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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kadyrov K.

Ideas that may threaten our youth in today's era of globalization and ways to overcome them.

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UDK 374

Kadyrov K., candidate of Philological Sciences

Associate Professor Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

Vice Rector for Youth Affairs



Annotation: Ideas that may threaten our youth in today's era of globalization and ways to overcome them.

Keywords: higher education, education, spirituality and enlightenment, youth education, ideological immunity, pedagogical sphere.

Today, the issue of youth, the issue of their ideological upbringing is more important than ever. It is no coincidence that in August 2018, at a meeting with creative intellectuals, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev equated spirituality and enlightenment with the Ministry of Defense. Because there is an ideological struggle going on in the world. This struggle will not stop. At the meeting with the leaders of Uzbekkino, the President explained that if our spiritual directions are ten steps ahead of the economic ones, our grand plans and programs will be realized. .

In his Address to the Oliy Majlis in 2018, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev stressed that if we do not betray ourselves, if we do not deceive ourselves, if we work honestly, we will achieve all our goals. This also meant the spirituality of the people and the youth. Because a spiritual person is faithful. He does not betray his duty, he does not deceive his duty. He works honestly.

Looking at the history of Japan and South Korea, one of the most developed countries in the world, the national ideology mobilized the people and turned these ruined countries into highly developed countries. Now it is Uzbekistan's turn to rise. Because the Japanese and Koreans have created little happiness with few hands, minds, innovations. No one from abroad has made them happy. The national ideology convinced and mobilized them. On the basis of such foreign experiences, our national ideology is leading our people from the National Revival to the national uplift on the basis of the new requirements of the time. He cannot mobilize a nation that cannot show and enjoy the happy future of the Motherland. Therefore, in his Address to the Oliy Majlis, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev raised the question "Why do we need a national idea?", To which he replied that it is to love the Motherland. All this is a social order expressed by the state for the ideological upbringing of young people, especially the younger intelligentsia of the nation. "First of all, we must never forget that each of us is responsible for protecting our youth from various threats in the form of" popular culture ", such as drug addiction, religious extremism, missionary misfortunes."

Professor M.Kuronov article "The Wild Philosophy of Egocentrism"

reveals the evil nature of this idea. Disasters such as international terrorism, religious extremism, drug aggression, and AIDS, which pose a serious threat to human life today, are well known. But today there are serious dangers that not everyone knows about, that are not obvious, that are aimed at disrupting our spiritual life, and if we do not prevent them now, then it will be too late. These, he says, are a widespread philosophy of egocentrism and immorality in the guise of freedom in the Western world.

Experts who are neutral about the crisis processes taking place in various spheres of life in Western countries, especially in cultural life, note with sadness that the Western world is on the verge of collapse. For example, the titles of the books published in recent years by the well-known American philosopher and political commentator PJ Buchanan call for attention: The Great Betrayal: American Sovereignty and Social Justice Sacrificed to the God of the Global Economy (1998), The Destruction of the West: (2001), The Transformation of Consciousness into the Left (2004), and the Destruction of the West in his in-depth analysis of the situation in the United States. P. Buchanan calls the "cultural revolutionaries" at the forefront of such work the "Taliban of our time" (135).

Modernized ideological education transforms ideological vigilance and competencies into the skills of young people in everyday life, the norms of behavior. As academician A. Saidov noted, the formation of the democratic foundations of civil society at this stage is directly related to the task of establishing a high constitutional culture, which requires not only knowledge of the Constitution and the basic provisions of Uzbek law, but also adherence to the Constitution. It is possible to have certain knowledge, but not the ability to apply it in practice.

Learning from this knowledge, the principle of transformation into competence confirms the conclusion of Z. Kasimova that in raising the ideological consciousness of students, they must always and everywhere be intolerant of destructive ideologies, strengthen national ideological propaganda, be ready to apply and defend our national idea. Indeed, it is necessary to form ideological immunity in young people only after they are brought up in the spirit of patriotism, love and respect for the motherland, loyalty to the idea of national independence, and only then will the youth be immune to any evil, destructive ideas that threaten the stability of the Motherland and the nation.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences H.D.Norkulov in his research emphasizes the quality of responsibility. Living with a sense of homeland shapes a person's national responsibility. National responsibility is the ability of a person to understand what each action, the product of his activity, will bring to him and his nation, while fully imagining it. A person who feels responsible can always plan his little work carefully, anticipate its consequences, and be able to mobilize all his strength and potential to achieve the desired result. The most convenient

way to achieve this is to increase the ideological knowledge of young people, to form in them a healthy mindset and scientific outlook. says the scientist.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences ML Abdujabbarova studied the social and pedagogical bases of ideological prevention among adolescents. An important and topical aspect of education is ideological education. The process of ideological education and upbringing will be aimed at enriching the worldview of young people with creative ideas and developing in them the qualities necessary for society and its development, the scientist writes.

