "i" to one or another forms. It depends on context of usage in the sentence. In sentence 4) the word "4—i" consists of the adjective's base "4—" and the particle "i', which in connection with each other, refer to the first form. However, in example 5) the word "§i" has the same function as the word that is why the word "si" can

be viewed as representative of the first and the second forms.

Summing up the principles of Ju Si-kyeong's (^4^) classification, it is remarlable that the ending particles of a predicate belong to the first form, the particles which change the form of the word belong to the third form, reference of connectives to one or another form could be changed depending on their syntactic context. These facts can be presented in the Table 3.

Ju Si-kyeong's (^4^) grammar there was no special focus on the particle "14". It was defined as a final particle. However, so far in modern grammar there have been disputes on its function and attribution to this or that part of speech [144 (Choi Kyu-Soo), 29].

Given the key points of Ju Si-kyeong's (^4^) description & classification of the particles, it is necessary to note that classification and references to this or that form of words, in most cases relied on syntactic and semantic characteristics. It can be explained by particulars of the structure of the Korean language, its variety of final forms. Ju Si-kyeong's (^4^) achievement is that he was the first scholar who had discerned the role of particles and had tried to classify words whose structure included particles. It was challenging enough to make it in Korea, because the Chinese language grammar domination throughout the beginning of XX century impeded theoretical ideas for classification of particles which are absent from the Chinese language. Ju Si-kyeong (^4^) mange to combine the knowledge of theoretical grammar of the Chinese and the European languages, and generate a theory, put forward the classification of the words, having explained principles of attribution of words to parts of speech depending on particles distribution.

Thus, it is possible to tell with confidence that the autosemantic parts of speech were based on semantic characteristics while the synsemantic ones fell on syntactic characteristics.

Vera V. Anikina. The Korean linguist Ju Si-kyeong' s (443 )


(Lee Kwang-jung), 414^44 I 44/ô№â (14., 2003), 495. 443 (Ju Si-kyeong) , 414^/443 (14., 1910), 1-4. ^44(Choi Kyu-Soo), 443 4^4 ^ 44m44 (14., 2005), 395.

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