THE IMPORTANCE OF FORMATION IDEOLOGICAL IMMUNITY OF YOUTH IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Abdukarimov A.M.

One of the important conditions for the strengthening of independence, this is an expression from ideological upbringing.

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UDK 37.02

Abdukarimov A.M.


scientific adviser: Xamdamov N.N.

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Ferghana


Annotation: One of the important conditions for the strengthening of independence, this is an expression from ideological upbringing.

Key words: idea, ideological immunity, educational system, youth.

Ideological immunity is a socio - philosophical concept that expresses high moral, scientific, political values aimed at protecting people from various spiritual, ideological vices, risks and threats, fighting them against such vices. If we pay attention to this definition, then we will witness that moral, scientific and political values are an important element. At the heart of our youth, we can create an immune system that is able to resist the ills that are not peculiar to man, ideological threats under the guise of democracy by deeply rooted feelings of patriotism, goodness, goodness, conscience, justice, cocktail, humanism, family love, kindness, conscience and faith, shame.

In this regard, it is necessary to form an ideological immunity in order to fight against alien and malicious ideas in our people. Of course, the formation of ideological immunity means not only to overdo it with the same idea in the minds of people, but also to educate people about the features of separation of whites, vigilance and awareness against harmful ideas. Such a nation can't be overcome if the society is not afraid of ideological threats while the nation is firmly in its idea. On the contrary, ideological stereotypes within society, when there are divisions, open the way to enemies, their yacht ideologies. Such a nation is easy to overcome, colonize. Therefore, stability and security depend on the consciousness of society, the active application of the right concepts and knowledge that it understands, the intellectual, ideological unity, which relies on the Enlightenment of security.

The National idea relies on the ideas of goodness and creativity, and today there are external and internal threats aimed at these ideas, external threats are ideas, thoughts, actions that penetrate into Uzbekistan from abroad and internal threats are aimed at causing damage to their homeland and compatriot. Unhealthy localism, "spiritual emigration" (search for happiness not from their homeland, but from other places), nationalism mercantilism (take-sell), apathy, self-awareness, etc. are among the internal threats. The more widely these spread, the more damage our nation's ideological unity will cause, the more it will do. The ideological unity is fragile the state security of the nation is also fragile. Thus, it is

described as" ideological immunity - spiritual perfection, willpower is energetic, faith comes to hand in educating young people who are able to withstand ideological initiatives of any reactionary, destructive character, in the upbringing of the whole person " in the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. The immunity, in turn, protects a person from "losing weight" on the right path, going astray in different ways, then regretting, unhappiness, and the nation from being in danger, decay, classic or local divisions. It means that the ideological immune system performs the function of an ideological shield, protecting the spiritual unity of the state and the nation, spiritual health. Therefore, first president I.A.Karimov emphasized the idea that "in the hearts of our children, we must find a healthy attitude to the motherland, to our rich history, to the holy religion of our fathers, and if the interpretation is acceptable, we must give them ideological immunity".

In the history of mankind, there is a call to warn the nation, which has been left in the scriptures about the strengthening of ideological skills, what kind of tragedies this can lead to when this is not achieved. Here is one of them "you do not distinguish sincere, insincere, who speaks hard, you do not even know sincere. Do not take the word of Hokan, who raised you for that, you went without a name".

Such examples help students in the educational process to break ideological immunity, create emptiness, break their own idea, protect themselves from threats aimed at gaining the consciousness and heart of the people, popularizing their ideas.

In the process of observing society, one can see that in the following years, the feeling of being a useful person in the strengthening of independence, thinking of personal interest, striving for a full life in light ways, is manifested in some young people due to the fact that they are not formed on a special, scientific basis. At the same time, among some citizens there are such unpleasant manifestations as moral limitations, the narrowness of the worldview, non-observance of national norms of decency, the discrepancy between speech and work, The Silence of national pride, which must be eliminated jointly.

Ideological immunity is manifested in the daily work carried out by an individual on the basis of a volunteer, an idea for a Homeland, a nation. This activity includes the qualities that interfere with national unity, spiritual growth, alien views, open and courageous resistance to our national security, internal and external threats. The absorption of ideological immunity in educational institutions ensures that living burning as a citizen, as a glue, is manifested in every student, community, society. And this is an important factor in the upbringing of a harmonious generation, recognized as the future of Uzbekistan, in the further development of feelings of loyalty and love for their native land, in the struggle against negative ideas and moral threats with their knowledge and thinking, independent opinion and broad outlook, we will not be mistaken. After all, "when the thought and the word are directed into practice, both of them turn into matter -something."

In the formation of ideological immunity, it is necessary to approach it as a certain system and assess the role of elements in it by the example of methods and

Means. The main and first element of the ideological immune system, this is knowledge. However, a lot of knowledge. For example, supporters of the ideology and practice of great statehood chauvinism or aggressive nationalism also rely on certain "knowledge" and try to break it into others. Therefore, on the one hand, knowledge in the system of ideological immunity should be an object, accurately and completely reflect reality, serve the enrichment of human spirituality and the development of society. Secondly, this knowledge, in its essence, should be inextricably linked with the rule of Homeland, people's interests, universal values.

The second main part of the ideological immune system is a system of values formed on the basis of such knowledge. After all, the more objective and profound the knowledge is, the more values that arise in its time, the more robust it will be. In a word, the system of values of a person, Nation or state determines the possibilities of ideological immunity and serves as a strong shield in the face of ideological aggression.

But even the system of knowledge and values cannot fully express the essence of ideological immunity. After all, these two elements are associated with the third important element of ideological immunity, namely a clear system of goals and goals in the socio-political, economic, cultural-educational spheres. That is, like everyone else, the people, the state and society must have a clear goal. At the same time this goal should be understood, while in its implementation should be steadfastness. Without such a clear system, it is imperative that a person, whether it be a separate person, a nation or a society, be it Transparent, be it an ideological discontent. In the formation of such an ideological immunity, the role of the above-mentioned, ideological profilactics are great. After all, it in its essence includes a set of measures aimed at preventing the penetration of yacht ideas and eliminating them.

Therefore, the upbringing of every adult child as a person of spiritual perfection, strong-willed, full-fledged, strong ideological immunity will continue to be one of the main conditions for the restoration of a free and prosperous, free and prosperous life.

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