Explaining the role of ideological education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Sh.Akramova said that today's requirements require the content of spiritual and educational work in educational institutions and their further improvement, deeper scientific and pedagogical analysis of ideological problems and ideological struggle. he says.

Is it the OGU of Public Culture, published in the newspaper Ishonch by Doctor of Philosophy Viktor Alimasov? The article raises a very topical issue. It reflects the author's noble intention to weigh every piece of information on the scales of the mind, to sift through spirituality, and to distinguish the good. Indeed, in today's world, where various threats and dangers are emerging, the issue of spirituality and enlightenment is one of the national issues. This is not in vain, because in the current context of globalization, where there is a danger of "popular culture" and a sense of dependency, there is a danger of the loss of morality, values, it is very important. "

Globalization has become a battleground between national culture and popular culture. That is why pedagogical scientists M.Kuronov and F.Esonboboev in their booklet Hybrid without ... Hybrid to man Popular culture today is becoming a complex ideological tool that seeks to capture the minds and hearts of our youth. Therefore, in higher and secondary special vocational education and secondary schools, students must first know the essence of this threat in order to form ideological immunity in young people. Indeed, because "mass culture" is modern, technocratic, but not national. He explains that love is sex, cocktails are business, doing good to someone is a harmful investment, "wasting resources" is a waste of modesty and anxiety, and the teachings of our ancestors are a thing of the past. In this way, it separates man from his lesser national values, his people, and integrates him into a lesser segment. This shows that he is a cousin of all national cultures in the world.

A. Ochildiev in his pamphlet "Ideological landscape of today's world": The ideological landscape of today's world, the struggle of ideas in it, the impact of ideological landfills on the fate of entire nations are of such universal significance. Awareness of the problems in this regard, awareness of the onslaught of alien, alien ideas has become a vital necessity. At the same time, there are also political forces and movements that are currently seeking to expand their sphere of influence through ideological means. These include the ideologies of aggressive nationalism and chauvinism, communism and religious extremism, he said. At a

time when various ideological attacks are on the rise, threatening our most sacred ideas and goals, the best and only way to prevent them before tragedy occurs is to strengthen ideological immunity against alien and false ideas. "

Today's student youth are active users of social networks. This feature of the Internet puts before modern ideological education the task of teaching young people to deal with old ideas. Professor M. Kuronov writes about this in his pamphlet Ideology, Influence and Style: Now our nation is threatened by destructive ideas such as religious extremism, the complications of communist ideology, the dissemination of biased information about Uzbekistan. In such a situation, the national ideology emphasizes the need to protect national unity by forming ideological resistance (immunity) among citizens against such threats aimed at the division of the nation. At the same time, the booklet proposes to develop and put into practice the most effective methods of inculcating national ideology in the minds of our people.

Sh.B.Mirzaolimov In his research work on the pedagogical basis of the formation of the idea of national independence in the minds of young people, Kamolot focuses on the pedagogical problems of organizing ideological education in the activities of the youth social movement. Youth organizations working in the field of inculcating the idea of national independence in the minds of young people have not been able to organize practical and large-scale activities. According to the scientist, the lack of ideological training and knowledge of teachers and educators in this area, the lack of vital content of the events organized in the ideological field, the lack of pedagogical conditions to solve the problem.

As can be seen, the above considerations require the solution of a number of problems in the modernization of modern ideological education. Including:

- creation of a wide range of ideological information environment in the life of society;

- to determine the need for young people to acquire knowledge of the national idea and to achieve a thorough mastery of this knowledge, to ensure that they acquire practical skills and abilities;

- Modernization of the pedagogical basis of the national idea in the minds of young people;

- Improving the scope and quality of spiritual and educational activities organized in higher education institutions and ensuring their vitality.

Because the ideological debates and information attacks in the world are setting new, modern requirements for the ideological upbringing of the rising generation.


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